View Full Version : Battle of Los Angeles.

21-05-2010, 01:16 PM
Hang on, let me just grab my flack jacket and helmet before posting this.

Bit of background to this video to put it in context for you all.
This really happened.
Over a million people witnessed it.
There are countless newspaper articles, radio grabs and film reels floating around out there that talk about this. Its no fabrication, no computer trickery, and isn't an extract from the original 'War of the Worlds' radio play.

At something like 3 in the morning in 1942, a giant spherical object appeared in the sky above LA. The army spotlighted it, and tried for around 20 minutes to shoot it down with AA fire. Then they sent up interceptor fighters, and later tried several volleys of gunfire from warships off the coast. Yeah, firing huge calibre high explosive rounds above the heads of over a million and a half Americans.

After an hour of that, the thing just disappeared. Shortly after the government claimed all sorts of things, including it being a blimp, a weather balloon, and a military exhibition. Because thats the way they used to roll, show off your biggest guns in the middle of the night directly above a dense population of your own people.

There's plenty of UFO clips on youtube, and sure a lot are probably forgeries. But put down your tinfoil hat comments for just one minute and actually consider the implications of this. An event that was widely witnessed and then officially denied and swept under the rug. I wonder how differently history would have told it if a few of those heavy shells dropped early and wiped out a city block.

The radio recording

Film reel segment

21-05-2010, 01:20 PM
I dont have access to youtube at work but as a side note the battle of los angeles was an awesome album

21-05-2010, 01:23 PM
I dont have access to youtube at work but as a side note the battle of los angeles was an awesome album


21-05-2010, 01:32 PM
i don't know how this is the first time i have heard about this...but am intrigued

time to interweb!

21-05-2010, 01:32 PM
i don't know how this is the first time i have heard about this...but am intrigued

time to interweb!


XF Falcon
21-05-2010, 01:38 PM
+2 :)

21-05-2010, 02:05 PM
Hold on, 1942.... This was right around the time of WWII right?

So it wasn't as if they were randomly firing artillery into the air above unsuspecting civilians. From what I can gather, air raid sirens were raised. Meaning civilians are warned that an air raid may be impending, and therefore to prepare for falling debris/bombs/etc.

Not exactly like the army simply shooting into the air on a random day. This is a common occurence in war circumstances.

21-05-2010, 02:12 PM
yes pearl harbour was in dec 1941.

there are some interesting pics on this that i saw ages ago, but being of this vintage they are not the best.
might look for them later.

21-05-2010, 02:14 PM

The Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, immediately denounced accounts of the affair, calling it a false alarm brought about by “war nerves”. Since the battle many have proposed that the mysterious object that was seen moving over Santa Monica to Long Beach was a weather balloon, or perhaps an early Japanese Fire Balloon. However to suggest that the Coast Guard commenced firing at a balloon for over an hour implies a degree of incompetence, to say the least.

There's thousands of eyewitness reports getting around of people describing either one large floating object, or several cigar shaped objects. The fact is though, that (as i've been reading more) six people were injured and 3 killed by friendly fire, several buildings demolished, and confirmed reports all along the coast of a large floating object that moved too slowly to be a plane.

The official stories conflict a lot, but the fact is that something appeared over LA, they spent hours trying to shoot it down, and then it disappeared after over a million people saw it.

Not just 'war nerves'.

21-05-2010, 02:15 PM
dude at work is claiming "This has been shown to be a combination of clouds and spotlights"

searching for more info!

21-05-2010, 02:16 PM
I see alot of 'conflicting' stories....

21-05-2010, 02:33 PM
yeah, i never looked much more into this, the foto ive seen was like a infrared analysis (or something) of the series of pics or film allready posted, so not the best quality or could have been doctored. (youtube blocked here too so cant look at links above yet)
much better ufo mysteries out there than this one.

21-05-2010, 02:34 PM
dude at work is claiming "This has been shown to be a combination of clouds and spotlights"

Its very easy to write events off like this with "it must be clouds lulz" comments after 80+ years of official denial. But its the eyewitness reports of the million plus people on the ground that should be listened to. Not the official government story.

"It was huge! It was just enormous! And it was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!" she said. "It was just hovering there in the sky and hardly moving at all." With the city blacked out, Katie, and hundreds of thousands of others, were able to see the eerie visitor with spectacular clarity. "It was a lovely pale orange and about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. I could see it perfectly because it was very close. It was big!

Here's a good analysis of the photo. As stated in it, the fact that the object at the center of the beams is cutting out any light going past it, suggests its a solid object - not clouds.


yeah, i never looked much more into this, the foto ive seen was like a infrared analysis (or something) of the series of pics or film allready posted, so not the best quality or could have been doctored. (youtube blocked here too so cant look at links above yet)
much better ufo mysteries out there than this one.

No other event had so many witnesses, or so many rounds of ammo fired at the target. This should be the one everyone asks questions about.

by the way, more eyewitness reports here. And Sott is a fairly reputable site.

21-05-2010, 02:36 PM
^yeah that looks to be the foto 'anaylsis' ive seen before on this

21-05-2010, 02:44 PM
No other event had so many witnesses, or so many rounds of ammo fired at the target. This should be the one everyone asks questions about.
im not writing it off at all, but more info apart from witness's would be good.
unfortunatley i dont think they had radar back then, which would have been helpfull in this case

21-05-2010, 02:49 PM
I just honestly wish people would look up more. Even my gf last night says to me "there's too much to worry about on the ground to need to worry about the sky". Seems like everyone has that mentality. We're all going to be totally fuckskittled when the Vogons do rock up to build a freeway over the top of us. But Don't Panic ;)

21-05-2010, 02:55 PM
ot/ but last night on abc (& the week before) there was an excellent doco on the planets in our solar system.
highly reccomened.

21-05-2010, 05:28 PM
ot/ but last night on abc (& the week before) there was an excellent doco on the planets in our solar system.
highly reccomened.


mars last week and jupiter this week. awesome too see what they got up to in the 70's with such prehistoric technology (compared to today).

planetary scientist would be a badass job.

21-05-2010, 05:37 PM
im not writing it off at all, but more info apart from witness's would be good.
unfortunatley i dont think they had radar back then, which would have been helpfull in this case

They had radar back then.


Before the Second World War developments by the British, the Germans, the French, the Soviets and the Americans led to the modern version of radar. In 1934 the French Émile Girardeau stated he was building a radar system "conceived according to the principles stated by Tesla" and obtained a patent (French Patent n° 788795 in 1934) for a working dual radar system, a part of which was installed on the Normandie liner in 1935.[13][14][15] The same year, American Dr. Robert M. Page tested the first monopulse radar[16] and the Soviet military engineer P.K.Oschepkov, in collaboration with Leningrad Electrophysical Institute, produced an experimental apparatus RAPID capable of detecting an aircraft within 3 km of a receiver.[17] Hungarian Zoltán Bay produced a working model by 1936 at the Tungsram laboratory in the same vein.

However, it was the British who were the first to fully exploit it as a defence against aircraft attack. This was spurred on by fears that the Germans were developing death rays. Following a study of the possibility of propagating electromagnetic energy and the likely effect, the British scientists asked by the Air Ministry to investigate, concluded that a death ray was impractical but detection of aircraft appeared feasible.[18] Robert Watson-Watt demonstrated to his superiors the capabilities of a working prototype and patented the device in 1935 (British Patent GB593017)[15][19][20] It served as the basis for the Chain Home network of radars to defend Great Britain.

The war precipitated research to find better resolution, more portability and more features for radar.

By 1942 RADAR was pretty advanced, eg the classic green screen with 'blips' on it. I am sure that is how the alarm was first raised in this case.

Volatile Rob
21-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Freaky... I was only telling my missus about this only last night after I bought an old Dan Ackroyd/John Bellushi Movie called 1941...

I used to have a tonne of archive stuff on this event after I did a presentation on it at high school... lost it all last week when my laptop HDD shat itself.


21-05-2010, 06:00 PM
They had radar back then.


By 1942 RADAR was pretty advanced, eg the classic green screen with 'blips' on it. I am sure that is how the alarm was first raised in this case.
yeah i didnt bother checking thats why i wasnt definate on the issue.
ive never read anywhere about this thing being tracked on radar, only that it was moving very slowly & some witnesses thought it was a blimp.

21-05-2010, 06:11 PM

mars last week and jupiter this week. awesome too see what they got up to in the 70's with such prehistoric technology (compared to today).

planetary scientist would be a badass job.

yeah mars was awesome! imagine looking down into a canyon 10km deep & it being as long as the usa. takes a fuck load of water make that!
interesting that the geological features are much bigger than earth due to reduced gravity & if you dig 6" in the dirt anywhere you will hit ice!

juptier last night i thought was going to be boring in comparison due to it having no surface, but the moons (all 63 of them!) were very interesting.
active volcanoes everywhere & i think it was Europa with its vast oceans under its icey surface.
going to be a very interesing time ahead with the various probes that they plan to explore these worlds further.
especially the one they plan to melt thru the ice & then deploy undersea robots to explore the oceans.
another interesting thing they said was that life on earth would not have started without jupiter attracting so many stray comets/asteroids etc

saturn is next week.

21-05-2010, 07:02 PM
This isn't the first time the Americans have claimed something to have been there when it was all a fabrication...

21-05-2010, 07:29 PM
i find these series of movies (supposably from kgb archives) quite interesting. i remember seeing it aired on tv about 10years ago, you need to listen closely to the narrator.


22-05-2010, 10:29 AM
This isn't the first time the Americans have claimed something to have been there when it was all a fabrication...

Er, well in this case, something was there amd the government is saying it was a fabrication.

23-05-2010, 08:35 AM
Check out - "UFO: The greatest story ever denied"

*edit: Here's the torrent link.
