View Full Version : Importing Parts

19-05-2010, 08:04 PM
So I've asked a fair few people about buying parts off yahoo japan auctions and was told i needed to find an importer to bring them in. I had a small search and couldn't find any previous threads answering the question so yeah. Was just wondering what companies/importers you guys recommend/have used before and what sort of fee do they usually charge?

Cheers guys

19-05-2010, 08:06 PM
Import Monster :)

19-05-2010, 08:07 PM
for small stuff - under 20 kilos and 1,5 m in length - then jessestreeter.com

for anythign else - your kinda screwed unless u can talk a shop into putting shit into one of their containers

19-05-2010, 08:16 PM
streeter, awesome to deal with, wouldn't use anyone else unless i have to due to size/weight etc

19-05-2010, 08:21 PM
ok sweet as cheers guys. il be giving them a call in the near future :)

19-05-2010, 08:53 PM
Nengun now have a YahooAuctions Japan search filter on their site. In my experience searching on Nengun brings back more results than ImportMonster, translations are the same, but Nengun do charge a bit more, and don't have as good a rep as IM. :)

19-05-2010, 11:46 PM
So I've asked a fair few people about buying parts off yahoo japan auctions and was told i needed to find an importer to bring them in. I had a small search and couldn't find any previous threads answering the question so yeah. Was just wondering what companies/importers you guys recommend/have used before and what sort of fee do they usually charge?

Cheers guys

Jesse Streeter [dartsun75@gmail.com]

Won't use anyone else, he is very busy now that everyone knows about him so it does take abit longer to get your stuff HOWEVER at the price he charges, i think most people will want to wait the extra week or two.

However note his payment methods are paypal (paypal charges 4% on all orders) or DD which he gets -3 on the current exchange rate

two methods of shipping
EMS: 4-7days
sea boat: 4-8weeks

19-05-2010, 11:52 PM
I've used Import Monster, easy way to do things. I've dealt with Jesse Streeter but not imported from him... yet.

20-05-2010, 04:53 AM
KYP import through containers all the time, they are in Welshpool.