View Full Version : 1080p mpeg2 5.1 dts file - converting to h.264/avc video but retaining DTS???

26-04-2010, 08:57 PM
bit of a technical question here, I've tried searching through doom9 and afterdawn forums, but havent really found what I'm looking for.

I have a couple of large (>30GB) .mkv files containing mpeg2 video and 48khz DTS audio. Obviously, trying to stream these through PS3 Media Server doesnt work so hot due to the ridiculously high bitrate of the mpeg2 video, even wired craps out, seeing speeds of >100MBS according to the PS3.

How do I go about converting the video to something a bit more compressed/streamlined, and compatible with PS3 (ie AVC/H.264) whilst retaining the DTS audio?? Have plenty of other 1080p m2ts/mkv files of more like 10GB in size showing up as AVC video and DTS audio that stream fine wirelessly (20-30MBS max).

Is there a freeware/prog that will do it for me, or will it be a multistage convert-remux style process?

26-04-2010, 09:57 PM
Import to a video editing program then export?

I found a patch for premiere pro pretty easy, for my lost install serial number of course.

Its a round about way of doing it, but at least you have a load of export options etc.

27-04-2010, 06:03 AM
Use virtual dub and relevant codecs. Try www.videohelp.com for more info. You should be able to re-encode the video and direct stream process the audio.

27-04-2010, 07:34 AM
In a nutshell;

MKVmerge to split the a/v tracks.

Then compress the video component to x264

then join them back

27-04-2010, 07:40 AM
How long does it take to encode something like this? with half decent pc

27-04-2010, 07:45 AM
A few hours.

27-04-2010, 03:01 PM
In a nutshell;

MKVmerge to split the a/v tracks.

Then compress the video component to x264

then join them back

perfect - exactly what I was looking for! Cheers :wave: was having trouble finding a transocder that would just pass thru the audio, they all kept trying to transcode it as well, even if I selected DTS 5.1 output.

How long does it take to encode something like this? with half decent pc

did this on laptop running i5 (2.2Ghz) with 4Gb RAM, win7 - compress to x264 took about 4.5 hours - took a 36GB file down to 11.4GB, retained DTS, no noticable difference in video quality on 50" 1080p plasma, but can be streamed over wireless no problems.

27-04-2010, 04:16 PM
where did you d/l this from? x264?