View Full Version : VS 5ltr Manual - Clutch Problem?

23-03-2010, 07:26 PM
Hi Guys,

Just throwing this up here for a friend, his VS SS ute went through a massive puddle yesterday..so he changed all his oils etc etc.
Now, i don't know if this would be a result of heavy water?
"My clutch is weird, its vibrating like hell when its idling but it still clutches in fine when i change gears. ? need some advice. i think i got some fluid in the clutch somewhere.. or the whole pressure plate needs replacing :| "

anyone have any suggestions?

23-03-2010, 10:32 PM
Probably some friction material has bonded itself to the hot flywheel when wet
Might need a new clutch and the flywheel machined

Might get lucky and just need the driven disc
There was a clucth for sale here not so long ago.... think it might suit

24-03-2010, 06:26 PM
ute sold nevermind! not playing up as much, though it does seem the clutch will need to be replaced.