View Full Version : 1996 Kx125

03-02-2010, 03:47 PM
1996 Kx125..Green plastics

Has near new Grippa seat.
new sway bar bearings
new front shot inserts
tyres all good
Reed Valve is near new
carbie been cleaned
more things but cant remember at this moment.

Story goes i brought the bike..rode it abit, then couldnt hit powerband
anyways checked everything out that it could be and turns out the govenor shaft(which comes out of the gearbox and controls the powervavle at certain rpms) had a small nut on the end with a swing arm, some how the thread had snapped down to just having one turn. so in turn not holding the swing arm to open the power vavle so not been able to hit power band. Gone onto bike bandit and worked out the part that needs to be replaced which is the Govenor shaft and a new rubber boot on it and parts are like $80 all up..

only other thing is it needs a new clutch cable as old one stretched out and new gear lever as plastic splines are broken because it loosended on me out in the bush and couldnt tighten it but still needed to put it in gear. wouldnt cost fuk all to completely fix it up and would have a near perfect running bike to thrash about for under 1k. still starts first go to and runs..

$650 ono
can mms pics if need be..

03-02-2010, 03:52 PM
where are you located? and are you sure the issue isnt the powervalve? I had the same problem on my old old yz 125

03-02-2010, 04:14 PM
hey mate
in ballajura..
yeh i thought it was..but then when i was taking the powervalve apart, i noticed the swing arm that controls it had no hold because of the small lock nut having barely one turn on the thread of the govenor shaft, so when the govenor shaft turns at like 10 xxxrpm the swing arm didnt causing the power valve not to open.

Volatile Rob
03-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Hey Mate,

Pretty keen... can I come out have a look tonite?

Call me 0438 46 93 90


03-02-2010, 04:31 PM
Hey Mate,

Pretty keen... can I come out have a look tonite?

Call me 0438 46 93 90



03-02-2010, 09:21 PM
can u pm me ur no if not sold

04-02-2010, 08:55 PM
hey dude still for sale..Rob pulled out! all cleaned up too and silicone sprayed.

04-02-2010, 10:07 PM
can i get ya number mate. definately interested in having a look. 0433370133