View Full Version : Cichlids For Sale.

21-01-2010, 07:37 PM
I need to get rid of my larger fish as I'm needing to remove the tank from it's location in order to do some renovations in the area it's presently in. I'll be placing my smaller fish into a small temporary tank but as the cichlids are quite large they won't fit.
I have 2 fully grown Red Tiger Oscars (huge) and 7 other cichlids of varying sizes and breeds.
Because I need them gone I'm offering the lot for $300.00.

I'm located in Armadale and you'll need to bring something to take them home with you.

Either PM me or call me on 0415 778 204.

The sooner the better.

21-01-2010, 08:04 PM
pics plz im interested

21-01-2010, 08:08 PM
Also do you have any limestone rocks for the Cichlids

21-01-2010, 08:59 PM
I'll be keeping all of the rocks & plants, etc for when I set the tank up again.
I need them gone ASAP because they are starting to prepare to breed. They're digging in the gravel.
Here's some pics:






22-01-2010, 07:17 PM
missus said you can take to most pet stores that sell fish and they will buy off them... to ring them first.... worth a crack

22-01-2010, 07:23 PM
most fish shops won't give you much though. the rule is they will give you 1/3 of what they can sell it for. but if you run out of options, try seaview or vebas or aquotix

22-01-2010, 07:38 PM
Thanks guys, I may have to. I don't want them to breed before I have to move the tank.

22-01-2010, 07:39 PM
go see dave at vebas

22-01-2010, 10:57 PM
Yeah bummer it wasnt a few months down the track... they are extremely cheap.

23-01-2010, 10:03 PM
try sell them on here


23-01-2010, 10:17 PM
how do u manage to have a gourami and oscar in the same tank. mine use to wipe out medium goldfish without a second thought

23-01-2010, 10:42 PM
Thanks esoar, I've left a message a Vebas and if I don't get any joy from him I'll give perthcichlid.com.au a shot.
Zuicider, they've eaten a lot of the smaller fish that were in there from when the oscars were the size of a 50c piece, but the gourami's have seemed to endure. Don't ask me how, but they have.