View Full Version : Paypal Buyers / Scammers
Well as most are aware my Supra is for sale on Carsales.
So far the count is 6 emails from different gmail / hotmail / free accounts from people with horrible grammar claiming to be offshore / out-of-country / having issues with their bank accounts wanting to buy the car.
All claim to be able to use paypal to pay, all with an 'agent' or friend who will pick up the car for them apon purchase. :slap:
Anyone else had experiences with this kind of thing?
I instantly flagged it as a scam, theories and thoughts?
11-01-2010, 02:10 PM
paypal is shit from a sellers perspective. all the buyer has to do is lie and they get your item and money back. those scams are well known about
11-01-2010, 02:11 PM
Got my clubsport advertised, and the exact same thing. Although only one so far.
I just keep replying, asking why he can set-up paypal, but not an online account. I've sent him links to various banks, with advise on which has the best rates and conditions. It seems to be frustrating him.
yeop they been going for ages and try heaps of different things
just help save my older neighbours from getting caught selling there caravan through a friend on the net for the first time, nearly got em
not cool
11-01-2010, 02:12 PM
Also, when selling via paypal you get stung with pretty high fees for valuable goods.
I reckon play them.
Tell them you need a $50 or $100 up front payment to see they are legit.. which you MAY receive if they are serious about scamming you out of a car.
Then, once you receive it, tell them to fuck off.
11-01-2010, 02:14 PM
It is complete scam... report it or delete everything you receive from them.
What was that site about scam stuff? I think Scam Baiter or 419 Eater or something?
I have had my PayPal account hacked (randomly, not through scamming) and it causes some headaches. I would stay clear unless a reputable importer/exporter comes to you for overseas buys?
Any emails you can post? :p
11-01-2010, 02:18 PM
Yeah I got one when I was selling my Cressie, claimed he was offshore and was buying the car for his dad and offered more than what I was asking.I told him it sounded dodgy and he can send his old man around with the cash, couldn't be bothered with playing stupid games with him.He never got back to me after that.
Wonder how many people actually do get scammed though.
11-01-2010, 02:22 PM
hey fuck you guy, my english just not so good. No need to disrespect me and my family and make horrible things about scamming and beeing a cheat. I like the supras with the big supercharges. All the girls in my african village, would like to make sex with my with their aids vaginals.
11-01-2010, 02:32 PM
Oh, also, there was a guy that hacked all my email accounts, RS account, PayPal etc. I had about 10 people signing up his email address to any newsletters possible - gay porn, aids meds, etc. etc. He would probably by now be receiving 1000 newsletters a day.
I reckon you should sign up his email addresses lol
The three best ones soo far.
Email # 1
Happy new year mr/mrs one of my client is intrested in your advert car,email me if the car is still available stating its bottom price of the car.
I reply with something brief along the lines of call me / come view the car.
Thanks for the reply.Please, would you mind answering these important questions below,to enable me know about the car my client is buying?
1, Is the engine in perfect condition?
2, How often do you service the car?
3, How many miles is the car at the moment?
Answer............................................ .........
4, Are you the owner before placing it for sale?
Answer............................................ .............
5, If yes, for how long did you use the car?
6, Has the car been involve in auto accident?
Answer............................................ .........
7, What about mechanical defulties on the car?
Answer............................................ .............
8,Your intension of selling the car?
9, Is the car automatic or manual ( gear )?
We have to view more picture of the car such as,
( engine, body , seat , mileage , gear sector, wheel and bumper. )
Get the folllowing for more convection to my client
pls be alart to all our e-mail, to make the transaction a perfect and smooth one.
For further enquiry, call me on telephone. +447024095509 or email me.
I shall expect to hear from you soon.
No reply to that as yet... too many questions!
Email # 2
I will like to know if the Ad is still available for sale.
I reply with something brief along the lines of call me / come view the car.
Am very glad to hear from you and I am pleased with your price but the problem is that i am unable to see this item because i am presently in China but no worries as i am willing to handle the shipment of the car by myself and it will be picked up after payment by paypal. I want you to get back to me with more pictures. Hope to read from you asap.
Email #3
I will like to know if the Ad is still available for sale.
I reply with something brief along the lines of call me / come view the car.
I will like to know more about its condition and possibly have
more pictures of it I will be very glad to have more pictures of it.Do as well advise on the least amount you will like to give it away. I will be very glad to conclude this as soon as possible.Due to the nature of my work, I'm an oceanist,i am at sea right now, and I am glad if you can let me know the actual price you want to give the car out and i will be paying through paypal at the moment as i do not have access to my bank account online,but i have it attached to my paypal account,and this is why i insisted on using paypal to pay,all i will need is your paypal email address to make the payment,and if you do not have a paypal account yet,its pretty easy to set one up at,i will be expecting your email.I have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payment has been sorted.
Email me here.
Was amused when they both asked if the car was still available using the exact same wording... Balistic ftw... Emails sent requesting deposits to continue discussions.
I like the supras with the big supercharges. All the girls in my african village, would like to make sex with my with their aids vaginals.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm sure these people emailing are just Bangs looking for an upgrade for his next video..
11-01-2010, 04:20 PM
I get this often with adds in the quokka, just ignore them.
04-02-2010, 06:58 AM
after asking if I was negotiable I get this from a different email account
"Thanks for the prompt response.. I am ready to buying it now for birthday gift for my Great Father and i am at sea at the moment as i am a marine engineer and due to the nature of my work, phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I really want the car to be a surprise for my father so i wont let him know anything about the car until it gets delivered to him, i am sure he will be more than happy with the car. I insisted on paypal because i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from my paypal account, as i have my bank a/c attached to it, i will need you to give me your paypal email address and the price so i can make the payments asap for the car and pls if you don't have paypal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to and get it set up, after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address you use for registration with paypal so as to put the money through. I have a pick up agent that will come and pick the car up after i have made the payments...
Thanks "
here are the email addresses and
go nuts boys so at least he has to sign up to a few more free online email accounts haha
but how do they go about ripping you off though?
i thought paypal was pretty legit and secure
04-02-2010, 03:19 PM
lol classic!! dude at work had someone offer him uncut jewels/gems for his vehicle..
cash in hand face to face.. only way to go :)
04-02-2010, 03:58 PM
they are all asking for pictures... I wonder if this is part of their scam.. if they actually do get the car all the photos they have they can claim its theirs ect...??
I dont knwo maybe they just want to seem legitimate.. its all bullocks.. we get ebay or paypal msgs at work to update our account ect.. all the time.. always check the copyright disclaimer and check the lins before you click on them.
04-02-2010, 04:02 PM
but how do they go about ripping you off though?
i thought paypal was pretty legit and secure
They ask you to transfer a "delivery fee" first that is refunded when they transfer money... then you never hear from them again.
At least, this happens sometimes.
At this point, you should release their email address too:
The shit these guys make the scammers do... is fucking priceless.
04-02-2010, 11:04 PM
Another thing that used to happen is that they would actually make the payment to your account but immediately reverse it. So you would get an email notification from paypal saying you received X dollars and you go woohoo and send the item out (not sure how this would work with a big thing like a car) but in reality theres no funds to draw when you login to paypal.
05-02-2010, 03:46 AM
dude there is a big scam going on from the uk at the moment
what they do and ive just gone through this and with the police.. is they steal a cheque often from business. then they send you the amount + more (1/3rd) and the cheque more often then not clears into your account.
Then they ask you to send them the shipping cost via moneygram or western union.... and then the bank withdrawls the funds from your account...
Bam! your out of pocket... even though the funds cleared your account :)
and to prove this is not bullshit.....
05-02-2010, 03:57 AM
Hello frypan ,
Thanks for your honest mail. Remaining money will send to the shipping company as my Associate said because we want the shipping start the booking registration firm they must set up for their first trip for this week.... we want you to transfer the rest money in Western Union to the shipping company....
Did you know Western Union ??? Western Union is the best,reliable, easy and faster in transferring money worldwide. You will go to Western Union office with CASH and you will transfer the money to my shipping company.
1... Total Amount......... £ 13,500
2... Deduct your money ..... £ 9,300
3... Deduct Western Union transfer charges/fee ... £ 300
4... You will transfer the rest balance ... £ 3900
5... You will transfer the rest money to the shipping company if you can make it this morning i will be so glad.
Here is the shipping company information:
Receiver's name: Adrian Scott
Receiver's Address: 14 Dublin Rd,
Dublin 1
Rep Of Ireland
After you have transfer the money. I want you to email me with the Western Union Transfer Information's below that you use to transfer the money.
SENDERS NAME.............................
SENDERS ADDRESS.......................
AMOUNT TRANSFER.......................
The shipping company will come for the pick up as soon as you Transfer the money and give me the western union details from you.
When you read this mail please make sure you call me or you mail me back for the western union information.
Here is the Western Union Agent locations that are close to where you can send the money to the shipping firm ..
10 Cricklewood Broadway
London, NW2 3HD
.................................................. ...........
287 Finchley Road
London, NW3 6ND
.................................................. ............
44-46 Mill Lane
London, NW6 1NJ
I will be looking forward to hear from you.
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 13:19:31 +0000
Hi Franklin,
Thanks for all that. Will wait for the money to clear. When the money clears i will need the shipping agents company name and account number and sort code to do the shipping transfer. A name and registered business name would suffice.
From: Franklin Brian []
Sent: Wednesday, 3 February 2010 11:39 AM
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Regarding the change of ownership transfer paperwork document ?....I have a younger brother that works with the shipping agent that intend coming for the pickup..So he is the one that will signed the documents of contact on my behalf.
Here is my contact details:
Full name: Frank Smith
Postal address: 120 Union Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen shire, AB101QX,Scotland UK
Waiting for the western union details today
Subject: Re: Payment Sent
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 15:26:54 +0000
Thanks franklin. Who is the shipping company that will be picking the car up?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
From: Franklin Brian <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 15:14:11 +0000
To: <>
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
No problem, i will be looking forward to hear from you once the money is in your account.
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 10:46:56 +0000
Hi Franklin,
If it went in on Monday, then i believe it will take 7-10 working days after they cheque it out...
Also your mobile number does not work.
From: Franklin Brian []
Sent: Tuesday, 2 February 2010 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Please let me know the clearance date of the cheque..
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:26:09 +0000
Hi Franklin
The cheque was received today. It is from a company called midos residential investments. Is this your company? Please prove that this is the case. The cheque will be put in on Monday and the bank will check. I have to be safe. Also if you require me sending any money via Western Union or other moneygram services, this is a typical scam, and I shall not play a part of this
From: Franklin Brian []
Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2010 8:42 PM
Subject: RE: Payment Sent
Hope to read from you once the cheque is cleared.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:31:23 +0000
> Subject: Re: Payment Sent
> Hi franklin, thanks for that.. All being well that the bankers draft clears correctly and does not bounce after 10 days leaving me in the negative all shall be well. I will get the bank to check that all is well with the cheque.. In this day and age you can never be too careful. Look forward to finishing this transaction in safety.
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Franklin Brian <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:33:32
> To: <>
> Subject: Payment Sent
> Hello,
> Thanks for the concern towards making successfully transaction.....Am highly sorry for the late response am out for businees interest and i want to inform you that the payment have been sent out to your destination, you will soon receive the payment any moment from now Okay.... Also i will contact you later for all the necessary arrangement concerning the shipment in anticipation of your positive respond to this mail....... Please keeping watch for the cheque to arrive.I believe things will work out as planned.Immediately you do receive the payment get intouch to me for further necessary information for the shipment.
> N.B:
> Make sure you mail me back immediately you get this message.God will be with you and your family:
> PLEASE NOTE: That the cheque /Banker's Draft will be cleared first before releasing the car ok .
> Have a lovely day and My regards to your family
> Best Regard
> ----------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: phone number { s }...........: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:20:15 +0000
> Mobile is (*^@!(#!2.
> Cheers
> frypan
> From: Franklin Brian []
> Sent: Monday, 25 January 2010 11:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: phone number { s }...........: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Sorry .. Please email me back your phone number
> ----------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: phone number { s }...........: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:13:54 +0000
> Hello,
> Your response is blank.....
> My phone number is on the advert on autotrader..
> Cheers
> frypan
> From: Franklin Brian []
> Sent: Monday, 25 January 2010 11:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: phone number { s }...........: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> ----------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Payment Details Needed: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:54:02 +0000
> Hi There,
> I have never done this before so I must be careful, that this is not a scam.
> As long as the payment clears and the transfer of the ownership and documentation is cleared to you then all is fine.
> If you would like to give me a call about this that is fine.
> After the payment has cleared then the car is ready for you to be taken.
> The Draft will need to be made out to myself. frypan
> The address will be Lower ground Floor House 4, 34 abbey road NW2
> My Phone number is on the advert.
> Let me know what you wish to do next.
> frypan
> From: Franklin Brian []
> Sent: Monday, 25 January 2010 9:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Payment Details Needed: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Hello,
> Thanks for your swift response toward the inquiry.About the present condition of the car as stated by you, I am really pleased with it, but i believed you are telling me the real fact, because i cannot come over to your location now due to the nature of my work.
> I am willing making immediate payments. I had forwarded all the details you told me about the CAR. to my client and he had responded very positively and i have given him my own price for selling to him and is ready pay your price £9000 and offer you to making it £9300. I have added my own my own commission and the shipping charges to your own asking price and he's ready to send cheque for the payment immediately.
> Any amount that is above your asking price AND OFFER on the payment would be send back to me for the shipping charges . Because i would be the one arranging for the picking up of the CAR.That is my condition of sales between you (SELLER) and my me (BUYER).I understand that the payment will clear within 2-3 days before arranging for the pick-up and shippment of the CAR.
> If you are ok with the arrangements, kindly provide me with the following details as below so that i will instruct my client to mailed the payment to you and i will also forward your address to the shipping firm,so as to contact you for the shippment as soon as the payment clears from your bank.
> Full Name That will be on The Draft ...........
> Full Contact Address That the Draft Will Be sent To........
> phone number { s }...........
> When you send me the following information,i will forward it out to my client who is going to send you the Bank Draft / cheque immediately. I will also contact the shipping company and their charges would be paid them as soon as both of us agreed on terms.Please, I want you to understand that any profit i make from this
> transaction is how i use to earn a living. And also i will be glad for you to tell any other buyer that the car is already sold off to me please. And I wish you a nice Weekend.
> Looking forward to hear back from you soon.
> Reply.
> +447031849353
> ----------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 23:12:48 +0000
> Hi There Franklin,
> To answer your questions. Overall condition is quite good. There is one dent on the drivers door that requires repair and a keymark scratch on the passenger door, Couple of scratches on the wheels.
> I am the 4th owner. I don't need to sell it but i have 2 other cars as well.
> My final price for the sale would be 9000 Pounds, ill take 400 off to get the damage fixed. The leather inside is a strange green colour and could do with a condition but for the age its about right.
> Let me know
> Lukian
> From: Franklin Brian []
> Sent: Saturday, 23 January 2010 3:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: BMW M5 5.0 V8 4dr Saloon £9400
> Good Evening,
> How are you and your precious family ?
> I will like to know the below question :
> Reply.
05-02-2010, 03:58 AM
uk police take this shit seriously, they will arrest him and his lovely anus will be penetrated twice weekly by some filthy irish fellow.
Have the original envelope, forensics has been taken and he's been id'd
They are getting clever, even to the fact they can print fake cheques, AND THE FUNDS CLEAR and then are reversed days later leaving you out of pocket
Be careful of this
05-02-2010, 06:47 AM
I saved myself about $900 from an ebay scam last week... sounded legit because it had paypal etc etc but when i asked if I can see the item in person he started coming up with excuses that he's out of town, that ebay and paypal are safest way of making a deal etc etc... two days later I got an email from ebay that its a possible scam, and i've not heard from the guy since.
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