View Full Version : Whale meat

07-01-2010, 06:35 PM
Well after I decided I don't like the taste of Dolphin


I figured it's time to try whale..... anyone know someone coming back from Japan? TESCO has these bad boys on the shelf.

Otherwise if they can stop at their friendly local whale-monger on the way back and pick me up a fresh slab of Minke meat

I want to try to cook this dish

PS. I don't want any whale meat where Greenpeace/Sea Shepherd were harmed in the process. Must have a "Hippy Safe" logo on it.

07-01-2010, 06:40 PM
keen for 2kg

07-01-2010, 08:14 PM
That red meat looks super lean, Wonder if that's whale or something else. Not that I would eat whale, but still, that meat looks nice.

07-01-2010, 09:06 PM
Notice how mr najasaki is pointing to the whale...

07-01-2010, 09:07 PM
It does look lean hey, looks like a good steak to have after the gym.
Put me down for 2kg also.

07-01-2010, 11:18 PM
Is there a WAGYU vairety of this? Perhaps Ryan can get it, Either way Marc, if you find some Ill take some as well!

08-01-2010, 11:56 AM
not sure if want

08-01-2010, 12:15 PM
LOL @ Hippy safe.

I would be keen to try whale, one of my favorite things to do when going to a different country is trying all the different foods.

08-01-2010, 01:26 PM
As funny as this is - and the WAGYU comment... just.. i mean - GOLD!

This kinda shows you the reality of it.. its pretty fucked up.

These dont even look like japs!!
Lol.. school excursion...

08-01-2010, 01:30 PM
that looks fuckin tasty right there!

id say the whities are norwegians/icelandic?

08-01-2010, 01:42 PM
There was a video on youtube, not sure if still there, of your first picture. Guy was walking around with a Machete while the Dolphins are alive, slicing them and watching them die while school kids walk past. All the while, the Dolphins bodies are having spasms due to the shock/pain. It takes a pathetic individual to be that cruel.

08-01-2010, 02:07 PM
Good to see the Japanese researchers have been hard at work!

Seriously though, that first picture isnt a very nice sight, not saying the other ones are grand either :(

and no, im no hippy.

08-01-2010, 02:22 PM
fucking hell guys what the fuck do you think happens at an abattoir? cows sheep and chickens all go through the same shit, how is that any different

08-01-2010, 02:26 PM
I daresay that if alot of the killing done at abotoirs was made public & put on tv, lots of people would become vegetarians!

08-01-2010, 02:29 PM
Fuck that looks rancid. Like I said to someone the other day I'm glad I pay someone else to cut up my meat portions for me. Don't think I'd do too well skinning a 'roo or other for dog meat etc haha. Actually feel sick after looking at those pics.. Maybe because I cooked a bbq for lunch haha

08-01-2010, 02:31 PM
fucking hell guys what the fuck do you think happens at an abattoir? cows sheep and chickens all go through the same shit, how is that any different

at least whales can live in their natural habitat until they die.

your beloved wagyu cows ..... this is their life ... that is until they cop a bolt to the head, and it doesn't always kill them first time around.


Ever seen how a pig is slaughtered? Dragged out, electroshock to the head for 7 seconds, strung up and stuck in the neck with a knife til it bleeds out. If they don't string it up quick enough, they have to shock it again and try before sticking it. Hence the term "bleeding like a stuck pig"

08-01-2010, 02:33 PM
I thought wagyu cows got to wander the meadows and got massages n shit :lol:

08-01-2010, 02:37 PM
oh yeah .... if you want to be a vegetarian, don't be one of these new aged "oh I'm a vegetarian, but i eat chicken and fish, wear leather belts and jackets and carry a leather wallet/handbag" ... fucking hypocrites, you're not really a vegetarian you're just fooling yourself into thinking that by not eating red meat. So really you should say "I don't eat red meat, but I love the pork sword."

08-01-2010, 02:37 PM
I thought wagyu cows got to wander the meadows and got massages n shit :lol:

fed champagne and skittles, bathed in milk and honey and listen to classical music?

08-01-2010, 02:46 PM
skittles in vodka would be better than champagne + skittes IMO.. the rest i'm not so sure about, but it sounds like you know how to put ya feet up and take a load off ;)

08-01-2010, 02:46 PM
Why are people so sensitive to whales being killed for their meat?
Do you think normal fish die a quick and painless death when thousands of them are scooped up in nets and thrown in storage on the boats?

The only situation where animals are humanely killed is for the Jews and their kosher principle's.

08-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Them photos are fukt up!!!

Cows, pigs, sheep etc are all bred for meat... Whales & Dolphins arent.
Still love a chunky steak, but fuk eatin whale meat.

08-01-2010, 03:18 PM
I was just posting some pics...

the point i think is they are near extinction and not that im a hippy id like to take my grand children on a cruise to see the fuckers in 40 years...

difference is cows will still be here...

edit : too slow!

08-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Go argue face to face with a long liner down the docks if you care that much. They have licences upwards of 10,000 hooks and do not care about by-catch... dolphins, turtles, sharks, marlin, broadbill .etc .... all skull dragged to death. But I bet none of you will because a long liner would probably rip your head off and shove it up your arse.

08-01-2010, 06:27 PM
In a couple of the pics there are some kids on an excursion. I would of loved to see that when I was 10 years old....!?

08-01-2010, 07:58 PM
Albany whale world shows all that same type of pics n videos ..

08-01-2010, 09:33 PM
fucking hell guys what the fuck do you think happens at an abattoir? cows sheep and chickens all go through the same shit, how is that any different

because the whales arent farmed like abattoir animals .. how long does it take to re-grow cows, sheep , chickens .. maybe a few years .. im pretty sure the whales are alot older , and the bastards are only going to kill off the breed's

cows , sheep and chickens are like commadores and falcons ..

whales, and other exotic animals are like ferrai's and lambos ..

i reckon we all start chopping up japs churning them up into burger patties , pretty sure ya wont know the difference

08-01-2010, 09:51 PM
Why are people so sensitive to whales being killed for their meat?
Do you think normal fish die a quick and painless death when thousands of them are scooped up in nets and thrown in storage on the boats?

whales:fish not same :slap:

In year 6 you learn the difference between mammals and fish but I guess you never know with dodgy schooling these days. - This will make it simple for the non book reading types out there: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Are_fish_mammals

I think the part where they use those hockey stick looking things cut strips of flesh off while the whale is still alive is sickening, and I used to work on the slaughter floor in narrikup.

Also love to eat lamb so no seeing a lamb killed humanely does not turn you off meat.

08-01-2010, 11:49 PM
Guess the thing is though, at least a farmer plants a seed, or rears a calf from birth, even fish farms have to start from the basics up till harvest. But travelling half way around to spear a whale is fkd. Instead starting up farms for fish (even dolphins) to feed their demand, they rather go and spear something on the endangered list in our fkn waters.

its just like our crayfisherman here, a bad season and they whinge like little girls, a good season and they're quiet. but yet all the emphasis is on the recreational anglers because apparently we steal their thunder and their livelyhood.

Dont mind the killing though, a fish getting a hook in the lip is better than a bear ripping it to shreds alive, all for the purpose of food of course.

09-01-2010, 12:00 AM
I fucken LOL'd at the ADY GIL getting pwned. CF speed boat will not stand off against a steel hulled trawler. Silly tree huggers - suck shit. Whilst it's understandable there 'might' be justifiable cause to curb whaling, it is still justified by the japanese and their way of life - and rightly so. Just don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. LOL @ gillard 'looking into a diplomatic solution' - at least there's depth in the fact she has no 'balls' to back up her legal advice currently being undertaken.

09-01-2010, 01:04 AM

09-01-2010, 12:43 PM
because the whales arent farmed like abattoir animals .. how long does it take to re-grow cows, sheep , chickens .. maybe a few years .. im pretty sure the whales are alot older , and the bastards are only going to kill off the breed's

cows , sheep and chickens are like commadores and falcons ..

whales, and other exotic animals are like ferrai's and lambos ..

i reckon we all start chopping up japs churning them up into burger patties , pretty sure ya wont know the difference

so if i farm whales then it's ok to kill them however i deem efficient?

i also love the concept of "humane killing" is that suggesting that there's a particular way that we humans think killing something is nice and acceptable? hi i murdered your daught but it's ok! it was humane!

the whole whaling hoo haa is very hypocritical though. it's no different at all to us eating roo meat. it's hunted, the rest of the world think roos shouldn't be hunted and killed for food, and shooting them isn't exactly the nicest way for them to go. if you've ever shot something and not quite hit the spot you were aiming for then you'll know what i mean. people from around the world protest and we tell them to fuck off. same same.

09-01-2010, 01:23 PM
that third pic with the white meat actually looks very much like a whale shark....ummm pretty sure our tourism industry kinda needs them for people to swim with n shit

09-01-2010, 01:39 PM
people thinking its ok. do you think its ok for koreans and other nationalities torturing dogs and cats to get their adrenaline pumping to increase the flavour?
as hypocritical as it may be, some animals seem worse to kill than others.

09-01-2010, 02:13 PM
fucking hell guys what the fuck do you think happens at an abattoir? cows sheep and chickens all go through the same shit, how is that any different

I daresay that if alot of the killing done at abotoirs was made public & put on tv, lots of people would become vegetarians!

Depends which abbattoir I guess. Also most animals tend to be dead when they start cutting them up. With whales they go through agonising death, having chunks cut off them even before they die.

I thought wagyu cows got to wander the meadows and got massages n shit :lol:

Yep, that's correct.

at least whales can live in their natural habitat until they die.

your beloved wagyu cows ..... this is their life ... that is until they cop a bolt to the head, and it doesn't always kill them first time around.


Huh? No offence dude, but you don't know jack shit. Wagyu cattle isn't tied up like this. It's free to wander around freely outside. The ones on the pictures do not even look like wagyu cattle! And before it gets a bolt to the head, it does not expect anything to happen. And neither do rest of the cows. They kill them individually away from the rest of the cattle. Great care is taken to make sure of that, because if the animal gets nervous and frightened, its muscles get tense, which make for shitty meat. Which we all know wagyu isn't :)

09-01-2010, 02:14 PM
Oh, I got no issue with Jap eating their whales, as long as they're not getting extict and don't hunt in the whale sanctuary.

09-01-2010, 04:29 PM
This thread needs MOAR wagyu pics!

09-01-2010, 05:04 PM
This thread needs MOAR wagyu pics!
http://www.nosushi.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/14df0_Wagyu_DSC6301.jpg http://msnbcmedia4.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/040816/040816_WagyuRibSteak_hmed_11a.hmedium.jpg