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30-12-2009, 02:50 PM
Start hacking away lol!!!!


Screen print any good ones

30-12-2009, 02:58 PM
first one was a 38 yr old female from perth

some trippy shit lol

30-12-2009, 02:58 PM
LOL I did this a while back...

Hit the person with "did you call me"

When they replied "no", I said "then who was phone?"

What did they reply back with?? "WAT".

I fkn LOL'ed.

30-12-2009, 03:00 PM
So far i've had 3 dudes... 1 claiming to be from my womb.

30-12-2009, 03:16 PM


30-12-2009, 03:24 PM
20yo chick. pics soon

30-12-2009, 03:30 PM
one I was talking to gave me this site. I lol'd


30-12-2009, 03:44 PM
probably someone on here hahaha

You: howdy doody
Stranger: You piece of shit. I dare you to ask me about my asl.
Stranger: I fucking dare you.
You: hhahahahahahhaha
Stranger: I'm sick of this bullshit.
You: anti
Stranger: I want to talk to somebody not have fucking cyber sex.
You: hahahahahahahahhaa
You: are you from perth?
Stranger: What kind of miserable shit has cyber sex?
Stranger: Here: this is cyber sex.
You: some ass holes
Stranger: In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
You: i have a hand to pleasure myself
Stranger: There's cyber sex.
Stranger: How the fuck that is enjoyable, I don't know.
You: hahahaha
Stranger: Somehow, all these sick fucks get off on that.
You: i know
You: weird isnt it
Stranger: I'm pissed right now. I can't find a fucking decent conversations with a girl because it's all guys who just NEED to know how old I am and how big my boobs are.
Stranger: I'm not even a girl.
Stranger: But they don't care.
Stranger: They just want boobs.
Stranger: PRICKS!
You: i like boobs
Stranger: Me too.
You: i like cars
Stranger: Although this is somewhat hypocritical, I only talk to girls.
Stranger: Guys just aren't....
You: intelligent?
Stranger: I don't know. I just talk to girls better.
You: im the same
Stranger: It's funny, because in real life it's the opposite.
You: yeah
Stranger: I'm what you call the anti-pimp.
You: hahaha
Stranger: It's funny because apparently I have an amazing 6 pack and abs, which I just found out by the way. But for some reason, I can't talk to a fucking girl to save my life.
Stranger is typing...

30-12-2009, 03:47 PM
got some dude wanting to put his sausage in my bum. Its more fun pretending to be a chick.


30-12-2009, 03:47 PM
You: hi
Stranger: do you want to go pee for me? i dont feel like moving
You: you should get a pee bottle
Stranger: i dont have a dick

30-12-2009, 03:50 PM

Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i love you
You: i have chlamydia
Stranger: yay!
Stranger: my favorite
You: its like theres a party in my pants & everyones invited
You: but nobody comes
You: so i have to spread the seed another way
You: like rape
Stranger: how so?
Stranger: ew
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: uhmmm
You: pretty intense, huh
Stranger: yupp
You: is this steven hawking?
Stranger: yeah how did you know?

30-12-2009, 03:54 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: i love lamp
Stranger: lamp?
You: yes, lamp
Stranger: u a girl?
You: doesnt matter, a man or woman can both love a lamp equally
Stranger: wf?
Stranger: wtf?

ahh, gotta love being random.

30-12-2009, 03:55 PM

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi male here
You: im gay
Stranger: either me
You: play hide the sausage?
Stranger: okay
Stranger: ur cock size?
You: 9"
Stranger: any pic?
You: black
Stranger: on ur big cock
Stranger: i like black

30-12-2009, 04:03 PM
You: male or female?
Stranger: f
You: location?
Stranger: alaska
You: ooooo
You: age?
Stranger: 15
You: gah
You: too young
You: oh well
Stranger: u?
You: hi
You: 23
Stranger: hi
Stranger: im really 12
You: i'm really 46
Stranger: damn ur old
You: I lied
You: I'm 60
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: damn
You: I lied again
Stranger: older than my grandpa
You: I'm 17
Stranger: still old
You: I'm still lying
You: I'm what ever age you want me to be tiger
You: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooow
Stranger: ewww
You: Oh don't hate
Stranger: yuk
Stranger: nasty
You: please
Stranger: eww
Stranger: yuk
You: in 5 years you'll be balls deep
Stranger: nasty
Stranger: already am
Stranger: eww yuk nasty
You: you wont think its nasty then
Stranger: so
Stranger: im bored
Stranger: FYi i am having sex
You: while you're typing?
Stranger: yeah
You: I knew women could multi task but thats pretty cool
You: so if you are talking to me whilst getting laid
Stranger: yeah
You: think you could make me a sandwich while you're at it?
Stranger: yeha and im 12 arnt i amazing
Stranger: yeah
You: even better
You: I don't want crusts
You: or mayonaise
Stranger: picky
You: as I don't trust where the mayonaise may have come frome
Stranger: ok
You: also
You: i want white bread
You: none of the brown bread shit
Stranger: i have wheat
You: no
You: no wheatr
You: wheat*
Stranger: hahaahahah
You: can you iron my shirt as well?
Stranger: go get a girl have some fun like i am
Stranger: totally
You: I don't want a girl
Stranger: y
You: because you said you will make me a sandwich
Stranger: u gay
Stranger: so
You: I want you to be the girl who makes me my sandwich
You: and irons my shirt
You: and washes my dishes
Stranger: eww dishes no
You: while I watch sport with one hand down my pants and the other clutching a beer
Stranger: ewwwww
You: at least make me my sandwich
You: I'm kinda hungry
Stranger: where r u
Stranger: woops im trapped under someone
You: I'm watching tv on the couch
Stranger: wow
You: on your couch
You: I can hear you
Stranger: i am on my couch
You: mom says to stop fucking and make me my sandwich
Stranger: no
You: seriously
You: go now
You: no crusts
Stranger: WTF
Stranger: mom doesnt give a shit wat i do
You: she will when I bitch slap you for not making my sandwich
Stranger: hahahhhahahhahah
You: I also want egg in my sandwich
Stranger: ew
You: and a glass of orange juice
You: boil the egg
Stranger: i only have milk and water
You: women know how to boil
Stranger: no i will put it on raw
You: its imbedded in their brains from birth
You: I tire of your foolishness
You: how bout some pie?
Stranger: mine bitch
You: I know you're a bitch
You: but I would like some pie
Stranger: STFU
Stranger: no it mine
You: You don't understand
You: in this developed world, the man is in charge
Stranger: no i am
You: seeing as though I have male genitalia, I expect my pie in 40 mins
Stranger: no i dotn liie thoes me
Stranger: m
Stranger: men*
Stranger: like*
Stranger: that is y i find guys who arnt greedy and have sex with them
You: I like my pie with a nice golden crust
You: also needs to have a mixture of soft fruits
Stranger: no
You: while you're getting filled up during your underage shenanigans, I would like you to bake me a pie
Stranger: i have pie in teh firage i aint baking shit
You: when the human race dies out and it's just me and you left
You: I will not re-populate the earth unless you bake me a pie first
Stranger: no me and the guy on top off em u will be last to die
Stranger: well besides us
You: I might re-populate with you
You: do you have all your teeth still?
Stranger: yeah im 12
Stranger: i will re-populate with this guy
Stranger: on top of me
Stranger: if it were me and u i would kill my self
You: well how do you expect the human race to survive if you kill yourself?
You: how selfish are you?
Stranger: it wont
Stranger: very
Stranger: no she not she is just saying that
You: you are destroying our very existence as we speak
Stranger: she is
You: wait
You: did you say you were 12 and having sex?
Stranger: yeah
You: are you from Rockingham?
Stranger: no
You: lies
Stranger: no im not
You: you're lying
Stranger: no
Stranger: im in alaska
You: I am not working my ass off to pay your single mum cheques every week
You: Don't lie to me!
Stranger: WTF
Stranger: im not
You: You wait till I tell Centrelink about this one
Stranger: ???????????

Stranger: u dont no who i am
You: No more leaving the kid with mum while you drive down to Mandurah to fuck some dude you met of MySpace!
Stranger: wat ever i dotn have kids
You: I'm calling child services
Stranger: im not stupied i get aborshons
You: and your 5th grade teacher
Stranger: what r u goign to tell them theres a 123 yr old having sex
Stranger: soo
You: so you're 123 now?
Stranger: she probley no i fucked her son
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i meant 12
You: I'm still calling child services
You: baby Shaquonda should NOT have to put up with your shenanigans
Stranger: WTF
Stranger: who would name some one that
You: you did
You: and black people
You: but mostly you
Stranger: haha
Stranger: r u doen talking to me
Stranger: ok bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 04:21 PM
lol clicking through chatroulette some dude wanking on cam..

What has been seen cannot be unseen

30-12-2009, 04:23 PM
I love this

Stranger: my clitoris is throbbing.
You: I have itchy balls
Stranger: why?
You: I think I might have crabs
Stranger: that's creepy.
You: not really
You: I went fishing the other day
Stranger: and gross.
You: caught some awesome freah water crabs
You: fresh*
Stranger: ohhhhhhhh.. i thought the lice on your pubic hair.
You: Oh
You: no
You: I just have what every man gets from time to time
You: itchy balls
You: its fun to scratch
Stranger: cause it's arousing?
You: somewhat
You: although mostly it feels really good
Stranger: so how old are you?
You: because when you're driving, its sometimes really hard to scratch
You: so at the lights you put your hands down there and go nuts
You: oh
You: I'm 24
You: :D
Stranger: ahh i see. but that's still kinda weird.
You: yeah
You: you kinda get used to it after a while
You: although the smell is a little off putting
You: smells like vingegar
Stranger: have you ever tried jerking off in your car?
You: vinegar
Stranger: ewwwwww.
You: yes
You: this one time
Stranger: ?
You: I was out side this girls house whom I'm stalking
You: erm
You: wait
You: I mean showing a keen interest in
Stranger: you're creepy.
You: and she was getting changed
You: and it was dark
Stranger: and you had this major hard on?
You: lucky I had some condoms in the car so I didn't make a mess
Stranger: and?
You: I made a mess
You: I couldn't get the condom on properly
Stranger: i take it it was really good.
You: then I thought it would be hot to strangle myself while I was jerking
You: then as I came, the rubber shot off and I got my steering wheel
Stranger: ewwwwww.
You: yeah thats not the worst part
You: I didn't have anything to wipe it off with
You: so I scooped it up in my hand and wiped on my shirt
Stranger: i can't believe you.
You: its true
You: I drove straight home
You: I took my clothes off and had a shower
Stranger: ewwww. i bet you're fat and bald.
You: but as I showered
You: my dog started licking my shirt
Stranger: and he died?
You: no
You: she got pregnant
Stranger: ewww.
You: yeah
You: then
You: she had these weird puppies
You: they kinda looked like Al Gore
You: only cuter
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 04:28 PM
lol clicking through chatroulette some dude wanking on cam..

What has been seen cannot be unseen

I got him too! under a blanket n shit

30-12-2009, 04:29 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: whats it like being a single parent ?
Stranger: niggers
You: a white parent with nigger kids ?
Stranger: yea
You: black man did a runner ?
Stranger: /
You: you know T J ?
Stranger: /b/
You: whats black & rymes with snoop ?
Stranger: niggers
Stranger: that's not as good as niggers
You: so you into the whole KKK thing then ?
You: put your bedsheet on your head & go out in the streets on your week ends
Stranger: no I'm not racist o just think nigger is a funny word
You: a funny word , haha yes
You: also gay as a bag full of butterflies
Stranger: if you say it in the right tone
You: do you drive a Nissan Skyline ?
Stranger: I have a t-rection
Stranger: no o don't my good sir
You: an erection ? ... over what
You: a cat ?
Stranger: no the biggest erection known to man a t-rection
You: so your a single white parent with black kids & you call them niggers ? then show them your "biggest erection known to man "

30-12-2009, 04:31 PM
fucking lol!!!

30-12-2009, 04:38 PM
Stranger: non horny female just looking for a conversation
You: cool
Stranger: haha :)
You: why aren't you in the kitchen?
Stranger: yupp
Stranger: hahah making you lunch you mean?
You: yeah or doing the dishes
You: women have small feet so they can stand closer to the sink
Stranger: well there are these things called stereotypes
Stranger: and it appears that you have fallen into belief that these are true lol
You: well there are these things called vaginas
You: and you are a walking one
Stranger: yes. and i happen to have boobs too
Stranger: those are the two things that seperate a woman from man
Stranger: and oyu have a penis..
You: i have boobs too
Stranger: ooh right
You: and an ass
Stranger: Oh thats coool
Stranger: I think we have that in common
You: vaginas= kitchen but
Stranger: dicks=kitchen
You: dicks go into vags so they can cook and clean
Stranger: how about
Stranger: vags let dicks in them so that they can boss them to clean
You: correct
Stranger: soo the vags boss the dicks to clean the house and they submit for sex and blow jobs and such
You: sorry bubs but it doesn't happen like that in reality
Stranger: men want sex. women do enjoy it but they don't go crazy without it
Stranger: soo therefore we can make you do whatever or just not give you sex
You: well thats when the back hand comes into it
Stranger: you bastard

30-12-2009, 04:38 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: m/f
You: both
Stranger: huh
You: i am a male/female
You: xxy
You: both female and male chromosones
Stranger: why
You: i like lingerie
You: because i was born that way
Stranger: so u have a dick and a pussy
You: yes.
Stranger: thats sick
You: its awesome

30-12-2009, 04:52 PM
got some dude wanting to put his sausage in my bum. Its more fun pretending to be a chick.


Im fucking LOL'n hard hahahaha :lol:

30-12-2009, 05:01 PM
Stranger: non horny female just looking for a conversation
You: cool
Stranger: haha :)
You: why aren't you in the kitchen?
Stranger: yupp
Stranger: hahah making you lunch you mean?
You: yeah or doing the dishes
You: women have small feet so they can stand closer to the sink
Stranger: well there are these things called stereotypes
Stranger: and it appears that you have fallen into belief that these are true lol
You: well there are these things called vaginas
You: and you are a walking one
Stranger: yes. and i happen to have boobs too
Stranger: those are the two things that seperate a woman from man
Stranger: and oyu have a penis..
You: i have boobs too
Stranger: ooh right
You: and an ass
Stranger: Oh thats coool
Stranger: I think we have that in common
You: vaginas= kitchen but
Stranger: dicks=kitchen
You: dicks go into vags so they can cook and clean
Stranger: how about
Stranger: vags let dicks in them so that they can boss them to clean
You: correct
Stranger: soo the vags boss the dicks to clean the house and they submit for sex and blow jobs and such
You: sorry bubs but it doesn't happen like that in reality
Stranger: men want sex. women do enjoy it but they don't go crazy without it
Stranger: soo therefore we can make you do whatever or just not give you sex
You: well thats when the back hand comes into it
Stranger: you bastard

well played as well mate hahahaha

30-12-2009, 05:33 PM
You: What does your poop smell like?
Stranger: smells like feet
Stranger: and sometimes like flowers
You: what have you been eating?
You: vagina?
You: gtfo

30-12-2009, 06:10 PM
Stranger: m or f?

You: u first

You: coz i'm female

Stranger: m,21

Stranger: u???

You: i'm 20

You: where you from

Stranger: me frm india'

Stranger: nd u?

You: hahahaha fuck off back to your call centre pingpingpingping

You: i'm from australia

You: the people you always seem to call at dinner time

Stranger: u asshole

Stranger: u rat ass

Stranger: kiss ma ass

30-12-2009, 06:22 PM
You: hahahaha fuck off back to your call centre pingpingpingping
You: i'm from australia
You: the people you always seem to call at dinner time
Stranger: u asshole
Stranger: u rat ass
Stranger: kiss ma ass


30-12-2009, 06:41 PM

Stranger: hello there
You: scarn on unna
Stranger: pardon?
You: My Names Nigel
Stranger: ahh, that sounds like niggers
Stranger: what a funny code
Stranger: farewell

30-12-2009, 06:46 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: do you like to dance?
You: why yes
Stranger: great
Stranger: excellent
Stranger: i expect 50% of the commision, of course
You: so ur after $3.50?
You: god damn loch ness monster
You: i thought i told you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 06:52 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: G'day
Stranger: ok
You: whats krakalaken
Stranger: nothin
You: do you like going to the movies?
Stranger: no
You: let me take you too the moviess shortayy I know what you like I will buy you popcorn
Stranger: ok???
You: Lets do it Babeh Gheyl Haa haaaa
Stranger: who are you
You: its ya boi Bangs

30-12-2009, 06:57 PM
Stranger: my sister came with, so its not complete freedom lol
You: Haha failcore
Stranger: lol
Stranger: shes odd
You: Yeah
You: sisters do that
You: lol
Stranger: nah like.. odd-odd
You: Like errr, in the head ?
Stranger: in the pants/head lol
You: She has wenis ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: just weird interests
You: You now have my complete attention....
what the fuck ? ? ? ?
You: lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: she was making me get fat
You: In the pants ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 07:08 PM
You: harro
Stranger: [WARNING: Omegle is required under United States Federal Law to inform you that the IP of the person whom you are chatting with is linked to a registered sex offender. Omegle encourages you to consider this when giving out personal information. [The stranger can not see this message.]
Stranger: hey
You: harro
Stranger: Herro dere Mr. Firremont.
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: No.
You: hes a cool guy

30-12-2009, 07:11 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: i want to fuck
Stranger: fuck ur mom then.
You: ill fuck your mum in the anoos
Stranger: then you must be really desperate
You: well you sound American so your mum probaly eats 100 cheeseburgers a day
Stranger: I'm not
You: Canadian then
Stranger: naha.
Stranger: nooez.
Stranger: negative.
You: well you said mom
Stranger: But YOU sound american though.
Stranger: Yeah so?
Stranger: I'm just good at English
You: LOL thats the American way of spelling it dumb ass
Stranger: I don't even live in an english speaking country
Stranger: but I'm pretty sure you're american. And a boy.
Stranger: and fucking your mom.
You: well I think you're Mexican
You: and fucking a donkey!
Stranger: hahahaha. Well I'm half mexican indeed.
Stranger: but I live somewhere else.
Stranger: silence..
Stranger: I kill you.
You: Im from a Land Down Under, Ill hit you with my boomerang unna!
Stranger: You're australian?
Stranger: and your name is steve
Stranger: and you wear cowboy hats.
You: You're Mexican you smell and dont work hard
Stranger: half mexican. But besides that you're pretty close.
Stranger: you're probably a criminal as well
You: Indeed Gringo
Stranger: I believe that the American were called Gringo's but whatevv.
Stranger: You're just as dumb as the ass of a horse.
You: nice one there Chief!
Stranger: You've got a really impolite way of talking to a girl :]

30-12-2009, 07:18 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi , asl ?
You: 26mf australia
Stranger: wat in god's name is mf ??
You: its fifty fifty
You: buess
You: guess*
You: could be one or the other
You: your in the hot seat
Stranger: cool let's have sex
You: what are you
Stranger: f
You: ok
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: there's a boy in my office named tj
You: OMG
Stranger: don't know if it's the common one

30-12-2009, 07:21 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: tell me your deepest darkest secret
You: hmmmmmm
You: i killed a man
You: u?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

didnt last long

30-12-2009, 07:28 PM
Fuck this is funny...

30-12-2009, 07:32 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 16. f. looking for horny lesbian
You: hey stranger
You: im looking for a horny lebian too
You: lesbian
You: are you a lesbian?
Stranger: mhmmm
Stranger: u?
You: im not but im huge fan of all your movies
Your conversational partner has disconnected

30-12-2009, 07:37 PM
stranger 1

Stranger: noo!!
You: he's a cool guy
Stranger: he must be, who is he?
You: you dont know TJ?
You: WTF
You: ?
Stranger: nop

stranger 2

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: what
You: TJ
Stranger: what
You: TJ
Stranger: what
You: TJ
Stranger: what
You: Tj
Stranger: WHAt
You: TJ
Stranger: what
You: TJ
Stranger: what
You: TJ!
Stranger: what?
You: TJ?
Stranger: what!
You: TJ??????
Stranger: what!!!!!!
You: ok then, do you know the Muffin Man?
Stranger: no

stranger 3

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey 18M here. want to cam2cam?
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: Ya
You: really?
Stranger: tya
You: he's a cool guy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

stranger 4

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: do you know TJ?
You: ?
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: where are u from
Stranger: ?
You: australia
Stranger: okej
Stranger: Im from sweden
You: where are you from
You: ah u is from sveeden?
Stranger: yes im :p
Stranger: I live in sweden
Stranger: But i come from palestina
You: no shit
You: call center?
Stranger: whuut ?
Stranger: what do u mean
Stranger: how old are u btw ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

stranger 5

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: hi
You: ?
You: ?
Stranger: ???
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
Stranger: TJ??
You: ?
You: yeh TJ
Stranger: whatis that??
You: do you know TJ?
You: how bout RAD-O-VAN?
Stranger: i have no idea
Stranger: sorry
You: thats no good then
You: are you with Tripple-d?
Stranger: what is that??
Stranger: no
You: running on empty?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and then??
You: no and then
Stranger: where are you?
You: fuck ur running on empty shits

30-12-2009, 07:40 PM
haha i could read these all day

30-12-2009, 07:42 PM
hahahaha no more fuck sake! hahahaha im almost in tears after reading a few of them hahaha

30-12-2009, 07:54 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: you calling me an asshole? you dont even know me
You: what did i do wrong
You: whatever it was im sorry
Stranger: no problem
You: Where you from?
Stranger: japan
Stranger: u?
You: Australia
Stranger: f/m?
You: fuck shiot wank fuck nigger
You: Sorry i have tourettes
You: Sorry about that
You: Im female
You: You?
Stranger: male
You: What is your age?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: u?
You: 16 but I act a lot older :)
You: Do you drift?
Stranger: no
You: Drifting makes me excited and wierd thangs happen
You: Im a little embarressed to say what it is
You: embarrassed
You: Sorry for my typing errors its difficult to type while masturbating
You: very sorry
Stranger: no problem
Stranger: are you have an account in facebook?
You: No Im marcia, I dont know anyone called have an account in facebook, thats an awfully long name!
You: Do you have a girlfriend?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i'm single now
You: I used to have a boyfriend but he didnt like my penis.
You: that made me sad
Stranger: i mant to see your photo
You: Of my penis?
Stranger: your face
You: It still has bandages on it from the operation
Stranger: if the penis is fine
You: Do you like penis?
Stranger: yes
You: Do you like vagina?
Stranger: yes
You: I have both.
You: And two arseholes, like a twin exhaust
Stranger: may i see your face?
You: After the bandages come off yes
You: Do you think it is bad to have sex with chickens?
Stranger: yes
You: Im a bad person :(
Stranger: do you have any photo?
You: Of the chicken?
Stranger: photo about you
You: There is one on Crimestoppers website
Stranger: i mant to see your face
You: http://www.wa.crimestoppers.com.au/missingdetail.aspx?missingId=51

Still going....

XF Falcon
30-12-2009, 07:55 PM
You: WARNING: Omegle is required under United States Federal Law to inform you that the IP of the person whom you are chatting with is linked to a registered sex offender. Omegle encourages you to consider this when giving out personal information. [The stranger can not see this message.]
You: hi m/f?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: f
Stranger: u?
You: m
You: age/location?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: doesnt matter..
Stranger: WARNING: Omegle is required under United States Federal Law to inform you that the IP of the person whom you are chatting with is linked to a registered sex offender. Omegle encourages you to consider this when giving out personal information. [The stranger can not see this message.]
Stranger: wat is these?
You: no idea, who said that?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: kiddin?
You: shit... well it only happened one time, and it was in international waters, so it really doesn't count
Stranger: wat??
You: ive put all that behind me though, what happened in the past stays in the past right?
You: so like.. how secure is your house? does it have an alarm system or anything like that?
Stranger: wat happened?
You: she said she was 18
You: she lied
Stranger: cu
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 08:08 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello stranger
Stranger: heey
Stranger: asl?
You: are you the fonz?
Stranger: what? :S
You: pop your collar like the fonz
You: go on
You: punch the jukebox so it plays your favourite song
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 08:12 PM
Fuckin LOL

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: als
Stranger: asl*
You: hi
You: 18/f/cali
You: U?
Stranger: 18 m england
Stranger: y u on omegle?
You: i love english accent
Stranger: lolz..
You: ahh im bored i guess
Stranger: bored or horny?
You: lol maybe both
You: -blush-
Stranger: lol do u have webcam?
You: yes u?
Stranger: yeah but doesnt work well
Stranger: wats ur msn then?
You: mine either it got wet
Stranger: lol
You: doesnt work well in the shower it seems lol
Stranger: wats ur email =)
You: can we get to know each other a littel more first?
Stranger: yeah sure..
You: Just so I know ur a nice giuy
Stranger: i am lolz..
You: Man that stings
You: I cut myself shaving today
Stranger: loool..
You: Dont laugh it hurrrrrrts
You: Need someone to kiss it better
Stranger: ill kiss it and lick it
Stranger: wat do u think?
You: Youll lick my face?
You: Thtas wierd
Stranger: why do u shave and ur f ?
You: So it isnt hairy of course you silly
You: lol
Stranger: :S
Stranger: ur f or m?
You: Female I told you
Stranger: k
Stranger: why do u shave the hair on ur face?
Stranger: :S
You: Coz it looks bad
You: :(
Stranger: lool
Stranger: wt bout the hair down there
Stranger: u shave it =P ?
You: My legs?
Stranger: above them :P
You: My private area?
Stranger: and y would a woman shave her legs?
Stranger: that sounds gay..
You: Women dont shave legs in UK ?
Stranger: y would woman shave legs ?
Stranger: is there hair on it?
You: No idea
You: Makes them smooth?
You: Nice to touch and lick?
Stranger: lool..
Stranger: maybe..
Stranger: but never heard of it before =P
You: Ahh k
You: Do you shave your privates?
Stranger: yeah sure .. :p
Stranger: who doesnt?
You: I tried it once but cut my cock and bled for ages
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

XF Falcon
30-12-2009, 08:16 PM

30-12-2009, 08:20 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi, what's new?
Stranger: i like dick
You: Are you TJ?
Stranger: no
You: Do you know Barry?
Stranger: I used to fuck a Barry
Stranger: he had a huge cock
You: like bigger than mine?
Stranger: idk how big is urs?
You: big enough to break a chicken in half
Stranger: Good thing I'm bigger than a chicken :)
Stranger: do u like boobs?
You: sweet, I love boobs. boobs are awesome I love them so much one day I hope to feel one
Stranger: how old are u?
You: 28
You: u?
Stranger: you've never felt boobs?
You: only my own
Stranger: are u a guy?
You: fully, but my boobs are no way near what my friends tell me they look like, This one guy I know, TJ, he has seen thousands of them and I think he is the authority on prominent racks
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 08:23 PM
LOL@ bulk TJ mentions.

30-12-2009, 09:11 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 16 f USA horny
Stranger: U?
You: 74/m/part goat
You: wanna rub me up
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.


30-12-2009, 09:18 PM
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from ?
You: Aus
You: u?
Stranger: poland
You: ew gross
You have disconnected.

30-12-2009, 09:23 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Im so hard right now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 09:33 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: كيونغ أحبك !

Stranger: يا باك عن كيونغ أحبك فقط ?

You: What the fuck does that say ?
Stranger: I simply cannot appear before company looking like this.
Stranger: so.....
Stranger: so....
You: That doesn't even make sense
You: ahahaha
Stranger: what?

You: What you said, does not make sense
Stranger: .
Stranger: sense?

Stranger: FU?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 09:37 PM
You: whattt upppp
Stranger: forever young
You: I wannttt too be foreverrr younggg
Stranger: dont no yhat one
You: its Tool mother fucker!
Stranger: what wtf
Stranger: lol

You: hi what music do you like?
Stranger: male and i masterbate
You: Im Femal and can fit my fist in my ass
Stranger: sweeet
You: thats just for warm up too
Stranger: niceee
Stranger: sooo
You: just finishing off a nice bottle of Wolf Blass wine and then gonna start fucking myself silly with it
Stranger: sweeet
Stranger: is it gunna brake inside u
You: then once the bottle is right up inside hittiing my g spot ill yank my cock like theres no tomorow
Stranger: sweeet
Stranger: and
Stranger: than shuve needles in ure dickhole?
Stranger: thats my favorite

30-12-2009, 09:41 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: whats your favourite song/
You: well i dont mind any really, except country
You: not a country music fan
You: especially after the day i had today
Stranger: what happened today?
You: i went to the shops today to spend some xmas money
Stranger: and
You: i thought i might get some cd's or music right
You: so i went to the shops and browsed around a bit, picked out a few things
Stranger: then
You: so i grabbed the dvd's and made my way to the counter, then some black dude pulled out a gun and asked the person to hand over all the cash
Stranger: holy shit
Stranger: you ok?
You: so she handed over all the cash, my mom got scared, and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

30-12-2009, 09:44 PM
fuck im gonna be on here all night its fuckin hilarious

30-12-2009, 09:47 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello sir
You: or madam
You: kekekekekeke
Stranger: miss ,hha
You: oooooooo
Stranger: and you
You: sir
You: ;0
You: where ya from?
Stranger: china
Stranger: you like china?
You: ahh big country
You: yeah its pretty tight!
Stranger: wow....tight...
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: where are you from?
You: you know it!
You: australia
Stranger: a beautiful country
You: kekekekekekekeke
You: ;)
Stranger: with not too many people...haha
Stranger: how old are you
You: 24
You: you?
Stranger: 20
You: sweet age
Stranger: you working already?
You: yer
Stranger: hehe~
Stranger: well
Stranger: i've met an australian just now
You: yes ma'am
You: did you call me?
Stranger: oh no ,i didn't
Stranger: why
You: then who was phone?
Stranger: haha no?
You: kekekekekekeke
Stranger: well,you got your job after college graduation
Stranger: ?
You: yeah
Stranger: so great
Stranger: i'll be in school at your age
You: oh yeah
You: im a ninja
Stranger: wow...
Stranger: so what are you working for
You: im working for a massive corporation who send me out on deadly mission to assasinate evil doers who try to take over the world
Stranger: .......
You: its dangerous
You: i cant tell you much more, or they might come for me....and you
You: so what you do then?
Stranger: are you sure you are not joking?
You: yes please dont tell anyone what i do!
You: ive told you too much
Stranger: college student
You: kekekekekekekeek
You: what you at college?
Stranger: all right
Stranger: yeah
You: sick ey
you: can u blow me?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

30-12-2009, 09:49 PM

30-12-2009, 09:49 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi, what's new?
Stranger: i like dick
You: Are you TJ?
Stranger: no
You: Do you know Barry?
Stranger: I used to fuck a Barry
Stranger: he had a huge cock
You: like bigger than mine?
Stranger: idk how big is urs?
You: big enough to break a chicken in half
Stranger: Good thing I'm bigger than a chicken :)
Stranger: do u like boobs?
You: sweet, I love boobs. boobs are awesome I love them so much one day I hope to feel one
Stranger: how old are u?
You: 28
You: u?
Stranger: you've never felt boobs?
You: only my own
Stranger: are u a guy?
You: fully, but my boobs are no way near what my friends tell me they look like, This one guy I know, TJ, he has seen thousands of them and I think he is the authority on prominent racks
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

mate ur a legend, u got me in tears....ur a veryy funny guy mate..funny

30-12-2009, 09:50 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiiiiii
You: hello there
Stranger: how su?
You: good thnaks you?
Stranger: u r frm?
You: australia
You: u
Stranger: india
Stranger: how s the weather at there??
You: warrrm
Stranger: kkk here very cool
Stranger: whats ur name?/?
You: cockbreath smith
You: yours?.
Stranger: ashish
You: nice to meet you atchoo
Stranger: same here
Stranger: ur m,./f?
You: whos watching the Quick E Mart
You: im female
Stranger: nice
You: Id like some black cock deep in my asshole
You: Are you up for the challenge?
Stranger: yaaaaaaaaaaa
Stranger: i will fuck u harder
You: Ill shove my dick so far up your ass you scream like a girl :)
Stranger: i want too much fuck u
Stranger: show me urs bobs
You: Will you suck my dick first?
You: and tongue my balls and asshole?
Stranger: u have aacont on face book
Stranger: ?????????
Stranger: what happen i have not started to fuck u even
Stranger: ?????
You: Dude im a guy and ur still keen?
You: wtf
Stranger: lun fad la
Stranger: saw at ur mom and fuck her
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 09:51 PM
You: asl?
Stranger: omg
Stranger: it is YOU!
You: bad thinker.
You: are you a female?
You: i mean
You: do you have a vagina?
Stranger: yes
You: nice laptop
Stranger: thank u :)
Stranger: are u a guy?
Stranger: do u have a penis?
Stranger: it's okay if u r a guy without a penis..
Stranger: i will accept u for who u are
Stranger: just be honest about it..
You: nice kitchen bench too,they go well with the laptop
You: btw
You: ill be very honest
You: i cant grow hair on my balls
Stranger: that is so very fortunate
Stranger: i hate hairy balls :S
You: do you want to know why?
Stranger: err...yeah?
You: cause hair...
You: cant grow...
You: on.
Stranger: YAY!!!! :D

30-12-2009, 09:55 PM
hahah (funnier if read in hitlers voice)

You: I like vagina
Stranger: DEUTSCH?
You: YAH
You: YAH
Stranger: AH SIEG HEIL!
Stranger: SIEG!
Stranger: ?
You: YAH
Stranger: SCHΦN MAN
Stranger: UND OBAMA
Stranger: VERDAMMT
Stranger: EIN NEGRO!
Stranger: ALLE!
Stranger: DER JUDE
Stranger: SIEEG

30-12-2009, 09:56 PM
hahah (funnier if read in hitlers voice)

You: I like vagina
Stranger: DEUTSCH?
You: YAH
You: YAH
Stranger: AH SIEG HEIL!
Stranger: SIEG!
Stranger: ?
You: YAH
Stranger: SCHΦN MAN
Stranger: UND OBAMA
Stranger: VERDAMMT
Stranger: EIN NEGRO!
Stranger: ALLE!
Stranger: DER JUDE
Stranger: SIEEG


30-12-2009, 10:07 PM
You: howdy
Stranger: Hi
You: how ya goin?
Stranger: uhhh atm
Stranger: nothin really
You: are you touchin urself?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 10:12 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Stranger: sweden 16 f
Stranger: u?
You: 19/m/poland
Stranger: okay
You: are you a virgin?
You: please dont disconnect
Stranger: yes i am
Stranger: u?
You: no
You: ………………….._,,-~’’’―――’’~-,,
………………..,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,---,,_ ; ;’’-,…………………………….._,,,---,,_
……………….,’ ; ; ;,-‘ , , , , , ‘-, ; ;’-,,,,---~~’’’’’’~--,,,_…..,,-~’’ ; ; ; ;__;’-,
……………….| ; ; ;,’ , , , _,,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ―’’~’-,,_ ,,-~’’ , , ‘, ;’,
……………….’, ; ; ‘-, ,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-, , , , , ,’ ; |
…………………’, ; ;,’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’-, , ,-‘ ;,-‘
………………….,’-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-‘ ;,,-‘
………………..,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;__ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,’
………………,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,-‘’―: : ’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ;’,
……………..,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;| : : : : : :| ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,-‘’―: ―’’-, ; ; ;’,
…………….,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,_: : _,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | : : : : : :| ; ; ; |
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……………………………………………………’-, ; ; ;,,-~’’’ \\ , ,|, |
………………………………………………………’’~-‘’_ , , ,,’,_/--‘
Stranger: why?
You: do u like the bear?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 10:16 PM

30-12-2009, 10:23 PM

added to fave, i love this site

30-12-2009, 10:27 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiiiiii
You: hello there
Stranger: how su?
You: good thnaks you?
Stranger: u r frm?
You: australia
You: u
Stranger: india
Stranger: how s the weather at there??
You: warrrm
Stranger: kkk here very cool
Stranger: whats ur name?/?
You: cockbreath smith
You: yours?.
Stranger: ashish
You: nice to meet you atchoo
Stranger: same here
Stranger: ur m,./f?
You: whos watching the Quick E Mart
You: im female
Stranger: nice
You: Id like some black cock deep in my asshole
You: Are you up for the challenge?
Stranger: yaaaaaaaaaaa
Stranger: i will fuck u harder
You: Ill shove my dick so far up your ass you scream like a girl :)
Stranger: i want too much fuck u
Stranger: show me urs bobs
You: Will you suck my dick first?
You: and tongue my balls and asshole?
Stranger: u have aacont on face book
Stranger: ?????????
Stranger: what happen i have not started to fuck u even
Stranger: ?????
You: Dude im a guy and ur still keen?
You: wtf
Stranger: lun fad la
Stranger: saw at ur mom and fuck her
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hahahaha i know of someone in india called ashish! LOL i wonder if

30-12-2009, 10:27 PM
lol I told someone i was deaf and they would have to speak up so they begin to type in caps hahaha

30-12-2009, 10:31 PM
it's going to be epic when 2 of you guys get each other.

30-12-2009, 10:45 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Het sexy
You: Hi :)
Stranger: How you doing?
You: yeah pretty good for a 300 pound chick eatin cake on a wednesday night
You: what about you?
Stranger: I hav no idea how much that is in kilos but u sound like u want company :)
You: if company is a nymphomaniac lady boy, with a cock the size of a pit bull then you sir are shit outa luck
You: ASL?
Stranger: Well lucky I'm not then
Stranger: 16 m can
You: I also hate dwarfs, If your a fucking dwarf I will find out where you live and peel you open like a hawaiian can of spam
Stranger: Ahaha ur sexy when ur angry
You: Canada aye... Do you have beady eyes and a flapping head?
You: And do you have a T or a P on your shirt?
Stranger: My head is big enough for ur mouth
You: are you seriously still hitting on me?
You: strange
You: do you get off on words typed on a screen?
Stranger: Ahh enough questions let's get straight to it
You: straight to what?
Stranger: We need to get it on
You: Ok, you smash your cock in the lan port and ill do the same with my cock
Stranger: Have SEX genius
Stranger: I don't mind the extra baggage if that's what's holding u back
You: what my wieght or the fact I have a Penis and a Vagina?
Stranger: I don't mind dick too
You: your a strange and warped individual and I dont think I can talk to you anymore,
Stranger: I dig trannys
You: realistically your a very lonely person that should spend less time on such sights
Stranger: So let's get in bed sexy
You: how do you proopse we "get in bed" you dont know where I am
Stranger: Don't worry about me I don't mind ur appearance
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 10:50 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: NIGGER
Stranger: NIGGER
Stranger: NIGGER
You: NIgger PLease!
Stranger: HI
Stranger: SAY WAH
You: are you a nIgger?
Stranger: YEAH BISH
Stranger: RAINBOW
Stranger: FLIP MY POO

30-12-2009, 10:52 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Horny 20 year old female here looking for an older man ;]

Stranger: Sure
You: sweet, now that youve found an older man what ya gonna do?
You: wanna send me a picture?

30-12-2009, 10:57 PM
bahahaha love it, talking to a 16 year old girl from Sydney...Well that's what she says.

Pedo bear approves!

30-12-2009, 10:57 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiiiiiiii
You: hii
Stranger: who are u?
You: thats for you to find out ;)
Stranger: wat?
Stranger: are u victor?
You: mm whatcha say?
You: victor? i am quite victorious
You: i today
You: achieved the ability
You: to tie my assholehair with my pubes
You: what about you/
Stranger: male
You: male? you became a male today
You: hi5
Stranger: are u female?
You: oh i forgot to mention. i have the ability to change genders
You: with a flick of a switch
You: u know like the ads on channel 7.. about saving energy
You: just like that
You: flick
Stranger: er
ou: naw you aren't a talkative onee are you shy little one?
You: want me to tickle your fancy
Stranger: i am aLittle timid
Stranger: xisubenke@msn.com
Stranger: not here
You: is that ur msn address?
You: can you please just upload a picture onto a website for me to see! i dont want to be just giving away my prostitution email address to randoms =S
You: www.imageshack.us is a good one

awaiting reply...

30-12-2009, 11:06 PM

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: poop
You: bitch
Stranger: dickhead
You: fuck you
Stranger: pussy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 11:10 PM
this thing is fukn funnny! HAHA

Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: hows things ?
Stranger: 28 M Aus
You: 20 F Aus
You: where in aus are you
Stranger: OMG relly lol
You: yes really like omg
Stranger: all I been getting is guys from the US and NZ and girls from jakarta
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im in Tas tho lol
You: haha tas! boo ur not apart of australia!! your that little thing hanging off it like a poo particle
Stranger: OMG thats not nice
Stranger: you ever been ?
You: perth is where the hood is at maynee
You: TIP
Stranger: Perth
Stranger: thats like on the ather side of the world lol :)
You: definately a TAS!
You: ather?
You: mate speak some fukn english aiite
You: fuk
You: had enough of ur crap
You: can u please be abit more fukn mature and grow the fuk up
You: ay
Stranger: sory ?
You: bloody oath! just because i have a penis downstairs
You: you better be sorry before i turkey slap yo face
You: u gay prick
Stranger: ha ha
Stranger: your the one who siad your a girl dick nob
You: ill give u a dick nob in a second!
Stranger: 5
Stranger: 4
You: betcha ur a old
Stranger: 3
You: prick
You: fat
Stranger: 2
You: eating sh1t
Stranger: 1

30-12-2009, 11:12 PM
why do they always disconnect if you ask them if they know tj?

30-12-2009, 11:13 PM
why do they always disconnect if you ask them if they know tj?

obviously its tj on the other end.

30-12-2009, 11:15 PM

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Guy looking for horny girl to talk to
You: fuck off
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 11:15 PM
a lot of you guys... i dont want to be near anymore

30-12-2009, 11:17 PM
hahahaha just been quoting song lyrics all the time
this is what started it off

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: May I help you? I'm your geine
You: sup
You: are you in a bottle?
Stranger: nope I just escaped it
Stranger: I'm free now
You: well if you wanna get with me baby theres a price to pay
Stranger: how much :) ?
You: you gotta rub me the right way
Stranger: ok
Stranger: now
Stranger: I'm flying to u
Stranger: look back of ur side
You: I can make your wish come true

Stranger: ok
Stranger: REALLY?
You gotta make a big impression

Stranger: I waana be a Emma watson
You: I gotta like what you do

Stranger: make me like emma
You: Hormones racing at the speed of light

Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: it takes long time?
You: But that don't mean it's gonna be tonight
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: then in this year?
Stranger: 2009?
You: I'm a genie in a bottle, baby
Come, come, come and let me out
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 11:17 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hello there
You: how is life
Stranger: its ok, and what about your?
You: today i won my first race
Stranger: grats, was in running or car or what?
You: yup car
You: under ground street drifting
Stranger: cool, so you r a guy or a girl then?
You: im a guy
You: and your self
Stranger: guy
You: you like tampons?
Stranger: huh? no...why would i like them or ever use them?
You: there nice to stick in water and watch grow
You: what the fuck do you do for fun then?
Stranger: you sister!! oooooo
Stranger: your*
You: fuck yeah
You: same here
You: she goes hard ay
Stranger: eww
You: i know you have been where i have been shit isnt it
Stranger: insest isnt cool
You: fuck you
Stranger: but, you got any pictures of her?
You: fuck yeah man
You: wanna see?
Stranger: ya ya
You: give me a sec
Stranger: k
You: www.tubgirl.com shes on there 3rd pic down
Stranger: k
You: you like her
You: hot ay?
Stranger: its loading give me a secc
You: you in the north pole or something
You: no broadband
Stranger: no im in china, and it wont load and im glad becase i just search it on google and damn man, why do you watch that shit?
You: gets me hard
You: i love to suck dick when i watch it
You: can you show me your dick?
Stranger: no...
Stranger: you weird little shit....
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

I love this.

30-12-2009, 11:19 PM
You: asl?
Stranger: 15 f somwhere :)
You: ah k
You: want to chat?
You: or no
You: lol
Stranger: Haha, we're chating?
You: yeah but most people disconnect
You: rude peoples!
Stranger: Yeah, oh my orange!
You: still in school?
Stranger: What, no?
You: ...?
You: why not you're only 15!
Stranger: Oh, yeah!
Stranger: Haha!
You: what?
Stranger: Yeah, I'm still in school
You: ah k
You: one question i have to ask..
You: pretty important..
Stranger: Okey?
You: need serious answer
You: here goes..
You: how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Stranger: What the heck..?
You: u fucken fail bitch
You: go back to school
Stranger: Don't call me bith
You: do you like nasty cock?
Stranger: bitch*
You: well you are one
You: all women are
Stranger: You sould't write something like that
You: why not
You: just admit you love cock
Stranger: Why?
You: because all women do
You: they are fiends for the cock
Stranger: Yeah, of cours
You: cool
You: can i see your pussy?
You: please
Stranger: Hey you. I'm not that in to writing with a horney idiot.
Stranger: Go and fucking die,

30-12-2009, 11:24 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: do you know how i know your gay?
Stranger: The black keys never looked so beautiful and a perfect rainbow never seemed so dull
You: thats how i know your gay
Stranger: How do u know
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 11:26 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: 16 m uk you
You: 15/f/australia
You: [:
Stranger: cool
You: so you horny or what
You: wanna webcam?
Stranger: my msn is crap and cam don't work
You: awww really
You: :(
You: that's not cool
You: wanna just webcam with me then?
Stranger: what?
You: you watch me?
You: sound good?
You: btw what's your name?
Stranger: ok :S
Stranger: gari you hun?
You: my name's peter
You: i just grew some fucking balls
You: and turned 46
Stranger: perve
You: so.
Stranger: lol i'm not really 16
You: would you like some cock and balls in your mouth?
You: or up the ass..
You: you got 2 options
Stranger: ass
You: ...
You: what the fuck is wrong with you.

30-12-2009, 11:32 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: horny 16 y/o female looking for webcam buddy
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: that is ok
Stranger: but
Stranger: you must link me to your nude pic first
You: you want child nudes?
Stranger: no
Stranger: no
Stranger: why you ......
Stranger: i dont want make you ungry
You: but i'm not hungry...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

30-12-2009, 11:32 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: do you know how i know your gay?
Stranger: The black keys never looked so beautiful and a perfect rainbow never seemed so dull
You: thats how i know your gay
Stranger: How do u know
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hahahahahaha too good

30-12-2009, 11:35 PM
This shit is FU*KING GOLD.... I could read it all night.... funny kents!!!!!

30-12-2009, 11:47 PM
this guy was pretty angry.... needs therapy
Stranger: Hi
You: sup gangsta
Stranger: Are u Gay ? ;))
You: yeah
You: i love girls
Stranger: I love you ! <3
Stranger: fuck off ,u faggot !!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected
i fucking lold

30-12-2009, 11:49 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 19 y/o male, Ask me anything you like, dont care what, ill answer honestly
You: do you fist your own ass, then insert your mothers panties before skulling a gallon of milk then having a bat over the neighbors cat?
Stranger: No...
You: damn
You: so i am the only one
Stranger: Im sure you are
You: bugger
You: do you really think im the only one?
You: would be nice to meet someone else who does all that
You: you know
Stranger: No i dont know
You: have a jerk circle together, see where it leads
You: much like mitsubishi evo drivers
You: they like jerk circles
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:04 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: My pussys wet
You: really?
Stranger: Yes
You: then get outta the shower
Stranger: Wanna come play
You: now why would i wanna come to the kitchen?
You: u gonna try make me cook?
You: fuck that shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:05 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: sup?
Stranger: fine
Stranger: u?
You: yeah peachy
Stranger: u r from?
You: What country you live in?
Stranger: india
Stranger: u?
You: India
You: Australia
You: do you work in a call centre?
You: If you do thats cool
Stranger: no
Stranger: why ?
You: wow, your the first person ive talked to from india who doesnt
Stranger: really
You: quite a shock atualy I dotnknow what to say
Stranger: well i am collge student
Stranger: n u?
You: I work
Stranger: wat job?
You: Call centre
Stranger: cool
You: nah not realy, people keep asking if im from india
You: sems like a bit of a shit country based on what people say to me about it
Stranger: bye

31-12-2009, 12:08 AM
Found the perfect way to get the Indian's to disconnect...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: name
You: ive got one, thanks anyway :)
Stranger: asl
You: 16 f uk
Stranger: ok
You: u?
Stranger: name?????///?///?????????/?
Stranger: 22 m indiaa
Stranger: your photo link?
You: why? u wanna use my name when talking to others from your call centre?
You: so u can harrass them at dinner time
You: trying to sell them mobile phones
You: and asking them when their dog died
You: you heartless bastard
Stranger: u bloody americans
You: HAH
You: wrong
Stranger: laaden screwed u right
You: i think you got curry poweder in the eyes
Stranger: u deserve that
You: and couldnt see the fact that im from the UK ya twat
Stranger: hahahahaha
You: you were touched by ur father
You: and now your upset
Stranger: uv know rselfs
You: because women reject you
Stranger: no need to listen basdurds
You: its not my fault your donkey is dead
Stranger: hey
You: go eat some beef
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:11 AM
Stranger: ash?
You: who the fuck is ash?
Stranger: ash=age, sex, horny (yes or no)... asl=age,sex, location
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:31 AM
Stranger: hey
You: 17/f/usa - cali
interests: i'm into spontaneous sex, wbu?
Stranger: you read my mind ;)
You: can I read your mind once again?
You: you want to see me on webcam, AM I RIGHT?
Stranger: ya feel free
Stranger: yes i do baby ;)
You: this is getting me wet..
You: i think my webcam is broked :( lololol
Stranger: awh ,
Stranger: that's okay mine is too,
Stranger: what would you want to do to me babe?
You: rub your cock
Stranger: what else?
You: keeping rubbing
You: take my pants / panties off
You: eat my asshole out
You: then...
You: is this turning you on?
Stranger: oh ya keep going
You: then..
You: whip my cock out
You: ??
Stranger: fuck you slutttt i just jizzed :(
Stranger: am i now officially gay ? :(

31-12-2009, 12:45 AM
ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: harro
Stranger: Eu falei HI, porra, cκ num ouviu?
Stranger: Harro?
You: ah derka derka derka
Stranger: FUCK heaheihauheiauhea WTF is HARRO?
Stranger: ASA? KUYA?
You: you are one fucked up motherfucker with your fucked up language
Stranger: heiauheuiaheuiaheuiahueiahiuheaiuhea
You: where the fuck are you from
You: im from tibet
Stranger: AHHhm, Tibeeet
Stranger: Harro harro
Stranger: I'm from Brazil
Stranger: Harro tooo
You: ting tong makka dang dang
You: like chewbakka
Stranger: ASA \o/
You: can i ask you a personal question?
Stranger: yeah
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: TJ?
Stranger: WTF is TJ?
Stranger: ???
Stranger: Eu nγo *HARRO* entendi
You: you dont even know who TJ is you stupid fuck
Stranger: ';'
You: you fucking suck
You: he's a cool guy
Stranger: If you say..
You: you are a fucking loser coz u dont know TJ
Stranger: You're a fuckin loser cause you dfon't know TOBI *HARRO*
Stranger: PUCK
Stranger: NIIIICE
You: Puck you long time
Stranger: Puck you tooo
Stranger: I'ts cold in there?
Stranger: Alright
Stranger: i don't have time
Stranger: Kisses, BIGFOOT
Stranger: HAROOOOOO o/
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:53 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: asl mofo
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: 17 m usa
You: i is harry potter
You: i is 14
Stranger: u is 14 ok
You: like chewbakka
You: he's a wookie
Stranger: ok
You: do you know who TJ is?
Stranger: no who is he??
You: i heard he one beat up Chuck Norriss
Stranger: no one can beat up chuch norris
You: thats bullshit
You: TJ did
Stranger: then tj is the devil
You: chuck got fucked up
Stranger: i bet
You: tj also gets way more hugs than chuck norris
Stranger: yea hes a whore
You: chuck cant get hugs like TJ can
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:54 AM
ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: harro
Stranger: Eu falei HI, porra, cκ num ouviu?
Stranger: Harro?
You: ah derka derka derka
Stranger: FUCK heaheihauheiauhea WTF is HARRO?
Stranger: ASA? KUYA?
You: you are one fucked up motherfucker with your fucked up language
Stranger: heiauheuiaheuiaheuiahueiahiuheaiuhea
You: where the fuck are you from
You: im from tibet
Stranger: AHHhm, Tibeeet
Stranger: Harro harro
Stranger: I'm from Brazil
Stranger: Harro tooo
You: ting tong makka dang dang
You: like chewbakka
Stranger: ASA \o/
You: can i ask you a personal question?
Stranger: yeah
You: do you know TJ?
Stranger: TJ?
Stranger: WTF is TJ?
Stranger: ???
Stranger: Eu nγo *HARRO* entendi
You: you dont even know who TJ is you stupid fuck
Stranger: ';'
You: you fucking suck
You: he's a cool guy
Stranger: If you say..
You: you are a fucking loser coz u dont know TJ
Stranger: You're a fuckin loser cause you dfon't know TOBI *HARRO*
Stranger: PUCK
Stranger: NIIIICE
You: Puck you long time
Stranger: Puck you tooo
Stranger: I'ts cold in there?
Stranger: Alright
Stranger: i don't have time
Stranger: Kisses, BIGFOOT
Stranger: HAROOOOOO o/
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hahahahahahahaahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31-12-2009, 12:59 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Do you know what the best thing about having sex with twenty nine year olds is?

Stranger: wat?

You: there is twenty of them!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:04 AM
You: hi
Stranger: hi... sexy male 21 from canada with webcam looking for a horny girl
You: ive been drinking red bull and playing with myself and now ive got a rash
You: is that normal
Stranger: m/f?
Stranger: fuck off

31-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Stranger: asl????
You: 23
You: mf
You: au
You: you?
Stranger: m or f????
You: I'm both
You: I have a cock and a vagina
You: I woke up this morning and my cock slipped in it
Stranger: crazy....
You: I know right?
You: I'm worried I may have impregnated myself
You: because I came
You: do you think that's possible?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:11 AM
Stranger: heey
You: hey there kinky
Stranger: how r u?:)
You: good
You: i farted
Stranger: proficiat
You: ke?
You: fark it stinks
You: so do you think tj will be president of the universe one day>?
Stranger: definitely :p
You: oh really? that may dissapoint some
Stranger: naah i have a plan:p
You: whats that?
Stranger: not going to tell y or you will steal it from me:p
You: nah fkn tell me pingpingpingping
Stranger: well...
Stranger: eeeehm
Stranger: ....
Stranger: i do have one but eeemd
You: t-t-t today junior!!!
Stranger: first i become best friends with Obama
You: ...
Stranger: and then he will love me so much that he will give me a placee in his parliament
Stranger: and then i hire people to kill all the other members
Stranger: and thats were my plan ends it still needs some thinking tough:p
You: hm yes i dont see how thats going to stop tj being the overlord of the universe
Stranger: u have an idea
You: you sir have failed
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: we will see;p
You: ohh fuk you, you muppet
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:18 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi there
You: hello
You: how are you today?
Stranger: What's up?
You: Not alot
Stranger: I'm good thanks , how are you ?
You: I'm talking to you today to let you know that you could save 40% on your next cell phone bill
You: I'm good sir
You: can I ask which cell phone provider you are with sir?
Stranger: Are you male or female?
You: I'm male sir
You: My name is Sanjeev
You: err I mean Scott
Stranger: Orange
You: fantastic
You: may I persuade you to take up this one time only offer?
You: If you spend $100 a month on your phone bill
You: you could save $40 with this new offer
Stranger: Um what do I have to do? Cause I don't know if my mom will let me! So just talk me through it..
You: Ok well first you will have to pay out your existing contract with your current cell phone provider
You: then we will sign you up for 24 months on our $49 cap
You: you will get a new phone but you are able to keep your current cell phone number
Your conversational partner has disconnected

31-12-2009, 01:19 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: what country are you from
Stranger: finland, you?
You: do you eat dolphins?
Stranger: no, why?
You: coz they have fins
You: are you a boy finland person or a girl finland person
Stranger: boy one
You: wow
Stranger: you?
You: and you dont eat dolphins
Stranger: we dont even have dolphins here
You: i am from afghanistan
Stranger: your sex and age?
You: i am 68
You: my name is osama
You: i live in a cave
You: we just got broadband
You: ...
You: ...
Stranger: lol fake gtfo
You: im for real brother
You: come join us
Stranger: later
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:24 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: M/f
You: 10 f afghanistan
Stranger: I'm 11 m america
You: hahaha what are the fucking chances of THAT!
Stranger: Lol I know
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:27 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Asl?
You: angus
You: beef
You: maccas
Stranger: Ha
You: y ou call me an asl
Stranger: Age sex location
You: 26 yes please at home
Stranger: Home meaning?
You: im at home
You: in my house
Stranger: Canada Mexico australlia? Wat?
You: mother earth
You: southern hemisphere
Stranger: That's half of the world
You: i like trees
Stranger: I like chicks
You: i like trees that are green
Stranger: Huh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:27 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: 15 f france
Stranger: 22 m usa
You: do you like sexy time
Stranger: yes
You: do u care that im 15
Stranger: thats young
You: do u mind
You: would u do me?
You: am i not pretty enough?
Stranger: i might
You: ………………….._,,-~’’’―――’’~-,,
………………..,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,---,,_ ; ;’’-,…………………………….._,,,---,,_
……………….,’ ; ; ;,-‘ , , , , , ‘-, ; ;’-,,,,---~~’’’’’’~--,,,_…..,,-~’’ ; ; ; ;__;’-,
……………….| ; ; ;,’ , , , _,,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ―’’~’-,,_ ,,-~’’ , , ‘, ;’,
……………….’, ; ; ‘-, ,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-, , , , , ,’ ; |
…………………’, ; ;,’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’-, , ,-‘ ;,-‘
………………….,’-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-‘ ;,,-‘
………………..,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;__ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,’
………………,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,-‘’―: : ’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ;’,
……………..,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;| : : : : : :| ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,-‘’―: ―’’-, ; ; ;’,
…………….,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,_: : _,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | : : : : : :| ; ; ; |
……………,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ―― ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’-,,_ : :,-‘ ; ; ; ;|
…………..,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,,-~’’ , , , , ,,,-~~-, , , , _ ; ; ;―― ; ; ; ; ;|
..…………,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,’ , , , , , , ,( : : : : , , , ,’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|
……….,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’, , , , , , , , ,’~---~’’ , , , , , ,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’,
…….,-‘’ ; _, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘’~-,,,,--~~’’’―’’’~-,,_ , ,_,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘,
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………………………………………………………’’~-‘’_ , , ,,’,_/--‘
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:30 AM
how long did it take to do that hahaha

31-12-2009, 01:31 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: .
You: do you like monkeys?
Stranger: hows you
You: I'm ok
You: a bit pale today
Stranger: i like monke
You: a hee hee hee
You: shamona
You: I used to have one
You: well he was a chimpanzee
You: shamona
You: his name was bubbles
Stranger: are you from Korea?
You: but when I died they put him in an animal sanctuary
You: no
You: I was American
You: a hee hee hee
Stranger: ah ok , what was your name bro/.
You: OW!
You: Michael
You: I used to sing
You: how old are you?
Stranger: I am at least 10 no younger
You: a hee hee hee
You: sh shamona
You: would you like to come over for a slumber party?
You: we could play on the swings
Stranger: yeah i would
Stranger: when and where?
You: Hmmm
You: well after I died the government sold my ranch
You: so
Stranger: The ol' oak?
You: I dunno, your house?
You: yes!
You: a hee hee hee
You: OW!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:32 AM
Stranger: hiiiiiiiiiiiii
You: helloooooo
Stranger: how are u
You: good babe
You: you
Stranger: good asl
You: 8 f nigeria
Stranger: really 8
You: yeh im just lil
Stranger: what do u like to do
You: i am married, i got married 2 weeks ago, to my husband who is 76
You: he is nice and buys me things
Stranger: u have very good grammer
You: i go to fine school, thanks to my husband who has good money
You: makes me learn
Stranger: u like sex
You: yes
Stranger: u have a webcam
You: yes but my husband wont let me use, i will get beheaded, we have strict law here
You: i like to touch myself when husband is not here though
Stranger: u got a hairy pussy
You: notr yet
You: i like to rub i though
You: but it gets sore after a while
You: so i stop and rub my penis instead
Stranger: u have a penis also
You: yes, its grown big now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

wat a sick fuck, haha

31-12-2009, 01:33 AM
no sense of humour

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: billie jean
You: is not my lover
Stranger: lol
You: cos this is thriller
You: thriller night
You: cos im a smooth criminal
You: im gonna start with the man in the mirror
Stranger: freak
You: cos it dont matter if your black or white
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:53 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: what the hell do you want?
You: have you seen the movie avatar, i was in the movie as an extra
Stranger: yea i saw it
Stranger: in 3-D
You: i was one of the trees
Stranger: were you in 3-D too?
You: yeh i sat next to TJ
Stranger: i don't know who that is
You: are you serious
You: ?
You: you dont know TJ
Stranger: yea i'd say i'm pretty serious
You: no shit
You: i thought everyone knew TJ
Stranger: i only know DJ
You: DJ is my brother from another mother
Stranger: i guess you don't know him then
You: TJ gets bulk hugs at clubba
Stranger: so?
You: do you get bulk hugs from hot bitchez
Stranger: i'm hot but i'm not a bitch
You: fair enough
You: you should get to know TJ then
Stranger: i only like guys that have full names
You: haha fair enough
You: my name is flubbadubbawubba Nyoongar
Stranger: i only guys whose names i can pronounce
Stranger: like*
You: well TJ is TJ coz i cant fucking pronounce it ok
You: you racist piece of shit
Stranger: i am racist actually
Stranger: are you white?
You: I'm darker than Kamahl
You: are you white
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
You: ?
You: coz it doesnt matter if your black or white
You: TJ's friend Michael said so
Stranger: oh yea
You: yeh
Stranger: then he got white all of a sudden
You: are you white
Stranger: and then he sang the song when he was whiter than a white person
Stranger: hell no i'm not white
You: or are you a dark skinned person
Stranger: i'm not dark skinned either
You: what are you then
Stranger: i'm peach
You: like fucked up spray tan orange?
Stranger: are you nuts?
Stranger: i don't need a tan
Stranger: i'm guessing you don't either
You: na im black
You: like a blackboard
Stranger: those aren't black
Stranger: they're like blue
You: umm im black like a blackboard
You: here our blackboards are black
Stranger: where's here?
You: wheres there
Stranger: there is where here is
You: coz iv benn everywhere man
You: iv been everywhere
You: iv been to meekatharra
You: jail
You: hospital
You: meekatharra
Stranger: you're indian aren't you?
Stranger: or indonesian
Stranger: so what are you?
You: your peachanese right?
Stranger: no but doesn't matter
You: whats your name
Stranger: you won't know what i am if i tell you
You: please tell me
Stranger: i'll be wasting my time
You: jsut tell me
Stranger: i don't like wasting my time
You: you think coz im blackanese im uneducated
Stranger: you think you are?
You: so you think you can dance?
Stranger: i know i can
You: arnt you a smarty pants
You: what country are you from
Stranger: oh yea i'm smart
You: so where are you from my peachy friend
You: your allowed to admit if they fucked up your spray tan
Stranger: NY
You: NY
You: what nationality are you
Stranger: i don't need a tan
Stranger: yea you don't know where NY is?
Stranger: don't mind what i am
You: i love team america
You: its so educational
You: i had no idea what americans were like
You: that movie taught me so much
You: its so realistic
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:54 AM

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: m or f
You: f
Stranger: age
You: 16
Stranger: lesbian or straight
You: straight
You: bi
You: maybe
You: tee hee
Stranger: ok im m 17
Stranger: you a horny person or no???

You: yeah
You: I sure am!
Stranger: good me too
Stranger: do you have msn
You: no sorry!
You: I used to
Stranger: o it ok
You: but I was getting stalked by this guy
Stranger: o that sucks
You: yeah it does
Stranger: well what size are your tits
You: well they are 16 D
You: nice and firm
Stranger: nice that good
You: my best friend Kira loves to touch them
Stranger: i want to
You: oh yeah!
You: you could you naughty boy lol
Stranger: babe can u send me a pic
Stranger: yah
You: hmmm
You: give me a moment
Stranger: ok
You: just need to upload
You: wont be long
Stranger: ok well in the mean while can you make me hard
You: here is the pic
You: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ds3jtu&s=6
You: oh baby I can
Stranger: got for it
You: I'm playing with myself as we speak
You: I'm sweating a little because you got me so hot right now
You: I play with my tits a little
You: rub and squeeze my nipples
You: I'm biting my bottom lip as I picture your sexy body in my mind
You: did you see my pic?
Stranger: yah you sexii mami
You: am I making you hard now?
Stranger: yah babe make me more i wana cum
You: ok
You: as I play with my tits, I slide one hand down my tummy towards my naughty place
You: I start to play with myself a little more
You: I lick my fingers in anticipation
You: am I making you really horny?
Stranger: yah
You: then
You: I unzip my pants
You: I pull down my panties and stroke my nice 8 inch cock
You: it feels so good
You: I start to tug on my cock harder
You: you make me so hard!
You: faster!
You: oh yeah
You: I'm breathing heavy
You: you like that baby?
Stranger: yah how would u fuck me babe
You: well
You: first
You: I would bend you over the couch
You: and I would put my nice hard cock right up your ass
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

The pic is of that german boy who wanted to be a girl

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 01:56 AM
You: hi
You: asl
Stranger: 21 M India
You: 21 M Pakistan
Stranger: good
Stranger: adab arj ha
You: sorry I was brought up only to speak english from a very young age
Stranger: ok
You: i was born to work in a call centre since the age of 5
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 02:22 AM
must go to bed.

31-12-2009, 02:23 AM
Stranger: r u a horny chick with pics?

You: i am
You: ill show you pic
You: hang on
Stranger: kk
You: http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh103/boogernissan/avatars%20and%20funnys/6a00d834555ca169e200e54f5c01d98834-.jpg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 03:09 AM

yup that would have scared me off too..

31-12-2009, 07:16 AM
How do you send pics on there? I cant see anywhere to do so, and copy/paste wont work.

31-12-2009, 07:44 AM
You: hi there.. im no stranger to love
Stranger: over the shulder boulder holder OR what
You: do you know the rules?
Stranger: i know em like i know my back hand in tennis
You: SO DO I!!
You: i just want to tell you how I'm felling..
You: feeling rather
Stranger: then let's do this thingy
Stranger: hey, how're you feeling?
Stranger: i'd quite like to know
You: do you know TJ?
You: TJ
You: Tomislav
Stranger: i do know tj
You: do you?
You: how well?
Stranger: he's my home SLICE
Stranger: yeah!
Stranger: so well
Stranger: SO WELL
You: do you know he loves bitches
You: and hugs
Stranger: i knew both those things!±
You: what do you like about TJ?
Stranger: he loves BACKDOOR ACTION
Stranger: i love that
Stranger: too
You: But TJ likes bitches
You: you are a man
Stranger: i am
Stranger: but a man can be a bitch
Stranger: don't you bve sexist
Stranger: a woman can be a cock
Stranger: see?
You: so you're a little bitch who wants to bone TJ?
Stranger: uh huh
Stranger: by goerge i think she's got it!
You: head in the back of the liberty in bunbury?? *epic nod*
You: don't call him thomas though, he hates it
Stranger: you know what?
You: wat
You: you think is wat?
Stranger: i will call him thomas becasue thomas edison was a great man
Stranger: TWAT IT WAT
You: hey did you just call me?
Stranger: uh huh
Stranger: i called you so good
Stranger: i called you and i liked it
Stranger: i called you an my mum liked it
You: you didn't did you
You: no seriously
Stranger: i called you and you LOVED it
You: did you just call my telephone just then
Stranger: yes of course i did
Stranger: goodness gracious
You: did you call me earlier today ?
Stranger: what do you take me for?
Stranger: a LIAR?
Stranger: yes i did actually
Stranger: a few times
You: tell me you didnt
You: nigga please
You have disconnected.

31-12-2009, 08:20 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: im looking at a 1 eyed green pirate worm
Stranger: great
You: not really
You: now theres a black robot
Stranger: and i'm looking for a person who will suck my dick
You: i noticed you say person
You: not woman
You: meaning your a fruit
Stranger: yeah
You: as manly as a pack of tampons
Stranger: a person is enoghh
Stranger: enough*
You: enough for a faggot, maybe
You: us straight people tend to want a chick to gobble our knob
You: dont you have a Celine Dion show to go to?
You: How many shirts do you ruin knotting them at the waist?
Stranger: ahah
Stranger: as much as you do
You: None?
Stranger: ;)
You: so you're a closet packer of the fudge then
Stranger: does it matter for you?
You: Not really. Black baby Jesus will smite you regardless of what side of the door you're on.
Stranger: ahah
Stranger: honey, how old r u
You: Old enough to know a sexual predator when I see one.
You: What's Chris Hansen like in person?
Stranger: you re boring, i gotta find a person

31-12-2009, 09:13 AM
HAHAHA this shit is gold!
Skitzo fucking lol at yours!

31-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Pure gold some of these hey, made my day. hahaha

31-12-2009, 09:46 AM
You: meow
Stranger: meow to you too!
Stranger: you are the third person to meow at me in two days
You: is the world going to end in 2010 ?
Stranger: no...it won't end in 2012 either
Stranger: instead...if the mayans still were around...they would just be changing their calendar
You: woof
Stranger: make up your mind...you cant be a cat AND a dog
You: yeah , havent you heard of catdog?
Stranger: yes, but catdog is two seperate entities, joined at the center
Stranger: you are clearly only one
You: but i am a hermaphrodite
Stranger: i don't believe you
You: so i figure if i was an animal , id be catdog
You: so do you like stuff?
Stranger: I like many different kinds of stuff
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

31-12-2009, 09:51 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: fuck off u idiot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: does looking at your hands make you feel sad?
You: does looking in the mirror make you wanna kill yourself?
You: if i was you it would
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: male uk 18 lookin for horney girl

You: hi i am a representative from omegle, we have been monitoring you in our chatrooms for some time due to several complaints from others
You: your ip has now been recorded and banned from using this site
Stranger: fuck off
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

31-12-2009, 09:53 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/jonples?ref=ts

Stranger: adddd me

Stranger: please

You: ok hun

You: are you male or female?

Stranger: male

Stranger: just please add me

You: fuck me you are one ugly child

You: are you th fucken gay ass nerd in that pic?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 10:02 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: I am your father
Stranger: In that case i just had sex with you
You: youre shit in bed
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 10:13 AM
You: 16 f usa
Stranger: 16/m/usa
You: where abouts in usa
Stranger: illinois hbu/
You: texas
Stranger: you like the longhorns?
You: ive got one
Stranger: ohhhh =(
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 10:24 AM

31-12-2009, 10:31 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: burn out
Stranger: hello random stranger
You: hello
You: stranger
Stranger: yes i am often burned by the sun. being a ginger and all. my poor delicate skin.
Stranger: FUCK YOU.
Stranger: those are my feelings you hurt.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

31-12-2009, 10:35 AM
5578 users onlineYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: BOO
You: fries with that?
Stranger: supersize me, bitch
You: boobs
Stranger: i have boobs
You: me see?
Stranger: me see
Stranger: you have noodle?
You: i have massive huge knob
Stranger: chode?
Stranger: mmmm
Stranger: favoriteee
Stranger: hahah
You: bok choy?
Stranger: HAHAHHA
You: rice chung wah?
Stranger: i bet u have lo mein
You: ching chong fat? You in china?
Stranger: im not in fuckin china
Stranger: id stab myself
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: asians are nasty little buggahs
You: in in africa
Stranger: hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha your black.
You: so black im almost blue
Stranger: fuckin bruise.
You: i like stealing things
Stranger: do you also like killing people?
You: cant help stealing, its in my blood
You: yep AK-
You: Ak47
Stranger: do you like fried chicken?
Stranger: watermelon?
Stranger: grape soda?
Stranger: can u run reallyyyy fast?
You: and watermelons but they are hard to find in kenya
Stranger: true. true. ill fed ex you some
You: i can run the quarter mile in 10.2
You: i love coolaid better
Stranger: suck my twat you lying sack of shit
Stranger: hahaha
You: You a girl?
Stranger: hell fuckin yeah
You: All you girls love a massive black cock
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: i love me some dark meat
Stranger: mmmm
Stranger: nom nom nom
You: it will spit you WIDE open
You: You got african in you?
Stranger: bitch, please. i have a black hole vagina
Stranger: i would demolishhhh you
You: You got african in you?
Stranger: hell no.
You: want some?
You: hahaha
Stranger: that just made me sopping wet
You: Can i ask a massive serious question?
Stranger: your dick?
You: Do you know fucking TJ?
Stranger: not fucking TJ, but i know just plain jane TJ
Stranger: why so?
You: How the fuck dont you know TJ?
You: What do you like most about Mr TJ?
Stranger: i said i do.
Stranger: his dick
You: Is it big?
Stranger: and his fire crotch
Stranger: and his mangina
Stranger: and hit stretched out bunghole
You: smell good?
Stranger: like his breathe.
You: how good is he in bed?
Stranger: uhmm lets see...
Stranger: considering hes a raging homo, ive never slept with him
Stranger: he likes to fudgepack other men.
You: Do you like aboridginals?
Stranger: all day, every day
You: goats?
Stranger: fuck yes. those horns are so hot
You: children?
Stranger: 15
Stranger: and 3 on the way
You have disconnected.

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 10:40 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey what's up? are you:
a) a horny male
b) a horny female
c) a non-horny male
d) a non-horny female

You: e) all of the above

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 10:48 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey sexy
You: hey there hot stuff
Stranger: how you doin'?
You: pretty good
You: you?
Stranger: just dandy :)
You: nice
You: asl?
Stranger: 88/both/under your bed(be careful ;))
You: 88?
Stranger: mmhmm
You: viagra much?
Stranger: it's not a pill
Stranger: it's a life choice.
You: whats it like to be both sexes?
You: ever had any incidents?
You: like your penis slipping into your vagina?
Stranger: yeah, it's fun though
You: do you think its possible to impregnate yourself?
Stranger: i've never tried
You: I think for the service of humanity, you try
You: then film it and post up on the internets
Stranger: i could make money
Stranger: wanna be my business partner?
You: sure
You: I'm good at PR
Stranger: cool. meet me at chuckie cheese at 4 am, DONT BE LATE

31-12-2009, 10:52 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 19 y/o male, Ask me anything you like, dont care what, ill answer honestly
You: do you fist your own ass, then insert your mothers panties before skulling a gallon of milk then having a bat over the neighbors cat?
Stranger: No...
You: damn
You: so i am the only one
Stranger: Im sure you are
You: bugger
You: do you really think im the only one?
You: would be nice to meet someone else who does all that
You: you know
Stranger: No i dont know
You: have a jerk circle together, see where it leads
You: much like mitsubishi evo drivers
You: they like jerk circles
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


31-12-2009, 10:57 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Want to see something cool?
Stranger: hi
You: www.meatspin.com
You: like?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 11:06 AM
I managed to get this facebook off one girl. She's Brazilian. BLAAA keen?


31-12-2009, 11:12 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
You: You you smoke from the pork bong?
Stranger: Kill Bill
You: You like penis flavor lollypops?
Stranger: I dont smoke at all
Stranger: no ilke bag
You: Take a look at this.... www.meatspin.com
You: Its funny, trust me
Stranger: nope its a trap!
You: no trap, its the best site on the net! Funny as!
Stranger: you cant trust strangers
You: im not a stranger, im from Australia and we are freinds with everyone
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: This is a face palm I know it
You: Its a joke site but has a funny vid playing
You: take a look you will laugh
Stranger: ok I'll check it out
You: let me know what you think and turn sound up
Stranger: i have head phones on
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 11:36 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: !
Stranger: Chrystiian? (:

You: is that a qn?
Stranger: what is qn?
You: chrystian
Stranger: ?
You: what you mean by that?
Stranger: im lookink for my friend ;(
You: you have no friends
Stranger: looking*
You: do you know tj?
Stranger: you even know me, how can you say it?
You: do you know him?
Stranger: whooooooo?
You: tj
Stranger: no
You: he's cool..
Stranger: eh, i gotta goo, i need to find my frieend :(
You: prob hiding behind a tree
You: a/s/l?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: he cant hide himself behind a tree ;(
Stranger: he's too fat =(
You: sounds like tj
You: a/s/l
Stranger: ok, send my regards to Tj
Stranger: xD

sorry tj haha

31-12-2009, 11:45 AM
Chatroullete is hilarious.

This black guy came up and i said "kfc is closed"

He looked hell cut.

31-12-2009, 11:47 AM
5945 users onlineYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi.
You: Drugs?
Stranger: yeah.
Stranger: ahaha sike.
You: eccies?
Stranger: there bad for oyu!
Stranger: dont take them
You: good for me
Stranger: they make you crazy!
Stranger: noo nooo
You: make me happy
Stranger: you cna die:[
You: die happy
Stranger: nooo i dont want you too diee.
You: asl
Stranger: !
You: awww thanks
Stranger: 18 female usa.
Stranger: you../
You: Ahhh you will definatly want to see this....
You: www.meatspin.com
You: turn sound up
Stranger: lmaoolamolamolmaolmao!

You: hahahaha! You like lol
Stranger: lol nooo
Stranger: ehwyy
Stranger: but my friend boby likes it
Stranger: lmaoo
You: Im african from kenya and love it!
Stranger: lmaoo
You: I love boby!
Stranger: doo you dance around the fire and and act like anamilals
Stranger: and go like ahh
Stranger: ah
Stranger: ah !
You: i can jump up and down very high and run fast
Stranger: im soo interested in africans lifestyle.
Stranger: lmaoo.
You: you like african black cok?
Stranger: yeahh
Stranger: !
Stranger: youu..
You: between your tits?
Stranger: yeahh!

Stranger: you?
You: Oh do you know TJ?
Stranger: noo
Stranger: is that your husband.
Stranger: ?
You: What? He is really well known in Australia. All the bitches know TJ
Stranger: well im not in autralia
Stranger: duh@!

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 12:08 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: m/f?
Stranger: little bit of column a, little bit of column b
Stranger: you?
You: little bit of column c little bit of column d
Stranger: so you have both boy and girl parts too?
You: yeah
Stranger: that's a shame
Stranger: i'm lookin for someone who has neither
Stranger: someone who... completes me
Stranger: alas
Stranger: another day
You: spewing
You: maybe try a Prius car forum
You: no one there has a penis
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: best omegle one liner ever
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:19 PM

31-12-2009, 12:27 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: asl
You: my name is woody
You: im one of andys favourite toys
You: then he had his birthday party and he got a buzz lightyear
Stranger: uahua
Stranger: i understand
Stranger: but , andy still love u
You: lol
Stranger: uahuahuaha
You: then why did he leave me behind when he went to get pizza
Stranger: yes, but ..
Stranger: he ll be your best friend
You: i hell wanna bone the cowgirl
Stranger: ahuahuah
Stranger: and the horse
You: nah but ill jerk while i watch the cowgirl getting reemed by the horse
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 12:38 PM
You: ohhh you know how to get my snooch wet
Stranger: your snooch?
Stranger: loL
You: im like mrs garrison
Stranger: im gonna fuck the shit out of you
You: scissor me timbers

31-12-2009, 12:41 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi xx
Stranger: Hey :D
You: gimmi sec, just jumping out shower
Stranger: K
You: Dont you hate it when you dont dry your muff enough and you wet your nickers
You: Im from italy and we have very hairy vaginas
Stranger: Ya
You: So how are you today?
Stranger: Your so fuckin weird
You: some may say that
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: (:
You: You like real hairy vaginas?
Stranger: No I like dicks u fag
You: here is something you may like....
You: Turn sound up
You: www.meatspin.com
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 01:20 PM
I found chatroulette much more successful if you have your own webcam on.. but people are less interesting in saying stupid shit if you can see them lol

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 02:02 PM
Yeah chatroulette would be more fun with a camera, i need to get me a cheap one I think. I only got 1 person who was willing to talk with me for more than 10 seconds without a camera.

This bloke was asking for it!


31-12-2009, 02:38 PM
man, so pissed off. twice had chicks say they were fingering themselves and going to send me pics but then they disconnected. fucking 16 yr old american sluts.

31-12-2009, 02:45 PM
OI can u get in shit for camming with a 16yo?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 56/m/Christmas Island
You have disconnected.

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 02:59 PM
Yeah I'd like to know the laws regarding that too :)

Got somewhere with a, hmm lets say young chick from Miami who sent me some pics, and reckons she has a video on her camera she will send me soon.

31-12-2009, 03:03 PM

31-12-2009, 03:07 PM
PM sent

31-12-2009, 03:14 PM
Yeah really need some confirmation on whats legal and whats hot.

31-12-2009, 03:15 PM
some guy just chucked a dump on floorboards. so fucken gross!

31-12-2009, 03:17 PM
if they are only 16, you can cam and stuff, but if it gets sexual and shit, then your crossing the line. if the chick flashes you out of nowhere not really your fault is it though.

31-12-2009, 03:52 PM
seriously not much of a chance its real, what hot chicks gonna send her pics to some dude she doesnt know? lol and half of you are pretending to be females :lol:

31-12-2009, 03:56 PM
hahaha im counting on it being a trap

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 04:03 PM
FBI? :D oh noes!

31-12-2009, 04:15 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: a/s/l/cs?

Stranger: 21 m aus and cs?

You: cs = cup size

You: get on it dude

You: im 22 m aus aswell

Stranger: haha

Stranger: u player

You: what state you in?

Stranger: wa

You: lol. no shit

Stranger: you?

You: same

You: your not from antilag are oyu?

Stranger: yeh i got the link from there haaha

You: hahahahaahahha

You: fuck yes

You: someone who knows TJ hahaha

Stranger: yeh hahaha

31-12-2009, 04:22 PM
ahahahahaha. was bound to happen

31-12-2009, 04:24 PM
I keep getting chinese and indians

31-12-2009, 04:37 PM
Yeah chatroulette would be more fun with a camera, i need to get me a cheap one I think. I only got 1 person who was willing to talk with me for more than 10 seconds without a camera.

This bloke was asking for it!



31-12-2009, 04:43 PM
You: your not from antilag are oyu?

Stranger: yeh i got the link from there haaha

Hahaha was wondering how long it'd take to happen...

31-12-2009, 04:57 PM
You: hey
Stranger: ASL??
You: 19 m australia
Stranger: lol
Stranger: austrailia
Stranger: nice
You: not really, bit of a hole
Stranger: im a male....20
You: where bouts are you?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: do you know a guy named luck mackay
Stranger: ??
You: cant say i do, there are 19 million of us here :P
Stranger: oh thats true
Stranger: lol
You: not like we are stranded on a tv set, such as lost or survivor
Stranger: lolol
You: u like cars?
Stranger: heck yea
You: good man, what sort
Stranger: sports cars
Stranger: u
You: such as?
Stranger: nice
Stranger: good taste
You: uh..
You: what kinda sports cars?
You: theres heaps
You: and truckloads of different types
Stranger: viper
You: ah yeah, the model with the supercharged defribulator?
Stranger: heck yea
You: ah nice, the rotors on the pistons in those are really something, and the aluminium conrods and camshafts they use in their latest motors are spectacular
You: one of a kind
You: make plenty of power
Stranger: yes they are
You: and no1 can explain how
Stranger: o yea fast cars
You: yeah
You: what about that cool bimodial steering shit theyve got now, you can just think and itll turn
You: amazing stuff
You: and the transphasic exhaust systems they have now, recycles all the gasses and makes it totally green, produces less emissions than a gay mans prius
Stranger: its amazing
You: indeed
You: anyhow champ i must go, off to test the brains of other stupid americans :) see if they just talk out their arse like you do! ciao!
You have disconnected.

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 05:00 PM
lol dumbasses :P

31-12-2009, 05:01 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: should i do it?
You: only if your dad allows it
Stranger: i dont have a father...
You: you do, you call him mother
Stranger: no
Stranger: there is a difference
You: try telling my mother that
Stranger: o thanks
Stranger: no*
Stranger: unless she has a penis and the mind of a man it just doesn't work
Stranger: tell her that
Stranger: tell her that i said that*
You: she has both
Stranger: fuck off
You: just ask TJ
Stranger: stupid pingpingpingping
Stranger: go die in a hole
Your conversational partner has disconnected

XF Falcon
31-12-2009, 05:03 PM
lol another antilagger

31-12-2009, 05:07 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: STAR
You: RATS?
Stranger: lol fag
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

then this...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: STAR
You: lol Fag
You: sukkadick pingpingpingping
You: i know your type
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 14 / M / NJ , USA
You: CSB
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: Oh haii!
Stranger: asl
You: whaaaaaaaaaaaat doing laaaaah?
Stranger: Are yuu a gurl
You: be like da waterrrr
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: ohhh haiiii nahhh!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: eh?
You: what doing?
You: lah?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 한국인을 찾습니다
Stranger: 아닌가..........
Stranger: 뭐지
Stranger: what?
Stranger: so crazy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: Nope. Obama changed that. You seppo fuck.
You: Because... I ... am better than you.
Stranger: HAHA.
You: No really...
You: Question...
Stranger: ASK.
You: Do you...
You: ...
You: ...
You: know TJ?
Stranger: AND NO.
You: one more?
Stranger: K.
You: why...
You: ...
You: ...
You: ...
You: ...
You: dont you know TJ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 05:12 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: STAR
You: RATS?
Stranger: lol fag
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

then this...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: STAR
You: lol Fag
You: sukkadick pingpingpingping
You: i know your type
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol i got that guy to.

stranger: STAR
you: Fuckers on the radio!

31-12-2009, 05:21 PM
LOL ive been hunting for the star cvnt since.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: You arnt actually typing... we all know this...
Stranger: im a 19 year old guy looking for a hot and horny girl who wants to get naughty for me in some pics
You: hey your in luck...
Stranger: really?
You: Nope. Not at all.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 05:25 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: m/f?
Stranger: little bit of column a, little bit of column b
Stranger: you?
You: little bit of column c little bit of column d
Stranger: so you have both boy and girl parts too?
You: yeah
Stranger: that's a shame
Stranger: i'm lookin for someone who has neither
Stranger: someone who... completes me
Stranger: alas
Stranger: another day
You: spewing
You: maybe try a Prius car forum
You: no one there has a penis
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: best omegle one liner ever
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Only one that has made me laugh uncontrollably so far...some of these are fucking shit.

31-12-2009, 05:25 PM
LOL yes!!

Stranger: hi!
You: do you know tj?
Stranger: which tj?
Stranger: antilag tj?
You: haha yeah that fuckwit
You: always talking shit that muppet
Stranger: haha dont you like him, hes ok
You: nah i know him too well, definitely a fuckwit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Who was that!!

31-12-2009, 05:27 PM
that chatroulette site is fucked...how many guys on webcam with their cocks out do you get?

F9, F9, F9...next

31-12-2009, 05:33 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: fuck you mate
Stranger: You know what...fuck you *hmmph*
Stranger: :) jk
You: you know what.....i needo know something
Stranger: Yes?
You: do you.....
You: ....
You: ...
You: know tj?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: No, I don't
You: well fuck me yu have been living under a rock
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Am I supposed to know TJ ?
You: ofcourse
You: hes very cool guy lah
Stranger: Well then you better just inform me
Stranger: :) haha
You: hes number 1. in jiggy jig mate
Stranger: I have something to ask....
You: im ready
Stranger: are you Tj?
You: i.....
You: am
Stranger: haha :)
You: ....not tj but i still get bulk hugs
Stranger: haha for sure
You: AND I KNOW pingpingpingpingS WHO KNOW MORE pingpingpingpingS
Stranger: okay....wow
Stranger: did I offend you hun?
Stranger: I wasn't trying to
You: nope
Stranger: okay good *sigh*
You: im gnna need to see nudes of your sister now
Stranger: haha I don't have a sister
Stranger: sorry mate
You: your gf?
You: your mum?
You: female?
You: boobs?
You: side boob?
Stranger: I am female....but no boobs for you


31-12-2009, 05:46 PM
theres some random people on here

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: YES
Stranger: thank god
Stranger: everyone here is boring
Stranger: haha this is nice
Stranger: random word use
You: pingpingpingpingS WHO KNOW pingpingpingpingS , MOWING LAWNS , SKIDS , SIDE BOOB ANTILAG
Stranger: pingpingpingpings licking pingpingpingpings
You have disconnected.

31-12-2009, 05:47 PM
that chatroulette is fkn grott, ive seen about 5 cocks in the past 10 mins.

31-12-2009, 05:51 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: .................…………....………………._Έ„„„„_
………….…………………… („-~~--„Έ_….,/μ'Μ
…….…………………….Έ„-^"― : : : : :Έ-―"―/'
……………………Έ„„-^"― : : : : : : : '\Έ„„,-"
**―――'^^~-„„„----~^*'"― : : : : : : : : : :Έ-"
.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :„-"
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : Έ„-^―
.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : Έ„„-^―
:.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;Έ„„-~"―
:.:.:: :"-„""***/*'μΈ'―
:.': : : : :"-„ : : :"\
.:.:.: : : : :" : : : : \,
:.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Μ
: : : : : : :, : : : : : :-\ hi
You: dad?
You: is that you
Stranger: jimmy?
You: mom said to get off the net
Stranger: no
You: well your gonna get in trouble then
Stranger: ill kill her
You: do you know the muffin man
Stranger: the muffin man?
You: TJ
You: thats his pic isnt it
Stranger: sure is and santa clauses too
You: I think you are a girl
Stranger: i think im not
You: I think you are, your just in denial
Stranger: :[
Stranger: noooooooooooooooooo
You: do you know TJ
Stranger: no
You: he is a cool guy
Stranger: noice
You: you want a date with him
Stranger: no im a guy
You: he doesnt mind, but you will have to pick him up as he lost his license
Stranger: nfhgdnbxfdb
Stranger: gdxnhcg
Stranger: bg
Stranger: xf\
Stranger: ok?
You: cool, you sure you dont know TJ
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Jiri Styles
31-12-2009, 06:16 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: penis
Stranger: tits
You: breasts
Stranger: vagina
You: anal tube
Stranger: rectum
You: anal passage
Stranger: anus
You: big thick black throbbing jungalo penis
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 06:18 PM
Lesson learnt. What has been seen cannot be unseen. On chatroulette just saw some chicks pingpingpingping that looked like something from Aliens. Most horrific sight ever, honestly looked about the size of a football and as if it was made from puff pasty and blood. I wont sleep for weeks.

On the up side, I was hammering these 2 yank's about their headware and facial hair. Fucking great laughs.

Jiri Styles
31-12-2009, 06:21 PM

31-12-2009, 06:22 PM
I was ROFL. this is fucking funny stuff

Stranger: hi
You: yo
Stranger: sup nigga
You: im a rapper
Stranger: i know
Stranger: its coool
You: shizzled.
Stranger: yeaaa
You: cracking bro
Stranger: rap for me man
You: hitting tunez
Stranger: lets do this
You: u got tunes bro
Stranger: yo
Stranger: once upon a time
Stranger: you came
Stranger: but you too gay
Stranger: so i said
Stranger: hey
Stranger: go away
Stranger: ohhhhhhhhhh~
You: thats cool bro but shit dont make the flys go away
You: ill flow all over your white trash ass homz
Stranger: aiteees nigga
Stranger: spit it
Stranger: cmon man
Stranger: dont think to hard
Stranger: gotta be natural
Stranger: let it flow
Stranger: within your soul
Stranger: Nikkkkkkkkkkquaaaaaaa
You: spit what? I dont spit shit fool. the only spit that ill shit is ur mothers big willie while shes blowing on a billie and gagging on ma willie
Stranger: STFU
Stranger: call me right now
Stranger: let me teach you
You: OHHHHHHHHH u just got burnts homeeeez
Stranger: 714)989 6653
Stranger: cal
Stranger: now
Stranger: now
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: you got a drooling pusssy
Stranger: yea
Stranger: its the one yo mom sucked last night
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 06:30 PM
^^^^LMFAOOOOO! i just seen 2 sets of awsome tits on that chatroullete one

31-12-2009, 06:32 PM
^^^^LMFAOOOOO! i just seen 2 sets of awsome tits on that chatroullete one

pics or it didnt happn.

31-12-2009, 06:33 PM
^^^^LMFAOOOOO! i just seen 2 sets of awsome tits on that chatroullete one

gotta use PRINT SCREEN!!

31-12-2009, 06:42 PM
^^^^LMFAOOOOO! i just seen 2 sets of awsome tits on that chatroullete one

looking down at your own isn't counted

31-12-2009, 06:46 PM
i wasnt quick enough the went to the next person , so i guess it didnt hapen

31-12-2009, 06:50 PM


31-12-2009, 06:52 PM
pretty sure thats just a program streaming that pic.. hardly post worthy

31-12-2009, 06:53 PM
hahahah wtf

31-12-2009, 07:46 PM

31-12-2009, 10:39 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: whats your name first
Stranger: george
You: fuck you george
Stranger: yay
Stranger: ^.^

31-12-2009, 10:47 PM
haha this thread continues to deliver....

31-12-2009, 10:48 PM
Stranger 1

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: What is something youd only tell a stranger
You: hey hey
You: ummm
You: do u know TJ
Stranger: Tevin Julien?
You: no no TJ
Stranger: no i dont
You: he gets alot of hugs from SHEILAS
Stranger: Nopw
Stranger: no clue
You: WHY NOT pingpingpingping
You: poor dawg
You: skidmark
Your conversational partner has disconnected

Stranger 2

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: it said say hi not hey
You: u dickhead
You: ur fukking up the rotation
You: pingpingpingpings like u are ruining the world
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

31-12-2009, 11:13 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: [WARNING: Omegle is required under United States Federal Law to inform you that the IP of the person whom you are chatting with is linked to a registered sex offender. Omegle encourages you to consider this when giving out personal information. [The stranger can not see this message.]
You: hi
Stranger: 17 f uk,,,,,looking for hot horny guy change picss
You: 19 m aus
Stranger: big dick?
You: yea deffinatly
You: got pics?\
Stranger: exchange pics?
Stranger: msn?
You: wats ur msn
You: ?
Stranger: breadmilkxoxo@hotmail.com

31-12-2009, 11:31 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Suck my dick
You: hi
You: thats not nice
Stranger: no
You: i have a llama
You: do you?
Stranger: I bet you're a fuckin' Jew, aint ya
You: it ate all my fucking bananas though
You: a jew
Stranger: Fuck you you JEw
You: yes
You: whats wrong with jews
You: i just like to save my money
You: and wear a cool hat
Stranger: You've got a gas leak... HAHAHAHHAHHA
You: what are you
You: a fucking nazi
Stranger: My name's Josef Fritzl, what's yours, Jew?
You: a gas leak out my ass
Stranger: Shut up!
You: Jewbag McJew
Stranger: Jews don't deserve names
You: that all i have left
You: after ww2
You: is my name
You: my wife was raped
You: and killed
Stranger: Good
You: having sex with her just isnt the same anymore
Stranger: haha i like you
You: so cold
You: and dry
Stranger: your sense of humour matches mine
Stranger: :L
You: u think its funny?
Stranger: That's a lie!
You: you try having sex with your dead wife with no lube for 60 years
Stranger: Jews don't have vaginas
You: and see how you like it
You: i know
Stranger: LOL
You: i put it in her ass
You: because shes a tight ass jew

31-12-2009, 11:41 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: WHy does god make strippers cry?
Stranger: because the penis going inside is to big
You: but if god isnt really a 'person' how do they know?
You: and why is god penetrating strippers?
You: they are not all whores
Stranger: god gets other people to do it
You: so your saying god is all for fornication?
Stranger: god never stated there was anything wrong with sex
Stranger: that was random bible writer #237
You: OH.
You: so i have been reading the worng stuff then?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: the bible is also incomplete as some parts were purposely excluded
You: well if thats the case best i be making a call... does big busty betty $50 special sound good?
You: this could be a lofe changing experience
You: *life
Stranger: well good luck
You: Thankyou! you have changed my narrow minded view of religion forever!!!!!

01-01-2010, 01:02 AM
I actually love you

01-01-2010, 01:04 AM
lol @ registered sex offender ip

01-01-2010, 02:48 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, im looking to chat with a woman
You: hi, im looking to chat with a woman
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

01-01-2010, 12:27 PM
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: happy new year
Stranger: you too
Stranger: girl or boyy?.
You: boy
You: well man
You: 25 m aus
You: you?
Stranger: 24 f us
You: is it new year over there yet?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: there?
You: in the US
You: just wondering because of the time difference
Stranger: nope
You: it was 12.00am about 12 hrs ago
Stranger: its 12 in 24 minutes
Stranger: and 13 seconds
Stranger: and 2 miliseconds faskdjf;laksdhflaskdjf
Stranger: ahhhhhh
You: hahaha
Stranger: jk
Stranger: 10-
Stranger: 9
Stranger: 8
Stranger: 7
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 5
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
You: Surprise buttsecks!
Stranger: HAPPPPY NEW YEARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger : WTF????
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

01-01-2010, 12:36 PM
Lol @ tight arse Jew.

Joe's seal of approval!

01-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: happy new year
Stranger: you too
Stranger: girl or boyy?.
You: boy
You: well man
You: 25 m aus
You: you?
Stranger: 24 f us
You: is it new year over there yet?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: there?
You: in the US
You: just wondering because of the time difference
Stranger: nope
You: it was 12.00am about 12 hrs ago
Stranger: its 12 in 24 minutes
Stranger: and 13 seconds
Stranger: and 2 miliseconds faskdjf;laksdhflaskdjf
Stranger: ahhhhhh
You: hahaha
Stranger: jk
Stranger: 10-
Stranger: 9
Stranger: 8
Stranger: 7
Stranger: 6
Stranger: 5
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
You: Surprise buttsecks!
Stranger: HAPPPPY NEW YEARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger : WTF????
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Well played!!! ahahahaha

01-01-2010, 02:36 PM

XF Falcon
01-01-2010, 02:46 PM
nice rack :)

01-01-2010, 02:53 PM
fucking nice, what was the age and location?

01-01-2010, 02:57 PM
21 el paso texas

01-01-2010, 02:58 PM
winner so far!
get her on msn or something?

01-01-2010, 02:59 PM
Needs moar pics

01-01-2010, 04:20 PM
Its bullshit, u ask for tits and just get nexted.. Whats the world coming to

01-01-2010, 08:34 PM
17 norway coming to stay at mine in july

01-01-2010, 09:04 PM
elbows too pointy

01-01-2010, 09:13 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: the answer is nigger, what is the question?
You: anti lag
You: correct
You: ?
Stranger: .......
Stranger: ok
Stranger: you win
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

01-01-2010, 09:18 PM
17 norway coming to stay at mine in july
is that your name on her ass?

01-01-2010, 09:23 PM
im pretty good at this game

Stranger: hey
You: dont fucking hey me
Stranger: ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
You: sorry i dont talk to strangers
Stranger: okay..
You: dont fucking okay me
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

01-01-2010, 09:24 PM
is that your name on her ass?
negative! further investigation required......

01-01-2010, 09:26 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: heyyy! how u doin?
Stranger: good. yourself?
You: awesum :) asl?
Stranger: 19 m australia
You: aw cool, where abouts in australia?
Stranger: melb
Stranger: asl?
You: 22 f aus hehe
Stranger: oh nice
Stranger: where bouts are you?
You: sunshine coast :) i looooove the beach
Stranger: it's pretty sweet lol
You: you sound pretty sweet too :)
Stranger: haha i do what i can
Stranger: so how was your new years?
You: not so good, i ended up sleeping with my best friend's bf
You: and now she hates me
You: and i don't know what to do :(
Stranger: fucking new years eve, honestly
You: what do you mean hun?
Stranger: it's usually shit
Stranger: i woke up at 5.30pm the next day, with a massive cut on my leg, and a cracked screen on my phone
Stranger: not quite as bad as yours
Stranger: lol
You: aww babe! what happened?
Stranger: i honestly have no idea lol
Stranger: my friend thinks i might have got hit by a car at one point
Stranger: haha
You: oh no you poor thing! are you alright?
Stranger: haha yeah, i'm mostly fine
Stranger: bit sore, but feeling ok now
You: well that's good :) i'd kiss it better for you if i could hehe
Stranger: mm i wouldn't mind that
You: hehe you're making me blush now silly
Stranger: ah i still got it ;) lol
You: you're funny :) i like you :)
Stranger: haha thanks
Stranger: so what brings you to omegle tonight?
You: no one will talk to me after what happened last night
You: i hate it
Stranger: ugh pretty much the worst thing ever
Stranger: i may have been in your position once before...
Stranger: i
You: you fucked your best friend's boyfriend? you sick fuck.
You have disconnected.

01-01-2010, 10:27 PM
You: hey
Stranger: yow
You: thats a rude word in my country
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: sorrt then
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: where u from?
You: alaska, i'm an eskimo
You: yow = vagina wart
Stranger: wiiih
Stranger: ooh yeah
Stranger: cool
You: thats not cool
Stranger: yeap that's cool for me
You: why?
Stranger: vagina wart
Stranger: yow
Stranger: cool
You: lol enjoy ur viginity virgin!
Stranger: hmmm??
Stranger: what u saying
Stranger: ??
You: that you love the cock but are to embaressed to ask
Stranger: ???????????
Stranger: i have a cock
Stranger: why should ask other??
You: cos you wanna cross swords and feel the warm breath of a man on ur nexk while u finger his arsehole
Stranger: hmnmm??? only a gay brain who would think that way
You: so u admit ur gay then
Stranger: nope
Stranger: i mean ur a gay to be able to think that way
Stranger: so
Stranger: hello gay
Stranger: what do u wanna write
Stranger: take too long
Stranger: cmon
Stranger: speak homo
You: well answer this on ur screen does it say that stranger wrote that passage about crossin swords?
You: and did u know say u r "stranger" so thats means you thought and typed it and as such u r the gay
Stranger: yeap
You: check mate
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: i say we have a same name
Stranger: doesnt mean im the one who say that
Stranger: idiot~
You: fraid not poof enjoy ur aids

01-01-2010, 10:48 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi, do you know TJ? He's a cool guy.
Stranger: nope and dont want to
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

02-01-2010, 12:34 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: ih
Stranger: asl?
You: ?lsa
Stranger: asl
You: lsa
Stranger: age sex location
You: noitacol xes ega
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

02-01-2010, 01:36 AM
a few screenshots of TJ's mates


02-01-2010, 09:42 AM
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/rLyqVUIliFD33FlkfQ_XOA?authkey=Gv1sRgCLD0zZH3_cb6_ AE&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_YnLy2k8c9Xo/Sz6jwGObjUI/AAAAAAAAAKU/roT26R_N0XM/s400/wtf.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/chucksmobi/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCLD0zZH3_cb6_AE&feat=embedwebsite">Drop Box</a></td></tr></table>

fuck this site... seriously!

02-01-2010, 09:49 AM
FUCKING LOL I can't stop laughing, keep them coming.

02-01-2010, 09:52 AM
hahaa potter ur awsome! keep it coming

02-01-2010, 03:49 PM

02-01-2010, 03:53 PM
oh the best!

02-01-2010, 04:26 PM

02-01-2010, 04:30 PM
haha thread just got better!

02-01-2010, 04:44 PM
man crush much?

02-01-2010, 04:55 PM
i am clearly missing the point i should be asking if people know tj and not for pics of boobies [insert sarcasam here]

XF Falcon
02-01-2010, 04:57 PM
Heres my results from today :D

One big ass titted bitch who I fluked her tit size and got a fat tit show and I quickly ran away in the end


one cute possibly jailbait chick who I got her msn (i'll try get pics next time)


last is some Swedish chick who wanted to make me jizz in my pants..


interesting morning anyways..

02-01-2010, 05:06 PM
LOL NICE you 2! I should make up some sorta sign too... hmm hmm hmm

Damn Fake tan or someshit on 2nd last pic? rest are not baad

02-01-2010, 05:08 PM
Fuck they must have some harsh sun in Sweden :lol:

02-01-2010, 05:19 PM
http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6084/picture3web.jpg (http://img36.imageshack.us/i/picture3web.jpg/)

02-01-2010, 05:22 PM
lol is that joey

02-01-2010, 05:31 PM
http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/15/picture8web.jpg (http://img24.imageshack.us/i/picture8web.jpg/)

http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6637/picture7k.jpg (http://img194.imageshack.us/i/picture7k.jpg/)

02-01-2010, 05:53 PM

02-01-2010, 05:57 PM
i am clearly missing the point i should be asking if people know tj and not for pics of boobies [insert sarcasam here]

No you shouldnt the whole I Know TJ thing is getting old and is about as funny as cancer.

02-01-2010, 05:58 PM

02-01-2010, 05:59 PM
Thats hot.

02-01-2010, 06:05 PM
just noticed its got a label in the bottom right hand corner i have been had!

02-01-2010, 06:06 PM
oh lol

02-01-2010, 06:07 PM
yeah is a whole set on JJ lol

02-01-2010, 06:10 PM
LOL that aint me.

Fcuk mike that just makes me want to go back to europe again scandinavian girls make me jizz in pants everytime :D

02-01-2010, 06:14 PM
My god that is a fantastic piece.

Mike, Potter and Phil delivering some lols and goods.

02-01-2010, 07:26 PM
Spotted GODZ1LAR on here haha

02-01-2010, 07:42 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: i love lamp
Stranger: lamp?
You: yes, lamp
Stranger: u a girl?
You: doesnt matter, a man or woman can both love a lamp equally
Stranger: wf?
Stranger: wtf?

ahh, gotta love being random.


03-01-2010, 04:42 PM



03-01-2010, 06:59 PM
haha fuck, how many times have u F9'd to get to that lol

03-01-2010, 07:04 PM
Not many!, i f9'd some by accident too, was trying to prnt screen :P

03-01-2010, 07:22 PM


XF Falcon
03-01-2010, 09:36 PM
Not many!, i f9'd some by accident too, was trying to prnt screen :P


Ive done that accidentally before too!! I got trigger happy and disconnected when I wanted to take a screen shot :lol: :lol:

XF Falcon
03-01-2010, 09:37 PM


Anyone saved them all to disk yet? wanna email me the zip/rar of them all? :)

03-01-2010, 09:43 PM

SOMEONE please link me to this set.