View Full Version : WTD Bodyboard

27-12-2009, 09:19 PM
WTB a bodyboard.. anyone got one cheap cheap?

28-12-2009, 08:32 AM
fak if you hadve asked 2 weeks ago I would have given you one I just got rid of. Let me have a hunt around at home, I think I have another lying around somewhere. Either that or it's snapped, I can't remember :\

28-12-2009, 09:12 AM
ive got a manta phantom,its got a crease across the centre but other then that its ok,got flippers with fin savers,and its in a creatures of leisure bag

the board is pretty big though,i think its 46 or 48 inches long

28-12-2009, 09:30 AM
What you want to use it for Alem? Just to stuff around during summer or to actually learn to bodyboard?

28-12-2009, 06:47 PM
cheers dudes, just something to fuck around with man when i go down.. thinking about just grabbing a big w one for 50 bucks but its more than i wanna fork out unless i have to haha

think the 46inch is a bit big man, i think the 41's are normal?

28-12-2009, 06:57 PM
41 is possibly ok for you, I ride a 41 NMD Winchester 3D now and it's perfect. I think 41.75 - 42" would possibly be the right size for you.
It's hard to say as they all vary slightly, best way to check height, stand it on its end and it should sit between waist and belly button, then put it under your arm and if it feels comfortable it's wide enough, if you are stretching your fingers its too wide, and if it cant fall out from under your arm its too narrow. Then you have choices of rails (60/40, 50/50, 55/45) and tails (crescent, clipped, bat and variations of them) :p

I think I got a 42" rheopaipo down here thats old as, but I won't be back to Perth til Jan 4th if you can wait that long.

28-12-2009, 07:43 PM
awsome cheers for thie tips dude.. im on holidays so hoping to get one asap, but will let you know.. cheers