View Full Version : Barbagello $5 Million Upgrade
14-11-2009, 04:14 PM
Well i know it has been talked about for a while, but looks like it's official if the government is putting in funding towards it. Would be fucking stupid not to and losing the V8Supercars after losing Rally Aus.,21598,26345546-2761,00.html
14-11-2009, 04:28 PM
Excellent :)
14-11-2009, 04:30 PM
oh well, at least there is some money being spent on it.
Be nice to have the full track lit up for no limits events to run the long track!
14-11-2009, 04:48 PM
fuckin waste of money dumb pingpingpingpings.... build the new track.... the v8s want new track not just re surface..... hence why they gave up on barbs... its shit...
14-11-2009, 04:52 PM
wasn't it resurfaced not long ago?
14-11-2009, 05:01 PM
it will take them what 2 years to build the new track, so this resurface will hold the v8;s over for 2+ years???? hmmm
wasn't it resurfaced not long ago?
yes, think it was around 2002.
Thanks Colin your a champ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14-11-2009, 05:52 PM
fuckin waste of money dumb pingpingpingpings.... build the new track.... the v8s want new track not just re surface..... hence why they gave up on barbs... its shit...
Barbs is not "shit", its in far better condition than many interstate tracks, only criticism is its a bit short and could do with a little extra width
Understand that Tony Cockhead will say whatever to get what he wants, including slagging off the state tracks as an excuse to get the street circuits he wants
TBH they would be better off spending the money theyve got now extending the track as per the plans drawn up last year, to build a new track will mean more $$$ required from the govt which is never guaranteed in itself and the actual project will take years to be completed
14-11-2009, 06:02 PM
i think the pitlane was also a concern...
my limited undestanding of it is the existing track will be widened from 9 to 12m.
5mill is not enough to extend the track but i think that 5mill includes purchase of land for the extension (to double the length), which is a great step forward at least
14-11-2009, 07:41 PM
$4m will go to paying the committee of members, experts and advisers fees so that they can appropriating funds for the project correctly and the rest will be for materials and labor.
14-11-2009, 10:37 PM
Barbs is not "shit", its in far better condition than many interstate tracks
Which tracks would be worse ???
15-11-2009, 06:35 AM
In terms of facilities, there are plenty Bart! In terms of track, well there aren't many.
A track that's facilities aren't as good that spring to mind are Wakefield Park - hence why the main v8 show doesn't go there anymore despite being a real cracker of a track.
15-11-2009, 07:13 AM
If you look at any in-car footage from Wakefield the track is in worse condition than Barbs too - lots of surface changes, eroded edging near kerbs, etc
16-11-2009, 09:55 AM
Didn't Wakefield cop a resurface 18 months ago?
I know the kerbs of stupidly/dangerously high now. It was the pit lane and facilities that let it down (and they have pit garages entering into pitlane!).
We have a race track that's 40minutes from the CBD, fuck you bitches whinge over mundane shit. WE have a track, its nearby, its being maintained, and there's every chance it will be extended (govn hasnt confirmed so its alll heresay STILL). There's a track 2 hours south in collie and another one being built in Dowerin. Less bitching more bum in seat and using the facilities we take for granted!
Sure they aren't Sepang but we do alright for a fucall populas!
17-11-2009, 09:40 AM
Didn't Wakefield cop a resurface 18 months ago?
I know the kerbs of stupidly/dangerously high now. It was the pit lane and facilities that let it down (and they have pit garages entering into pitlane!).
Yeh sorry was thinking of the pre-resurfaced track, but still you can see the kerbs and edging is far worse than Wanneroo
We have a race track that's 40minutes from the CBD, fuck you bitches whinge over mundane shit. WE have a track, its nearby, its being maintained, and there's every chance it will be extended (govn hasnt confirmed so its alll heresay STILL). There's a track 2 hours south in collie and another one being built in Dowerin. Less bitching more bum in seat and using the facilities we take for granted!
Sure they aren't Sepang but we do alright for a fucall populas!
Hey im not complaining i think Barbs is good for what it is and the money spent, just cant see the sense in pissing money away on a new track when for $5M you wont have anything to show for it, instead that would pay for some nice upgrades on the existing circuit
the 5mil is for good upgrades to the existing circuit. its also to pay for planning approvals for a potential expansion (not it seems for purchase of the land - i heard karl langdon say that on the radio on friday)
"Part of the $5million new funding will also pay for the necessary planning approvals for a potential new track and racing complex expansion to the north of the existing track."
17-11-2009, 12:27 PM
as long as the pits are upgraded im sure V8s will be here for a bit more, they were complaining about the entry being dangerous, not having actual work area at the main pit... see what happens there i guess
18-11-2009, 02:28 PM
According to this article by Tim Clarke its a foregone conclusion that WA will lose it's V8 round.
18-11-2009, 03:35 PM
is there any particular reason why all the money has to come from the govt? i mean this is just an example of what can be done, my hockey club recently raised $2million from our members to put in a new international standard artifical turf field and awesome lighting. that's a mid sized hockey club with maybe 15 senior teams. admittedly we've got some pretty cashed up members that made big donations but i'm sure wascc has more of them than we do.
surely an organisation like the wascc could raise a fair bit of the cash itself. there's an awful lot of fans out there that would be keen on saving the wa round of v8 supercars let alone putting a new better track together. that's without even mentioning the companies that might be interested in putting their name on the joint. $50 million is the forecast figure, yes thats a lot of money but surely they could help their situation by raising a few million of that themselves.
or am i waving my dick in the wind all by myself here?
18-11-2009, 05:17 PM
Here's a link to show some proposals of the track and where the money is to be spent. Click on 'Barbagallo Stage 3' for the November update relating to the article. 'Barbagallo SK01 and SK02' shows the new garages and control tower. Extension looks awesome and better than first proposed! I assume WASCC will also tip in a fair bit of cash as the governments $5mil is gonig towards the track upgrade only.
Upgrade will inlcude:
• expansion of the raceway to the north;
• construction of an additional 2.4 km of race track with a new pit lane;
• construction of a new pit-lane building comprising pit garages, a race control facility, multi-use
media centre, and multi-use corporate facilities; and
• upgrading of the existing race track.
19-11-2009, 08:57 AM
Holy shit!
19-11-2009, 09:12 AM
WA Today
"But I am not going to be threatened by individual sporting groups."
WA Today
"I know the ($5 million) does not satisfy the needs of the V8 Supercars ... but we are not going to be able to suddenly produce $60 or $70 million ... out of our schools or health budget.
how many MORE different sporting groups need to stand up to the government about this topic? I'm sure by this stage the government have their backs against the wall. Fair enough about the schools and medical system, but there not doing anything with that money! seems as if its an excuse to not upgrade barbs
if they are giving us a heap more speed cameras, how about dedicating the new revenue from them to pay for the track WA deserves
/puts pipe down
19-11-2009, 09:44 AM
Proposed redevelopment plan (not the $5M, but the future $50M+ upgrade)
- The purple line is the new development (extension of the existing track) to the north
- the short bright pink line is an indication of a new short track e.g. Barbs will be able to op operate as 2 short tracks
- the short light blue line is a drifting track section/extension
- and there is obviously the existing track indicated.
- the pit lane will be moved to the long straight in the new section of the track. There will also be a grand stand constructed
19-11-2009, 12:00 PM
Heh interesting to read the report and see the difference of opinions between V8 Supercars, CAMS and the WASCC
V8 Supercars have just made a wishlist as if it was going to be an F1-spec track :wank:
Not realistic at all, the report mentions there are other tracks over east with less/lower facilities and they still run V8s ;)
Its almost like they want it to fail....
probably too intersted in their night race in abu friggn dhabi
19-11-2009, 01:33 PM
probably just cbf driving over to perth/
fuckin waste of money dumb pingpingpingpings.... build the new track.... the v8s want new track not just re surface..... hence why they gave up on barbs... its shit...
BINGO. Total rat trap. If you go overseas to do track events, you realise how dissapointing wanneroo is.
Waneroo, is a great track for the 70's. Its a great 2nd track, and its a great first time / advanced driving / racing learning centre.
BUT its a pile of shit as the states primary race track. Then again we should be blessed its not Qld raceway right ... what a fucking humiliation that is.
Wanneroo has outgrown the bikes and cars that run there. Its super dangerous, its only till you throw a leg over a superbike and can ride it hard you realise how deadly it is, and the fact people dont expire there more often amazes me (but glad i am for that).
With all the space WA has, we SHOULD be running a FIA / FIM standard racetrack. If only motorsport people in WA cared enough to do something.
19-11-2009, 04:59 PM
Would be nice to see it upgraded, track is very short and the planned length upgrade would be awsome. But I am not holding my breathe
19-11-2009, 06:07 PM
BINGO. Total rat trap. If you go overseas to do track events, you realise how dissapointing wanneroo is.
Waneroo, is a great track for the 70's. Its a great 2nd track, and its a great first time / advanced driving / racing learning centre.
BUT its a pile of shit as the states primary race track. Then again we should be blessed its not Qld raceway right ... what a fucking humiliation that is.
Wanneroo has outgrown the bikes and cars that run there. Its super dangerous, its only till you throw a leg over a superbike and can ride it hard you realise how deadly it is, and the fact people dont expire there more often amazes me (but glad i am for that).
With all the space WA has, we SHOULD be running a FIA / FIM standard racetrack. If only motorsport people in WA cared enough to do something.
Its all well and good to say that but who is going to pay for an FIA-spec track, certainly the WASCC has no chance of affording it and i dont think anyone is holding their breath for the govt to fork out.
Does WA even have the population to make it viable from a business POV when they are getting turnouts of like several hundred to a thousand spectators for a typical event? Pretty hard to build a business case for a major track redevelopment based on one Supercars event per year...
Can they ? No.
Why ?? Cause wascc charge 4 digits to lease the track for a afternoon, and it isn't open weekdays for public use.
Built it and it will get the use, as long as it's not run like it is now.
20-11-2009, 12:50 AM
i'm willing to bet that a lot of those 4 digits disappear straight into the insurance and public liability policy that the wascc needs to pay.
i do agree though, it'd be awesome if the track was open more often. wascc members have 2-3 tuning days a month we can go to plus the regularity trials and all that are good if you don't have the coin for a proper track car but they're not really all that often. tuning days are good for a thrash though.
out of interest, how many people here are wascc members? *raises hand*
it isn't open weekdays for public use.
dont they have 2 friday tuning days a month anymore?
definately agree on the tuning days, awesome fun.
not a current wascc member anymore & having a auto tranny is not so fun on the track id imagine.
will pay $ to thrash someones car up there tho!
20-11-2009, 12:00 PM
Missile, where did that plan come from, ie where can I get a higher res version of it?
24-11-2009, 12:59 PM
Did anyone hear the comments over the weekend about V8s wanting to stick around, and they hope the 5mil gets well spent? they put in their ideas what should be done - see what happens i guess.
24-11-2009, 02:28 PM
Missile, where did that plan come from, ie where can I get a higher res version of it? Stage 3.pdf
24-11-2009, 03:20 PM
Link can be found here:
YER BOY cant wait for this and i hope my drift car project will be done for this :D:D
24-11-2009, 09:35 PM
davo, i'd say you've got about 6 years do get it done mate :D
24-11-2009, 09:40 PM
24-11-2009, 09:44 PM
supposedly the full pines track wont go ahead until they can get 30 million
which makes sense as its $100,000 per 100m of track for widening
Uncle Mick
24-11-2009, 11:13 PM
Same old same old story gunna maybe might be we will just wait and see and the V8 coming here is like all the other motor sports "COST"
to get cars and crew here just like it was for the drift team to compete over money
25-11-2009, 12:32 AM
I haven't read anything on the topic of 'not only will it do this for tourism and shit, but it's also an incentive for hoons to have an amazing, more accessible track to use, contributing to keeping skids away from kids.' or some bullshit like that. Surely THAT would be something that would be considered?
Don't let the facts stray you from a good story.
If this goes through AT ALL I will be greatly surprised!
i'm willing to bet that a lot of those 4 digits disappear straight into the insurance and public liability policy that the wascc needs to pay.
I doubt it. But you do make a point, and it's something I've talked to polliticians about that insurance/liability/silly law is killing motorsport in aus, and that insurance needs to be regulated on what the do atm.
However, nor CAMS or say MA want to affiliate in politics, yet won't self underwrite either. Dumb and dumber. You only need to see how the AMA works in America to see how it's done.
02-12-2009, 11:44 AM
Surprise, surprise, they're staying.
04-12-2009, 12:06 PM
I haven't read anything on the topic of 'not only will it do this for tourism and shit, but it's also an incentive for hoons to have an amazing, more accessible track to use, contributing to keeping skids away from kids.' or some bullshit like that. Surely THAT would be something that would be considered?
Well as far as I am concerned "hoons" can GTFO.
AnNyway as per the letter that went out to WASCC members late last week:
"A large portion of the allocated $5M will go towards the acquisition of land to the North. The remainder will be subject to further meetings to discuss possible interim solutions to make the facility more suitable to the V8's in the short term and other improvements considered to be more urgent for the immediate future"
I read that as: Don't expect to get much out of the $5M for the members in the short term.
05-12-2009, 10:20 AM
Anyone know who owns that land just north of Barbagallo? Cockburn Cement own all the land to the east, Landcorp own the land to the south, but no idea on who owns that section to the north (lot 470 I think.)
Do a Landgate search and you should be able to find out.
Looks like we are winners for the Red Bull AirRace pulling out!
Govt to pump 10.5M into barbagello!! Win win.
07-08-2010, 03:31 PM
07-08-2010, 04:01 PM
bout time they did something with barbs. the more motor sport places we can get in wa the better.
07-08-2010, 04:17 PM
Win Win Win.
07-08-2010, 04:22 PM
Great timing for a motorsport group :)
waste of money.. spend it on a football stadium
07-08-2010, 04:53 PM
Great timing for a motorsport group :)
Couldn't have timed it better.
07-08-2010, 05:30 PM
Lets hope they dont do a half arsed job about it.
07-08-2010, 07:21 PM
hell yes! good thing i have just joined a motorsport club :D
Would be absolutely epic if they extended it but it'll most likely get widened to suit the taxis and some updated infrastructure. Better than a kick in the pants though!
07-08-2010, 09:14 PM
From what i saw it looks like T1 (Cat corner) will be extended which will lengthen the s/f straight and address the lack of runoff there
07-08-2010, 09:58 PM
heard today the V8 supercars are back next year aswell probaly have something to do with it
07-08-2010, 10:04 PM
heard today the V8 supercars are back next year aswell probaly have something to do with it
30-01-2012, 05:51 PM
pretty recent pics on Nearmap of whats going on,115.786886&z=19&t=k&nmd=20120117
31-01-2012, 08:17 AM
wonder what are they going to do with it..
new viewing platform?
31-01-2012, 08:22 AM
I had the tender drawings for it at work. Infield pits with the pit exit after the first corner. Thats stage one. There will be three stages. Fuck all difference to the track just facilities.
31-01-2012, 10:26 AM
Pit exit after Cat Corner? Coming up through the esses? Tunnel under the track to get to the pits? or just across the track?
31-01-2012, 10:54 AM
Pit exit after Cat Corner? Coming up through the esses? Tunnel under the track to get to the pits? or just across the track?
Wouldn't entry be off the straight? Into pits in the in-field then exit onto the esses?
31-01-2012, 10:54 AM
Yes and bridge over track.
31-01-2012, 11:36 AM
:S i taught they would be extending it or at least introducing a few more corners..
guess that's the next upgrade in 20 years time? lol
31-01-2012, 12:04 PM
These upgrades to be used by WASCC members or is it to just keep V8SC happy ?
31-01-2012, 12:21 PM
not sure. i know the old pits will still be there.
They are also widening the main straight slightly.
I thought track was being extended up towards the hill climb
31-01-2012, 12:33 PM
I'm pretty sure the infield pit facilities will be locked up most of the time.
I really doubt they will let the likes of ALM/No Limits use them.
I'd also say that all of the heavy machinery will damage the track a fair bit too.
31-01-2012, 12:35 PM
ill see if i can dig up the drawings here at work
31-01-2012, 12:35 PM
This is what they are currently working on:
Basically new race office, new medical centre and new "temporary" pit lane for the V8 supercars.
31-01-2012, 12:38 PM
I'd also say that all of the heavy machinery will damage the track a fair bit too.
They built a cross over using what appeared to be 5mm bluemetal for machines and trucks to cross over the track with to avoid damage.
LOL that pic exit is going to provide for some epic crashes
31-01-2012, 12:40 PM
Ok i have found the drawing of phase only but photobucket is locked out at work. I will post it tonight.
31-01-2012, 12:44 PM
How do i link facebook images? 744_n.jpg
31-01-2012, 12:46 PM
Same way you link photobucket images, get the URL & embed.
I'm with TJ on this one, that pit entry will make for some interesting merges (and prangs)
31-01-2012, 12:49 PM
Phase 1 is as above
Phase 2 - foot bridge overpass
Phase 3 - Media / Commentary / Corporate / Office Complex
Phase 4 - Power upgrade and track extension
31-01-2012, 01:15 PM 659549_n.jpg 87966_n.jpg 35376_n.jpg 010587_n.jpg
31-01-2012, 01:19 PM
How long was it expected to take for stage 1 to be completed?
Before the V8 round this year.
31-01-2012, 02:44 PM
How do you (when driving) exit the circuit once you come out of the new pit garages?
Is it a case of doing another lap or is there a slip road / underpass I can't see?
31-01-2012, 02:45 PM
It will only be used for the V8's. Their trucks are parked in the middle so the cars do not need to leave there until the end of the day.
31-01-2012, 02:47 PM
I'm with TJ on this one, that pit entry will make for some interesting merges (and prangs)
Safer then old style , car flat out down to cat then a car comes out infront of you :P be safer there as slower car speed .
31-01-2012, 02:47 PM
oh, I hadn't realised they were going to be mothballed all year - seems like a waste of facilities.
31-01-2012, 03:20 PM
oh, I hadn't realised they were going to be mothballed all year - seems like a waste of facilities.
good excuse to keep working on the car thooo.. lol!
31-01-2012, 03:45 PM
theres a new pit lane entry at 200 m down the hill into the new pit lane on the infield where there will be hard stand garages. An new pit lane exit just after turn 1 heading into the s's. A walkover bridge is going from the bedia centre over to the new pit area.
Most events will still use the existing pit lane...
New barriers all round and more lighting for night events. A new medical centre in the infield and new 3 story media centre race control....thats all stage 1
stage 2 is extension of the track...most probably a second track around the same size the other side of the road but still in design stages and negotiations....
new barriers started going in today....
31-01-2012, 05:36 PM
some other photos:
31-01-2012, 06:50 PM
It will only be used for the V8's. Their trucks are parked in the middle so the cars do not need to leave there until the end of the day.
LOL pingpingpingping act if thats the case
31-01-2012, 07:30 PM
LOL @ 5 Mill only
cant even buy a house in HIllarys for that - the fuck they expect to do with a whole fucking race course ... dickheads.
31-01-2012, 09:10 PM
LOL @ 5 Mill only
cant even buy a house in HIllarys for that - the fuck they expect to do with a whole fucking race course ... dickheads.
On the news tonight they said 15mil.
31-01-2012, 09:19 PM
TJ if someones on the inside coming out of the first corner, to get borked by a slower car out of pit lane...... might be time to rethink driving skills.
The speed difference might be a bit sketchy setting up for getting over the crest though, you dont exactly want to be two wide at different speeds there
31-01-2012, 09:41 PM
Phase 1 is as above
Phase 2 - foot bridge overpass
Phase 3 - Media / Commentary / Corporate / Office Complex
Phase 4 - Power upgrade and track extension
theres a new pit lane entry at 200 m down the hill into the new pit lane on the infield where there will be hard stand garages. An new pit lane exit just after turn 1 heading into the s's. A walkover bridge is going from the bedia centre over to the new pit area.
Most events will still use the existing pit lane...
New barriers all round and more lighting for night events. A new medical centre in the infield and new 3 story media centre race control....thats all stage 1
stage 2 is extension of the track...most probably a second track around the same size the other side of the road but still in design stages and negotiations....
new barriers started going in today....
Where did you hear that. My quote above came out of the official tender document.
Isnt the track open this sunday for drift prac?? but they using the top side?...
01-02-2012, 07:02 AM
Where did you hear that. My quote above came out of the official tender document.
Hubby is the head surveyor up there...Which also means when things don't go in the right place I point at
01-02-2012, 08:12 AM
Yep garages are for the v8's only from what I understand. If there's a national meet of something I imagine they might use them as well. But otherwise. Every other event uses the existing pits.
01-02-2012, 08:15 AM
LOL lets build a better place that the locals cant use :P
Its not about keeping locals happy - its about keeping the v8's and the 40 000 paying people that it brings.
01-02-2012, 09:11 AM
Extend the track !!!
01-02-2012, 09:25 AM
40 000 paying people that it brings.
LOL 40,000 , i reckon there was that at BBQ sunday :P
01-02-2012, 02:32 PM
Its not about keeping locals happy - its about keeping the v8's and the 40 000 paying people that it brings.except that the v8 circus now takes all as they manage the event, wascc get a few nominal fee's..
word has it wascc was more profitble in 2010 without the expense the v8 event causes and the local rounds plus the truck meet meant the bank balance stayed in the black..
01-02-2012, 02:39 PM
except that the v8 circus now takes all as they manage the event, wascc get a few nominal fee's..
word has it wascc was more profitble in 2010 without the expense the v8 event causes and the local rounds plus the truck meet meant the bank balance stayed in the black..
Was there a truck round this year ?
01-02-2012, 02:46 PM
Not this year, maybe last year though.
01-02-2012, 05:36 PM
Not that surprising, being that they are a not-for-profit. More likely that their aim would be to bring as many events to WA as possible while staying afloat, rather than making a profit. Obviously if the V8's were to threaten the existence of WASCC then they wouldn't do it, but if they're not going to die as a result then it would be their goal to hold the event.
Rationale behind a not-for-profit is slightly different than running a business.
01-02-2012, 07:31 PM
WASCC did tell avesco to get fucked and hence no v8's.. it was the WA government which fronted the money to bring them over.
Being a not for profit means they need to make enough money to remain active and the v8's weren't helping them at all.
01-02-2012, 07:32 PM
except that the v8 circus now takes all as they manage the event, wascc get a few nominal fee's..
word has it wascc was more profitble in 2010 without the expense the v8 event causes and the local rounds plus the truck meet meant the bank balance stayed in the black..
If thats the case then it sounds like the only reason the WASCC would want the V8s back is to sure-up government money for the track upgrades
02-02-2012, 12:10 PM
The problem is not so much with the pit exit as with the new wall all the way along the pit straight. Wish I had a dollar for every car I have seen spear into the infield from either turn 7 or get punted there. In the past people just got annoyed and got on with life. Now they are going to smack the pit wall hard and get hurt. Which is ironic given Tony Cockrants stated reason for wasting so much money is to improve safety.
Oh and $5 mill is for this bit. Larger numbers are for the track extension etc. Irrespective this sort of an upgrade for that sort of cash is cheap. Look how much they are going to piss away on the football stadium.
06-02-2012, 08:40 PM
The pit entry will be the biggest problem, car in front stops on the apex to enter the pits and second car smashes into the back of them. Also walls all the way down the pit straight and through the esses will cause a minor off to be a major crash.
We were told at the agm that the WA government payed the $5mill to keep the V8s happy. It will also not affect club events so what’s the problem.
The only time the new pits will be used for club meetings is if a whole category decides to use them because it would be too hard to get cars to grid up if they come from different side of the track.
carlos spicy wener
06-02-2012, 09:06 PM
pit exit wont be a problem, fast car coming round cat corner sticks to the left, re-entering car has to stick to the right until up to speed again.
pit entry wont be a problem, the car entering pits will stick to the right as the entry comes up, and the car not entering pits would retain racing line to the outside of the track, then cut in towards the apex of the corner.
apparently drift guys have been told they will be able to use the new pit lane, and they are the scum of all motorsports that wascc supports, so i would imagine every other racing code would have access to it aswell.
06-02-2012, 09:14 PM
The pit entry will be the biggest problem, car in front stops on the apex to enter the pits and second car smashes into the back of them. Also walls all the way down the pit straight and through the esses will cause a minor off to be a major crash.
We were told at the agm that the WA government payed the $5mill to keep the V8s happy. It will also not affect club events so what’s the problem.
The only time the new pits will be used for club meetings is if a whole category decides to use them because it would be too hard to get cars to grid up if they come from different side of the track.
What walls are you talking about? I struggle to see any that could be hit without a decent amount of effort!
07-02-2012, 08:27 AM
^^^ Seen plenty of cars spin off into the infield at various points on the track and not hit anything solid and manage to not end up on their lid and carry on. Will be a different outcome if they hit concrete. When it all goes wrong unexpectedly at high speed, you can cover a fair amount of ground with little control over where you finish up. :)
I'm just thankful some money is getting pumped into a circuit all can use rather than getting sucked in to a street circuit that is a once a year thing only a few use.
07-02-2012, 08:40 AM
DJR & Darkside are on it regarding more walls inside the track = bad news. More cars than you think spin off the inside onto pit straight - I've seen some make it as far as the lake that was/is there! Tank slapper or a punt from behind and off you go....wheee!
I've gone off the essess infield at a fairly high speed with no harm done - but start adding some walls and it gets less amusing very quickly.
Regarding use of the new pit facilities - well the December 2011 newsletter on the WASCC website states, amongst other matters, "First class new pit lane facilites can be used by members throughout the whole year". Don't seem like they're reserved only for V8 circus only. Unless I'm missing some inside info here...
07-02-2012, 08:58 AM
Red Wall: I don't think I have ever seen a car loose it there and make it that far in...
Blue Wall: Yes I can see how if you lost it on the last corner you could end up there... But they would have to be putting a sand trap in before it which would catch 90% of cars?
07-02-2012, 09:23 AM
What happens if the ambos need to exit the track to go to hospital? They would have to stop the race so they can cross the track would the not?
Unless there is some Collie spec tunnel that's not been shown I don't know why they would not create some sort of vehicle access to the infield that can be used while the track is in use.
07-02-2012, 09:27 AM
^^^ Agreed. Seems liek an oversight. Maybe the same designers responsible for the "upgrade" to the domestic airport drop off area? :)
07-02-2012, 09:42 AM
Red Wall: I don't think I have ever seen a car loose it there and make it that far in...
Not so much an issue where the wall is, but a bit further I have seen a few cars end up where the paddock would be.
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While the Saloon car would of been short of the paddock area, you get something quicker like a car from street/sport car fields, they can and have made it in where the paddock is.
07-02-2012, 10:30 AM
No doubt further up could be an issue, lots of cars go off there... But where the "red" wall is in that picture is fairly out of the way.
Once again surely sand traps will be installed before the new hard barriers... There was even a sand trap before the old building in the middle of the straight, I can't imagine that they would put a wall closer to the action without one
07-02-2012, 10:38 AM
While the Saloon car would of been short of the paddock area, you get something quicker like a car from street/sport car fields, they can and have made it in where the paddock is.
LOL Aaron had a helping hand from the vechile behind , drivers may play nice knowing they could be next :P
Also with the Ambo do they have 2 at the track or 1 ??
07-02-2012, 08:05 PM
The "Red" and "Blue" walls are easily hit in any category of car. The sand trap that was before the old control tower has had many cars enter it, so it shows how far cars can and have been. Also there will be walls most if not all the way around the new complex including a pit wall on both sides of the track.
The same rules will apply when an ambo needs to leave as when the medical centre used to be in the middle of the track. And they must always have an ambo at the track at a race meeting, this generally means there are 2 there just in case 1 has to leave.
At a race meeting if a WHOLE category decides to use the new pits then they can accommodate but only if the whole category is there.
07-02-2012, 08:15 PM
Gonna agree with Simon here, never seen any cars go off where the red wall is, its always further up through the esses. Have however seen cars lose it out of the last turn onto pit straight (Novus or whatever its called now) and end up on teh infield so could if unlucky contact the end of the blue barrier. But even so that would be a handful of times over 20-odd years of watching racing at Wanneroo
10-02-2013, 09:00 AM
Anyone have an idea of if/when the track extension is taking place?
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