View Full Version : Dan's Skid Pig

11-09-2009, 09:30 AM
Well bit of history to begin.

My uncle bought this new back in 88 in QLD. He drove it up until my cousin got his license and then it became my cousins car for a few years until he upgraded. It then became my uncles again and he moved to W.A.

He passed away last year a couple of weeks after i bought it off him to donate the diff to my manual exec. I was originally going to just strip it and piss it off but decided to keep it for some centimental value.

Now for the project side of things.

88 "Series 2" SL
N/A Auto (dead torque converter - i want the block for torana)
Rebuilt 25 spline with spool and 4.11's (4.11's will need replacing)
VZ SS Rims

Fit Genuine Popup Calais Front i have just bought from vlt88wa
Patch window rust (its only a skid car)
Paint bright ass yellow with MX bumpers or the bright silver? (shed job won't be perfect)
Convert to EFI 5ltr or RB25 (depends on ute selling/swapping)

Day the new Diff and Rims went in
http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/images/441_03042009_01__tn.jpg (http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/view.php?filename=441_03042009_01_.jpg)

After first skid outing
http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/images/970_04042009_tn.jpg (http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/view.php?filename=970_04042009.jpg)

After 4th skid outing & burnout comp - stuffed torque converter, still moves barely though
http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/images/897_05042009_tn.jpg (http://imagehost.perthstreetcars.net/view.php?filename=897_05042009.jpg)


As you can tell by the 3rd video the box is half cactus

12-09-2009, 05:48 PM
Nice burnout vids! should be a interesing finish once few other things are done

ps, where abouts is that private track??

12-09-2009, 09:00 PM
Just past the Collie Motorplex, very popularf with people in south-west

12-09-2009, 09:31 PM
As you can tell by the 3rd video the box is half cactus
Jatco OEM fitment :lol:

Decent skidz for a NA auto but :)

13-09-2009, 10:16 AM
I think only the turbo boxes were Jatco?

NA auto with stock exhaust and 535000 to.

24-09-2009, 08:48 AM
Paint has been bought for body and trims

Absynthe Yellow for Body and Asterioid silver bumpers/trims

Someone buy my ute or make me an offer on a LS1 so i can continue with this more :)

02-03-2010, 05:31 PM
Blast from the past

Going LS1/LS2 route now, RB gear from the LX won't handle the heat from skids so only other reasonable options as holden V8's take ALOT of money to make good power...

Fitted calais front on weekend, almost ready for painter.


02-03-2010, 05:38 PM
Is that front off of a wagon by any chance ?

02-03-2010, 05:53 PM
nice, N/A + LSD fuck yeh! so much fun

02-03-2010, 05:59 PM
Yeah 31-EVO its from vlt88wa from calaisturbo.com.au, genuine popup front... had it on his 5spd turbo calais wagon

Its not LSD, its got a spool and the NA gear is fucked, got 3rd gear and reverse...

02-03-2010, 08:47 PM
hey man nice to see your on antilag aswell

cant wait to see it pumping skids again