22-02-2005, 07:31 AM
G'day peoples i just bought a splitfire boost gauge and cup and ive gota few questions. How the hell do i secure the gauge into the cup? It should be simple but im not seeing it.
The other thing is how has everyone run the boost line for these things, did you have to drill a new hole for the line through the firewall or did you squish it somewhere else? The one hole in the drivers side i can find ive already got the original wires plus a BMF amp power cable running through and im guessing the line has to stay un pinched and everything?
Im just gonna tack this on the end coz i couldnt find it searchin but just quickly whats the max boost for a stock intercooled, stock turbo'd CA?
Cheers people, Kagan
The other thing is how has everyone run the boost line for these things, did you have to drill a new hole for the line through the firewall or did you squish it somewhere else? The one hole in the drivers side i can find ive already got the original wires plus a BMF amp power cable running through and im guessing the line has to stay un pinched and everything?
Im just gonna tack this on the end coz i couldnt find it searchin but just quickly whats the max boost for a stock intercooled, stock turbo'd CA?
Cheers people, Kagan