View Full Version : HEADS UP ALL "HOON LAWS"
12-02-2005, 05:50 PM
Hi all
i won't be joining any of you anytime soon because of these new hoon laws they took my car and i got done for "dangerous driving" (wheel spin into second gear) they didn't care that i had a drag with a vx but the fact the wheels spun into second and the backend stepped out.
Theyare cracking down on these laws really heavily at the moment so be careful where you drag and how much wheel spin u get (keep it at the plex), the last couple of months the have impounded over 150 cars.
Oh and if you do get done the will sticker your car for the sake of it :asshole: .
Please don't become a statisitic like me be smart keep it on the track, it is fun and all but not worth the hassel and the "hoon" tag.
So good luck all on the cruises tonight :)
12-02-2005, 05:53 PM
oh and i forgot to mention there is now a if someone gets ur numberplate and the dob u in for doing something the will come get your car....
12-02-2005, 06:22 PM
Does that mean i can dob in the cop that i saw spin it while reversing down the street in subi last night?
12-02-2005, 06:51 PM
Does that mean i can dob in the cop that i saw spin it while reversing down the street in subi last night?
do it.
12-02-2005, 07:02 PM
They can't get your car becuase someone posts on a site.
That person has to sign a statutory decleration saying they saw you, in which case you sign one saying that it wasn't you and it becomes the classic your word against theirs. Where your fucked tho is if someone else signed a stat. dec. saying they also saw u at that time and place doing whatever....
12-02-2005, 07:16 PM
They can't get your car becuase someone posts on a site.
That person has to sign a statutory decleration saying they saw you, in which case you sign one saying that it wasn't you and it becomes the classic your word against theirs. Where your fucked tho is if someone else signed a stat. dec. saying they also saw u at that time and place doing whatever....
So if two people that don't like me sign a stat dec saying they saw me in McDoggles drive thru doing a drift on friday night after fat cat time i'm fucked then even if i never go out after fat cat time?
12-02-2005, 08:45 PM
lets dob in all undercover cops
13-02-2005, 12:37 AM
What makes me sick is all the pingpingpingpings in boonger VKs who drive like morons and spin the wheels at every possible occasion (I have two mates that fit this bill) never get so much as a demerit point, whilst all we have to do is leave the driveway in our "dangerous modified cars" and we get hastled.
13-02-2005, 01:02 AM
So if two people that don't like me sign a stat dec saying they saw me in McDoggles drive thru doing a drift on friday night after fat cat time i'm fucked then even if i never go out after fat cat time?
If two people sign stat dec's against you, then it becomes your job to prove your innocence, otherwise the stat dec's can be used in court as evidence against you.
If you do prove you weren't doing what they say, then they can be charged with purjury outside the courtroom. :werd:
13-02-2005, 02:43 AM
If labour get back in at the next election, they will introduce further laws that enable them to sell your confiscated vehicle and give the proceeds to victims of road accidents.
It aint gonna get any better for us.
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 03:35 AM
i just got my car impounded too.... "excessive noise.. and loss of traction"... since when has fucking loss of traction become a law....
i know where ur at Shaun... the cops i got to chat to ... didnt even write out the report correctly.. they wrote the wrong street... and i never lost traction if i did.. there would have been damn marks on the road.... i went back and took photos... ill fight this one to the death.....
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 03:40 AM
What makes me sick is all the pingpingpingpings in boonger VKs who drive like morons and spin the wheels at every possible occasion (I have two mates that fit this bill) never get so much as a demerit point, whilst all we have to do is leave the driveway in our "dangerous modified cars" and we get hastled.
i couldnt agree more.. the way they drove on roe hwy was fucked up.... i leave a fucking bunnings carpark and i get done... for what? sfa.. they are the ones who endanger peoples lives...
13-02-2005, 06:37 AM
"I will do what i have to do to save lives..... So if I dont catch you, (followed by group police) I WILL"
well lets see, how many people have seen bogans doing burnouts and shit at maccas carpark or leaving some petrol station or something or other, and never get caught... cops should look at what they are saying and what they are actually doing.... FALSE ADVERTISING ISSIT!!!!
i get pulled over for "rolling" thru a stop sign which when infact i had stopped and had 2 other ppl in the car to proove it, still get a fucking ticket..... it shits me off.... then two minutes later pull my mates over for not having his p's up
13-02-2005, 09:39 AM
these laws are getting outa hand
13-02-2005, 10:30 AM
i just got my car impounded too.... "excessive noise.. and loss of traction"... since when has fucking loss of traction become a law....
i know where ur at Shaun... the cops i got to chat to ... didnt even write out the report correctly.. they wrote the wrong street... and i never lost traction if i did.. there would have been damn marks on the road.... i went back and took photos... ill fight this one to the death.....
same thing with me they didnt get my address right lol and now we have to pay towing fees and storage fees on top of having no car
did u get charged for anything?
13-02-2005, 12:44 PM
i had a brush with these laws on friday night, only reason they let me off from what they say is "i had the right attitude, wasnt a smart ass, and was a reasonable person" he then went and said they dont like taking ppl's cars, and the only time they do is when ppl are either being a smart ass or doing something heaps bad. they said because of the extremes of the law ppl always turn into assholes, and when this happens say good bye to your car.
what am i trying to say, be nice to the cops, be firm and dont admit to anything.
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 01:07 PM
i got charged with "excessive noise" oh and the best one "loss of traction".... thats the most stupid thing ive heard... but im still allowed to drive... havent lost a demerit point... lol makes sense... imma hoon but i still can drive.. lol
same thing with me they didnt get my address right lol and now we have to pay towing fees and storage fees on top of having no car
did u get charged for anything?
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 01:11 PM
tell me how and why you should be nice.. when they pull you over for something you didnt do, first thing they say is "what was with that episode back there" i didnt know what i did, jesus.. ive had the car for a week and i pushed the accelarator a little to hard - serious i wasnt tryin to do a burnout.. i asked him what i did - POLITELY - and then he tells me to get out of the car, give him the keys its getting impounded... was rude as... sorta cant bring that across in text.. but yeah.. it was unfair... fair enough if i did something but i didnt!
i had a brush with these laws on friday night, only reason they let me off from what they say is "i had the right attitude, wasnt a smart ass, and was a reasonable person" he then went and said they dont like taking ppl's cars, and the only time they do is when ppl are either being a smart ass or doing something heaps bad. they said because of the extremes of the law ppl always turn into assholes, and when this happens say good bye to your car.
what am i trying to say, be nice to the cops, be firm and dont admit to anything.
13-02-2005, 01:21 PM
i had a brush with these laws on friday night, only reason they let me off from what they say is "i had the right attitude, wasnt a smart ass, and was a reasonable person" he then went and said they dont like taking ppl's cars, and the only time they do is when ppl are either being a smart ass or doing something heaps bad. they said because of the extremes of the law ppl always turn into assholes, and when this happens say good bye to your car.
what am i trying to say, be nice to the cops, be firm and dont admit to anything. totally agree, theres no point trying to argue or whinge to cops as they are the ones that can and will give you a sticker or impound your car.
its always best to get out of your car too, instead of them having to bend down and stick their ugly fuckin head in your car.
13-02-2005, 01:40 PM
tell me how and why you should be nice..
well, if human instinct to be a asshole to someone, if they are an asshole to you, ie if u be a asshole to a cop hes going to be an asshole back to you, and throw the book at ya.
totally agree, theres no point trying to argue or whinge to cops as they are the ones that can and will give you a sticker or impound your car.
its always best to get out of your car too, instead of them having to bend down and stick their ugly fuckin head in your car.
thats excatally it, if i get pulled up, i jump out the car with my licence and my permits, and i am overly nice to them, Cops appreciate this. And from my experience i can say it works, i have been pulled up twice now, and both time i was let off free of any charges. and both times cops said coz its i have the right attitude.
13-02-2005, 02:10 PM
and your fly was undone at the time bobbo ;)
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 02:33 PM
i agree, you be nice to someone they be nice to you... but the way that cop acted right as he approached my car.. he scared the shit outta me.... i didnt get mad until he charged me for a) something i didnt do and when i heard down the street real "hoons" doing big ass burn outs all down the street and they didnt even send anyone!! ... i always am polite to people... but this guy was a dick - i was laughing and joking about it with the other cop... i asked for a warning and the rest... right when i was still not so mad... and he looked at me like i commited murder and asked to get off it!
well, if human instinct to be a asshole to someone, if they are an asshole to you, ie if u be a asshole to a cop hes going to be an asshole back to you, and throw the book at ya.
thats excatally it, if i get pulled up, i jump out the car with my licence and my permits, and i am overly nice to them, Cops appreciate this. And from my experience i can say it works, i have been pulled up twice now, and both time i was let off free of any charges. and both times cops said coz its i have the right attitude.
13-02-2005, 03:06 PM
i agree, you be nice to someone they be nice to you... but the way that cop acted right as he approached my car.. he scared the shit outta me.... i didnt get mad until he charged me for a) something i didnt do and when i heard down the street real "hoons" doing big ass burn outs all down the street and they didnt even send anyone!! ... i always am polite to people... but this guy was a dick - i was laughing and joking about it with the other cop... i asked for a warning and the rest... right when i was still not so mad... and he looked at me like i commited murder and asked to get off it!
R33 Gurl, you are 100% correct, im always polite to the cops but they tryed to ping me for my bov going off, saing that i was spinning my wheels. (dumb office cop, but still could of called the traffic police). Bobbo if the cops think you did it, basicly you DID.
R33 Gurl
13-02-2005, 04:43 PM
thank you magic :D i mean ive been nice before and gotten out of it, but if the cop is in a bad mood.. which mine obviously was... he didnt even let me get a word in.. so yeah apparently i did it!.... its ok im working on this though i have 9 people there that will do that stat report stating i did nothing... hope it works *crosses fingers* or at least lessens my fine!
R33 Gurl, you are 100% correct, im always polite to the cops but they tryed to ping me for my bov going off, saing that i was spinning my wheels. (dumb office cop, but still could of called the traffic police). Bobbo if the cops think you did it, basicly you DID.
13-02-2005, 07:02 PM
Basisally you have to fight the charges the policeman hands you. so surely no one would go out of their way to make things potenially worse?
13-02-2005, 08:51 PM
i wonder if in court u are found not guilty, are the police liable for towing costs etc ?
and to take if further can u seek compensation, eg hire car ...
14-02-2005, 12:44 AM
These laws are a joke. Why? Because loosing your car for 48hrs ISN'T punishment. Its an added inconveniance and another way to hit your hip pocket. I really doubt the police would damage your car either. Shit would really hit the fan then ;) Sure it isn't fair but do you think its ok to confiscate a drug dealers assets? Sure we may not deal but in the eyes of the public we are just as bad...
People get so upset about loosing the car for 48hrs. Wait 6months and tell me whats worse. Loosing your car for 48hrs and paying more costs or fronting court and loosing your license for 6mths+.
Ohh and of course attitude plays a HUGE importance. I've sat on both sides of the fence and now, after learning that, i can drive around with a car that pops and farts all day long and a BOV that you can hear from 100m away and not get pulled over or hassled....
14-02-2005, 07:44 AM
tell me how and why you should be nice.. when they pull you over for something you didnt do, first thing they say is "what was with that episode back there" i didnt know what i did, jesus.. ive had the car for a week and i pushed the accelarator a little to hard - serious i wasnt tryin to do a burnout.. i asked him what i did - POLITELY - and then he tells me to get out of the car, give him the keys its getting impounded... was rude as... sorta cant bring that across in text.. but yeah.. it was unfair... fair enough if i did something but i didnt!
You shouldn't need to have to suck up to the cop. They need to show professionalism like everyone else working in any field has to and not let people's attitudes pay a part.
It's fucking bullshit this "be nice to the cop to get off / if you show attitude they will ping you".
14-02-2005, 09:42 AM
Cops do make mistakes and they are very embarrasing. There was one case where Police dobbed in a hoon. He got stickered on the day and went to court. Police said "He was in a carpark, planted his foot and both back tyres were both spining causing smoke and noise". Thrown straight out of cops and made the cops look like tools! His laywer must have gone, do Excels come stock "RWD with LSD". It was his mum's car and he was proven not to even be doing anything wrong. Cops just felt like trying to screw someone over! Dang Hoon Laws!
14-02-2005, 10:43 AM
Most cops are the kids that were stuffed in their lockers by the school bully back when they were younger and are trying to establish a dominant self worth attitude. Ive been pulled over by some cops that were good cops and some cops that were complete twats, its really just the luck of the draw. I'll always be nice to a cop, and keeping a level head and keeping cool in a situation will be much better than losing it.
I do think something needs to be done about the amount of power the average year 10 educated orrifcer has. In an ideal world we would have a special division of cops that pulls over vehicles for possible defection. What about a simpler idea that makes the police more responsible for their actions? How about making a law that whenever they issue a yellow sticker that is removed and the defect deemed legal that the cop pays the $100 fine out of their own pocket for wasting the time of the guys @ the pits? Maybe when a cop confiscates a car for a person being a "hoon" and the person is proven innocent in a court of law the cop responsible must pay all court costs associated. The point i am trying to get at is that cops need to be held accountable for their actions and the effects it has on peoples lives.
Dont get me wrong i am grateful for our police force and the job they do, its not an easy one, but they just need to be held accountable for what they do. That way they will only issue a yellow sticker to a car which is clearly a danger to the road and only confiscate the car of a driver who is clearly breaking many road rules and endangering other motorists.
I also cant believe noone has taken the fact that we are being labelled as hoons as a derogatory and a slurred term. We cant call aborignal's "coons" so why call enthusiasts "hoons". Its not what the true enthusiasts and modifiers are so why should we be punished by society by a ludicrous law brought in by some more uneducated politicans that are out of touch with the very society they are entrusted to run.
Thats me $5.83 :asshole:
14-02-2005, 01:11 PM
in the event of my car being confiscated, i would most definitely be taking extensive photos of the condition of the car before and after it was impounded, and making sure that i got it back in the exact condition it was taken from me. any damage i found, i would be taking it straight up with the police....i cant say that i would be particularly trusting the company contracted to hold my car for the 48 hours - its not the police holding it, its a private company subcontracted by the cops to do it.
and i would most definitely be pursuing getting towing and impund costs reimbursed int he event of being found innocent in court.....its about time these hoon laws had a few test cases put against them to see just how valid they really are in a court of law..the govt is crowing about them at the moment, but i think theres about to be some action taken in defence of the car enthusiasts.
interesting point with regards to the derogatory nature of the term "hoon" - especially seeing as a club cricketer can get suspended from playing for using the term "pommy git". i might sue for emotional distress/loss of sex drive/etc if i got pulled over, cos i had been labelled a "hoon" and found that to be a derogatory term.......hehe
its not so much having something against the police, its a matter of saying that it is legal in this country to make certain modifications to your vehicle, and to drive the vehicle of your choice, and yet laws are being introduced which are deliberately biased/discriminate against certain vehicles and certain car enthusiasts, both in the intention of the actual law itself, and in the manner with which it is being selectively enforced by the police. its about time the car clubs, and organisations like the RAC and such combined to put forward a case against these new laws, or else its only going to get worse.
14-02-2005, 09:28 PM
he then went and said they dont like taking ppl's cars, and the only time they do is when ppl are either being a smart ass
Since when is being a smartass an offence to have your car taken away from you for 48hrs. These hoon laws are BS.
14-02-2005, 09:53 PM
Since when is being a smartass an offence to have your car taken away from you for 48hrs. These hoon laws are BS.
yes they are BS. what i was trying to say, was once u have commited a offence or they claim u have, your attitude towards the police and the situation will affect the cops judgement alot.
14-02-2005, 10:14 PM
you should know within the first 10 seconds if you are going to get raped or not. the way the copper talks to you will tell you what you are in for. i wait and see and am polite if i think he deserves my respect but if it is obvious that he is a twat then i will treat him as such. they seem to be annoyed by my GTR, maybe something about me owning a car that they couldnt catch if they had to or some i think are truly brainwashed in to thinking that we are the scum of the earth.
and it is right to bitch about losing your car for 48 hours when you have done nothing.if it happen once it could just as easily happen again and then it 3 months or you really expect me to beleive that if a copper is following you and your record shows that you have been done before that they will not pay special attention to you.
Cold Fusion
14-02-2005, 10:46 PM
one thing that annoys me is how massivly loud motobikes are, they make sounds 100 times louder than any car would, but we get yellow stickerd for having it too loud, well what about them?!?!?! urgh.
15-02-2005, 09:02 AM
one thing that annoys me is how massivly loud motobikes are, they make sounds 100 times louder than any car would, but we get yellow stickerd for having it too loud, well what about them?!?!?! urgh.
i agree, however they are under a differant set of ADR's, get gate show them who can make more noise
15-02-2005, 11:17 AM
Mmmm.. Gate....
R33 Gurl
15-02-2005, 06:03 PM
in all seriousness, if they caught me doing a burnout i would have no problems taking my punishment... because my actions create my consequences... but god damn if i did nothing wrong and im going through this crap now - which i might add is going to waste a hell of alot of my time because im going to plead not guilty... i will complain bout loosing my car for 48 hours.. because if i get convicted.. im not going to have a licence at all nor, any money once they fine me... and if that crap happens 2 more times ill have no damn car as they will sell it! :(
and it is right to bitch about losing your car for 48 hours when you have done nothing.if it happen once it could just as easily happen again and then it 3 months or you really expect me to beleive that if a copper is following you and your record shows that you have been done before that they will not pay special attention to you.
15-02-2005, 07:12 PM
I think if most members got to the stage where there car was up for the 3rd time and gonna be auctioned off, you'd keep running. I know I sure as hell would.
15-02-2005, 10:27 PM
These new laws seem to have already sparked a fair few chases heard over the police scanners. 4WD performance cars vs. cop cars, in the rain, at night, no chance in ur aussie slug mobile.
15-02-2005, 10:44 PM
ok, some feed back
well the towing company is really good nothin wrong with the car and it didn't cost me a cent! so that was great........for now but i'll see if they hit me up for towing costs in court....
so very good points from people there but it is the luck of the draw i got bad cops....i was nice didn't say no once they even cuffed me i did ask is this necessary? they said shutup get on the floor so i did said we are going to charge u with dangerous driving and then one of them said oh and we'll take his car, then i was like theres no need come on, no talking them out if it, its like the wanna cause as much headache as possible not my fault someone had there retic on late at night all over the road and the lighting conditions of the street i didnt even notice it till i was sideways, but they were bout 200m away but they saw it
pulled into my mums house lol busted twice lol
oh well be careful all
in all seriousness, if they caught me doing a burnout i would have no problems taking my punishment... because my actions create my consequences... but god damn if i did nothing wrong and im going through this crap now - which i might add is going to waste a hell of alot of my time because im going to plead not guilty... i will complain bout loosing my car for 48 hours.. because if i get convicted.. im not going to have a licence at all nor, any money once they fine me... and if that crap happens 2 more times ill have no damn car as they will sell it! :(
and it is right to bitch about losing your car for 48 hours when you have done nothing.if it happen once it could just as easily happen again and then it 3 months or you really expect me to beleive that if a copper is following you and your record shows that you have been done before that they will not pay special attention to you.
oh to this the cop said to me were going keep an eye out for u! so yeah of course they will pay special attention to u
15-02-2005, 11:03 PM
ok, some feed back
well the towing company is really good nothin wrong with the car and it didn't cost me a cent! so that was great........for now but i'll see if they hit me up for towing costs in court....
The gov't will probably pay the towy's bill for now and then on charge you. towy's generally don't like giving cars back without being paid, they probably have a deal with the gov't.
This is utter bullshit!
I'm sick of cops using yellow stickers, and now confiscating cars, as an excuse to ping you for something, just because they cant find anything else wrong with your car.
To top it off, the Labour government is using the word "Hoon" way too much......on the news last night, they said they were going to give tasers (those electrified stun gun devices that shoot electrodes into the assailant) to police officers, to give "hoons a shock".
Do they mean car enthusiasts, or do they mean real criminals when they say "hoons"??
16-02-2005, 07:20 AM
[QUOTE=kermit] they seem to be annoyed by my GTR, maybe something about me owning a car that they couldnt catch /[QUOTE]
That's exactly why. Theres a video going around of a GTR losing the cops in a tunnel, the driver of the GTR just puts his foot down and about 5/6 seconds later you can't see the police vehicle anymore.
16-02-2005, 07:30 AM
If they handcuffed you, plea for use of excessive force to get the charge dropped.
16-02-2005, 11:35 AM
tj loves the cuffs ;)
i bet that valentine love note gave him an open invite to use them
16-02-2005, 09:07 PM
To top it off, the Labour government is using the word "Hoon" way too much......on the news last night, they said they were going to give tasers (those electrified stun gun devices that shoot electrodes into the assailant) to police officers, to give "hoons a shock".
Are you serious??? So now if i chirp my tyres off the lights i'm going to get attacked with a tazer??
17-02-2005, 06:09 PM
If a cop tazered me he'd want to make sure it was a big enough boot to knock me out or id be all over him like baby powder on a newborn...
All hoon laws do is create more high speed chases but the govt and michelle duckface roberts are too stupid to realise that.
Why dont drunk drivers get their cars impounded? The dumb pingpingpingping courts keep giving them their license back and they are way mroe dangerous than someone painting lines up a deserted rd late at night....
17-02-2005, 06:14 PM
i understood that the (40) tazers are meant for the riot police and stuff.. ie for big events like the skyshow...
17-02-2005, 09:36 PM
Why dont drunk drivers get their cars impounded? The dumb pingpingpingping courts keep giving them their license back and they are way mroe dangerous than someone painting lines up a deserted rd late at night....
thats a hell good point! go home next day there in their car driving do a skid u lose ur car ur license and $$$$ *HOONS*
i am fighting this one out getting a lawyer and going all the way....they made false reports said i was "estimated do 100kmph" bs through those little s bend curves that say 20kmph on the sign and it is impossible to throw a vl through one of those things not even a wrx could do it at 60
the cops all thought it was quite funny the sargent was towing my car while i was cuffed on the floor right behind the exhust while they were havin a smoke waiting for a tow truck
anyone know a journalist? i think us so called *hoons* should have a say
just because ur car has chrome wheels tints and an exhaust and mabye a few mods ur a *hoon*
Politicians are so out of touch with the community itself like look at the young guy in morely last week the guy was a p plated in a old bucket corrona and he hit a traffic light it isnt about powerful cars its about the right driving education, fair enough we aint race car drivers but if u test the limit of your car eg industrial area doin burnouts or somethin at least u know wot the car can handle and u behind the wheel
if there was more better access to driver training and motorplex facilities in perth there would most likely be less street draging and more geniune cruises its that most of perth dont live near any sort of facilities to go have fun with ur car u need to travel either to motorplex then it cost u heaps same with wanneroo and theres collie 230km away 2millon people one 400m strip of concrete ?
i could go on all night its just fuked we are all tagged as hoons but its just like a lifestyle but we have no where to do it, i love driving and going on cruises but its just to hard, i aint going to travel 60km then pay 30 bucks to go race someone its unfeesable not to mention 60km home
well piece out becareful and watch out for the cops!
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 01:12 AM
anyone know a journalist? i think us so called *hoons* should have a say
i was thinking the exact same thing.... something like today tonite, or something....... ppl need visuals... im lucky i didnt get cuffed but the way i got treated was a load of bullshit - i think (because of the upcoming election) they are being all tuff n stuff .... personally i rekon they have nightly budgets to charge as many "hoons" as they can........ so they just pick on the people that have the better looking cars....
Today Tonight are possibly the WORST people you'd want to contact in regards to giving *hoons* a say. They'll put a negative spin on it, and edit footage whichever way they like to make it look bad, seeing as most of their viewers DONT support car enthusiasts, or hoons.
18-02-2005, 08:21 AM
hahah yeah, they made joe look 10kg fatter on camera, id be heated :P hahaha
but seriously, the only bloody footage today tonight has, is that yellow r34 gtt doing burnounts in the scabs top carpark, which has been closed for years.
if you want real power, i say we call on that dude from ch31, and his black associate... they'll give the "ballz n all" story about us :P
plus the sound n picture quality will be crap so they wont be able to tell who we are hahaha :)
18-02-2005, 10:00 AM
In case you people hadnt noticed, the media dont give a shit about our side of the story....
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 10:27 AM
there has to be someone out in that big world of media.... that is interested in cars and would want to show the other side of the story.......
fuck even if its just to expose how fucking rude some cops can be..... without the need...
18-02-2005, 10:34 AM
Carry a vidcam around and a mate so if u get pulled up u can film the cops, media would be much more interested if u had some footage for them
18-02-2005, 12:52 PM
i say, buy a car that cops wont suspect... i mean sorry to say. but dependant on your car is what cops are gonna be like.
get caught speeding in a kitted up skyline with cooler and rims... they probly wont be as leaneant... as say
driving a supercharged seca *smacks rhys*
but yeah, ive owned my laser for 3 and a bit years now, when it was turboed... no cop ever pulled me over for the turbo side of it. I guess they just look for cars to pick on.
Tj and i were in the laser, went thru a booze bus, whilst i got breathalized, another cop checked my tyres, scanned the bumper... obviously noticed the intercooler... kept looking... walked up and yanked on our seatbelts before letting us go.
Be wary of booze buses now, rolling yellow sticker locations now.
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 01:02 PM
an article today, i read in the comment news.. i think from tuesday.... got me all fired up...
A kelmscott businessman is planning to use a network of web cameras to help communites fight hoons, burglars and vandals on suburban streets.
IT consultant Richard Price has developed a website to explain the concept and gauge interest from residents. Mr Price said would be a network of web cameras in front of homes, businesses and public places to capture crime and antisocial behaviour as it happened.
The cameras would be set up automatically detect motion and send the images to the hooncam website, where they would be stored for analysis.
Mr Price said residents could set up and monitor web cameras individually or operate them as part of a community of neighbours.
"The web cameras will be able to send an SMS or email alert to a mobile phone or computer if they detect movement," he said.
Mr Price said the website could be free to view or pass-word protected for private viewing through subcription.
Mr Price rejected suggestions could be an invasion of people's privacy.
"The City of Perth was the first local government to introduce closed circut television (1991) and it has been very successful," he said. " will be capturing only what people could see with their own eyes. It's a tool which the community can use to protect itself."
Mr Price said would empower communites to deal with hooning at a local level.
"Not every incident will need to be reported to the police," he said. "I suspect some will be able to dealt with by a tap on the shoulder of the person involved."
Mr Price said he was hoping to secure funding for a pilot project to test the concept.
People interested in the concept can visit and register their interest.
Mr Price said he had set-up the site initially to inform people of the concept and it was not yet fully functional.
The end... wanker...
I would like to add, I will be checking out this website now, and I will be registering my interest in getting rid of it, and complaing that we "hoons" are not criminals. Anyone one else feel free to do the same... because im getting sick of this bullshit labelling.
Fuck MR PRICE!! i'l be on his site to complain!as should evry1 else!...wat a twat!
18-02-2005, 01:10 PM
But we arent hoons, so what are you worried about?
18-02-2005, 01:11 PM
Just a couple of seconds of investigating... looking up the domain registration details, no name or contact details bar an email address and a post code has been provided. Probably a smart idea - but has he covered his personal details well enough??? :P
Went to and looked up "Price" - hrmmm... only one match for that postcode. :|
Just a couple of seconds of investigating... looking up the domain registration details, no name or contact details bar an email address and a post code has been provided. Probably a smart idea - but has he covered his personal details well enough??? :P
Went to and looked up "Price" - hrmmm... only one match for that postcode. :|
haha good 1 :lol: :lol: :lol:
18-02-2005, 01:20 PM
"But we arent hoons, so what are you worried about?"
you know exactly why,, because we drive cars that "stand out from teh crowd" we get labled as a hoon by the public, things like this just perpetuate the idea.
18-02-2005, 01:26 PM
"But we arent hoons, so what are you worried about?"
you know exactly why,, because we drive cars that "stand out from teh crowd" we get labled as a hoon by the public, things like this just perpetuate the idea.
Thats not the issue here, hooncam is what we are talking about. If you are driving like an idiot in suburban streets you deserve to get raped in my opinion so why bitch about hooncam?
18-02-2005, 01:27 PM
i was more talking abotu hoon laws in general.
i got pulled up today, and i quote,, "because your car stands out like dogs balls man, we saw and heard it from a mile away"
im like,,, and you pulled me over why?
18-02-2005, 01:28 PM
umm because they heard it from a mile away perhaps?
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 01:36 PM
Dear Mr Price,
I read your article in the comment news the other day… and I would just like to say that I had a “hooning experience” the past weekend.
I just bought my Nissan skyline and was pulling out of a carpark – which I will add the road was wet. Yes my car is kitted out, yes it has a turbo and when I pulled out, my foot did accidentally hit the accelerator too hard, and my wheels spun. – THIS WAS AN HONEST MISTAKE.
I continued driving and the police pulled me over, snatched the keys out of my ignition, told me to get out the car and to hand over my licence. I was treated in a rude manner. They told me they were charging me under section 62A for loss of traction and excessive noise, and that they were confiscating my car and I was going to receive a summons in the mail to go to court. They towed my car away then and there.
While I waited there, as they were filling out all the necessary forms, in the car park maybe 200metres away, there were cars doing burnouts, doughnuts and the whole shebang. Why did they not go after them? As I waited there 6 undercover police cars stopped and talked to the officers that charged me. Did any of them go after those cars doing burnouts? NO… do you want to know why? Because it was not visible. They got me right on Albany Hwy, where everyone could see that they pulled over a car that has been modified. When do you see police cars going down seventh, forrest, or fifth rd in Armadale where burnouts, drags and all that actually occur! – because NO ONE SEE”S IT. When I was pulled over it looked as if they were doing their job, when actually they weren’t. While they were booking me, for a simple accident I made… they would not even let me defend myself. – Apparently I was let off lightly as they thought I was a smart girl that just made a mistake – so my title would be a “smart hoon”.. correct?
Now, I could understand these consequences of the above, IF I did do a burnout, IF I did endanger my passengers lives, IF I caused a huge noise that people would complain about, IF I left skid marks all along the road… but I did none. I have now been “labelled” a Hoon. This is not fair.
I am not saying that what some people do in cars is right, because I am not. Drags on small streets burnouts and all the rest is not right, especially in communities, but just because some people have a passion for cars, that do not break the road rules, but get targeted because of the looks of a car? … I can guarantee you, my car has all modifications done to the highest standards, my car is a safe and is a good car… but why is there so many dangerous cars that sway and have things falling off them still on the road… the good nice cars are easy targets… I admit…. But it is NOT RIGHT BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE TO LABEL PEOPLE. Especially ones that have done nothing wrong.
Yours Sincerely,
18-02-2005, 01:43 PM
I seriously hope you havent sent that in....
18-02-2005, 01:48 PM
my foot did accidentally hit the accelerator too hard
You kinda lost all credibility right there hahaha
When do you see police cars going down seventh, forrest, or fifth rd in Armadale where burnouts, drags and all that actually occur!
How would you know this info if you werent part of the group that does it haha
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 02:15 PM
i did say it.. and it is true.. what should i say?
there is a letter to the editor in the same comment news, stating that these are some of the worst roads for that in armadale ... i dont go down there myself, but i have heard, plus what was written there... thats where i took that bit from
18-02-2005, 02:21 PM
ok I agree these hoon laws suck but I'm going to put another perspective on it. How many of you own houses? A few maybe? I know I do & to see burnouts up & down the roads are bull shit. If you ever go to sell a house how much would these burn outs & shit piss you off? A lot I bet, as your gonna lose money as you will find it difficult to be selling your house as looks & presentation is everything & burnouts out the front don't really help.
I love cruising and quite a few of you know this so these laws do affect me as they do everyone else.
R33 Gurl
18-02-2005, 02:35 PM
i agree with you - its not right for them to be down any street specially when theres families and such - but what im saying is its not right to target ppl when they do nothing wrong just coz they have a car that stands out.... i agree hoon laws have their place.. but the government and police are abusing them
18-02-2005, 06:20 PM
Cuffing someone for losing traction on a wet road is despicable.
Seriously bring that into question in court.
R33 Gurl - this guy will probably laugh at your letter and throw it in the bin, right before he opens his safe and rolls around in all the money his little "project" is making. You can tell right away he's an opportunist, a business man. He saw a trend and he marketed for it. He doesn't give a toss about the community, or car owners. I'll bet he'll buy a ferrari or a porche once his profits are reaped, and drive like a maniac.
Basically what people have to focus on is unfairness by the police, wrongfull charges, excessive force... Don't forget, as soon as someone's successful in proving these laws are unfair and/or that the police were using them unfairly, there'll be a precedent for most further cases to use.
The Media won't do shit, they love this kind of thing, they penned the term "hoon" as a modern buzz word, as opposed to something grandpa mutters when he heres someone doing a burnout. The commercial media (10/9/7, papers) are right behind the government on this, as it promotes a "family values" message, and they love that. JJJ/ABC would be the ones to talk to, or other alternative media sources, as they say what they like about the government and it's policies. Try 4 corners, the ABC current affairs program (if it's still on, I don't watch much TV). Then, if ABC run a successful story, the other CA programs will jump right on the bandwagon... It's all about trends.
18-02-2005, 08:21 PM
IF I did do a burnout,
my foot did accidentally hit the accelerator too hard, and my wheels spun.
thats a burnout if i aint mistaken, sorry to say it, the judge wont care what u did, since u have admited you spun your wheels (thats what i think anyway).
18-02-2005, 09:25 PM
thats a burnout if i aint mistaken, sorry to say it, the judge wont care what u did, since u have admited you spun your wheels (thats what i think anyway).
and how many l drivers have u seen/heard spin the wheels?? yes they are learning thats y they dont get booked... surely u can't say u never meant to spin ur wheels and u have, imagen if u got done at a set of lights because ur foot slipped of the clutch accendents happen....but its a burnout bs! its because of the cars soon as they seen chrome wheels/cooler/turbo badge or a s/s muffler thats it! ur fuked!
cops first question to me was is that turbocharger licesned with the car? first question before my name....not because of the car my ass they didnt care about me just wanted the car ....
ohwell i am selling my car now! getting a 4 cylinder na and a auto box *:flipa: cops*
18-02-2005, 09:52 PM
Just one question. If my 70 year old grandmother looses traction in the wet exiting a carpark infront of a police car will she get her car confiscated?
19-02-2005, 12:25 AM
lol must do the cops are so consitant good one!
19-02-2005, 07:50 AM
Hmmmm.. Well young folks.. Hey I can get away with that... Being a senior citizen and all... In my honest opinion the only way the voice of the rev heads will ever be heard is to make a stand... FFS what the frig is Geoff Gallop on ?? Some sort of mind altering substance?? More than likely played with his knob to much as a kid.. His greatest fantasy is to take his PJ top off when he goes to bed me thinks... The labor party was traditionaly the party of the working class.. The people that put in a few extra yards.. Oh hang on ?? Most car enthusiats are in that basket ?? Geoff Gallop is now the brown wiggle... Wake the fuck up Geoff !!!
Suffice to say unless you start writing some well constructed, grammatically correct emails, letters etc etc to the pollies, the papers etc our hobbies, interests etc etc are gonna end up in the bottom of the loo.. Come on find out who you local polictican is and go down to their office.. Look em straight in the eye.. (Especially if they are a current Govt Minister) and say "Im not going to vote for you" "Your Govt picks on me because Im in a minority group" "Id rather vote for the idiot that wants to build the canal from up north" (Are you fucken kidding me lol)..
Well you get my point... While we sit here and bitch and moan and talk about this that and the bloody other the fuzz is still out there knocking off the next poor fella or front bum that was more than likely trying to do the right thing...
How bout some of us get together and build a factual website about this crap... Seriously I have had just about enough of these so called intellectuals and their doing it for the people shite !! We are the people you bloody morons... Geezus... Anyways I could rant on all day about this.. I will let someone else get there $ 5.83 in..
R33 Gurl
19-02-2005, 09:25 AM
Hmmmm.. Well young folks.. Hey I can get away with that... Being a senior citizen and all... In my honest opinion the only way the voice of the rev heads will ever be heard is to make a stand... FFS what the frig is Geoff Gallop on ?? Some sort of mind altering substance?? More than likely played with his knob to much as a kid.. His greatest fantasy is to take his PJ top off when he goes to bed me thinks... The labor party was traditionaly the party of the working class.. The people that put in a few extra yards.. Oh hang on ?? Most car enthusiats are in that basket ?? Geoff Gallop is now the brown wiggle... Wake the fuck up Geoff !!!
Suffice to say unless you start writing some well constructed, grammatically correct emails, letters etc etc to the pollies, the papers etc our hobbies, interests etc etc are gonna end up in the bottom of the loo.. Come on find out who you local polictican is and go down to their office.. Look em straight in the eye.. (Especially if they are a current Govt Minister) and say "Im not going to vote for you" "Your Govt picks on me because Im in a minority group" "Id rather vote for the idiot that wants to build the canal from up north" (Are you fucken kidding me lol)..
Well you get my point... While we sit here and bitch and moan and talk about this that and the bloody other the fuzz is still out there knocking off the next poor fella or front bum that was more than likely trying to do the right thing...
How bout some of us get together and build a factual website about this crap... Seriously I have had just about enough of these so called intellectuals and their doing it for the people shite !! We are the people you bloody morons... Geezus... Anyways I could rant on all day about this.. I will let someone else get there $ 5.83 in..
MUFDVR, i couldnt of said it better.... id be in for this website... i cant stand this crap ... its bullshit and unfair.. (cant think of anything super intelligent to say right now.. im still waking up)... but count me in!
R33 Gurl
19-02-2005, 09:28 AM
thats a burnout if i aint mistaken, sorry to say it, the judge wont care what u did, since u have admited you spun your wheels (thats what i think anyway).
so your telling me... never... in your entire life.... you never spun your wheels accidentily.. i just always have my accidents at the worst possible times.. lol
the judge is going to give a crap.. or well..... he just better... lol
19-02-2005, 01:20 PM
Apparently Liberal oppose these new hoon laws? election is next weekend, think about it closely.
R33 Gurl
19-02-2005, 01:25 PM
really? ...
19-02-2005, 02:58 PM
Do they actually oppose them or have they just said nothing on the matter?
19-02-2005, 04:53 PM
I think the Liberal party definitely has a stand on the Hoon Laws also.. Dont forget they had to vote on the passsing of them in parliament... What is the real worry is that we are suffering the rath of the watered down version.. Im told the draft legislation was actually much tougher... :dizzy:
I cant wait for thw water cannon to front up and hose us all out the Freo car park if the Brown Wiggles get back into power.. (Onya Geoff ya pin head) !! :asshole:
Vote with your feet people.. Not that any of the other parties have anything decent to offer anyway.. :(
i agree with Wanker R33 Gurl ... getting booked 4 spinning ur wheels in the wet ... what a load of b/s .... hell i drive an bunky 83 corolla and spin the wheels in the wet (sometimes without trying :P ) ... don't know what ur chances r in court ...
but good luck :)
19-02-2005, 09:49 PM
meh meh meh political bullshit, all politicians are tossers, except for michelle roberts. Shes a dirty whore :shake: :shake: :shake: . GO THE GREENS!!!
19-02-2005, 11:05 PM
meh meh meh political bullshit, all politicians are tossers, except for michelle roberts. Shes a dirty whore :shake: :shake: :shake: . GO THE GREENS!!!
If the greens ever got in power they'd probably outlaw petrol.
20-02-2005, 12:26 AM
maybe a protest outside parliment house? with signs and shouting and a hippy playing a guitar? might get noticed if theres a few 100 people.. go for a cruise, leave cars at kings park or something and walk down, stir some shit, and see what happens.. the issue it seems to me is that car enthusiasts are simply not organised enough, we bitch and moan on the net in unison, occasioanly somebody sends a letter or two in and thats it..
another idea is to set up a cruise during the week, Im sure we could all get a day off or something and effectively gridlock the city.. wouldnt be too hard, just do a few laps over and over, yet again, put signs on our cars or something..
just ideas....
20-02-2005, 11:43 AM
Now I like that idea... !!!
R33 Gurl
20-02-2005, 01:39 PM
thats a bloody excellent idea, i know of someone who is willing to write an article in the echo newspaper for us... its small but its a start....
20-02-2005, 02:19 PM
echoooo echooooo echooooooo
20-02-2005, 05:05 PM
how bout we go to parliment house after antilag cruise next weekend?
only problem is, what politician is going to be working on a sunday.....
20-02-2005, 10:27 PM
how bout we go to parliment house after antilag cruise next weekend?
only problem is, what politician is going to be working on a sunday.....
politician's work? well if dribbling shit and making fun of the other party is work ok.....i think they work 1 day on 4 weeks off
20-02-2005, 10:32 PM
Yeh lets gridlock the city, that will really get the general public on our side.....
20-02-2005, 11:13 PM
Yeh lets gridlock the city, that will really get the general public on our side.....
not initially.. but then again the bus drivers do it, ppl listen to them.. :P It's just a way of getting heard... but definately a nice peaceful protest would be a good start.
20-02-2005, 11:17 PM
Bit different, bus drivers provide a service which means the public have to listen they have no choice.
I cant see any sort of public protest working because the public dont care and have no reason to care. The only people that would care would be the enthusiasts themselves so whats the point?
21-02-2005, 08:23 AM
True plus everyone would make headlines "Hoons Block Streets of Perth"
Also if you accidently spin your wheels & get caught do you think you should be let off due to the fact it was an accident? So if you accidently killed someone you should be let off for that too because that was also an accident? Unfortunately people, mistakes happen & you have to pay the consequences & try not to make the same mistake again.
21-02-2005, 08:41 AM
i made the mistake of letting tj race a 626 in my car :(
never gonna make that mistake again.
R33 Gurl
21-02-2005, 10:42 AM
True plus everyone would make headlines "Hoons Block Streets of Perth"
Also if you accidently spin your wheels & get caught do you think you should be let off due to the fact it was an accident? So if you accidently killed someone you should be let off for that too because that was also an accident? Unfortunately people, mistakes happen & you have to pay the consequences & try not to make the same mistake again.
your right, maybe girdlocking isnt a good idea.. but we could do a cruise around the city... with stuff on our cars or something.. it would still get some attention.. and maybe better publicity than the gridlocking...
and about spinning wheels, killing someone accidently and spinning wheels accidently totally different... i can see your point of you cant let one off and not the other, but you really compare the 2 either..
21-02-2005, 11:38 AM
actually you can as an accident is an accident it's just the consequences that are different
21-02-2005, 12:25 PM
actually, i think the best way of making a well-constructed point would be to present some nice statistical, cold, hard, factual data to someone like the RAC who can then take that data and make it public.
data would go something along the lines of:
-comparison of percentage of "import" (skylines, silvias, 300's, soarers, etc) cars registered in WA as compared to "domestic" cars (commodores, fords, corollas, excels, magnas, etc).
-breakdown of age ranges of drivers of both categories of cars (hopefully roughly even in order for next point to be most valid) ie "~15% of import drivers are P platers/under 25 yrs, as compared to ~20% of domestic drivers"
-comparison of defect notices issued to "imports" as compared to "domestics" - hopefully showing a disproportiately large number of imports....would thus establish that the hoon laws are biased/being applied to discriminate against "import" drivers, given that there are a significantly lower percentage of them on the road, being driven by a roughly equal percentage of drivers within the "hoon" age range, and yet a significantly larger number of "import" drivers are being pulled over and issued defects.
then move into another argument:
-percentage of registered cars on the road made prior to 1985 or something (ie over 20 yrs old, and therefore reasonable to argue have less safety features such as ABS)
-breakdown showing the percentage of each major car make registered in WA (commodore, camry, falcon, volvo, barina, excel, magna) equipped with features such as ABS and traction control as standard (and year that it was implemented by the manufacturer as factory standard) as compared to percentage of "import" cars having the same features as standard
-analysis of performance/safety features of major makes (0-100 time, 100-0 braking distance, 200m slalom time, ABS, TRC, airbags, electronic suspension, AWD, 4WD)
hopefully establish that "import" cars outperform "domestics" not only in speed/performance, but also in braking, and standard safety features - maybe etsablish some sort of index rating using 0-100/100-0, and show that cars such as barinas/excels/commodores/magnas are actually under-braked, have very few safety features, and are generally a much more unsafe/inferior vehicle to "imports".
add in a few points like:
- all cars are capable of being driven at 80km/h in a 60 zone, but not all cars are capable of stopping safely/have the same stopping power (ie just because a car is turbo/worked/has the potential of going 0-100 in 6 seconds doesnt mean it is necessarily any more dangerous than a clapped out datsun with drum brakes, or an excel)
-more "domestic" cars that are over 20 years of age, and therefore arguably in a more deteriorated condition and more deserving of a defect than 15 yr old "import"s
maybe even then go in and examine some of the things cars are being defected for, and question the reasons behind them being defectable - i seriously wonder whether some of the defect laws are like 20 years old, and havent been kept up to date with modern technology
then have a go at the driver education system in this state/country (this is more to get the RAC onside than prove any particular point for "import" drivers) pointing out how it is lacking in teaching drivers anything more than basically the road rules - no car control, driving on gravel, braking in the wet, etc - you have to go and do a separate "defensive driving course" or whatever of your own accord to learn these basic driving skills.
a nicely constructed study along these lines would do wonders in exposing the "road safety" system and traffic laws of this state.
sorry for the long post
21-02-2005, 12:40 PM
I agree with Ricey here.. The gridlock scenario definitely isnt gonna make 1 iota of difference.. Probably makes us look like a bigger bunch of morons than the government has the public believing...
However having said that... If we dont make some sort of stand then we are gonna get walked all over... Before to long everybody will be driving old beat up Camrys just like Riceys lappper... :flipa:
All the revheads should have banded together when the draft legislation was being touted in the first place... I tried to get some folks to show some interest but it fell on deaf ears and look what we are up against now.. :mad:
Its do or disappear time folks...
Sprout some ideas FFS.. Otherwise cruising as we know it will disappear !!! As will the our modified toys... Im just waiting for these government idiots to jump the gun and fark it for all of us...
21-02-2005, 09:39 PM
This could possibly be either stupidity or pure genious, which ever way you look at it, and ask the politicians to come up with their driver records, from back when they were "youngin's" then get THEM to do the same driver training say CAMS would put thru thier level 2 speed drivers.
and to top it off, get them to do it in bunky pos's that they drive, and we do the same with our "highly modified hoonmobiles" and see who comes out on top.... ohh
is there any way we can view michelle robert's driver records, because i think that would be a good thing to see in an open arena "Does our Minister for police MICHELLE ROBERTS really know how to drive"
thats my treefiddy in
21-02-2005, 10:13 PM
stupidity perhaps?!
Chompas Back
21-02-2005, 10:26 PM
ive just had long service leave and now im back to take a sticky beak. are you having problems with my fell work friends while i have been away???
21-02-2005, 10:42 PM
']stupidity perhaps?!
possibly but i mean i think the public has a right to know what shit the police minister did back in her day, i mean shes the one who fought to bring it in
21-02-2005, 11:23 PM
Before to long everybody will be driving old beat up Camrys just like Riceys lappper... :flipa:..
my Camry aint beat up its in good nick !! Just put 2 new tyres on it hahaha 14s are so much cheaper than 18s hahaha
22-02-2005, 12:08 AM
yeah some cops r fucked but some r good too
i had pull me up after i dragged a wrx
we were flying
but he said
do it again and ill fuck u up
when he could of just said thanks for your license!
also another 2 heard me gun it but didnt see me and pulled me over
said to quiten it down and thats it
so there r some good cops about
one day i got a sticker coz all my mates were drifting and i was just at the wrong place at the wrong time , what could i do? nothing
i got permits and got the sticker off and about 2 months later the same cop pulls me over for a breath test with a R32 GTR behind me
lets the gtr go and tells me to pop the bonnet
he knew exactly who i was and once i showed him the permits i just closed the bonnet and drove away
basically just dont do stupid shit in open suburban areas and ull be right
22-02-2005, 03:47 AM
The trick would be to figure out a way to get noticed by not just the government officials (becasue they will just ignore us) but also by the public, and to get noticed in a positive way (ie: yeah, gridlocking the city was a stupid idea)...
Perhaps we should all start by writing to our local MPs with a pro-forma letter that we come up with, perhaps with examples in which the hoon laws have been unfair and the cops have given out defects, etc, only for them to be taken off the next days as the cars were legal. this letter could also be sent to the media (newspapers).
Then, something like a political rally would be good, that would get us tv coverage, etc.. could even have a sausage sizzle with funds going to some charity, people love charities, look at the publicity the Tsunami cruise recieved.
Basically we have to come off as a large, well organised and lawful group of average joe's who have modified cars and want to stand up for their passion.
22-02-2005, 10:15 AM
look at the publicity the Tsunami cruise recieved..
The Tsunami cruise got fuckall publicity. A small story in a local free newspaper... The major papers, radio stations and tv networks were contacted and werent interetested....Proves my earlier point that ppl just dont care. The only reason we got into the local paper was the fact that one of their photographers (Matthew Poon) is a car enthusiast himself.
22-02-2005, 10:28 AM
Basically we have to come off as a large, well organised and lawful group of average joe's who have modified cars and want to stand up for their passion.
Exactly my point... So lets get the ideas flowing !!! :)
22-02-2005, 11:01 AM
surely the car-enthusiast organisations (cams, rac, a few others) are there for times like these - to put forward the argument for all the "aerage joe's who have modified cars". i know i read an article in perth street car mag in about dec. last year, where the editor's rant was basically warning readers about the new laws and the direction they were likely to end up going.....had a couple of pages spelling out what they were. would've thought that would be one person/group who would be interested in collecting info on how these laws are being abused and making it public.
Basically we have to come off as a large, well organised and lawful group of average joe's who have modified cars and want to stand up for their passion.
well-organised, responsible, and informed.
perhaps could seize the initiative here.....just a thought....but if the club was able to organise/run driver training days semi-regularly thru the year, say 3 times a year, it would enable us to present ourselves as a car club for performance vehicle enthusiasts that is interested in training and educating its drivers, as well as organising cruises - give us a bit more credibility when presenting to govt/rac/media/whoever....would just mean that official cruises would have to be VERY well-behaved, and some of the more "fun" driving done at other times, and possibly not by cars bearing the official sticker....or else, we start another "responsible" subsidiary club to do this
22-02-2005, 11:33 AM
I dont know so much about the RAC.. They seem to be more hell bent on making a profit for shareholders these days than looking after the motorists they represent... CAMS views it Motorsport pursuits over any average road going joe as more important.. What does that leave ?? Maybe some of us need to have a chat with Trevor from Perth Street Car and see if he wants to ramp up his involvement in this stuff... !!
22-02-2005, 11:47 AM
Only problem there is the only people that read Perth Street Car mag are car enthusiasts hahaha
22-02-2005, 12:20 PM
Only problem with hiring a track/doing driver training days is the club itself (antilag) will need to provide PL insurance, which is a cost they cannot bare. So unless members are willing to pay a membership fee towards the club/cruises whatever, these days are not feasible unless run in conjunction with another centre (ie AHG driver training centre). Only problem with that is you have to use the cars they provide. I know DriveSafe Australia's course allows you to use your own car, they teach emergency braking. etc, but the course is nowhere near as comprehensive as say the BMW Driver Training day (only speaking from my personal experience). But again, cost is the factor. Drivesafe was ~100-200, BMW was 900-1000.
22-02-2005, 02:05 PM
Only problem with hiring a track/doing driver training days is the club itself (antilag) will need to provide PL insurance, which is a cost they cannot bare. So unless members are willing to pay a membership fee towards the club/cruises whatever, these days are not feasible unless run in conjunction with another centre (ie AHG driver training centre). Only problem with that is you have to use the cars they provide. I know DriveSafe Australia's course allows you to use your own car, they teach emergency braking. etc, but the course is nowhere near as comprehensive as say the BMW Driver Training day (only speaking from my personal experience). But again, cost is the factor. Drivesafe was ~100-200, BMW was 900-1000.
not true - i did an "advanced driver training course" with AHG about a month ago in my own car, cost about 80 bucks. 3.5 hours, they set up little motorkhana courses with cones, instructor comes in the car with you, do each course about 4 times, they're happy to keep riding with you and giving pointers or let you just attack the courses after the first run or two. bout 14 cars in total. they seemed pretty happy to cater for car clubs, had 2 guys from the corvette club there testing out their rebuilt big-blocks - causing me to decide i need more power!!
agree with the insurance point though - should've thought of that. :mad:
and sure, only car enthusiasts read perth street car mag, but if we can start there, get the ball rolling and get more perth car enthusiasts on board, then you start talking about large numbers of people from a wide spectrum of perth's car scene adding their voices to the argument.....
22-02-2005, 08:17 PM
not true - i did an "advanced driver training course" with AHG about a month ago in my own car, cost about 80 bucks. 3.5 hours, they set up little motorkhana courses with cones, instructor comes in the car with you, do each course about 4 times, they're happy to keep riding with you and giving pointers or let you just attack the courses after the first run or two. bout 14 cars in total. they seemed pretty happy to cater for car clubs, had 2 guys from the corvette club there testing out their rebuilt big-blocks - causing me to decide i need more power!!
agree with the insurance point though - should've thought of that. :mad:
and sure, only car enthusiasts read perth street car mag, but if we can start there, get the ball rolling and get more perth car enthusiasts on board, then you start talking about large numbers of people from a wide spectrum of perth's car scene adding their voices to the argument.....
hey man where did u do that do u have a contact number or something? sounds good wouldn't mind getting a group down there could be fun...
oh :shake: i know a J/P and i had a read of the road traffic act so if anyone needs advice let us know, it states all the fines and infringements that are handed down very handy info
22-02-2005, 10:13 PM
ferret, my apologies, I wasnt aware AHG offered that service, like I stated only coming from personal experience.
23-02-2005, 12:41 AM
Only problem there is the only people that read Perth Street Car mag are car enthusiasts hahaha
yup, agree with you totally.. :)
the idea that antilag itself takes more of a political role would be great tho, we have a fairly large userbase here to start with here, and most have their heads fairly square on their shoulders.. I dunno if antilag is up for it, but somebody has to be, and forums are a great forum in which to muster people and gain ideas... Perhaps dedicate a part of the forum to "Driver Education and Keeping the Roads Safe" or something would be a good start?
23-02-2005, 07:04 AM
The thing that the governments dont think of is the after effects of what may happen if these laws get worse!!
Do they think that Holden, subaru, ford etc are pretty pleased at the kinda coverage they are getting?? These cars are being labelled as " hoon" cars and inturn displays a negative image to a majority of the public that actually keep these places in business. If ppl get forced into buying low powered cars, old heaps of crap or made to take public transport... where does that leave the whole motor industry. Its not only car dealers, but workshops, accessory shops, mod shops, panel shops, bodykit shops etc that all lose out on business because ppl will in the end be forced to drive something that is completely stock, and this will cause shops to " go out of business" which in turn, means that governments will lose taxes that these shop generate for the state.
If there is no market for something, then it cant survive.
23-02-2005, 12:39 PM
hey man where did u do that do u have a contact number or something? sounds good wouldn't mind getting a group down there could be fun...
oh :shake: i know a J/P and i had a read of the road traffic act so if anyone needs advice let us know, it states all the fines and infringements that are handed down very handy info
i'll post up the contact number and details off the pamphlet later this week, gotta find it at home. might even ring them to suss out whether they'd be willing to do a decent group booking for, and start a new thread if so.
also, where'd you get the road traffic at from?? be interested in having a read myself - did it also include the new "hoon laws" amendments??? might even be worth posting up a summary of the fines and infringements or something elsewhere too??
23-02-2005, 06:06 PM
Freedom of Information form should be able to attain you the Road Traffic Act.
24-02-2005, 12:29 AM
i know a judge so she gave me hers to read and there has been no new amendments regarding hoon laws i asked that because it is only draft or some shit
i think u can buy the road traffic act but dont think it will be cheap anything from the government isnt cheap
24-02-2005, 11:57 AM
this is off topic.
24-02-2005, 12:03 PM
this is off topic.
sorry, but i fail to see how???
the thread is entitled "heads up all - 'hoon laws'".....question was asked as to how one obtains the road traffic act, and whether it contains the amendments defining the new "hoon laws"....cos if one was able to obtain it, read it and understand it, one could post up some very useful information (i would've thought) which at the moment is lacking in the perth performance car scene, and this lack of information as such could be seen to be contributing to the current abuse of these new laws.
24-02-2005, 09:50 PM
sorry there has been no new "hoon laws" amendments its just the cops and parliment using that bullshit name for us just like double dermits that is only a trail law and parliment hasn't fully passed it but it was extended for a couple more years...
u can buy the road traffic act on wellington street in the city just before st g tce on the left hand side going into the city the sell all the acts and regs in there cant remeber the name of the joint i will find out and how much it costs
27-02-2005, 10:17 AM
Well Giddyup Gallops government has regained power.. Theres more nastiness in sight for us enthusiasts.. I believe the dob in a hoon hotline will make through parliament now.. The labour party now has an increased majority so the libs arent going to have to much luck when trying to veto anything..
My crappy website will be up and running very soon.. Im kind of hoping that I will get support from other passionate enthusiasts like myself.. Im doubting it some how, going on past efforts however All I can say is, "Join the fight or get used to driving your lapper.. !!!".. :mad:
03-03-2005, 02:35 AM
"Hoonlaw Info
This technology along with a number of other IT initiatives are currently subject to review by the WA State Police."
Taken Directly from
07-03-2005, 06:47 PM
You guys know we are Guilty until proven innocent right?
If that Dob in a Hoon line comes in I'll make it my duty to write down every cop cars rego and dob them in. If Im guilty from doing nothing then so are they.
07-03-2005, 08:38 PM
lol sounds good i'll join ya
Get Michelle Roberts' rego, maybe she'll realise what I stupid idea it is when she gets dobbed in...
01-04-2005, 05:05 PM
I guess all this is a bit like saying...
Multinova cameras are just for revenue raising..
how about if you don't speed you won't pay revenue..
02-04-2005, 06:04 PM
I guess all this is a bit like saying...
Multinova cameras are just for revenue raising..
how about if you don't speed you won't pay revenue..
because, the point is, as these new laws stand, you dont have to be "speeding" to "pay revenue" can get done purely if the cop has "reasonable suspicion" that you were doing something, then you get your car impounded for 48 hours, THEN you get your time in court to prove your, GUILTY BEFORE PROVEN INNOCENT.
and because these laws, at the moment, are being used discriminately against particular cars more than others....and are in fact structured to do so...its a bit like only fining imports for speeding, and letting hyundais and volkswagons speed all they want...kinda.
03-04-2005, 06:38 AM
maybe time to get a falcon or a commonwhore or something like that, and use our imports on trackdays, when we might and only might have a chance that we dont get done too and from the event
Ever wondered why they're called dogs?
12-04-2005, 12:10 PM
maybe time to get a falcon or a commonwhore or something like that, and use our imports on trackdays, when we might and only might have a chance that we dont get done too and from the event
If u think modified aussie built cars arent getting harrassed ur dreaming
12-04-2005, 02:24 PM
From my experience, i'd have to say what you get done for or get away with all depends on the attitude of the POLICE who pull you over. I am always polite (because i know if i be a bitch, they will punish) and in one case i've been let off by one partner and the other partner wanted to confiscate my car. They ended up having a little tiff themselves...
"whats a turbo? i just bought this car like this i heard they were cool" :D
hahaha chicks can get away with the whole "i'm ignorant and cute" thing
Or they can flash some tit
12-04-2005, 04:19 PM
maybe time to get a falcon or a commonwhore or something like that, and use our imports on trackdays, when we might and only might have a chance that we dont get done too and from the event
falcons and 'commonwhores' cop just as much abuse from police as imports do :squint:
14-04-2005, 06:05 PM
well 1 st of i hate the hoon laws yes people who do silly thing should get there car takin but many people are getting charged or pulled over cause some people are letting power go to there head .
I have had cops at my house twice because some one told them i have been doing burnouts around my area i got 2 small kids and i see what people look like when they do silly thing i will leave that there as people on this forum will know some of the people i am talkin about .
Just because the plates on my car are TYAFRYA and the car has been in my shed for over a year in bits and can not move under its own power so me doing a burn out yeah rite the cops backed down pretty quick once i asked for there details as i was taking it further .
The other point is i have been trying to get a answer from the police minister about who tows the car as most of you know me and know i will take care of your car and are cheaper because i dont see why they have to organize the tow to ther holding yard but this is WA dumbest at work
so the best way around it try not to hoon a yellow sticker is cheaper than losing your car
if i get a sticker on my mazda i dont complain because i know the tints are to dark and its to loud but the rest of the car is 100% leagl if i dont want the dramas i put another muffler on it and change the window tint
14-04-2005, 06:06 PM
oh yer my TYAFRYA car is a falcon the only advantage i have is im 29 so im not in the P plate zone
when i had them little buggers on my car i was getting a sticker every week
14-04-2005, 08:35 PM
P platers cop it pretty bad but why wouldn't we, we are of course "probationary" drivers, the cops have every right to check up on us every now and then (cough cough bullshit), but it shit's me to tears when they decide to whack a yellow sticker on ya whilst they're at it, usually for the most halfassed reasons.
17-04-2005, 07:59 PM
']You shouldn't need to have to suck up to the cop. They need to show professionalism like everyone else working in any field has to and not let people's attitudes pay a part.
It's fucking bullshit this "be nice to the cop to get off / if you show attitude they will ping you".
the reason they became cops is because they were to shit at everything else in life to go somewhere. simple thing to do is take ya plates off if u wana do nuts or go drifting outside of an antilag event, and if u drag drag where there arnt any cops.
and if u do get pulled over i agree to suck as much cock (at least 15 inches) to get off, ive been pulled over a bit, i got pulled over in claremont pickin my bro up and if ur nice to the cops and have a good chat to em it makes their night and they let u off.
17-04-2005, 09:52 PM
Talk SCHMACK philthy....... SCHMACK!!!
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