View Full Version : [track] 30 August (AM) - *Double Skidpan* Day

27-07-2009, 05:43 PM
Hi Guys,

We are having a DOUBLE Skidpan Driver Training Day at the RAC Driving Centre (Formerly AHG Driving Centre, Grogran Drv, Perth Airport).

Cost is $50 Member, $80 Non-Members

Be there at 8am for Sign-on. Limit is 20 People.. All makes and models welcome. There will be 2 instructors available on the day.

We will run 2 single skidpans with 10 cars each for half the session then run a double skidpan course up until lunch.


Approved Helmet
Long Clothing
Valid Drivers License (Must Present)
Roadworthy Vehicle

To secure your spot:

Transfer your payment to -
Name: All Fours & Rotaries Car Club of WA
Bank: Commonwealth
BSB: 066 000
ACC: 1011 4377

Put your Surname and 'Skidpan' as your message reference (ie I would put KNIGHT SKIDPAN)

Then email a copy of your transfer receipt, with your full name and car to poombah@iinet.net.au

Any questions relating to the day please feel free to email committee@allfours.org.au


Russell Knight
AFARCC Treasurer

Entry List:

see: http://www.allfours.org.au/forums/showthread.php?p=4184

AFARCC Treasurer

06-09-2009, 05:10 PM
Just wondering...whats skidpan? lol