10-02-2005, 12:41 PM
Date: Saturday 12th February 2005
Time:8.00pm meet, 8.45pm depart
Meet Point: City West underground car park
From now on, all TPC cruises will be held on the second weekend of each month to keep things consistant and help you plan out your year of cruising. We will advise if there is a date change due to another event on the same weekend of our cruise.
As always it will be an awesome cruise with a great mix of cars, the regulars and a heap of new faces to meet and greet. TPC pride themselves in encouraging all makes and models.
Remember to bring your UHF CB’s if you have one, it makes the night just that little bit more fun and easier to keep track of everyone.
If you want to drag, Kwinana is the place to do it (we meet at City West every second Wednesday for Whoop Arse Wednesday...there is a thread in TPC Events) and TPC accept no responsibilty and will not tollerate dick head behaviour. More information can be found at WWW.THEPURPLECIRCLE.COM
Hope to see you there guys!
The Purple Circle Pit Crew :werd:
Time:8.00pm meet, 8.45pm depart
Meet Point: City West underground car park
From now on, all TPC cruises will be held on the second weekend of each month to keep things consistant and help you plan out your year of cruising. We will advise if there is a date change due to another event on the same weekend of our cruise.
As always it will be an awesome cruise with a great mix of cars, the regulars and a heap of new faces to meet and greet. TPC pride themselves in encouraging all makes and models.
Remember to bring your UHF CB’s if you have one, it makes the night just that little bit more fun and easier to keep track of everyone.
If you want to drag, Kwinana is the place to do it (we meet at City West every second Wednesday for Whoop Arse Wednesday...there is a thread in TPC Events) and TPC accept no responsibilty and will not tollerate dick head behaviour. More information can be found at WWW.THEPURPLECIRCLE.COM
Hope to see you there guys!
The Purple Circle Pit Crew :werd: