View Full Version : W.A. Who are you voting for? Maybe this will change your view.
08-02-2005, 06:30 PM
Hey guys, just thought you would like to see a letter i recieved from John Quigley ALP candidate for mindarie.
Heres the highlights :
" The overwhelming concern of people is the misuse of our streets by hoons in cars and on motorbikes"
"already we've taken over 150 cars away from hoons in Western Australia"
"a re-elected Gallop government has a plan to make our hoon laws even tougher. We will change the law to allow members of the community to report hoons to the police and have there cars confiscated, instead of waiting for police to catch them in the act.
Colin Barnett can't be trusted to make our roads safer. he has already opposed Labors plan"
Whats your say?
I think these laws are getting out of control.
GO LIBERAL if they let me drive my car without being worried about John Citizen having a whinge
08-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Im pretty suck the average joe who starts dobbing in cars would get fucked up hardcore. Realisticly its their word against yours so that wont work. If this law gets past im gonna start dobbing in people like michelle roberts heh.
08-02-2005, 06:43 PM
"Uhhhh yes judge i witnessed Michelle Roberts going roughly 140km/h past my house followed by a massive burnout..... which created a weird effect, straining my eyes, and yes i want 12 million for my strained eyes"
anyone who's seen Eddy Murphy Raw will know what my point is.....
08-02-2005, 06:57 PM
Sounds like trouble to me. Might just change my vote.
08-02-2005, 06:59 PM
That last bit was sarcasm.. This is pretty shit, i normally vote labour.
08-02-2005, 07:21 PM
Liberal want to change marijuana laws back to how they were don't forget.
Not that that might matter to people here but you know, just saying.
You can't win so don't vote.
Who holds the seat of Mindarie currently? I'm guessing this Quigley isn't much of a chance realisticially if he's making outrageous claims like this. Dob in a hoon? Hows that ever going to work.
08-02-2005, 07:56 PM
yeh sounds like another BS artist politician, aint a chance in hell that dobbing someone in, word of mouth shit is gonna work.
im still gonna vote LABOUR (after democrats,greens). colin barnet is a stupid fuck, if youve heard about his "canal" im sure u will know what i mean....and about 10 years or so ago he was the minister for power and conservation or something, he rejected that exact idea in his time there and now is trying to use it for some votes......
either way you vote, neither ones has every opinion which expresses the common views of the community.
and i really dont think thes hoon laws could get any worse!!
08-02-2005, 07:58 PM
someone told me that if u vote for greens/one nation etc, one of the smaller parties, that their votes get given to labor/liberal.. is this true??
no parties really have anything that stands out to me, faker vote it is!
08-02-2005, 09:31 PM
Whoever wins the election. We all lose
its the harsh truth. I reckon that canal thing is a good idea but it has to be worked out, you cant just say shit without backing it up.
Maybe i should run in the next election "vote for me and all drug and hoon laws will be abolished. There will be a dedicated lane on most main roads for "defect cars". Police will be out fighting crime instead of chasing nice cars and assaulting dope smokers. 0 tolerance on theft, repeat offenders, sexual crimes. Tuesdays wil become "tits out tuesdays" and rove will be banned from perth"
so who will vote for me
NHP (National Hoon Party) Candidate for Perth
08-02-2005, 11:06 PM
not voting is just fucking pathetic people. look at what happened in america. from what i hear about 50% of people vote then they all whinge when someone dodgy comes into power.
and its almost pointless voting for a minor party becuase the way the preferences work you're in effect voting either liberal of labor so just pick the party that scares you less.
that dob in a hoon shit will never work. coppers wont even take video evidence of someone being a dick so a verbal accusation doesn't stand a chance. to be honest i don't know who i'm voting for yet, i've got a pretty good idea. have to listen out for all the policies over the next few weeks and see what the important things are. and plese don't base your vote on hoon laws. if you're dumb enough to get caught you probably shouldn't be on the streets. there are more important things to worry about than how fast can you drive your car down the freeway..... even though it is a lot of fun :wave:
im voting tj for president
failing that, the nazi party
or whoever
also you need to vote on trading hours
vote no and no please or youll ruin many lives including mine
08-02-2005, 11:24 PM
failing that, the nazi party
or whoever
also you need to vote on trading hours
vote no and no please or youll ruin many lives including mine
i never know you liked bmw's!
trading hours is a big one. you'll fuck me around if it gets through too. either that or you'll have to put up with people making a mess in shops while you're there.
ill simply quit working in retail. i refuse to have my entire life dictated by ppls want to shop
08-02-2005, 11:41 PM
this came with the usual junk mail today:
pic is bit blurry but the black writing says:
Last year, the Gallop Government enacted tough new hoon laws to confiscate the cars of hoons.
Already we've taken over 150 cars away from hoons. We've also boosted spending on road safety to record levels.
A re-elected Gallop Government has a plan to make our hoon laws even tougher. We will change the law to allow members of the community to report joons to police and have their cars confiscated, instead of waiting for police to catch them in the act.
I know who im voting for :flipa:
EDIT: fuck i cant read, ah well, the pic i posted is the document spoken of :boink:
09-02-2005, 07:22 AM
its a shame really.
Geoff Gallop has done some top things.
The southern railway, however expensive needed to be done.
Northbridge curfew.
Generally kept things in a good way low un-employment and the like
Also no bell towers :D hehe
Michelle roberts on the other hand has been the worst polly since i can remember.
Hard hitting tactics that do nothing but grab the vote.
Her attack on the bikies the other fortnight was just plain disgusting.
I think Colin Barnet is a shocker too though, he is selling this canal plan without even looking at it properly. Its a grab for votes and nothing else. He keeps comparing it to the kalgoorlie pipeline and saying its easy.
Maybe he forgot the builder of that pipeline killed himself ......
09-02-2005, 07:26 AM
Oh and another note.
Geoff Gallop stopped the reef resort going ahead. Breaking a contract with an overseas company.
I dont think any other polly would have ever done that.
For that alone I respect his work.
To bad his offsider means that some idiot most likely gets my vote instead :(
09-02-2005, 05:46 PM
Dob in a hoon is pretty pathetic really, any Joe Blo can dob anybody they don't like in.. I doubt this will ever come into effect. Atleast I hope not.
I never really get into politics and shit, I don't even know who the fuck these people are, I've heard the names, thats about it. The last time I voted, (which was my first time) I looked at the sheet, and didn't know one name on it.
isnt it a hard choice? there both fuckheads. All pollys are lying wankers. I just put an independent guy in number 1 spot, to keep the bastards honest.
Liana i think they do give there votes to the big parties!! its fucken shit. It should just be 1 person 1 vote.
Fuck politics. :)
end of the day, only one or two seats will go to independants, so there is little point talking up the voting for other parties.
ive decided who im voting for.
10-02-2005, 02:53 PM
dob in a hoon dose exsist, its jst that they cant confiscate ur car.All they can do is fine you or give u a warning. I have personally seen this and think that it is farked up.
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