View Full Version : COP HOON!!
07-07-2009, 09:02 AM
Alright so this morning leaving for work around 645am
Drove pass a cop shop was in my VE Ute so no skyline to pull over this time,
Driving in a single lane cop came up my ass so I pull to the left and the bustards just keep driving (hooning as I say)
So I pull out my phone and started filming
60 zone cop got up to 100km (female driver as well) so their I was up their ass for about 1 minute filming,
No lights no nothing just driving through traffic like they owned the road and then again she started to take off!! Reaching 100km in the 60 zone
I will up load video tonight as I haven’t go the USB cord at work!
07-07-2009, 09:08 AM
sell it to ACA or Today Tonight.
07-07-2009, 09:13 AM
This happened to me last week. I was driving normally and all of a sudden a cop is up my ass flashing their lights telling me to pull over but they just over took me and kept going. No sirens on or nothing. Then when they got to the lights it was red and they stopped anyway even though there was no cars so it probably wasn't an emergency.
07-07-2009, 09:13 AM
lol youd be game, on the phone and speeding yourself
07-07-2009, 09:13 AM
sell it to ACA or Today Tonight.
And they will turn it into a story about people filiming on their mobile phones whilst driving and possibly being a hoon themselves!
07-07-2009, 09:14 AM
need to see the quatily as i was trying to film and catch them at the same time lol
will post asap lol
07-07-2009, 09:19 AM
Last week I saw a pig pull out of a side street on Albany Hwy near Carousel, cross 3 lanes of traffic without indicating, pulled into a median slip without indicating and pulled a U turn. He was obviously going back to his sty.
If I had done that in my "hoonmobile" I would have been fucked over then canaried for some bullshit.
They are a bunch of hypocritical arseholes.
YEH but before you make it public le them know the footage was taken from the passenger side of your car :) as if you done that whilst driving they may try reem you also for being on the fone whilst driving.... video evidence agaisnt you :P....
thodds alreadt on ittt...
07-07-2009, 09:23 AM
Very true it could work i could say someone was in the passanger seat leaning onto me ? lol
Cause i got my speedo filmed aswell!
- Last night cop ran a red light aswell they are dogs!
07-07-2009, 09:50 AM
After my run in with an officer in Feb (provoking a race with me on Murdoch Drive), I sent an email to Rob Johnson about the incident, and he then referred the matter to Police Complaints.
This was then sent to an Inspector at the South Metro District to investigate, and about 2 weeks later they tracked down the driver after I sent her photos of the driver & exact time of when and where the incident was.
After investigations, the detective involved had managerial action taken against him, and the file has now been sent to the Police Compaints Admin and subject to review by the CCC.
A quote from an email from one of the Inspectors involved in the investigation:
"I can advise that the officer concerned has had managerial action taken against him and we also identified some other failings in regards to administration and procedure issues. As a direct result of your complaint, we have now implemented some standard operating procedures to ensure that this does not reocurr"
A journo at my work had planned to run a story about this as I quote 'Would make an awesome story', however the head honchos at my work decided against it due to my previous driving convictions saying Police are vindictive bastards. I thought about sending it to some friends of mine at other media outlets, but then I don't think my work would be pleased with that.
So your story Activ3 I would say would be of interest to media outlets.
07-07-2009, 09:56 AM
I reckon as well because cops get away with everything and targeting all of us for no reason they do not stop and see what example they are making for themselves like I said
“ I will check the video tonight “ hopefully its good enough to send and I will do so.
07-07-2009, 10:04 AM
Seen a cop car out my way go through a school zone in excess of 110kph the lollypop man had to hurry some kids of the road. Theres no excuse for going that fast in the burbs
07-07-2009, 10:06 AM
I honestly wonder about the mental capacity of some on this board.
Do you not think there are certain emergency situations whereby it is not practical for police to drive with lights and sirens and draw attention to themselves? Go on send your video into Today Tonight or ACA or whoever you want, see what happens.
GODZILR I know the police officer involved in your "story" and am sick of reading your one sided garbage regarding the incident. Get over it.
07-07-2009, 10:12 AM
Speshal –
The cop car pull out of its station slow and drove behind me up my ass the whole time once it came in front it stop at all lights and took off and gain speed didn’t seem it wasn’t going anywhere besides maybe getting to maccas line before the drive through gets busy,
Last thing I saw was the cop pull over into a side street and stopped (nothing was their) it drove off once again.
If it was trying to get somewhere quick it would of flash its lights / hi beam or something!
As I know by law if there is a problem cops will make sure you know~!
on saturday night i was passenger in deans F6, we were in the left hand lane on marmion ave. cops come flying down the right hand lane with lights on, then carve hard left infront of us without indicating to turn left down a side street. massive understeer and smashed into the centre island of the road there where trying to turn down. dean braked hard and got on the horn to miss them. they hit the keep left sign in the middle of the road. sparks and shit go every were, all to pull over a black ute that wasn't doing anything wrong on the cruise.
spoke to the ute guy later on and he said they didn't get him for anything, just did a license check.
bit extreme since there was no emergency
07-07-2009, 10:25 AM
Hrm also indangering the public !
07-07-2009, 10:38 AM
;475271']I honestly wonder about the mental capacity of some on this board.
Do you not think there are certain emergency situations whereby it is not practical for police to drive with lights and sirens and draw attention to themselves? Go on send your video into Today Tonight or ACA or whoever you want, see what happens.
GODZILR I know the police officer involved in your "story" and am sick of reading your one sided garbage regarding the incident. Get over it.
i could bombard you with a ton of footage where cops are breaking the law. been onto this for a while now. it cant be an emergency all the time (and stopping for lights just down the road backs this up) police are public servants not above any traffic laws and as such better be prepared for more "evidence" against them as people get more and more fed up with their double standard bs
I honestly wonder about the mental capacity of some cops on this board
07-07-2009, 10:49 AM
stiftw - you cann add my footage lol
Do you not think there are certain emergency situations whereby it is not practical for police to drive with lights and sirens and draw attention to themselves?
If the situation called for emergency driving it would be authorized by VKI (is it still called that?) and lights and sirens would be used.
This incident at first glance, appears to be a cop doing wrong.
07-07-2009, 11:20 AM
Why would you make footage available to the public showing your own speedo and clearly speeding.. Just because you're tailing a police car doesn't entitle you to speed/break the law. 'Err yes officer I was just slipstreaming, fuel prices these days are killing me.'
Perhaps you could report the car to the police, if they receive a number of complaints surely they'd look in to it.
Seriously wtf
07-07-2009, 11:28 AM
bRYNJ - Havent made it public it simply stating that the cop is speedin they are spose to be an IDOL on the road people should Follow thie steps and in to do so i followed to prove they are speeding and show them how fast they were going, at the end of the day i was only doing what i thought was right i admint i was speeding behind the cop and proof is on my speed if it shows 98km god knows how fast the cop was doing,
IF anything the cop should of had their lights on and siren at least! no need to think they can do what they wont any time or just cause its 645 in the morning and no one is hardly on the road,
if this was you getting pulled over for speeding and you see a cop doing the same without a care in the world.
and you dont do anything about it, you sir must be a crack addict lol
07-07-2009, 11:32 AM
Hahaha watch this
This cop got reemed!
<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>
07-07-2009, 11:32 AM
i could bombard you with a ton of footage where cops are breaking the law. been onto this for a while now. it cant be an emergency all the time (and stopping for lights just down the road backs this up) police are public servants not above any traffic laws and as such better be prepared for more "evidence" against them as people get more and more fed up with their double standard bs
I honestly wonder about the mental capacity of some cops on this board
Well go ahead and submit that ton of footage to police complaints! If they are genuinly breaking the law then I see where you are coming from, however it seems the latest fad in modified car circles is whinging about how we are so hard done by from the police, etc, when the reality is if you look around its no real suprise. It becomes tiresome.
Comments such as send it to Today Tonight, etc, (not made by yourself) are just stupidity.
07-07-2009, 11:34 AM
it hurts my head reading your posts ACTIV3 haha
07-07-2009, 11:37 AM
Dont worry hurts my head aswell im at work typing blindly as you can read lol sorry but you get the idea :)
07-07-2009, 11:40 AM
So you believe your speeding was justified? Some how I don't think an argument of 'The police did it, they are role models for the public, therefore I did it' will hold up in court.
I'm saying there is certain video evidence that would be worthwhile collating, this video in particular however would not work out in your/our favour.
07-07-2009, 11:41 AM
It hurts my eyes looking at you Avatar AGIT8D
07-07-2009, 11:44 AM
Too much smoke for ya? ;) You're lucky I put water down for your avatar!!!
Spend the extra 5 seconds to type it like a non retarded english speaking human being.
People might actually take it a little more seriously.
07-07-2009, 12:06 PM
Ring 94823111 "the west" They will give you $$$ for it!
I sell my pics to them total $ so far $1500
07-07-2009, 12:10 PM
Def pass to media, nothing to loose in any way shape or form.
07-07-2009, 12:19 PM
on saturday night i was passenger in deans F6, we were in the left hand lane on marmion ave. cops come flying down the right hand lane with lights on, then carve hard left infront of us without indicating to turn left down a side street. massive understeer and smashed into the centre island of the road there where trying to turn down. dean braked hard and got on the horn to miss them. they hit the keep left sign in the middle of the road. sparks and shit go every were, all to pull over a black ute that wasn't doing anything wrong on the cruise.
spoke to the ute guy later on and he said they didn't get him for anything, just did a license check.
bit extreme since there was no emergency
that would of been a cool video to get
07-07-2009, 12:40 PM
TJ - Don’t get me started :) but thankyou for calling me a Human being.
Honestly just watched the video on my phone,
Got a section tape at 100khm and the cop kept going til it hit a red light and all it did was stop like nothing was wrong!
No please, get started.
This goes for anyone - if they cant construct a sentence using the official language of this nation, they should not be going out of their way to post on any forum which requires the use of this language.
07-07-2009, 02:04 PM
;475271']GODZILR I know the police officer involved in your "story" and am sick of reading your one sided garbage regarding the incident. Get over it.
One sided...well I'd love to hear what your mate had to say about the incident. Put it this way, if your mate didn't do anything I wouldn't have done a single thing (making a complaint about the incident). I drive next to marked / unmarked Police all the time, and he's the ONLY one I've had to report on.
and to set things straight, I didn't make the complaint to complain about the driver personally. It was to highlight Police driving behaviour, as it seems it goes unnoticed. When I was asked by the Inspector if I was satisfied about the outcome, I told her that I didn't care about the driver but was happy that things have been put in place for it not to happen again.. (which now I've been told is all bs)
07-07-2009, 02:06 PM
TJ - not getting started just stating a post
It’s not that hard to read if it’s incorrect and if people cannot read our nations language well they can guess.
Getting on topic I was just posting a simple link that could seem entertaining for others
Problem is, it is hard to read. Painfully hard
07-07-2009, 02:31 PM
Well English isn’t the only Langue I speak so in this case ill be MORE careful and try to make more sense! Ok TJ
TJ no more introducing you to girls!! Dog lol
07-07-2009, 02:39 PM
Cops can pretty much do what they want, especially when they are bored. An unmarked did a u-turn after me at 3am this morning & sat up my arse for a bit, then went through a red arrow instead of stopping while I was heading straight. Fair enough there was no traffic, but technically they are meant to put their lights on. They were heading the opposite way to me in the first place, and then where they were ending up was nowhere near that as they followed me for between 5-10kms, and the roads they were taking didn't have many turn-offs...
07-07-2009, 03:08 PM
After my run in with an officer in Feb (provoking a race with me on Murdoch Drive), I sent an email to Rob Johnson about the incident, and he then referred the matter to Police Complaints.
This was then sent to an Inspector at the South Metro District to investigate, and about 2 weeks later they tracked down the driver after I sent her photos of the driver & exact time of when and where the incident was.
After investigations, the detective involved had managerial action taken against him, and the file has now been sent to the Police Compaints Admin and subject to review by the CCC.
A quote from an email from one of the Inspectors involved in the investigation:
"I can advise that the officer concerned has had managerial action taken against him and we also identified some other failings in regards to administration and procedure issues. As a direct result of your complaint, we have now implemented some standard operating procedures to ensure that this does not reocurr"
A journo at my work had planned to run a story about this as I quote 'Would make an awesome story', however the head honchos at my work decided against it due to my previous driving convictions saying Police are vindictive bastards. I thought about sending it to some friends of mine at other media outlets, but then I don't think my work would be pleased with that.
So your story Activ3 I would say would be of interest to media outlets.
There has been active discussion about this in some of the offices I have been in recently. I don't know if they are blowing smoke up your ass, but if this is the guy who was driving the WRX with the female officer flashing her badge - he isn't a detective, and they aren't from Murdoch. They are TEG and nothing has come of it.
Well English isn’t the only Langue I speak so in this case ill be MORE careful and try to make more sense! Ok TJ
TJ no more introducing you to girls!! Dog lol
Im not having a go at you personally, but this forum has taken a steep dive of late with people posting in the language known as garble.
English is my 2nd language also, but it only takes a few seconds to make an effort.
I bet you dont type like that at work ;)
07-07-2009, 03:22 PM
I hate cops :((((((( they all have double standards!!
We see sooooooooo many cars with tail lights out and headlights out and they dont have a yellow sticker! But we do because our exhaust is too loud or our car is too low.... im sorry but why the f*** is a loud exhaust or low car considered "un-roadworthy" ? It is more dangerous to have a headlight or tail light out!! GRR makes me angry!
My Dad is working for DPI now and he had his notes home he needed to study! One section said that cars with mods that sit to far out of the bonnet need to have a bonnet scoop so there is no damage caused when crashing into someone! (it didnt say exactly that but u get the idea)
I had a giggle!
he isn't a detective, and they aren't from Murdoch. They are TEG and nothing has come of it.
He never said they were from Murdoch. A different case of cops hooning maybe?
07-07-2009, 04:01 PM
He never said they were from Murdoch. A different case of cops hooning maybe?
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he claimed they were Murdoch Detectives. But it is possible it's a different case of hooning.
07-07-2009, 04:28 PM
Why would you consider sending anything to Today Tonight? The lowest of the low excuse for a news show that only those with below average intelligence tune into to. Not only that but nothing with come of it unless you identify yourself as a witness which will also result in you being fined yourself.
Post it up somewhere anonymously like youtube and leave it at that.
Cops speeding without priority clearance are no different to one of us speeding and dont deserve any special treatment.
About time somebody got this on camera, i was working outside of the East Perth lockup and the amount of cops i see come flying out of there is bullshit.
07-07-2009, 05:09 PM
I was in the mcdonalds drive through on mirrabooka ave and as i was sitting there saw 2 marked cop cars pull up to the lights for a minute then race eachother getting upto at least 100km/h in a 60 zone..!! double standards much?? can i impound there cars??
07-07-2009, 05:23 PM
The amount of marked and unmarked police cars I've seen breaking simple road rules is ridiculous, speeding, turning/changing lanes with out indicating (really common), illegal u-turns.
The police are out there to do a job, protect the community but lets not forget that they themselves are not with out their flaws and need to be "policed" aswell.
07-07-2009, 05:25 PM
TEG are not out to protect the community, that is regular police.
I was in the mcdonalds drive through on mirrabooka ave and as i was sitting there saw 2 marked cop cars pull up to the lights for a minute then race eachother getting upto at least 100km/h in a 60 zone..!! double standards much?? can i impound there cars??
Did a dragon wearing a duck outfit drop the checkered flag?
07-07-2009, 05:30 PM
Well I did use the term police not scum sucking sacks of shit.
07-07-2009, 05:55 PM
I was in the mcdonalds drive through on mirrabooka ave and as i was sitting there saw 2 marked cop cars pull up to the lights for a minute then race eachother getting upto at least 100km/h in a 60 zone..!! double standards much?? can i impound there cars??
I don't know how you can eat McDonalds from there. Everything that comes from that store is fucking gross!
07-07-2009, 07:35 PM
TEG are not out to protect the community, that is regular police.
Call me retarded but what does TEG stand for?
07-07-2009, 07:45 PM
traffic enforcement group, as far as i know..
and as for the people saying they need flashing lights/sirens, etc on when they are given priority clearance, that is not the case.
and just FYI, if cops get stung by multinovas, etc.. be it on or off duty, they have to give a report as to why they were speeding, etc.. and get a hefty kick up the bum if its not justified.
07-07-2009, 07:51 PM
and get a hefty kick up the bum if its not justified.
they might wanna take there head out before they kick it
07-07-2009, 08:13 PM
Video of the hooning....
Decription of the car and driver....
Just walk down to the local cop shop and request to report a hoon.
Give them the detail's and see what happen's.
If/when they refuse to follow through with the report...then you have a story for Today/Tonight. Until then, you have a story that most of us see on the road's almost everyday. But good luck none the less. :)
07-07-2009, 08:13 PM
traffic enforcement group, as far as i know..
and as for the people saying they need flashing lights/sirens, etc on when they are given priority clearance, that is not the case.
and just FYI, if cops get stung by multinovas, etc.. be it on or off duty, they have to give a report as to why they were speeding, etc.. and get a hefty kick up the bum if its not justified.
That is the case, there is no priority level that doesnt include lights and or sirens.
Video of the hooning....
Just walk down to the local cop shop and request to report a hoon.
or you can just print the .pdf off from dpi or woteva site & use that
08-07-2009, 06:17 AM
DJ84WA -
This could work,
10-07-2009, 04:05 PM
alright guys was driving down the freeway on thursday just goin past the hutton st exit north an spotted a blue wagon up ahead an thoguht it was cops as we drove past in the works van saw the filthy pig on the phone he must of had his missus in the car or something there was flowers on the back seat but anyways back to the phone bit i thought why the F*&^ shud we get slapped with a 3 points an 400 buk fine or wateva it is an these filthy pigs get away with the shit so i got my phone out an took a photo of him an got his number plates aswell.
but in the photo he looks like hes just restin his arm on his head
are we able to get him in the shit some how ?
sorry about the image being wrong way dont now how to edit that
10-07-2009, 04:14 PM
alright guys was driving down the freeway on thursday just goin past the hutton st exit north an spotted a blue wagon up ahead an thoguht it was cops as we drove past in the works van saw the filthy pig on the phone he must of had his missus in the car or something there was flowers on the back seat but anyways back to the phone bit i thought why the F*&^ shud we get slapped with a 3 points an 400 buk fine or wateva it is an these filthy pigs get away with the shit so i got my phone out an took a photo of him an got his number plates aswell.
but in the photo he looks like hes just restin his arm on his head
are we able to get him in the shit some how ?
Not a chance in hell, you can't even see a phone there.
Even if you could report it, do you really have nothing better to do?
you can try, pity the foto is not better lol
10-07-2009, 04:51 PM
why the F*&^ shud we get slapped with a 3 points an 400 buk fine or wateva it is an these filthy pigs get away with the shit
That's the typical double standards. There's been a series of topics lately regarding this, and this is just another example.
There was also a thread regarding grammar and spelling. Did you miss that one too? :zzz:
10-07-2009, 05:57 PM
lol dumb as sherrif, "omg 90 miles an hour, the scariest shit i ever done" wtf haha
10-07-2009, 06:12 PM
1. Police are allowed to talk on the phone while driving if it's job related.
2. That is an unmarked vehicle, with a detective dressed in suitable attire.
3. Female passenger is likely another copper, on the job with him.
4. You are a fucking retard.
10-07-2009, 06:21 PM
I agree on point 4
10-07-2009, 06:36 PM
1. Police are allowed to talk on the phone while driving if it's job related.
2. That is an unmarked vehicle, with a detective dressed in suitable attire.
3. Female passenger is likely another copper, on the job with him.
4. You are a fucking retard.
It does beg the question why its OK for Police to do it when we're told its dangerous to do so, to a point that doing it attracts demerit points and a fine.
10-07-2009, 06:46 PM
It does beg the question why its OK for Police to do it when we're told its dangerous to do so, to a point that doing it attracts demerit points and a fine.
Mobile phones are generally used for sensitive jobs. Prior to the WA Police radio network going digital it was easy for a crim to listen in with a scanner. TRG use mobile phones exclusively for jobs to keep details off the airways and TADIS.
Keep in mind that most coppers have extensive driver training, so it is reasonable to expect that they are more capable on the road.
10-07-2009, 07:08 PM
Its not about driving capability, its about being distracted from the task of driving and having a lower level of concentration. Surely the passenger could have made the call if it was work related?
and why doesn't the police car have a car phone kit?
10-07-2009, 07:28 PM
As far as I'm aware The police are no longer in possesion of VZ's
10-07-2009, 08:14 PM
Surely the passenger could have made the call if it was work related?
You raise a good point, but perhaps she was on the radio? Perhaps she was also on the phone, or maybe looking at something on TADIS. We will never know.
As far as I'm aware The police are no longer in possesion of VZ's
Still plenty of the VZ models around the place, mostly station wagons. You can also see the deck blaster in the middle of the dash
do they have a hands free kit normally?
You raise a good point, but perhaps she was on the radio? Perhaps she was also on the phone, or maybe looking at something on TADIS. We will never know.
Still plenty of the VZ models around the place, mostly station wagons. You can also see the deck blaster in the middle of the dash
Dude ur like fkn wikipedia any question asked u usually have an answer for, I enjoy reading your posts keep them coming :muff:
10-07-2009, 09:33 PM
You raise a good point, but perhaps she was on the radio? Perhaps she was also on the phone, or maybe looking at something on TADIS. We will never know.
Still plenty of the VZ models around the place, mostly station wagons. You can also see the deck blaster in the middle of the dash
Guess Bunbury is finally ahead of the curve in something.
10-07-2009, 09:58 PM
Keep in mind that most coppers have extensive driver training
Whats envolved in there driver trainning ??
10-07-2009, 11:32 PM
You raise a good point, but perhaps she was on the radio? Perhaps she was also on the phone, or maybe looking at something on TADIS. We will never know.
Still plenty of the VZ models around the place, mostly station wagons. You can also see the deck blaster in the middle of the dash
Yep still use VZs though not all of them have the dash mounted lights, a few have them strapped to the passenger sunvisor.
11-07-2009, 12:08 AM
Whats envolved in there driver trainning ??
To be honest, I'm not sure what the schedule involves these days but the last I knew there were 3 types of classes for Police officers:
1. Priority pursuit driver (PP)
2. Priority 1 driver (P1)
3. Priority 2 driver (P2)
At the academy they go through an intense 2 week training course which teaches them both on and off road driving, car and break control, high speed hazard laps, 'how to pursue' instruction and techniques for apprehending suspects after a pursuit. This is all done at high speed.
Once graduated from the academy, they are able to respond to P2 incidents. They are not allowed to engage in pursuits but are allowed to follow offender vehicles if necessary. Once they are stationed they then attend a driver training unit which is another 3 weeks of intense training. Once completed they would get their P1 class allowing them to respond to P1 incidents including pursuits.
I'm not sure what the guidelines are these days for PP vs P1 in terms of pursuing an offender. It could have changed significantly but you get the idea. They wouldn't come away from these courses with the same skills as Steve Jones but they can usually hold their own on the road.
what about handsfree fone questions? are they trained to use them :P
and why doesn't the police car have a car phone kit?
11-07-2009, 10:07 AM
what about handsfree fone questions? are they trained to use them :P
Don't think so.
they do have them in their cars tho dont they?
11-07-2009, 10:46 AM
they do have them in their cars tho dont they?
Of all the cars I've worked on I've only seen them in vehicles assigned to senior officers.
11-07-2009, 08:35 PM,21598,25765553-948,00.html
11-07-2009, 08:39 PM
Doesnt stop them using their own mobiles...
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