View Full Version : Criminal Breaks In with no "tools"

29-06-2009, 08:55 PM
Steel window bars usually constitutes solid security for most shop windows.

That is, until Xiong’s teeth came along.

Police in the Nanjimen region of Chongqing were stymied when retailers began reporting mysterious break-ins through caged windows. They were even more confused when inspection of the break-ins revealed that the bars were bitten straight through.

Investigation led them to interview the roommate of Xiong, 23, who told police that his roommate could crack walnuts with his teeth.

Upon interrogation, Xiong confessed to breaking into more houses and shops than he could remember over the last two years. He was able to chew open steel bars up to 1 cm in thickness.

“I only failed once in the past two years. Once I bit on a 2cm thick steel grid, and the first bite nearly dislocated my jaw,” Xiong said. “I never take other tools with me when breaking in. That’s why I never got stopped by patrolling officers at night.”

Xiong developed his cutting cuspids in his small mountain town by using them to open the walnuts which grew there in abundance.

29-06-2009, 08:59 PM
Perfect contender for Mike Tyson?

29-06-2009, 10:15 PM
he just needs a monicle and a top hat and he can sit there bendin dem gold coins aaaaalll day boi.... yeeeeh