View Full Version : Rant

09-06-2009, 10:04 PM
One of my friends posted this massive rant on facebook today, thought some of you guys might enjoy it.

I dont date because id rather stay home and read a book
Today at 22:04
I have a no dating policy
It's pretty straightforward
Because i apply one simple question to any contact with the opposite sex
Would i rather be doing something else than conducting an interview over dinner trying to bash out my list of impressive qualities mixed in with some witty jokes just so i can go and masturbate in a vagina?
And the answer is 99% of the time a resounding yes

Women do not impress me
Because woman are fundamentally boring
Sure they have a few hobbies but most women are just plain old BORING!
Men are more interesting.
Because men have to be interesting to get laid, woman just need to bring an orifice.
Worst of all are the men i know in relationships. Generally cowards who are so desperate to safeguard their pussy on tap and thus pander to insane whims of alpha females in order to keep the peace, hardly inspiring role models to the rest of us to getting ready to sign up to a faustian pact. Eventually they become some photocopied version of a perfect hollywood boyfriend and no other single man respects them

This will no doubt come across as a mysoginistic rant, but bear with me peeps 'theres dick jokes coming up'. I am far from bitter, more like numb from conquest and war. This is not some rant by a guy who cant get laid, this is actually from the opposite end, meaning the more i hook up with girls the more i realise they are about as useful as an asshole on my elbow. Sure i can fake being cool, charming sincere, but finding it that easy to lay the wool over 99% of womens eyes just fills me with contempt and I dont even finish the evening from sheer mind numbing boredom.
And before the women get all up in arms about me not understanding woman not only do i have unquestionable references i have an extensive resume of listening to women bitch and moan about their neglect, abuse and general relationship failures which most of the time make me actually think they deserve it. I know i am a much better lover than johnny fotball hero but i do not feel like i should have to prove myself time and time ago in this ridiculous orchestrated scenarios because
ive realised with age that once you cross 25 the power shifts dramatically to the side of men, we are in no rush , we dont care, our libido is somewhat controllable and really we can do as we please on our own timeline and we can have ANY woman we want.
So it becomes a question of do I want to date her, not can i get her

I would also like to establish the following universal truths

-Every rich man on this planet cheats or lies
-Prostitution is economically far more sensible than dating

These simple truths ultimately mean that women are on their backfoot over a long enough time span, if the man is not poor and has options. Which in todays modern western world we do, ipso facto if you want a man to love you find a poor one, i for one coming from a poor working class background never ever want to be poor so that seems to seal my fate with women

the irony of it is when you start off in your early 20s it ss the woman who always have the upper hand

they accuse young men of being inexperienced sexually -true
they accuse young men of being immature - true
they accuse young men of just not understanding woman - true

so instead of teaching us they freeze out and punish the young men, engage in cocktease warfare and generally act like a total pingpingpingping towards young men, occasionally after a few one night stands with older men when their self esteem hits an all time low they begrudgingly accept a young boyfriend who they treat like shit, alienate and destroy their trust, usually by cheating or simply being a selfish demanding bitch or in my case...both. Boys heart breaks, boy dumps girl, boy becames a manwhore, dead to the world incapable of ever feeling anything ever again, destined to break girls hearts time and time again

Whichever way you look at it, western woman for all the social progression jsut want a man to replace their father in looking after them, yeah sure they make a go of their careers but at 28-30 it all gets to hard, all their friends are getting married and having babies, they feel left out, alone and get real desperate, ready to sign up with any guy with 2 front teeth and a steady job.

Lets go back in time, how did they end up there

When they are young all girls want to do is drink, dance and have fun, (whatever the fuck it is that woman equate with 'fun' because i still to this day do not get what 'fun' is to girls, when girls talk of fun most men pick up a playstation console or go smoke something). When women finally wake up at 28 panic and grow up when their age shows in the mirror the suddenly become all about finding that perfect guy.

but here is the kicker

NEWSFLASH the perfect guy just does not exist.

All men are the same. I have yet to meet a man who impresses me, by that logic, if my view of men is that im about as good as it gets (as awesome as i am), i dont think that bodes well for women searching for more because i have NOTHING more to give than any other guy i know which apparently doesnt seem to be enough. To date every woman i know who is in a long term relationship is generally unhappy or in some major fucking denial, or knows they have settled but have accepted their lot in life. This merely eventually props up the divorce rate in this country

But women you have to ask yourselves, you spend your early 20s destroying men like us and generally being uninteresting and then you get old. Your face is haggard from spending your youth in clubs taking drugs and drinking, wearing whorish makeup that dries up your skin, your gym membership you started this year along with pole dancing and whatever ridiculous health fad your into this month will not save you from a decade of neglect of physical exercise. Your feet are
ruined from a decade of dancing in uncomfortable shoes, your still boring, you have no grace, no femininity, no life skills, you have done NOTHING with your life, AND NO ONE WANTS YOU... except of the chumps who want to settle down. If i had a dollar for every over the hill bag who managed to snag some dot com nerd with his honda and his house in the suburbs i wouldnt be writing this blog id blowing my millions at the brothels,
to rip off maddox
And then you smug couples have the fucking audacity to accuse me of being unhappy and miserable... please dont make me fucking laugh, I fucked her whilst you were overseas...douche

This is really fucking depressing shit but that this is how the western world plays out the best years of our lives with these fucking games that no one really wants but everyone seems to play
Everyone likes to be naked and famous and have the satisfaction of picking up, but i can assure you from my personal experience whether its the 1st 2nd or tenth time you still wake up hating yourself as much as the time before, weeping in your soul for how hollow you have become and how sterile everything tastes

Jeff Buckley wrote it the best
'im moving with grace the men despise and women have learned to lose'

I think the western world needs a big wake up call with regards to male female interactions or maybe this is just civilisations decline into androgeny, where its about fucking and fleeting moments of soul crushing denial, either way I refuse to play the game

Men are wankers but YOU ARE THE ONES WHO MADE US THIS WAY, you have no one to blame but yourselves

Having said all of this. Im a reasonable man, if anyone can show me one single relationship that i can possibly respect i will write a retraction, the criteria are very simple because then maybe I will have something to live for.
2 independant people, who are still 'in love', want each other but dont need each other, who never fight...ever! and make each others lives more rewarding on a daily basis, and who want to spend time with each other more than doing other things and havent just copped out after a lifetime of being a shitty person, ie born again virgins, you cant wash those shitstains off your soul so easily

I am yet to meet them and so feel smug in my singleness

09-06-2009, 10:30 PM
I think he is coming out...

09-06-2009, 11:24 PM
Brilliantly written. Don't agree with everything said, but a decent read none-the-less.

09-06-2009, 11:34 PM
OMG that is fuckin gold. I some what agree with some of that. I have nothing against females but the whole relationship this i hate.
I have been seeing decent guys get done over left right and center latley and im not talkin about cheating im talking about $200,000+ houses etc that they have put $0 into. 2 mates so far.

Seems like once ya in a relationship they get you by the balls, turn ya into a pussy, no fighting, no crazy shit ya do with ya mates, sell the bombed car and by a suv and take up golf if SHE lets you

Iv lost hope in relationships. Casual sex FTW

09-06-2009, 11:36 PM
I think he is coming out...

Either that or staying in forever.... Might be come a priest .....

09-06-2009, 11:40 PM
Whichever way you look at it, western woman for all the social progression jsut want a man to replace their father in looking after them, yeah sure they make a go of their careers but at 28-30 it all gets to hard, all their friends are getting married and having babies, they feel left out, alone and get real desperate, ready to sign up with any guy with 2 front teeth and a steady job.


as above, dont agree with everything... but thats worthy of wow.

To date every woman i know who is in a long term relationship is generally unhappy or in some major fucking denial, or knows they have settled but have accepted their lot in life.

wow x2

Your feet are
ruined from a decade of dancing in uncomfortable shoes, your still boring, you have no grace, no femininity, no life skills, you have done NOTHING with your life, AND NO ONE WANTS YOU... except of the chumps who want to settle down. If i had a dollar for every over the hill bag who managed to snag some dot com nerd with his honda and his house in the suburbs i wouldnt be writing this blog id blowing my millions at the brothels,
to rip off maddox

Wow x3

Would it be a bad idea to send this one around the office at work?

10-06-2009, 12:04 AM
Brilliantly written. Don't agree with everything said, but a decent read none-the-less.

+1 on all accounts! not all is clear or precise, but the gist is there!

10-06-2009, 12:24 AM
Wow, read Maddox much?

But seriously, did anyone else catch the Bill Hicks reference?

I like this guys style. Much respect <8

10-06-2009, 12:24 AM
hit the nail on the head I reckon

10-06-2009, 12:46 AM
wow this guy is THE man!!! FUCK if this bloke doesnt replace jesus/god as mr important to u fuckers you are either deaf, dumb, blind or WELL female!!!! serious he speaks the fucking truth about 95% of pingpingpingpingS out there no joke! when/if u luck out best of luck! but sadly most cock holes/cock warmers fall into this category!

this guy is my IDOL!!!!

10-06-2009, 04:00 AM


that would have to be the biggest crock of misguided, deluded shit I have ever had the misfortune to waste time reading. If this even comes close to your history of relationships with women, you need to look really hard at the women you are wasting your time with, or yourself.

10-06-2009, 05:42 AM
Are you a woman?

10-06-2009, 05:49 AM
Dude needs to get a life

10-06-2009, 05:56 AM
so instead of teaching us they freeze out and punish the young men, engage in cocktease warfare and generally act like a total pingpingpingping towards young men, occasionally after a few one night stands with older men when their self esteem hits an all time low they begrudgingly accept a young boyfriend who they treat like shit, alienate and destroy their trust, usually by cheating or simply being a selfish demanding bitch or in my case...both. Boys heart breaks, boy dumps girl, boy becames a manwhore, dead to the world incapable of ever feeling anything ever again, destined to break girls hearts time and time again

I can agree with this ! had my first relationship recently, got snapped in two because of it, after that i sort of went on an attack on other girls self esteem and hearts...:lol:

therefor, probably ruining their opinion on guys...so the circle continues

10-06-2009, 06:25 AM
Very bill hicks. Nice

10-06-2009, 06:31 AM
I can agree with this ! had my first relationship recently, got snapped in two because of it, after that i sort of went on an attack on other girls self esteem and hearts...:lol:

therefor, probably ruining their opinion on guys...so the circle continues

I can vouch for that aswell. I got stung on the first gf then went on a rampage of being a complete prick to girls. It seemed to attract alot more than being a nice guy *go figure*. One thing i cant fathom, all my bad ass mates or some mates who are rude to there g/f's have there g/f hangin off them but the real nice guys and ones that would make great partner are single???

10-06-2009, 06:40 AM
I can vouch for that aswell. I got stung on the first gf then went on a rampage of being a complete prick to girls. It seemed to attract alot more than being a nice guy *go figure*. One thing i cant fathom, all my bad ass mates or some mates who are rude to there g/f's have there g/f hangin off them but the real nice guys and ones that would make great partner are single???

Lots of women want to be treated like shit or be with someone who they can treat like shit. End of story. From my perspective the whole "great partner / nice guy" crap is just an excuse for ugly dudes that can't pull bitches. Of course there are exceptions to this but they are usually the couples that have been together since high school and haven't known what it's like to be with anyone else.

10-06-2009, 06:51 AM
Read between the lines....

He's an ugly fucker and cant get a root. Nice joe spec essay though, masturbation must get boring at times.

10-06-2009, 07:00 AM
Legend, this guy knows it. having been thro a divorce and loosing half of MY wealth to someone who did jack shit i can totally relate, and defo treat women like shit and the keep coming back weird...

10-06-2009, 07:10 AM
Nice guys finish last. Its not just a saying.

10-06-2009, 07:30 AM
Fark, who wants to read that? Too long.

10-06-2009, 07:34 AM

10-06-2009, 07:36 AM
All you have to do is be a fuckhead 80% of the time, and a nice guy the other 20%. And girls will always come back.
Fuck knows why. But its how it is.

10-06-2009, 07:40 AM
Just dont ever fvck there sister, all hell breaks loose trust me they wont come back lol

10-06-2009, 08:15 AM
well we all know if a chick would write something like that it would be a novel..

someone needs to get a life..

10-06-2009, 08:48 AM
I don't agree with half of what he said, but the other half, the guy hit a nail on the head. Like how the tables turn once the female hits late 20s, and the man gains the upper hand. Provided she doesn't have kids yet of course. Most females would want kids eventually, and once they come closer to the 'expiration' age (ie. 30) they do become desperate where they will hook up with anybody, just so they don't miss out. That can be a problem down the line of course, is the female with the male for genuine love reasons, or just becasue she wanted to breed. Perhaps there is a link there with the high divorce rate, who knows...

Two of my mates have gone through a divorce recently, both in their late 20s. From what they're telling me, there are a lot of single chicks out there in their late 20s, however 95% of those they meet, have some sort of issues, or baggage, or whatever. Which explains why they are still single at the age of 28... something is obviously wrong there. They figured they're better off focusing on the 24 yo and younger chicks, as they are not messed up yet. And given the age difference, at least in theory they will have more authority in the relationship than if they were the same age. My two cents...

10-06-2009, 08:58 AM
Fark, who wants to read that? Too long.

LOL says the married essay-writer :P

I think it's highly generalized, but for the most part.. seems to be true to a fair extent. I can agree with half of the points he makes.

miss_petepie, did he strike a nerve? :P Haha.

10-06-2009, 09:18 AM
lenny: hahah no mate not at all :)

10-06-2009, 09:52 AM
Treat em mean keep em keen. Never fails

Lots of gold in there, some of it very true. Guy is in real need of a good root though.

Halle Terry
10-06-2009, 10:31 AM
Loved that, definatly a good writer, agreed with predominatly most of what he said.

10-06-2009, 12:39 PM
Nice guys finish last. Its not just a saying.

Yep, too true

10-06-2009, 01:02 PM
and treat them mean to keep them lean !!!

agree on numerous points

10-06-2009, 01:06 PM
who is that bloke, i want him on my facebook

10-06-2009, 01:25 PM
Seriously....WTF has this world come to ?
Men posting blogs about how women suck and getting emo at what women do....

Harden the fuck up!
No wonder the fag population continues to grow.

10-06-2009, 01:29 PM
Harden the fuck up!


10-06-2009, 01:56 PM

10-06-2009, 02:42 PM
cue simon "treat em mean, treat em mean" haha

Quite an entertaining read that's for sure.

10-06-2009, 02:46 PM
Mmmmm masturbating in a vagina.

10-06-2009, 02:59 PM
Some fair points but he wouldn't be so emo if he was actually ploughing some lady hole.

10-06-2009, 04:07 PM
LOL @ borrow friends puppy

10-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Sounds like someone just learnt the facts of life.

10-06-2009, 04:47 PM
LOL most of the stuff he said was pretty spot on...much credit is given.

11-06-2009, 07:24 AM
Some of that is true but a lot is just emo whinging

Wait til you get over 30 and realise going to clubs/parties getting trashed every weekend because youre a dedicated batchelor trying to pick up is pretty sad - no one wants to be *that guy*

On the plus side with most women of this age you dont have to put up with as much emo shit + they have wicked sex drives ;)

12-06-2009, 01:48 AM
Nice guys finish last. Its not just a saying.

your life story right there..

12-06-2009, 07:53 AM
Felt a bit of a chord with what that guy wrote. Was living with a flight attendant my age until recently, both of us single, and it seemed that as I was acting nice (to keep the peace, having just moved to Melbourne and not knowing anyone here), she seemed to take advantage of it. Everytime I tried to challenge her about it, she tried to put me down in some way, so in the end, I just shut up and went about my business, which annoyed her to some extent. Just couldn't be bothered fighting over trivial shit. Apart from that, she was vapid and boring as hell. And there seemed to be an air of desperation about her. Was very offputting, but in a sense, I felt sorry for her. If her behaviour was anything to go by, she'll probably con some gutless man into marrying her. She'll have to, if she wants kids.

Maybe it's most of Perth women who are overrepresented, but from my experiences, the ones that my friends tried to introduce to me or others who tried to crack onto me didn't really offer much in terms of what I wanted in a partner, like they were leftovers. The frustrating thing is that the girls who I was interested in were, surprisingly, taken. And some of their partners were total dicks.

If anything, I seem to getting a perverse pleasure of being a clit-tease with the girls who do seem to try and attract me, but don't offer what I want. I'm not the one with a biological clock ticking. The funny thing is, most of the girls who try are the ones who wouldn't have given me a second glance when I was in uni and didn't have much money, so it's kind of payback in a sense.

I can vouch for that aswell. I got stung on the first gf then went on a rampage of being a complete prick to girls. It seemed to attract alot more than being a nice guy *go figure*. One thing i cant fathom, all my bad ass mates or some mates who are rude to there g/f's have there g/f hangin off them but the real nice guys and ones that would make great partner are single???

Probably the alpha male thing. And perhaps the g/f's hanging off the pricks are too insecure to let them go. Bit like the current job market.

12-06-2009, 09:30 AM
Wait til you get over 30 and realise going to clubs/parties getting trashed every weekend because youre a dedicated batchelor trying to pick up is pretty sad - no one wants to be *that guy*

Oh shit. I just read this post and realised I'm *that guy*
/end life

12-06-2009, 11:14 AM
All i look for

is a girl relatively the same age ~mid 20's, who hasnt got MAJOR fucked up past (ie. raped/molested/bashed/recovering meth addict/other) and therefore drop some sorta bombshell 2 ? maybe 3 months ? into the relationship, and becomes batshit insane possessive/insecure and grips to you like a leech. OR awesome when straight, gets drunk and becomes an embarrising hoe/slut who also abuses guys at pubs , gets in fights and gets her vag out at random times.

Also most importantly must share at least a passion for cars/same music/same movies/drinking and smoking which is what i love.

if u got that,
call me

otherwise jump headfirst off bankwest thanks.

12-06-2009, 12:11 PM
got MAJOR fucked up past (ie. raped/molested/bashed/recovering meth addict/other) and therefore drop some sorta bombshell 2 ? maybe 3 months ? into the relationship, and becomes batshit insane possessive/insecure and grips to you like a leech. OR awesome when straight, gets drunk and becomes an embarrising hoe/slut who also abuses guys at pubs , gets in fights and gets her vag out at random times.

I just abandoned ship on a girl who is all the above... and more...

Deadset. All the skeletons were out of the closet 1mnth in.

Ive been high ever since...

12-06-2009, 12:12 PM
But dude you made her melt!

"like an icecream in a microwave"


12-06-2009, 12:20 PM

that is by NO means 1 for 1 niggah...

Anyone got loose ammo lying around? please PM

12-06-2009, 12:38 PM
lol the guys right about pretty much everything... spends way too much time analysing that shit though... and sounds like most of the girls he's with are stupid as fuck and have nothing to bring to a conversation... either that or he's a really smart gay guy and trying to subliminally persuade all you fuckers to jump the gate and hate women as much as him. lol.

12-06-2009, 12:51 PM
"like an icecream in a microwave"

I'm so using that one on a random slut this weekend

12-06-2009, 02:18 PM
This ranter sounds like he's only ever had one true love, and got burnt, too scared to try again. Sweeping generalizations require no brain.

17-06-2009, 09:30 AM
Best lyrics ever...
