View Full Version : Connecting PS3 to laptop???

13-04-2009, 02:38 PM
Brought a 80gb Ps3 a week or so ago and want to try connect it to my laptop so that i can play my movies onto the tv, been trying to get it connected through my laptops wireless signal but no luck. Is it possible to do what i want or do i need a wireless router?

Also is there anyway i can connect the ps3 to my 3 Wireless internet?


13-04-2009, 02:46 PM
I got my laptop connected to a modem/router (wireless) and PS3 connected to same modem/router. I am then using TVersity loaded on laptop, load videos and all on this, then on PS3 i go to videos then it shows up tversity media centre.

This will stream the movies over the network onto the PS3, ATTNSEEKR has done this and said it wasnt too good keep stopping, but it works fine here.

13-04-2009, 02:50 PM
i have mega issues with this system not playing movies and freezing...

13-04-2009, 02:51 PM

13-04-2009, 03:03 PM
Don't bother. The DLNA shit is unreliable as fuck, and will always drop out on you no matter what you do.

Buy yourself a 500gb portable hard drive (must be USB 2.0), put all your shit on it, then plug it directly into your PS3.

I'm using this setup, and it works REALLY well, never drops out, never has any reliability issues what-so-ever.

If you store videos on your hard drive, plug it into the PS3, go to the "Video" drop down menu, and press TRIANGLE (once you've highlighted the Hard Drive).

Select "View All", and your movies/folders will appear.

13-04-2009, 03:05 PM
or if you put all your videos into a main folder called "Video" PS3 will auto find it.

Agreed with brockas though DLNA over wireless is pointless.... I have had some troubles with some encoded divx/xvids though playing (or lack of) and have had to re-encode them.

Just grabbed Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 to install on the Ps3 too... need a wireless keyboard and mouse first though to do the install :)

13-04-2009, 03:14 PM
Or just use a network cable to link to computer, use an ac/network adaptor if they're in different rooms.

13-04-2009, 03:20 PM
cheers guys i actually wanted to just plug my hard drive in and do wat brockas said but it couldn't find anything. However now i put them in one folder called video it is finding some of them now, a few of them don't work though. What do i have to do to get some of them to work?

13-04-2009, 03:38 PM
what are they? divx/xvid

you can also display everything on the HDD by going from the XMB -> Video -> USB device ... press triangle, go to DISPLAY ALL


13-04-2009, 03:39 PM
Clearly your porn is using a un-recognised video codec.

You need to convert them to normal divx.

I am not aware of any codec updates / downloads available for ps3 ?

Also brockas is right. HDD via usb is the only way to go.

13-04-2009, 04:38 PM
I got my laptop connected to a modem/router (wireless) and PS3 connected to same modem/router. I am then using TVersity loaded on laptop, load videos and all on this, then on PS3 i go to videos then it shows up tversity media centre.

This will stream the movies over the network onto the PS3, ATTNSEEKR has done this and said it wasnt too good keep stopping, but it works fine here.
I have this setup as well, but hard wired (thanks Tom - SSICK), not wireless. Works nothing short of brilliantly.

Only issue is pausing on TVersity and leaving it for any more than about 30 seconds, when you play again, it will play for about another 30 seconds, then stop and say it can't find the data. To overcome this, stop the video instead of pausing it (it will save the point you stop it), then play it again to resume.

Like I said, nothing short of brilliant.

13-04-2009, 04:42 PM
Have you done the latest update? Heap of movies that wouldnt work for me worked after i did the update..

13-04-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm doing as above Comp connected to the modem/router then wireless to the ps3. Had issues originally then dl'd nero 7 with media home...

Simple to use and the ps3 just see's it instantly on the wireless, streams movies full quality never skips etc. Just works perfect.

13-04-2009, 04:56 PM
xbox is much easier!
Xbox is plugged into wireless router, laptop on wireless network, all videos in "my videos" file.
Search for my videos on xbox network, find vids, watch them.

13-04-2009, 05:03 PM
the latest windows media player (11) adds windows media sharing to your windows install, and if you're running vista it's almost plug and play...
if you don't update the firmware on your ps3 it's useless however, it took a few months for smooth playback and full compatibility to come through the works.

i would suggest loading wmp 11, shoving all your movies into the library, turning on the sharing option and going from there.
if you're laptop is actually the one broadcasting the signal you will have strength issues and probably encryption problems, get a wireless modem/router!
i ran my computer through wireless to my ps3 via router for 6 months-ish and it worked fine, that was about one firmware update ago (4-5 months). wireless works fine, it's just slow to load libraries that are quite large... i still managed to play 1080p rips over wireless though. throughput is there, just takes longer to load!

13-04-2009, 05:05 PM
yeh ive just finished watching the first season of RROD

13-04-2009, 06:19 PM
xbox is much easier!
Xbox is plugged into wireless router, laptop on wireless network, all videos in "my videos" file.
Search for my videos on xbox network, find vids, watch them.


As opposed to the PS3, where you do the exact same thing....

We're talking about a hard-wired connection so it makes it faster and more reliable. If you're ok with 'wireless/network' loading times, then just use it the same way you would an Xbox.

yeh ive just finished watching the first season of RROD

fkn LOL

13-04-2009, 06:29 PM
ill have to go to a mates to upload update for ps3 then from the sounds of it. I am guessing there is an update option in the playstation menu somewhere.
Oh and the media player 11 thingo didn't work it didnt even come up with the playstation

13-04-2009, 06:34 PM
Update is the main menu when you fire up the PS3. Go to Settings, scroll all the way to the top and System Update is an option, then hit X. It will check, then you agree to terms & conditions etc. and it will download and install.

Have you done the latest update? Heap of movies that wouldnt work for me worked after i did the update..
If you were asking me:
PS3 System Software = 2.70
TVersity =

Almost everything works. Only stuff I have found that doesn't work is really old (like taken from VHS old). If it doesn't work, I just use the Xbox (original, not 360). I haven't found anything that doesn't play yet. :D

13-04-2009, 06:40 PM
how the fuck do ya put movies onto a usb thumb drive, then onto ps3?

i made a movies folder, added movie and shows nothing on ps3?

Kilma, how hard to hard wire it? or simply plug and play?

13-04-2009, 06:48 PM
Sorry. When I say hard wire, I mean wired (PS3 to switch to computer) rather than wireless. Bad use of terms, I know.

13-04-2009, 07:19 PM
how the fuck do ya put movies onto a usb thumb drive, then onto ps3?

i made a movies folder, added movie and shows nothing on ps3?

Kilma, how hard to hard wire it? or simply plug and play?

As mentioned above, folder has to be called "Video".

13-04-2009, 07:29 PM
As mentioned above, folder has to be called "Video".

yeah done that aswell, nothing, trying to convert a movie with PS3 Video9 so see if that works

14-04-2009, 07:53 AM
Mine works fine 90% of the time. Got a HDD plugged into my comp in the other room, hardwired to a router. PS3 in the lounge connected via wireless. The comp has the latest windows media player, with sharing enabled. When I go into the video menu, a media player icon pops up and I can stream movies from there.

You can also use winamp, with its own sharing features. Winamp icon pops up in the video menu on PS3.

Have you done the latest update? Heap of movies that wouldnt work for me worked after i did the update..

Same here. Sometimes you get a dodgy update which stuffs things up till the next update. heaps annoying. Wish you could revert back to an old one :( Other times shit just doesn't want to work, need to restart the comp and PS3 etc. Not a perfect system, but works most of the time.

14-04-2009, 08:59 AM

^ this > TVersity

Java based, no massive install, easy to set up and it works better

But yeah for streaming video (particularly hi-def stuff) wired network is always better

14-04-2009, 11:17 AM
Disagree, but each to their own (and I tried it ages ago, so might be better by now). Only advantage was you didn't have to update the folders.

There was heaps of stuff that didn't play, and was slow tracking through what was playing etc. Just too glitchy & annoying for me. Might be better now.