View Full Version : Handbrake issue?

02-04-2009, 07:41 PM
Hey guys.

Im after abit of info.
I resently brought myself a 94 180sx.
Now the car has had a 5 stud conversion with S14 brakes up front and R32 GTR rear from what i was told. Wierd thing is, the handbrake was never connected and the lines cut?
I have a set of R33 gtst handbrake cables lying around, just wondering if these will fit the R32 rear brakes?

Any clues?

02-04-2009, 07:58 PM
the cables will fit, as long as their is a 32/33 skyline drum brake style hand brake mechanism fitted.

the cables are actually a bit long, so u will need to make some brackers to hold them in the correct place and make some adjustments to the hand brake itself from inside the car

02-04-2009, 08:15 PM
So the handbrake set up between R32 and R33 is the same if it has the Drum handbrake on the rear?
The rest of it is no problem, was just curious to see if the lines fitted.

02-04-2009, 09:16 PM
the cables are actually a bit long, so u will need to make some brackers to hold them in the correct place and make some adjustments to the hand brake itself from inside the car

Interesting , did one yesterday and i used same brackets n adjustment was fine ...

03-04-2009, 12:54 PM
Interesting , did one yesterday and i used same brackets n adjustment was fine ...

on my s15 the cables where a tad long so i had to make 2 brackers to hold the cables pulled back further...im going off what ive done. s13 might be fine? what car did u do it on?

03-04-2009, 01:27 PM
on my s15 the cables where a tad long so i had to make 2 brackers to hold the cables pulled back further...im going off what ive done. s13 might be fine? what car did u do it on?

Did S15 this week with 33 backing plates n cables .. Used factory nissan mounts

03-04-2009, 01:48 PM
how much did u adjust the blokes hand brake up then? is it adjusted through the roof? reason i asked is i put in factor mounts to begin with, and fully adjusted it worked but when the pads wear it wont so i moved the cables back a bit