View Full Version : Looking for a camera

26-05-2008, 09:13 PM
Hello photography masters,
I'm looking at purchasing a semi-decent digital camera for general purpose use.
Would like to use it for things like people, cars, scenery etc, with a decent sort of zoom for distance shooting.
I've seen the following for about $340, seems to be suited?
Apparently has pretty good image quality and good image stabilisation which would be useful as im inexperienced.
Price limit is around the $350 mark if there are others i should consider...


Thoughts appreciated!

26-05-2008, 09:53 PM
The SX100 is a good camera, one of the very solid "bridge" (The gap between a DSLR and a normal Point and Shoot) cameras around.
We've got them (below cost) at $297 at the moment..

But im up in Kal, I can send you a Harvey Norman quote with that price on it and you can get it matched at somewhere like JB.

Other cameras to look at will be:

Panasonic TZ3 - more expensive
Olympus SP560UZ
Sony H3

Out of those, I'd still take the SX100... Its available for cheaper and just as good.

28-05-2008, 09:18 PM
thanks for that, may shoot you off a PM about the price quote thing, didnt even know JB's do that. Havent found it anywhere that cheap.

Anyone else have thoughts on this camera or type in general?

29-05-2008, 05:39 AM
My last camera was a Fujifilm S6500fd and was decent enough for when I was starting out. Had all the modes you'd find on a DSLR just the inability to swap lenses etc. Few on ebay going cheap, in your price range. I'd recommend it as I managed to get some good shots with it, but also I didnt really use any other camera's so I cant compare it to anything.

31-05-2008, 01:21 PM
bought the canon, seems pretty good on first impressions.
Will have to look into what half of the settings mean and get shooting

31-05-2008, 09:06 PM
Good work! Will be able to most things with it, great camera to learn better on.

31-05-2008, 09:09 PM
Yeah I recommend the Fuji S5600A/6500 cameras. Cheap, good features and take some half decent pics with practise :) Depends what you want really, something you can point n snap or something you can play with.