View Full Version : GT3582

01-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Im looking for a NEW turbo only NOT INTERESTED IN 2ND HAND

Chasing GT3582R (GT35) part #714568-1

Im looking for the .82 turbine and four bolt exh flange.

I have been chasing prices on the net (no ebay) and tweakit and capa seem to be the cheapest at around $1800

Last time i checked MTQ and Turbotech were just over 2k

Tryn to get one here in perth as i would much rather just walk in and grab it.

Like all tight asses just chasing a better price... any help would be much appriciated

01-12-2007, 11:35 AM
phone turbotech, and discuss price - thats what i did with when i bought my turbo, got it for 1800 which was 50 bux more then most online shops. like u - the extra 50 was well worth the abilty to drive down and pick it up on the spot

01-12-2007, 11:39 AM
yeah right.. i didnt talk turkey with them at the time cause i wasnt ready to grab it then.. cheers dude i'll give it a go during the week if nothin cheaper is mentioned.

01-12-2007, 01:36 PM
lets me know what price they give ya,maybe able to get through work account,may or maynot be cheaper.They quoted Dave $2200 for a xr6 replacement as a dude of the street.

02-12-2007, 01:23 PM
theres a guy on SAU that was importing them direct from USA and was doing a "group buy" for 1615 delivered, and thats with whatever sized rear housing you want, but no internal gate.

I think he was wrapping it up in a couple of days, so if your interested you dont have much time to get it at that price. Delivery was meant to be about 2 weeks.

Otherwise its pretty common to get them for around 1750, brand new of an e-store.