View Full Version : Election '07, who will win?

BOSS 290
18-10-2007, 09:23 PM
Who do you think will win the next election?

18-10-2007, 11:35 PM
You can bet your left testicle that the coalition will win unless there is some exceptional circumstances. People like stability and the economy is going well, therefore coalition will keep power.

19-10-2007, 12:30 AM
If labour get in (please no) then expect the dollar to plumit.

p.s. Dennis Jensen is the Liberal federal member for Tangney, and he's also the biggest opponent to the Hoon legislation and reducing the speed limit.
He gets my vote.

19-10-2007, 12:38 AM
every time labour get in. They fuck everything up and liberals fix it all up.

Labour government for the W.A state suck balls

Fuck off kevin rudd you piece of shit pingpingpingping

19-10-2007, 05:51 AM
Howard is far from perfect, but who is these days? The economy has never been in this good a shape, industry is booming, our dollar is worth more than it ever has been....why would you want to risk changing that.

Libz FTW

19-10-2007, 07:15 AM
Who is the penis cap who voted democrats? This poll isn't asking who you will vote for, it is asking who you think will win.

19-10-2007, 07:52 AM
You'll probably notice that most people don't discuss politics on forums. In fact, its a rule on many forums that I inhabit.

There's a reason for it, and its because people get heated.

One step out of line for any person in this thread, and I'll lock it faster than you can say "Fiscal Policy"....so don't ruin it for everyone else, and make it a decent discussion rather than the sh*tfight that most political threads end up degenerating into. :)

19-10-2007, 08:10 AM
Howard is far from perfect, but who is these days? The economy has never been in this good a shape, industry is booming, our dollar is worth more than it ever has been....why would you want to risk changing that.

Libz FTW

I don't think it's because of the current goverments management though, it doesn't matter who we vote for, we always lose, haha. Why can't we have a ex-Terminator cum politician in Australia?

19-10-2007, 08:55 AM
Hmmm, as much as I dread it, I reckon labor will win. Only because of the polls that you keep hearing about, being so much in favour of them

BOSS 290
19-10-2007, 09:06 AM
Interesting comments. I agree with Balistc about these debates getting heated, so lets see if we can keep this civilised.

Economic reform started 16 years ago by the Hawke/Keating government, yet the coalition is using Work Choices implemented in the last 18 months to take credit for the record low level of unemployment. Let's not mention the insatiable appetite for our mineral resources from China and India, the coalition will have us believe that has little to do with the booming resources economy in WA and it's flow-on effect across the entire country. It's all about Work Choices. Then there's the union -

Yesterday's headlines:

Union dominance a danger: PM

And then:

Unions irrelevant, Hockey says

We're sure they'll sort it out soon.

Irrelevance danger a union, say Libs

That might do it.

Also, let's not forget when John Howard was treasurer interest rates were at 21%, and inflation was over 10%. It took Paul Keating's 'recession we had to have' to break the back of the high levels of interest and inflation. Although many endured financial pain and suffering back then, we are reaping the rewards for that now.

Here's a certainty. If the Libs win and keep doing what they do best (manage the economy, in their words), and the tax cuts are introduced as per their election announcement, you can almost gaurantee interest rates will continue to rise, as per the last 5 0.25% interest rate increases. That's not to say they won't rise if a labour government wins however. But the interest rate increases will be largely the responsibility of the Liberal government.

WA is predominantly a Liberal voting state, but us labor votors can take heart that our state will have bugger all influence on the outcome of the election :) It's seats like Bass which are showing an 11% swing to Labor that will make the difference.

19-10-2007, 11:48 AM
I believe high bracket tax reform is very important. With the current tax system there is very little incentive for John Citizen to work hard. This has contributed to Australia's relative slackness in the work force. The Australian "sickie" culture costs our economy more than anyone would like to imagine. If high end tax brackets were reduced then the incentive to work hard would be higher. Rich get rich, poor get poorer? The only people who believe this are those who want something for nothing. Reducing high end tax brackets mean you get more reward for more work.

All the coalition need to do is keep interest rates between 6-9% and economic growth between 2-4%. Sounds simple, but I know it isnt. In economics there is an infinite number of correct answers for every single question.

However, the MOST IMPORTANT issue in this election is the AUD/JPY. The more our AUD increases the cheaper are our mods!! :D

19-10-2007, 12:06 PM
howard and rudd both would have been the class nerds
but rudd would have been the annoying one that tried to hang out with the cool kids but got shunned every time

howards a tosspot, but rudd is worse. imo.

lol endless in soviet russia politicians vote for public

19-10-2007, 02:01 PM
I think Labour will get in, not what obviously most of us want, but i think thats what will happen.
Lesser of two evils really, they both fuck everything up, but labour tend to make us poor while doing so. Reason why a lot of people have gone over to the labour side is that they dont want Costello in power which is what will happen as Howard doesnt want to keep going on as PM. Costello is worse than the lot so i think thats where they are losing their votes.
Put greens as number 1, they will never get in power but if they get enough seats then they can have a significant effect on policy change within parliament, being the swing vote empowers them if they have enough to make a difference.
Anywho politics ftl, its like deciding whether u want to be smashed over the head with a cricket bat or being kicked in the nuts, theres never a good outcome!

19-10-2007, 05:33 PM
I honestly have no idea, whos telling the truth, who has little back handed schemes and who is gonna mess things up in the future. And for that reason, i think i would vote liberal. I like things the way they are, and the way they are going.

And i agree with richards comments regarding the incentives to work harder, but not only in the high end sector, id like to see some sort of system, so when you do overtime hours and weekend work for 'the man' you get rewarded for it. Not like what i get now, work a saturday and get paid less than i would for a normal weekday because its double time.

And i want hoon legistlation gone, but hey, thats not gonna happen.

19-10-2007, 05:35 PM
howard in imo is the lesser of two evils...

thers no way im voting for rudd unless he shows the country where snowy is being hidden...


19-10-2007, 05:49 PM
Labor have got a shot, but I'm hoping Coalition, I just like things the way they are. Would like to see their votes knocked around however to give them a bit of a wake up call. The switch to Costello should have happened some time during the last term as on a leadership level the Libs are losing out to Labor, purely because people want change, no matter how well they have things.
Interestingly though I get some mail from the Liberal member for my seat who claims he is going to reduce hooning and graffiti? In a federal seat? good luck with that mate. Lucky for you I am in a marginal seat so I will probably vote for you anyway.

19-10-2007, 07:38 PM
I'm kind of in a bind on this one. I administer quite a few programs that use federal government money to provide rebates for people who apply to the programs in question. I don't want to say what these programs are, as it'll identify who I work for and I'm not comfortable with divulging that sort of thing on a public forum.

If the Coalition retain the lead (slim chance if opinion polls are anything to go by), my position and the guarantee of money to continue running the programs are secure for a few more years, despite what I think of Johnny H and co. If Labor get in, that will be somewhat worrying, as they haven't specified what they'll do to the current funding arrangements that are in place, and a few others in the office are somewhat concerned at the implications of what this could mean (and some of the people in the industry involved that I've spoken to are of the same opinion).

Interesting times ahead.

BOSS 290
19-10-2007, 08:41 PM
Fairly tight poll atm, with a 50/50 split between the two major parties.

20-10-2007, 03:57 PM
Im with mischief1 on this!

Im voting for the terminator and i dont care if i cant. Ill find a way.

21-10-2007, 09:53 AM

Even after his efforts on the turn tables.. I'll still vote for KRudd.

22-10-2007, 08:48 AM
Liberal Party election tactics are just scare campaigns with no substance at all, last time it was interest rates (and look how many got sucked in to that one), this time its unions

Still, i spose you gotta distract people from dud Liberal policy like Workchoices (which theyve even admitted is having serious problems) and the Iraq war which is a clusterfuck of huge proportions (why are we even there again?)

Gotta love how Howard suddenly gets interested in Aboriginal reconciliation right before an election like he (or anyone?) cared before.... and yeh im sure we should all believe he will remain PM for the full term should he be re elected, coz he's never lied before right? haha

22-10-2007, 09:33 AM
Both as bad as one another really, australia will be fucked in one way or another with each.

Rudd Vs Howard

Giant Douche Vs Turd Sandwich.

Both Same.

22-10-2007, 11:38 AM
the lesser of two evils....

its election year, howard has made many promised and failed on some of them. As do most, lets see if rudd will make a difference. Labor will win its time for change dont be disallusioned itnerest rates are a reflection of the australian economy vs world economic trends, howard nor does any politician have any directon control over interest rates, they are dictated by the reserve bank. All the pm and his blood sucker backbenchers can do is direct the country in the right direction.

Which fortunately he has doen to a degree, but the resource sector has controlled the rest with boomtime.

im voting for the australian communist party.. what works for the russians will work for australia, after some hard work and constant beatings.


22-10-2007, 11:52 AM
Im with mischief1 on this!

Im voting for the terminator and i dont care if i cant. Ill find a way.

Fight the power!

I might have to vote for K-Rudd, sounds much cooler than J-Ho...

22-10-2007, 12:09 PM
I know that some ppl believe that the current government are doing a bang up job and thats why we should keep them. Its hard to see past all the bullshit sometimes despite what pollies want us to think our economy is booming because of our mining boom. Such a large number of ppl leaving normal jobs and taking high paying ones working away leading to a shortage of labour (both in the city and away) therefore ppl will pay more because they have to in order to get the manpower to get the job done. With people earning more than ever before they are spending more and before you know it our dollar is getting stronger, land values are rising having a knock on effect to personal wealth and there you go everyone is happy as larry and feeling rich. I believe ( i know some ppl will think differently and this is only my opinion so dont take it as gospel) our current economic boom would have happened reguardless of our government in power at the time but hey i could be wrong after all this is only my 2 cents :P

22-10-2007, 05:48 PM
Neither John Howard, Nor Peter Costello had anything to do with placing or finding, or mining the rich deposits of Gold, Nickel and Ore that WA has.. The resources boom is China and India buying up large.. India are now the largest market for gold in the world. Again, nothing to do with J-Ho or P-Co.

Granted, they haven't fucked up our economy, Its on auto pilot.. But all that proves is they aren't retards.

and one more picture, proof of whats really going on:


27-10-2007, 05:46 PM
i hope the libs win but i cant see it hapenning

BOSS 290
25-11-2007, 10:03 AM
Labor ftw!

Icing on the cake is seeing Joe Hockey almost in tears, and the possibility of the former PM losing the seat of Bennelong.

Looks like the sky is going to fall in according to the liberal supporters hahaha.

Lower Australian dollar and interest rate increases here we come - oh snap, it's already happened whilst JH was pm!

25-11-2007, 10:15 AM
HAHAHAHA i won't argue politics, but it must be fun in that bubble of yours, sit back and wait for reality to pop it.

Save penny's people and be ready for the mortgagee sales...I know i am.

BOSS 290
25-11-2007, 10:53 AM
HAHAHAHA i won't argue politics, but it must be fun in that bubble of yours, sit back and wait for reality to pop it.

Save penny's people and be ready for the mortgagee sales...I know i am.

Ditto, although I don't really think it mattered a fuck who won, the end result will be the same.

25-11-2007, 12:43 PM
Labor ftw!

Lower Australian dollar and interest rate increases here we come - oh snap, it's already happened whilst JH was pm!

last time i checked the aussie dollar is at an all time high, and interest rises have been pathetic here compared to most 1st world countries???

kind of a useless point to make now, i hope they dont fuck us as hard as most people think they will.

25-11-2007, 12:51 PM
ill be waiting in that line as well :)

25-11-2007, 01:07 PM
its funny how people get all fired up like they know whats going to happen when really no one knows lol

25-11-2007, 02:46 PM
game over

25-11-2007, 06:07 PM
Lower Australian dollar and interest rate increases here we come

Maybe you should read up about some basic economics before commenting. Check the relationship between currency and interest rates in any economy.

25-11-2007, 06:27 PM
Maybe you should read up about some basic economics before commenting. Check the relationship between currency and interest rates in any economy.

Im more interested in how you are going to give away your left testicle :p

At the end of the day it doesnt really matter which political party is in power.. No party will ever deliver on there promises and for the avg aussie there isnt going to be much change. Interest rates will rise and fall depending on world economy

25-11-2007, 08:10 PM
Labor ftw!

Lower Australian dollar and interest rate increases here we come - oh snap, it's already happened whilst JH was pm!

yes imagine what it will be like with labor in power
some of you guys are so uneducated, you realise that interest rates are controlled INDEPENDENTLY by the RBA
consumer spending increases means higher inflation, the RBA controls this by raising interest rates to slow spending
labors proposed big tax cuts sound great dont they? oh but hang on that means people will spend even more then they currently are, inflation will rise and yep you guessed it up goes interest rates

25-11-2007, 08:19 PM
I for one welcome our new overlords, and hope to serve them to the best of my abilities.

25-11-2007, 08:28 PM
some of you guys are so uneducated, you realise that interest rates are controlled INDEPENDELTY by the RBA

yep... INDEPENDELTY I tell you!

25-11-2007, 08:57 PM
I for one welcome our new overlords, and hope to serve them to the best of my abilities.

blasting through speed cameras n the like will please our masters.. do all u can my son

25-11-2007, 09:49 PM
yes imagine what it will be like with labor in power
some of you guys are so uneducated, you realise that interest rates are controlled INDEPENDENTLY by the RBA
consumer spending increases means higher inflation, the RBA controls this by raising interest rates to slow spending
labors proposed big tax cuts sound great dont they? oh but hang on that means people will spend even more then they currently are, inflation will rise and yep you guessed it up goes interest rates

Youll find that the libs proposed more spending and more tax cuts, Dollar is controlled mainly by external forces, demand for our resources is really what forces it up. Higher interest rates can also cause demand for dollar as people look to invest in australia.

25-11-2007, 09:54 PM
Tomorrow at work will be very interesting for me...

25-11-2007, 10:51 PM
Im more interested in how you are going to give away your left testicle :p

At the end of the day it doesnt really matter which political party is in power..

They have their differences, as a general rule for all the uneducated out there:

Blue collar workers vote for labor, as labor have a greater emphasis on welfare, giving to the poor and education.

White collar workers vote for liberal, liberal supports big business more, gives more general tax cuts, ARE better are managing the economy and rich people can pay for education.

I will be a white collar worker, I get welfare for going to uni, however I don't think I should be entitled to it. Anyone who does not have a job and is on the dole can go fuck themselves as chances are, they are lazing around home, smoking/drinking all their welfare money away. Correct me if im wrong, but I heard something like 65% of the annual budget is set out for welfare. So, all those kids who went to my school and fucked around should get NO help as far as im concerned, I worked for it, I deserve to be better off. Yes it is a hardline state, but I hate free riding losers.

One of the reasons I believe labor won is because less people are moving into more educated uni jobs and more are doing trades, they are indeed less informed.

With labor in power expect a budget deficit, expect international relations to go down the shitter (especially US), expect stupid bums to get more welfare for sitting on their asses doing nothing.

Kevin 07, Recession 08

26-11-2007, 06:12 AM
The thing that makes me laugh the mosts are these do-gooders that voted against Liberals, because of our troops being in Afghanistan, etc.

One of Kevin Rudd's election promises was to KEEP THEM THERE.

Sucks 2 B U fuckin do-gooder c*nts.

26-11-2007, 07:16 AM
expect international relations to go down the shitter (especially US)

And this is a bad thing?

All the US have done for the past 7 years is land us in the shit, A bullshit war on 'terrorists' and a wild goose chase for oil.. And even with the US in control of Iraq, World oil prices keep rising... Yeah, our strong ties with the US have really done this country a favour. :slap:

26-11-2007, 07:24 AM
election is over, live your lives in freedom children.

26-11-2007, 09:49 AM
And this is a bad thing?

All the US have done for the past 7 years is land us in the shit, A bullshit war on 'terrorists' and a wild goose chase for oil.. And even with the US in control of Iraq, World oil prices keep rising... Yeah, our strong ties with the US have really done this country a favour. :slap:

hahahahahahahahahaha you haven't got a clue.