View Full Version : 220k for 24 songs!!
It shows the recording industry is serious about stamping illegal downloads out...
But that is stupid... 220k for 24 songs!
Good luck catching anyone on dialup with a ever changing I.P address :D
05-10-2007, 12:43 PM
Bugger! Only makes me feel that much safer about hacking my neighbour's wireless :lol:
05-10-2007, 12:45 PM
Passage GT
05-10-2007, 12:58 PM
hahaha top vid
do you watch it crowd too?:P
i kind of feel sorry for her
that's a fuckin harsh penalty
05-10-2007, 01:01 PM
Not having a static IP isn't grounds for not being able to be traced TJ.. it's the same principle.. they track the IP(s) down to the ISP.. the ISP can tell which account they assigned that IP to.
That is a well harsh fine though!
05-10-2007, 01:04 PM
Butters has dragged me down another level by introducing me to it crowd
05-10-2007, 01:04 PM
thats a load of shit, how the fuck do they expect her to pay that!
fuk i bet half of the guys on here downloaded more then that last night.
good luck getting that cash outta me, coz i wouldnt have it.
05-10-2007, 01:05 PM
It shows the recording industry is serious about stamping illegal downloads out...
But that is stupid... 220k for 24 songs!
Good luck catching anyone on dialup with a ever changing I.P address :D
They can still track a dialup account, especially if its like mine that is connected for a month at a time. Not that i download music :)
All those torrents I download are legal downloads of motorsport, I hate music myself!
05-10-2007, 03:27 PM
That's gonna hurt.
She had the option to buy her way out early, but decided to challenge it. They just made an example of her.
05-10-2007, 03:31 PM
not as much as they could have, 1702 songs on an online folder, at $150k a pop. Ouch.
note to self: dont fight international conglomerates in court.
wow, this has me worried.. recently recieved an email from dodo wich makes me really think.
Dear Valued Customer,
We have received correspondence on behalf of the owner of copyright
material that states that an infringing copy of that copyright material
was made available for distribution through an IP address that was
allocated to you at the time of the alleged conduct.
We are not stating that you have engaged in an infringement of copyright
or other laws. We respect your privacy and we have not released your
personal details to any third party.
However, we would like to take the opportunity to remind you that making
an unauthorised copy of copyright material available for access by others:
· may be an infringement of Australian copyright laws and may result in
civil or criminal liability;
· may be a breach of part 4 of our Acceptable Use Policy.
If you have any questions about this email or our Acceptable Use Policy,
please contact Customer Support on 1300 666 330 or
Dodo Abuse Team
Phone: 1300 666 330
time to get worried?
05-10-2007, 04:30 PM
Id be worried if I used Dodo for an ISP.....
Time to sign up under fake names?
05-10-2007, 05:37 PM
fuck you i brought all this illegally downloaded music ...
man i got all kinds of fucked up music on my pc ... i go to court n the judge be reading out my playlist ...
" number 548 ... Milli Vanilli - Blame it on the rain ... shit they gonna love you up in the joint "
" fuck this is plead the FITH "
05-10-2007, 05:45 PM
you english speak good
05-10-2007, 06:27 PM
Fuk them Kunts! nearly everyone has downloaded music are they going to fine everyone that much its bs :lol: maybe they should start selling cds cheaper!
06-10-2007, 02:09 PM
Or release better quality music, instead of the manufactured teenybopper shit!
06-10-2007, 03:02 PM
wow, this has me worried.. recently recieved an email from dodo wich makes me really think.
time to get worried?
all the major ISP's in australia are now working with some of the bigger recording/movie businesses (time warner and sony etc). Dont know of anyone who has continued downloading stuff, but it shows that it is coming to australia
06-10-2007, 08:22 PM
Time to sign up under fake names?
heres how it works tj, you dial in, you leave a digital stamp, simple as that, even if you have a silent number, you can still be tracked down, as it is,m most isp's have had caller id capability since the late 90's, eg before phones in australia had it..
add to that if a record company is serious enough, all they need to do is involve the police to trace a silent number anyway..
the only way you'd ever evade detection is using multiple wireless networks, but then again, if someone is serious enough, they could log the MAC address of the computer, find out who manufactured it, and find out who bought it..
unless you buy your computers parts or laptops from the otheride of the world using a stolen credit card, somewaym, somehow, you _can_ be traced..
thats if they want to bother
06-10-2007, 08:35 PM
there are ways to avoid being tracked down, torrents are probably the best way to get files because it is almost impossible to prosecute users coupled with the fact that the networks are decentralized and copyright laws vary across countries it makes it a very tough job going after individual users. they used to target the site owners who hosted trackers but there hasnt been a shutdown of some well known torrent sites for years now so id say theyve given up on that and resorted to scare tactics.
fact of the matter is piracy will always be there, i work in the music industry and it is clear to see that the big 4: Sony BMG, Universal, Warner and EMI have really brought this on themselves, if they had stepped in early and nipped piracy on the butt by offering CDs and DVDs at reasonable prices it wouldnt be costing them the billions it does now.
06-10-2007, 08:36 PM
mannnnn why would they go after soone who downloads a few torrents? why else do you have broadband? to download stuff :lol: there never going to stop it! I thought it was legal as long as you dont charge for the music, its like giving somone a cd and being charged for it :)
06-10-2007, 09:40 PM
there are ways to avoid being tracked down, torrents are probably the best way to get files because it is almost impossible to prosecute users coupled with the fact that the networks are decentralized and copyright laws vary across countries it makes it a very tough job going after individual users. they used to target the site owners who hosted trackers but there hasnt been a shutdown of some well known torrent sites for years now so id say theyve given up on that and resorted to scare tactics.
fact of the matter is piracy will always be there, i work in the music industry and it is clear to see that the big 4: Sony BMG, Universal, Warner and EMI have really brought this on themselves, if they had stepped in early and nipped piracy on the butt by offering CDs and DVDs at reasonable prices it wouldnt be costing them the billions it does now.
probably right on the pricing front, i've never bought a cd from a shop.
they can still track torrents, friends have been provided with date, time and the file shared in emails from ISP's.
Of course you can elude tracking, but you need the skills and resources to do so.
Easiest for people with laptops, go find an unsecured wireless network and leech off that. Saying your MAC address would be tracked is as likely as me going to the moon. :D
06-10-2007, 09:56 PM
probably right on the pricing front, i've never bought a cd from a shop.
they can still track torrents, friends have been provided with date, time and the file shared in emails from ISP's.
Of course you can elude tracking, but you need the skills and resources to do so.
Easiest for people with laptops, go find an unsecured wireless network and leech off that. Saying your MAC address would be tracked is as likely as me going to the moon. :D
its not that hard to track torrents, but what i said was that its very hard to prosecute as it is decentralized, when you start getting all different bits of a file from all different people then the law(s) get considerably hazy, ive never seen a case of a torrent user being done under any copyright laws which must mean that the labels are finding it hard to pursue people this way, decentralizing a file makes for legal nightmares because the law usually can only work on wholes :D
i.e. you gave me 35% of x file, another 10%, and so on, you got 28% of your file from someone who got 11% from someone else, i got 8% from them, i seeded 30% that you didnt have back to you that i got from other peers...assigning blame is next to impossible
maybe time to change ISP's again.. i knew the adverts were to good to be true.
09-10-2007, 09:49 PM
5085 songs...... $10,150 per song.......lets just round that shit off at a clean $51 million dollars
IF the record industry didn't fuck us up the arse to start with we wouldnt be fucking back. Ever watched video hits in the morning on the weekend? THOSE KHUNTS SHOULD BE FINED FOR RELEASING THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reckon society's fucked?......sure is, i fucking blame video hits.....cause its cool to be a whore/slut and wear clothes 3 sizes too big for you and all.
10-10-2007, 05:19 AM
^^^haha yeah I agree :lol:
5085 songs...... $10,150 per song.......lets just round that shit off at a clean $51 million dollars
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