View Full Version : 2JZ GTE hydraulic fan/water pump

09-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Just wondering if anyone has experiance with the hyd fan assembly/water pump on the JDM 2jz gte? Stripping the motor down to a long block on sat i ran out of time with only the water pump assembly to remove. All the bolts are out of it and its not gasket/glue/etc...

I am trying to work out if the front cover needs to be removed in order to remove the wp or if the shaft for the hyd fan pump needs to be removed or if i was on crack cause i was running short of time and its much simpler...

Wont touch the motor till late this week so any help before then would be greatly appriciated.

10-09-2007, 06:55 AM
Youll find the water pump will go behind the timing cover/belt and shit,will all have to come of bro.

10-09-2007, 03:54 PM
cheers matty
