View Full Version : Antilag.com History

08-08-2007, 09:30 PM
just curious as to how antilag came about....

ie, who started it up, how long its been around and how it started...

08-08-2007, 09:41 PM
Think Silencio started it then sold it to TJ or something.

08-08-2007, 10:07 PM
Legend has it, a god was cast down from the heavens. He arose from the ashes of #Japspec, a flaming TJ dressed in only a golden fubu fleece and bestowed upon with the keys to the VN of fury, to unleash vengeance upon those who questioned "Who the fuck is this fat serb"?

And so antilag was.

08-08-2007, 10:11 PM
Actually TJ doesn't own antilag.

Morgs does. Dirty Eastern stater.

I believe Gary started the IRC channel after speedworx split up? The site stemmed from that.

08-08-2007, 10:14 PM
We'll agree to disagree.

08-08-2007, 10:22 PM
It's ok, i prefer your story.

Passage GT
08-08-2007, 11:52 PM
started as irc channels
was speedworx which shut down and split into japspec and antilag
japspec made regular cruises yadda yadda and antilag channel was fucking dead for about 18 months
then someone made the site and forums and antilag started getting active people on irc and obviously on the forums
i believe it was gary started the antilag channel on irc too
the rest as they say is history

09-08-2007, 06:56 AM
well ....

Once apon a time there was a handsome young man named TJ. He used to own a VN and was really into stereos and had a huge sound system in the boot of his white VN until fate has it one day it was stolen and this made him focus his attention on not whats in the boot but whats under the bonet. He gathered a group of friends together and they sat down at Waffles in Sth Perth and discussed the idea of creating a super hero group, this didnt work since none of them had super powers so then TJ deceided to form a car group where PERFORMANCE MATTERS .... he called it ANTILAG. In the begining there wasnt many but word spread about illegal high speed runs late at night in undisclosed locations and of a Red R31 with an RB25 conversion, 100mm cooler and a twin plate ... this rumour was called " Game Over ". After a few months there reputation grew and ANTILAG.COM WAS BORN !!!

Now TJ being the born leader that he is opted to lead this fearless crew into battle and run there arch enemy JAPSPEC ... The antilag crew sat down and devised a plan to have a winner takes all type drag race out in the hills ... TJ vs all of Jap Spec ... the winner takes bragging rights in perth. The other troops from antilag werent to sure but TJ assured them that he " runs this show " and everything is gonna be a-okay. After a charity re-spray on the R31 and a charity tune the R31 was ready for battle.

The big day came and the showed up in the hills at the meeting point. The cars were at the ready on the starting line, engines revving flames popping. TJ got his first wife Megan Gale to start the race ... she walked out and dropped the flag THEY WERE OFF ... all except Tj who was too muddy to fork out and get an LSD ... he ripped the biggest single pegger in history and snapped an axel clean off the car ... the race was over ... antilag had lost but this wasnt the end.

When the leaders from Jap Spec came bak to bragg about their victory TJ raised his hand and shot a single white laser beam out of his finger and killed the leader of Jap Spec ... Perth was once again Antilags.

Time went by and new members joined ... cars came and went ... skylines cressidas libertys you name it . Tj's popularity grew and he started to notice that he had a bit of pull in this town ... he had become sumwhat of a celebrity. He now hides behind his fake identity TeeJay a mild mannered photographer for Perth Street Car ... but when he hears an engine revving he ducks into the VIP room at the night club ... changes his shirt ... bangs a model then a few quick sprays of Diesel and jumps in sneeper ,which is faster than a locomotive, has a few high speed chases, evades the police and drives off to into the night .... The End.

Well thats just what i heard

09-08-2007, 07:28 AM
I heard Chuck Norris is scared of TJ.

09-08-2007, 08:31 AM
well ....

Once apon a time there was a handsome young man named TJ. He used to own a VN and was really into stereos and had a huge sound system in the boot of his white VN until fate has it one day it was stolen and this made him focus his attention on not whats in the boot but whats under the bonet. He gathered a group of friends together and they sat down at Waffles in Sth Perth and discussed the idea of creating a super hero group, this didnt work since none of them had super powers so then TJ deceided to form a car group where PERFORMANCE MATTERS .... he called it ANTILAG. In the begining there wasnt many but word spread about illegal high speed runs late at night in undisclosed locations and of a Red R31 with an RB25 conversion, 100mm cooler and a twin plate ... this rumour was called " Game Over ". After a few months there reputation grew and ANTILAG.COM WAS BORN !!!

Now TJ being the born leader that he is opted to lead this fearless crew into battle and run there arch enemy JAPSPEC ... The antilag crew sat down and devised a plan to have a winner takes all type drag race out in the hills ... TJ vs all of Jap Spec ... the winner takes bragging rights in perth. The other troops from antilag werent to sure but TJ assured them that he " runs this show " and everything is gonna be a-okay. After a charity re-spray on the R31 and a charity tune the R31 was ready for battle.

The big day came and the showed up in the hills at the meeting point. The cars were at the ready on the starting line, engines revving flames popping. TJ got his first wife Megan Gale to start the race ... she walked out and dropped the flag THEY WERE OFF ... all except Tj who was too muddy to fork out and get an LSD ... he ripped the biggest single pegger in history and snapped an axel clean off the car ... the race was over ... antilag had lost but this wasnt the end.

When the leaders from Jap Spec came bak to bragg about their victory TJ raised his hand and shot a single white laser beam out of his finger and killed the leader of Jap Spec ... Perth was once again Antilags.

Time went by and new members joined ... cars came and went ... skylines cressidas libertys you name it . Tj's popularity grew and he started to notice that he had a bit of pull in this town ... he had become sumwhat of a celebrity. He now hides behind his fake identity TeeJay a mild mannered photographer for Perth Street Car ... but when he hears an engine revving he ducks into the VIP room at the night club ... changes his shirt ... bangs a model then a few quick sprays of Diesel and jumps in sneeper ,which is faster than a locomotive, has a few high speed chases, evades the police and drives off to into the night .... The End.

Well thats just what i heard

Winner of the Best Post Award 2007. Possibly even 2008.

09-08-2007, 09:16 AM
a few of us me, morgs, summoner, mayhem, gary - maybe a few more actually put some of our own coin in to get the website started

then tj came along...most the original members left and this is what he have. hahah!


09-08-2007, 09:18 AM
so tj didnt shut jap spec down ?

all these years .... ive been living a lie :(

youve changed man .... you yoused to be cool.

09-08-2007, 09:19 AM
well ....

Once apon a time there was a handsome young man named TJ. He used to own a VN and was really into stereos and had a huge sound system in the boot of his white VN until fate has it one day it was stolen and this made him focus his attention on not whats in the boot but whats under the bonet. He gathered a group of friends together and they sat down at Waffles in Sth Perth and discussed the idea of creating a super hero group, this didnt work since none of them had super powers so then TJ deceided to form a car group where PERFORMANCE MATTERS .... he called it ANTILAG. In the begining there wasnt many but word spread about illegal high speed runs late at night in undisclosed locations and of a Red R31 with an RB25 conversion, 100mm cooler and a twin plate ... this rumour was called " Game Over ". After a few months there reputation grew and ANTILAG.COM WAS BORN !!!

Now TJ being the born leader that he is opted to lead this fearless crew into battle and run there arch enemy JAPSPEC ... The antilag crew sat down and devised a plan to have a winner takes all type drag race out in the hills ... TJ vs all of Jap Spec ... the winner takes bragging rights in perth. The other troops from antilag werent to sure but TJ assured them that he " runs this show " and everything is gonna be a-okay. After a charity re-spray on the R31 and a charity tune the R31 was ready for battle.

The big day came and the showed up in the hills at the meeting point. The cars were at the ready on the starting line, engines revving flames popping. TJ got his first wife Megan Gale to start the race ... she walked out and dropped the flag THEY WERE OFF ... all except Tj who was too muddy to fork out and get an LSD ... he ripped the biggest single pegger in history and snapped an axel clean off the car ... the race was over ... antilag had lost but this wasnt the end.

When the leaders from Jap Spec came bak to bragg about their victory TJ raised his hand and shot a single white laser beam out of his finger and killed the leader of Jap Spec ... Perth was once again Antilags.

Time went by and new members joined ... cars came and went ... skylines cressidas libertys you name it . Tj's popularity grew and he started to notice that he had a bit of pull in this town ... he had become sumwhat of a celebrity. He now hides behind his fake identity TeeJay a mild mannered photographer for Perth Street Car ... but when he hears an engine revving he ducks into the VIP room at the night club ... changes his shirt ... bangs a model then a few quick sprays of Diesel and jumps in sneeper ,which is faster than a locomotive, has a few high speed chases, evades the police and drives off to into the night .... The End.

Well thats just what i heard

haha a brief summary containing some of tj's more believable adventures.

09-08-2007, 10:22 AM
Ben that story was fucking gold !

you forgot the guard rail story

09-08-2007, 10:27 AM
So who was the first Antilag member to actually run an antilag system on their car?

09-08-2007, 10:27 AM
that happened after antilag was born .... im saving that for the sequel

09-08-2007, 10:28 AM
So who was the first Antilag member to actually run an antilag system on their car?

that would be me Joe ... had the old 250xflow on rotational and antilag.

killed motor.

replaced with 351.


09-08-2007, 10:33 AM
:lol: at that story, you have too much time bro!

09-08-2007, 10:35 AM
nah man ... its all true swear to god.

J.K Rowlings got fucall on me.

TJ > Harry Potter

09-08-2007, 10:56 AM
I had nothing whatsoever to do with it apparently.

I still had my vn when this place started, hence I whored with Stash on the first antilag cruise on October 11 2003.

Website went live 10 days before that.

Rick owns the name, not me, despite what everyone thinks often.

Summoner aka Mark Decorti was the biggest reason behind getting it off the ground, putting up 400 odd bucks for it to happen. Several others, mayhem, dylan, morgs, gary, myself, put in too, but not to that extent.

Ricks friend Ryan made the original site, I still have screen shots somewhere, it looked alot different to the current look.

The deep origins of this place are from the old speedworx days, much like today, i was a no one, used to read the site from uni, and went on 2 or 3 cruises. Kim was the first person to give me a taste of it all, bringing me on a day cruise in ... earlyish 2002?

I never had a thing to do with speedworx, as it split up just as I was getting keen to get involved.

The place sat dormant for around 18 months, until I began chatting to a guy called MrMayhem on #antilag.

I didnt have much choice as I had been banned from japspec.

The discussions eventually led to him explaining to me what had happened before my time. With that I began chatting to Rick aka Morgs and Gary. From there Dylan, Simmo and Summoner became interested, and about 2 months after our first chat we had a site, and a forum. I seriously doubt without our chats this place would exist, and I seriously doubt that without the help of everyone mentioned the place would exist.

With one weeks notice, our first cruise had 103 cars.

It was a sunday day thrash to two rocks. Memories of Yodas datto skating down the freeway, nathan webbs 33 rocketing down the road, and riots in Scarborough meant that was the beginning of this.

Oh and Ben, the 31 chopped the XF. It had a garrett cooler, the 32 had the 100mm. It did have a twin plate though :)

But lets not let the truth get in the way of a good story.

09-08-2007, 10:57 AM
Antilag.com V2 Sneepers Revenge

So a few years have pasted now ... except tj doesnt use a calender he used a chart with 365 bitchez on it every day he crosses one off after he bangs them ... thats why some times he slips up and accidently says " hey what you doing on Rachael night " insteady of Wednesday night ... anywas back to the story ... with Jap spec long gone and tj looking to upgrade from his bombed hand built Cressida Grampe .... something catches his eye ... something fast ... something different ... something partly gold, and the legend of SNEEPER is born !!!

After purchasing his very own showcar a Black Liberty with EJ20 conversion and gold dash board and MoTeCh ( which is worth all our lives ) TJ set out to prove a point ... the streets are his and when the sun goes down and the street lights come on ... its game on moles.

So one night on a cruise tj is out taking it easy ... dishing the chop ... banging bitchez at every meetpoint he deceided enough is enough ... its time to show these mother fuckers what sneeper has got ... he looks over at Cam in his GT-R and says " enough is enough its time to show these mother fuckers what sneeper has got " :) Cam takes off and heads onto the on ramp to tonkin ... TJ gives him a 48 car head start then dials up 8 grand ... limiter launches and sets about reeling Big Cam in ... after 5 seconds he has over taken Big Cam and is showing no signs of holding back ... until that is ... he hits a slight bump in the road ad his coilies are too stiff ... so sneeper slides out of control ... TJ jumps on the anchors but even the upgraded 4 POTS cant save him ... SCREEEEEEEEEECH ... BANG ... nails into a guard rail and sends debre flying ... one chasiss goes left ... one chasiss goes right the other two go straight ... it all happens so fast ... his life flashes before his eyes ... all the hugs and high speed chases ... then all of a sudden its over ... TJ gets out to asses the damage and claim the chop on Big Cam. A tow truck ride home and a long sleep and its a new day ... Tj makes a few calls and with in no time Sneeper is under going repairs ... a few MC days and " Charity " cruises and he has enough funds to pay it off.

So 6 gear boxes 18 clutches and a few bottles of Red Line fluid later sneeper is still out there some where in the night ... hunting the chop ... so remember kiddies when you least expect it ... Sneep Sneep will get you ... The End

09-08-2007, 10:59 AM
Oh and Ben, the 31 chopped the XF. It had a garrett cooler, the 32 had the 100mm. It did have a twin plate though :)

But lets not let the truth get in the way of a good story.

No shit it chopped the XF man ... if only i had held a charity cruise i could had enough cash for a crate motor :)

and these arent all lies ... there mostly based on shit you have dribbled from time to time ... lets not let your stories get in the way of the truth :)

09-08-2007, 11:01 AM

09-08-2007, 11:07 AM
No, you just know the bandwagon will get on and go "omg haha"

let the fuckheads believe what they like.

09-08-2007, 11:14 AM
i believe i can fly...

09-08-2007, 11:16 AM
i believe i can touch the sky ....

09-08-2007, 11:17 AM
I believe i dont know the remaining lyrics hahaha

09-08-2007, 11:18 AM
Geez didnt you watch space jam mark !

09-08-2007, 11:18 AM

09-08-2007, 11:26 AM
No, you just know the bandwagon will get on and go "omg haha"

let the fuckheads believe what they like.


so there no truth to the rumours you " run jap spec out of town " ?

09-08-2007, 11:40 AM
Geez didnt you watch space jam mark !

Hehe we sent in like 100 forms to go the premiere at the entertainment centre....

Ended up winning 22 passes haha, so we took most of our mates along :D

09-08-2007, 11:40 AM
let the fuckheads believe what they like.

absolute FUCKHEADS.

User talk:TJ
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The article "TJ" has been speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This was done because the article seemed to be about a person, group of people, band, club, company, or web content, but it did not indicate how or why the subject is notable, that is, why an article about that subject should be included in Wikipedia.

tj, wikipedia says you're fucall.

09-08-2007, 11:43 AM
You're not old school ballin unless you went on the first Evil Industries cruise.

09-08-2007, 11:46 AM
Utter fuckheads!

but it did not indicate how or why the subject is notable

Western Australian car scene celeb not important enough, wtf! Even Eddie McGuire is in there, and he runs fucking NOTHING compared to tj.

09-08-2007, 11:51 AM

09-08-2007, 05:04 PM
Reasons why Japspec, Speedworx died off?

I remember when I was in yr11 there was a student at school's R31 Pintara dead stocker with a speedworx.net sticker on it, saw it get a touch sideways in the rain too haha, anyone here?

Passage GT
09-08-2007, 05:08 PM
japspec was never a club
just a few people that ran cruises
started of quite small (30 or less cars) and were by far the best cruises
did what we wanted and never saw a cop
gradually word spread and the cruises became really big
with the usual fucktards rocking up as well
anyone that's been on a large cruises know what i'm talking about
obviously there was plenty of police attention and it all went to shit
so japspec stopped making cruises
the end!
i always thought it ironic that i used to take my impala on japspec cruises haha

09-08-2007, 10:28 PM
I had nothing whatsoever to do with it apparently.

I still had my vn when this place started, hence I whored with Stash on the first antilag cruise on October 11 2003.

Website went live 10 days before that.

Rick owns the name, not me, despite what everyone thinks often.

Summoner aka Mark Decorti was the biggest reason behind getting it off the ground, putting up 400 odd bucks for it to happen. Several others, mayhem, dylan, morgs, gary, myself, put in too, but not to that extent.

Ricks friend Ryan made the original site, I still have screen shots somewhere, it looked alot different to the current look.

The deep origins of this place are from the old speedworx days, much like today, i was a no one, used to read the site from uni, and went on 2 or 3 cruises. Kim was the first person to give me a taste of it all, bringing me on a day cruise in ... earlyish 2002?

I never had a thing to do with speedworx, as it split up just as I was getting keen to get involved.

The place sat dormant for around 18 months, until I began chatting to a guy called MrMayhem on #antilag.

I didnt have much choice as I had been banned from japspec.

The discussions eventually led to him explaining to me what had happened before my time. With that I began chatting to Rick aka Morgs and Gary. From there Dylan, Simmo and Summoner became interested, and about 2 months after our first chat we had a site, and a forum. I seriously doubt without our chats this place would exist, and I seriously doubt that without the help of everyone mentioned the place would exist.

With one weeks notice, our first cruise had 103 cars.

It was a sunday day thrash to two rocks. Memories of Yodas datto skating down the freeway, nathan webbs 33 rocketing down the road, and riots in Scarborough meant that was the beginning of this.

Oh and Ben, the 31 chopped the XF. It had a garrett cooler, the 32 had the 100mm. It did have a twin plate though :)

But lets not let the truth get in the way of a good story.

i always thought u came along about 6 months later tj ?

my memory again, not the best, so who knows

10-08-2007, 12:07 PM
Nah dude, I was there from day one of the site, all the pics of cruise 1 I took on Marks sony dsc-717 camera, I loved that thing, same type that Franz used to use.

Can most likely use the forum to log when people began posting etc.

My first user name was tomj, it got deleted for some reason and then teejay/tj came about.

10-08-2007, 01:37 PM
Ah memories....

11-08-2007, 06:33 AM
I still remember the first time TJ came up to me, was when he was getting the site together. Was keen as mustard for everything car related. It was in a carpark somewhere, I just dont remember where! haha

You know you're old when you can still remember when Japspec started *sigh*

11-08-2007, 08:37 AM
I remember some annoying dude in a lancer who would constantly ask where we're going hahaha