View Full Version : blitz ssbc installation help

22-07-2007, 02:31 PM
ok i have a blitz (street spec boost controller) SSBC and i am sure i have it setup correctly but it is not working.

this is how i have it set up:


and i have everything setup right connected to the main harness/unit
- boost source vac line conected to same boost source on the fmic pipeing as solinoid
-red wire = ACC/IGN wire
-black wire = earth
-blue wire to blue wire on solinoid
-white wire to white wire on solinoid

i have tried setting gain all the way up and all the way down and halfway and it still doesnt adjust from the controller in hi or lo mode,
i have tried this with the stock solinoid pluged and unpluged and it still doesnt work.

i am only getting from 5( lower than stock boost :( )-9 psi (it varies from time to time :S )

i do not understand whats wrong or whats goin on????
can someone please help?


23-07-2007, 01:08 PM
someone must be able to help?

28-08-2007, 05:17 AM
i may be a help in the next day or so since my blitz ssbc is hopefully be here today so i will fit it up and i should be able to help you out.

28-08-2007, 04:30 PM
Pm sent