25-05-2007, 04:55 PM
How do brakes react if the master cylinder or brake booster is stuffed?
At the moment my brake pedal has no feel to it at all when sitting at idle i can press with a lil force the pedal all the way to ground and when driving if i press the brake pedal, lift off then press again pedal goes to the floor.
Its an intermitant problem and sometimes pedal will feel firm while sitting at lights then suddenly (no change in engine rpm) the pedal will just go soft and again i can press to the floor.
The brakes only just pull the car up but i really have to stomp on them and press pedal all the way in.
At first i thought was possibly a air pocket in brake lines so today i bled the lines completly with new fluid. Started at wheel furthest from resevoir and worked my way inwards. This made no diffrence and pedal feel was exact same on way home.
All pads have heaps of meat on them so rules that out.
Have also inspected all lines and can c no leak and the resevoir level has no changed. The only thing i can think of is the brake booster or master cyl.
Does any1 have any suggestions b4 i go pullin shit apart tommorrow?
chees mike
At the moment my brake pedal has no feel to it at all when sitting at idle i can press with a lil force the pedal all the way to ground and when driving if i press the brake pedal, lift off then press again pedal goes to the floor.
Its an intermitant problem and sometimes pedal will feel firm while sitting at lights then suddenly (no change in engine rpm) the pedal will just go soft and again i can press to the floor.
The brakes only just pull the car up but i really have to stomp on them and press pedal all the way in.
At first i thought was possibly a air pocket in brake lines so today i bled the lines completly with new fluid. Started at wheel furthest from resevoir and worked my way inwards. This made no diffrence and pedal feel was exact same on way home.
All pads have heaps of meat on them so rules that out.
Have also inspected all lines and can c no leak and the resevoir level has no changed. The only thing i can think of is the brake booster or master cyl.
Does any1 have any suggestions b4 i go pullin shit apart tommorrow?
chees mike