View Full Version : Antilag HPI photo shoot - 5th September - EOI
WE have been approved for a hpi photoshoot on Sunday the 5th of September - its a miday to arvo shoot - so be prepared to give up a few hours from about 11am to 4pm
Location: TBA
Dress standard : We will be getting eveyone to dress up in as close as you can get to a suit : ie pants shirt tie jacket - no tie or jacket is cool though :)
The only cost to you will be about 5 bucks for an sticker for the front window of the car for the day - same size etc to the ones we had at Austosalon. If you have one already - Score for you.
We need about 30 cars
I will be listing people who are already confirmed for the shoot
If your eager to be part of this I need you to add a expression of interest here - list name , car model , mods, performance figures if u have and attach a pic if you have one
please dont be offended if we say sorry but no - we are going for the performance look so its are main emphasis - neat performance based imports - not too fussed on the bling rims dvd stereos etc.
confirmed so far
Mayhems Ceffy
Forklift boys RX7
Tristans Gt30 powered R33
Nathans tj spec (ie fat) vielside R32 GTR
B00B0's GTR
Silencio's S13
Ant the Dr30 man
Syncopes S13 onevia - like pepsi max !
Richie the Spankd one's S13
Hakisacks's Hr31 (Kim)
Kennys manwell jzx90 chaser
Adams angry black 33
Josh aka Abuses s14
Scott aka Cducer s14
Gary aka Optical s14
Fabs angry 32 gtr
Clints smooth Z31 200zr
Owians mate : import familia wagon with turbo motor etc
munchmunchs's dirty chook cooker
Todds angry DR30
Respect this guys Supra
Bens 180 as seen on cruise 3
R34 Gt-t
Ian aka upgarage with his jdm spec sprinter
bam bam bam bam bam is [pimpn]
B005t's dirty tirty tree
Boosted R31 aus GTS - conditional on ricks call
Henris' Soarer
Blake aka jinman
marc aka optic 4ce
09-07-2004, 07:17 PM
i object to the name 'forklift boy'
i object to your odor but you get that.
Id say bam bam is keen , as is Clint with Z31 , and a few others , need them to tell me this though.
09-07-2004, 08:21 PM
hey will offer my car if youy want will haver front mount cooler before shoot just the usual zorst boost controller i will have twin 5 inch dumpers before you do the photo shoot hopfully up to you my mate with his rx3 will put his hand up hes not on the forums though aint got a computer
09-07-2004, 10:10 PM
Im in if you need me.
09-07-2004, 10:31 PM
yeah ill be in for that too if i can be :)
i have a red and black DR30 Skyline .. i have pics in my profile on Skylines Australia but not sure if you guys have access to that ..
anyway ive attached a couple of pictures of my car a front view and rear view so hopefully that is okay for now to get an idea =)
mite have microtech by then .. & maybe some 17s but well see haha
09-07-2004, 11:36 PM
i like the dress code idea, it would actually make people think we are responsible !!!!!
10-07-2004, 12:40 AM
always cool to look at that awesome dr
10-07-2004, 09:01 AM
wrong section for me to say this but that DR is so mint dude :)
10-07-2004, 10:12 AM
could put my car in, but i dont really care if it goes or not, its up to u tomislav
Passage GT
10-07-2004, 02:20 PM
i think the photoshoot is a good idea
but making everyone wear suits?
wouldn't that be misrepresenting the people that own these cars
if they don't wear suits normally why should they just so you can look more suave in a magazine or something lol
i say let people wear what they most comfortable in
and let their cars do the talking
10-07-2004, 03:09 PM
youve missed the point. Wear suits because our cars arnt exactly show ponies. Its a bit of a joke. And i just bought a 500 dollar suit and i want to wear it ;)
']youve missed the point. Wear suits because our cars arnt exactly show ponies. Its a bit of a joke. And i just bought a 500 dollar suit and i want to wear it ;)
No pink shirts though - But yeah it was the point of the contrast to the normal laid back stlye antilag has
10-07-2004, 06:02 PM
go the dr30
Passage GT
10-07-2004, 07:47 PM
if antilag has a laidback style
wear laid back clothes
rest of australia that'll be reading mag has no idea who any of you guys are
so it'll be giving them a false impression:)
im sure rick will be able to pass on the correct sentiments regarding in his article. I just think it would be kinda cool to do it like this :)
10-07-2004, 11:24 PM
hm whichever is good i suppose tho yeh pple round aust will be like thinking antilag are pretty boys who drive round in 500$ suits lol but could work i suppose. tho it may even look wierd to have pple in suits then have in the article something along the lines that antilag is more working class type people which i think is wat u mean by rick conveying the right sentiment? *shrugs*
maybe just smart casual or something ? no like stubbies n thongs or flannel just neat clothes haha shirt n jeans or summin.
i dont wanna have to hire a suit for this if my car is in the shoot! ;P lol
11-07-2004, 11:19 AM
Yo TJ put my name down then...
Passage GT
11-07-2004, 11:26 AM
yeah ant got it right
wear what you'd wear on a cruise
usually what your comfortable in
but if you want everyone to think your pretty boys that drive around in suits
all up to you
Ok, i can see your point Ant/Trav
But id really like it if we made some effort
ie no thongs , jeans and shirt would be fine
11-07-2004, 01:01 PM
yeah and look like everyone else. Sif someone would pick up a mag and see our feature and think, oyeah antilag all wear suits when they drive. Its meant to be a bit of pisstaking, out of ourselves anyway, i dont see why its so hard to grasp that.
11-07-2004, 01:02 PM
make a poll tj
11-07-2004, 03:55 PM
Count me in for this i'm sure with a wash and some pollish my car might actualy look ok again :)
11-07-2004, 04:23 PM
I have an Original one of 200 R31 Skyline SVD GTSII.
Presents as new, looks pretty well as it came from the Factory on the outside, inside and 'under the bonnet' but power has gone from 140kw standard to 340kw :)
I'd be keen for sure ;)
11-07-2004, 06:28 PM
yeh i understand the pisstake angle, but you need a context to understand that like i duno if other pple will get it looking at the article. mite just be wierd sorta thing. people wont know us so they wont know that we are trying to make ourselves look stupid by wearing clothes we wouldnt normally wear? (which still seems a wierd thing to do lol)
& neway do u ever look at the pple in the pics? unless its a chick i dont even look i look at the cars anyway. i mean we could all wear assorted animal costumes to look different but the cars are the main focus really!
11-07-2004, 06:35 PM
antilags gonna be in hpi? sik. if ya want me in jus ask. ok if ya don't coz its pretty stock rite now...but never know wats gonna happen from now till september :)
11-07-2004, 06:40 PM
jzx..... get in there
11-07-2004, 06:40 PM
the only time i remember looking at the person in the pic was wen its a hot chick oozing sex onto the car
suits seem over the top, but thongs and wife beaters wood be a bit rough
sumwhere between to show we r normal ppl and not take tyhe focus off the car
11-07-2004, 07:52 PM
Why are pingpingpingpings trying to argue the dress code? The majority of people involved seem to have agreed to it. The only people that are whinging are those that aren't involved.
You all go shoosh now!
Good work TJ. Get up it son.
I have an Original one of 200 R31 Skyline SVD GTSII.
Presents as new, looks pretty well as it came from the Factory on the outside, inside and 'under the bonnet' but power has gone from 140kw standard to 340kw :)
I'd be keen for sure ;)
Problem is , it is sposed to be for true imports ....
i myself will this week have a R31 with rb25 in it...
i know of your car and its quite nice
ill see what Mr Rick says
11-07-2004, 08:55 PM
total variety pack
i think thats what its all about..... isnt it?
11-07-2004, 10:31 PM
Got some mates that are up for the shoot...
1991 Mazda Familia Station Wagon, Kitted and dumped with 1.8 twin cam turbo engine and fmic
And maybe mayhems old pearl ceffy... depending on whether its turbocharged by the date of the shoot
total variety pack
i think thats what its all about..... isnt it?
Variety , and also people who are all for enjoying their cars
Like I said being hpi means we need to be pretty much all imports.. though Rick has said there will be a little leaverage on it for 200sx's and WRX's
But you have to give a little to take a little... much rather be in HPI then Hot 4's......
P.S ive seen that wagon and its rather tidy ... the admin shall talk :)
12-07-2004, 10:55 AM
Problem is , it is sposed to be for true imports ....
i myself will this week have a R31 with rb25 in it...
i know of your car and its quite nice
ill see what Mr Rick says
No worries...I thought the 'Import thing' might stuff it up....but is is still 'rare' and 'Japanese'....and has a new Performance enhancing Magic tree fitted recently which could sway Mr Mcdowells decision :boink: .
12-07-2004, 12:19 PM
lets all get mullet wigs :P
ill be in it if thats ok tj.
car specs here (
12-07-2004, 02:02 PM
Car Check
Import Check
Suit Check
i think i qualify
13-07-2004, 09:34 AM
Chick Check ????
13-07-2004, 12:33 PM
i think the suits / neat dress is cool. something diff from one mob in billabong and the other G's in fubu and the like. maybe just neat shirt / pants and jacket if you have it.
its something different at the end of the day
and i think a few exeptions should be ok like the mights SVD skyline. its 'different'
13-07-2004, 05:56 PM
if i am in it White Shirt with rolled up sleeves coz its long sleeve, and Black Pants is the best i can muster! hehe
13-07-2004, 06:39 PM
how tall are ya, ill bring u a jacket.
Chick Check ????
Its not hot 4's , we dont want chicks drapped all over riced up cars
well we do want chicks draped all over cars, just not for this shoot! :)
leave it for pas :)
13-07-2004, 09:28 PM
yeah z's in if ya want it its all shiney now
13-07-2004, 09:39 PM
not just jap crap
any tech'd gear is welcome
14-07-2004, 03:14 PM
Rick already said they pretty much all have to be imports.
thanks for your wonderfully insightful input - however, im in pretty much constant talk with Rick and im sure we can talk about it
17-07-2004, 09:06 AM
17-07-2004, 02:48 PM
yeah im keen :D
2 more cars to go!! :p
18-07-2004, 05:19 PM
I will be available for the day if you need the zed.
Nissan 300zx z32 (gunmetal grey), air filter, UD pulley, S-AFC II, veilside rear spoiler, 183.3rwhp.
19-07-2004, 12:15 PM
OI, put my name down!
19-07-2004, 01:39 PM
cool, it will motivate me to fix a few things.
19-07-2004, 04:13 PM
Likewise, haha.
yes , might motivate ur insurance also , mr dirty squeaky door serb! :)
20-07-2004, 08:38 AM
After several days of 'lurking' on this thread like a stalker, I figured I'd better say something.
Firstly, Magic perfume trees work for me - anytime.
Secondly, let us consider a little philosophy.
Study these words please - High Performance Imports.
It is the last word that we need to focus on here ... look at it steadily and begin the chant ... Ummmm ... Ummmm ... Ummmmm.
Are we feeling in the zone yet ?
To put it another way, why does one suppose that you never see a WRX in High Performance Imports Magazine ?
Funny that, isn't it.
I mean, you don't see naked blokes in Playboy magazine and Gardening Australia doesn't do features on the latest Hawk jet fighter.
DO we see the pattern ...
Sorry for the warped sense of humour ... not being rude, just making the point :) :)
Of course, we can easily get all the Antilag WRXs, 200SX, EVOs, Lancers (how many 'secret' Lancer owners are in Antilag me wonders !!) together for a Hot 4s shoot - thereby giving Antilag double the publicity options.
Am I a good bloke or what :)
And hey, what's this rubbish about not wanting girls draped all over the cars at the shoot ... that's disgusting ... I think Abbey should be there in her green suit ...
20-07-2004, 09:44 AM
well said ric :D
gotta love ur humour - lol
Hey dont dob me in Ric haha. Those green suits are hideos. kinda..
we could get a better colour couldnt we ?? hahahaha
20-07-2004, 12:06 PM
or we could go without any suits .....
That's gonna' get me in trouble
20-07-2004, 02:31 PM
like PICTURE magazine style? haha
and would we be shooting the CARS and the GIRLS or the GIRLS and the CARS ric? hahahaha
your lucky i know how to take you :D
20-07-2004, 04:04 PM
with all the arguments that have raged about this suits business ... why not go one better and do a totally nude club shoot.
A la naturele .... oh la la !!!
20-07-2004, 04:21 PM
is a soarer welcomed? i drive a silver one with a vertex kit going on it relly soon.
20-07-2004, 06:39 PM
imports only guess im out :P
20-07-2004, 07:39 PM
with all the arguments that have raged about this suits business ... why not go one better and do a totally nude club shoot.
A la naturele .... oh la la !!!
u could fit like 10 chicks on my rear spolier ;)
20-07-2004, 08:56 PM
birthday suits
20-07-2004, 10:53 PM
ok so i ask ... do we want to go hot 4's rather then hpi?
i dont want to lose major club members because of the import thing.....
i dont mind either way
and im sure rick will tell the ppl what we are about ....
plus it sells twice as much as hpi... run by the same people... hmmmm
lets talk about this seriously over next few days ...
20-07-2004, 11:12 PM
im down for whatever.
like PICTURE magazine style? haha
and would we be shooting the CARS and the GIRLS or the GIRLS and the CARS ric? hahahaha
your lucky i know how to take you :D
take me instead!! :)
maybe a few green suits would rock :)
21-07-2004, 05:32 AM
If it's hot 4's Tj's out coz he has to many cyl's :P
why not do both, make it even !
21-07-2004, 10:19 AM
If it's hot 4's Tj's out coz he has to many cyl's :P
haha so true :P
21-07-2004, 02:19 PM
why not do both
21-07-2004, 02:49 PM
I'd prefer both as well.
However if i had to choose one, i'd probably go for HPI. I can understand why you'd go for Hot4's though, lots of readers and better publicity.
I also think that HPI would publish it much earlier than Hot4's.
21-07-2004, 03:52 PM
we already have the answer to this as per my discussions with you on email.
I'll send you a reminder mail tonight, to avoid having to put up a thesis here about different mags, the rules even within inter publishing companies etc, etc.
HPI is an Import mag ... I didn't make the mag', I didn't make the contents, it's not my mag' and they are not my rules ....
But, there is publicity for Antilag either way if you guys work with me and trust me to do my thing at which I am very experienced and good ... OK boys and girls.
Tom - on email please
21-07-2004, 04:07 PM
how many of us read hot4s ??
how many of us want to be associated with hot4s ?
hot4s is fucking crap
Id rather some people miss out with non import cars than have our shoot done in hot4s
In my views hot4s is the complete oppisite of what we stand for (ie Peformance before rice and appearance) and is more suited to clubs such as Rollerboyz PPCC etc
my 2c
21-07-2004, 04:34 PM
What he said.
21-07-2004, 05:24 PM
In my views hot4s is the complete oppisite of what we stand for (ie Peformance before rice and appearance) and is more suited to clubs such as Rollerboyz PPCC etc
my 2c
there are a fair few high HP cars in ppcc dood
i mean HI PSI is in ppcc and he is now pushing 500rwhp
plus a gtr with 450 plus
R32's and 33 gtst with 350 plus
then its got its share of 8's blown and otherwise
just because these cars arent in every show doesnt mean they aint club members
just sayin u might wanna get it right b4 u make assumptions
(ps my car is THE BIGGEST rice burner in the world.... and i dont care ;) )
21-07-2004, 05:25 PM
same hpi or nuthin i rekon hot '4s lol read it once and wanted to swap it to a cooking mag there bout the same shit
21-07-2004, 06:22 PM
just becasue 8 or so cars have power doesent mean much at all, and u said it yourself those guys arnt full participating members. I dont think my assumption was wrong that the most suited magizine to that particular club is hot 4s...take that however you like
anyways back to hot4s at all i say. i just cant see that magizine portraying the kinda performance based image i thought antilag wanted.
I dont think its worth it, regardless of how much publicity we gain. Go and browse the hot4s forums to see how many cockheads we will get on here, also the negative attention from police etc could result from mega publicity
antilag does not want to, or need to be the next rollerboyz
21-07-2004, 07:07 PM
i agree 100%
21-07-2004, 07:07 PM
sorry forgot that u knew each one of the paying members and what cars they have.... my bad.
21-07-2004, 07:19 PM
doriae86, get off your high horse mate
I don't want to read yet more mindless babble on every forum I peruse, especially not from a moderator
you're bringing down something great that gary made
don't be an idiot, seriously.
21-07-2004, 07:38 PM
how so jules ?
we are a performance based club, i think hot4s is not a correct refflection of what members believe this place is about
21-07-2004, 08:59 PM
i dont think he was saying anything re your comment on hot 4's
more so that you seem to have some beef with other car clubs.
now enough hijacking my bit has been said.
back to the shoot
21-07-2004, 10:10 PM
Interesting choice..
HPI and only have imported cars, no modded aus spec cars
hot4's and rule out skylines etc
My opinion is HPI for sure as hot4's is ghey but meh
see what happens :)
21-07-2004, 10:24 PM
no beef, just used to compare
we are different people with different objectives.
Pretty clear i thought
21-07-2004, 10:50 PM
nah wasnt anything like that just that u assume that ppcc are ricers (in your earlier comment) when the paying club members arent ricers at all.
just sucks that u label a club without actually knowing not trying to get into an arguement.
22-07-2004, 06:42 AM
just becasue 8 or so cars have power doesent mean much at all, and u said it yourself those guys arnt full participating members.
They are about participating as any Antilag member....
Hot 4's have had their fair share of rice, but they also have some pretty tough cars in there, e.g. the current issue has the fastest new shape WRX on the cover.
22-07-2004, 06:51 AM
By the looks of things the mag we are going in has allready been decided so every one ready to quit the bitching ? k thx
22-07-2004, 07:30 AM
I might not be an antilag member as such ... no, I won't say it.
Bottom line is the shoot is for HPI - it's happening and that's it.
I've worked things out with Tom.
End of story.
WRXs and other cars can turn up, I'll do the positioning.
End of story.
I'll work out the mini features with Tom.
End of story.
I will also be stalking Antilag at different events over the next few months.
I will be putting Antilag in Hot 4s as well from a different angle.
If you don't want me to do this, then you'll have to keep an eye out for me and;
a) physically attack me and attempt to remove my camera from my person
b) try to run me over
End of story.
And all this nonsense about imports not allowed in Hot 4s must stop - read the mag' folks ... XSpeed Blitz wide body, Nathan's R32, LEXTC, C-Red's 670Hp R33 coming up and Danny's R33 Nismo 400R copy in the latest issue.
Talk about having blinkers on.
Bottom line.
I will be doing a lot of Antilag publicity for a couple of National mags over the next few months.
I will be portrayng the club in a positive light.
I will be uplifting the club to a national audience X 2
I will be giving glowing enthusiasm towards the club
I will be presenting the club as glorious and brilliant
If you don't like it, see comments above.
Maybe I should paint a big target on me back ?
22-07-2004, 07:44 AM
actually, all sounds pretty good
good compramise actually..
22-07-2004, 08:04 AM
a) physically attack me and attempt to remove my camera from my person
b) try to run me over
i'll take two thanks :P
jks ric - lol.. your a champ....your doing an awsome job progressing this club...
Tj better bend over :P
Tj's been bending over for almost a year working his ass of for Brad.....
I didnt need to suck up to Rick to have this happen.. in fact Rick has been great, and has showed his professionalism. The hot4's thing came from a misread email i recieved , the "club" feature so to speak will be in HPI - we are about performance , end of story
Hot4's is changing though , and to have the chance to be in 2 mags, not one is awesome.
We should be awesomely happy with getting this after 9 months of existence.....
Lets be happy and allow us to take full advantage of this. :)
22-07-2004, 09:29 AM
Sounds orsm count me in on the fun :)
you boys are worse than a pack of bitching females :D
22-07-2004, 03:03 PM
but they don't have ( . )( . ) !
22-07-2004, 05:57 PM
im stoked either way. To have my bunky in ANY magazine would be awse and rick i think i represent everyone here when i say we really appreciate your efforts to cover us!
also big ups to tj for workin so hard ;)
22-07-2004, 06:35 PM
D1 RX7 ... mate, I love your avitar and would give almost anything to see the full video clip that it was made from ... hmmmmmmmm
22-07-2004, 06:53 PM
hahaha you and me both!
22-07-2004, 06:53 PM
whos the wanker... rick or josh ... hmm
do i really need to ask ?
sorry to insult rick by even thinking it might be him :)
23-07-2004, 12:21 AM
so wats the list for the photo shoot? has anyone else been added? im i still in there?
23-07-2004, 05:45 AM
It was more a comment on the avator than a personal insult at either of the two TJ.
However when I put it up I only saw the second bit of that "smiley", so it seemed a bit more fitting.
23-07-2004, 08:21 AM
After being office bound all week - and with my Pajero being sick for 3 days - I'm finally getting out and about today.
Will be checking out the proposed venue for the HPI shoot at some stage today.
Check this thread this evening for my opinion :)
Still love the avitar , he, he
23-07-2004, 08:29 AM
Tj... are you able it put me on the list bro?
if you want to know specs on my car just reply to my pm and i'll write them up for ya - cheers
23-07-2004, 01:36 PM
Smitler bro
23-07-2004, 04:45 PM
yeh bro ?
23-07-2004, 05:34 PM
Cant wait for this to happen now, means i have to pull my finger out and get a few things done though...
23-07-2004, 06:08 PM
It is with great delight and quivering with excitement that I announce the venue proposed for this HPI photo shoot endevour to have passed my standards and requirements.
Went and had a look this afternoon - PERFECT !
Light angles are correct.
Will sort out finer logistic details with TJ and leave him to make the venue announcement official and sort you lot out :)
23-07-2004, 07:07 PM
i am so smart, i am so smart
23-07-2004, 07:08 PM
so its a good spot then rick?
23-07-2004, 07:56 PM
pull your finger out your ass :p
24-07-2004, 12:36 PM
after i pull my foot out of yours :p
24-07-2004, 03:31 PM
can put me down if you want tj. i'll wash my pig and get the microtech and cooler installed by then hopefully.
24-07-2004, 03:58 PM
Ahh HBF just called up.. $1, 500 worth of work about to get done to the exterior.
Blake good to see your keeping her mate.
Can do .. i hope :)
Need to check numbers etc
Location announced soon.. like tomorrow
Alex good to hear you dirty Serb!!
24-07-2004, 04:16 PM
Just a couple of points to make here folks that need to be understood;
a) the main photo at this shoot will be a group shot - it takes me about 1 - 2 hours to 'construct' this.
Therefore, I want cars turning up by 11.30am.
There needs to be unity, peace and love all round as some people will end up at the back of the group and some at the front.
I've also asked TJ about a forklift with licensed forklift driver and a cage to get me airborne as they make the best group shots.
b) mini features.
We need to have about 4 or 5 cars as mini features.
These mini featrue cars do NOT have to be off the freakin planet in terms of mods and it is more desireable to give mini features to those who have a generally good package of mods and who aren't going to go any further with the car.
Fully bombed, re-built, $10,000 paint jobs with quad turbos and 4 million horsepower at each rear wheel .... those cars are full feature cars in their own seperate feature and I want them too :)
Volunteering for a mini feature does NOT mean you cannot get a full feature all by yourself in the future.
Mini feature cars MUST have the owner shot with them - NO exceptions.
If you're camera shy and have a well modded car, DON'T apply :)
Oh, and as this is for HPI, mini features MUSt be imports
Tom, where are you ?
Haven't had a reply from you in 2 days ... logistics to sort out :)
Been working like a dog Rick
Shall answer in detail tomorrow
Go get Abbz and some of her friends for the shoot ;)
24-07-2004, 10:52 PM
keep them the fuck away from me. My car has forklift-o-phobia.
25-07-2004, 08:30 AM
matching holes it the front for iduction air
25-07-2004, 09:44 AM
i wanna now the location :shake:
25-07-2004, 02:34 PM
i wanna now the location :shake:
i believe that it is taking place out side your house as rick wants us to kill some tyres
wait for tj to tell us
25-07-2004, 02:46 PM
Blake good to see your keeping her mate.
Can do .. i hope :)
Need to check numbers etc
Location announced soon.. like tomorrow
Alex good to hear you dirty Serb!!
funny how you can say "no" to me and "maybe" to someone who asked after me :thumbsup:
gotta love the consistancy :)
wheres my answer to my pm bitch!! haha
25-07-2004, 04:41 PM
Just got in from a 4WD shoot and there's several PMs for me ... tried to answer to them directly, but all these options and pages and click here, submit there ... it's all so confusing and I do need a lie down..
Anyway, like the Onevia and like the RB25DET Silvia for Mini features.
Just in case my reply PMs didn't go through.
Gotta' speak to Tom over the next few days and sort some stuff too.
25-07-2004, 05:27 PM
cheers rick... well if you need to speak to me just give me send me an email :
25-07-2004, 06:23 PM
brad's gonna get pranked
funny how you can say "no" to me and "maybe" to someone who asked after me :thumbsup:
gotta love the consistancy :)
wheres my answer to my pm bitch!! haha
heres an honest reply Brad
you dissappear elesewhere for quite some time, and from what ive heard said some stuff that one insults me , two, and three other members of this forum. your telling me your going to enter pas then walking away and joining with silviawa a week later is just one example. i didnt care, but it does show a lack of commitment.
all of a sudden your back here posting like crazy , coinciding with the sniff of getting your car in a magazine.
how funny then you then go around me to ask rick directly about getting a mini feature, since you havnt even been given a spot in the shoot to begin with... well not yet.. and maybe not at all.
ill speak to rick and tell him who i think deserves a feature , and for what reasons. rick will no doubt have alot of ppl talk themselves up to rick as well. we will come to a consensus as to the cars we choose. this is to be a comprimise , as rick is doing antilag a favour so i will do as much as i can to accomodate him.
thats an answer to your pm . Rick an detailed email will be sent to you on monday , we will get the bigger ball rolling.
25-07-2004, 08:56 PM
so would you have liked to pm me that or what ?
tj - i'm not really fussed about this bro... i havnt posted on antilag in a while because there was a point where in my opinion it wasnt very active.. so i left it a bit - and yes i did come back to check..but i never replyed to topics
with regards to PAS - i already explained to you that if i said to you i would enter with antilag that i forgot and i was sorry.... did we not discuss this?
whats this about lack of commitment? dude.... i gave up my friday for CABIN to help antilag out with moving shit and setting up - did this not occur to you whilst replying?? i'm also willing to lend you a hand for PAS if you want.... all ya have to do is let me know and i'll be there
if anything i've been more commited to you/antilag than i have with anyone else due to the fact of CABIN and being good mates with you (or so i thought)
for your info about Rick and photoshoots etc.... i was not crawling to rick in anyway... if you did not know already that rick went to see Fab's about a photoshoot with summoner's car and i was suppose to be there in the shoot also being a project of Fab's... but due to lack of communication between Fabs and I - i didnt make it..
want to talk anymore kindly pm me on antilag mirc or pm me here - better yet - you know my mob number
27-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Still awaiting the photoshoot venue to be announced.
27-07-2004, 07:55 PM
the shoot is on the 5 september, heaps of time yet. i confirmed it with the owners today and they are still happy to go ahead :). its now up to TJ to give the location, however it is very central.
and the location is .....
*drum roll*
yard 17 279 treasure road north welshpool
this is a massive array of storage yards, yard 17 is in the back area, it is pretty easy to find if you follow the signs...
access is via orrong road to check the way there
alot more infro to come
27-07-2004, 08:49 PM
No idea where that is, but its not too far for me, hooray. ( Only 40k's or so ;/ )
Keep us updated with any happenings before the shoot or whatever.
hrrm...just cant picture what this could look like...?
28-07-2004, 04:50 PM
very industrial ;) nice!
feel free to go down for a drive to check it out - give you some idea of what the go is for the day
richie - i did it just for you bro
29-07-2004, 09:22 AM
do u guys mind if i come and spectate the photoshoot ?
29-07-2004, 12:15 PM
i cant see why not sully.
is the beemer ok?
29-07-2004, 05:05 PM
thanks TJ ;)
29-07-2004, 05:28 PM
nah car off road for 2 weeks. head gasket \ piston rings \ and some other smaller things went. All up gonna be a 4 grand job :\
29-07-2004, 09:46 PM
tristan ya dumb slag this is sully, there are more of us bmw people from dtm here! i haven't blown up my car for ooohh a good 3 months now.
photo shoot sounds like its going to be good fellas. keep all the top notch organising up and you'll all go good places.
oh yeah and kieren sorry to hear about the car. i did a smaller version of that a while ago.... DON'T GET IT FIXED AT THE STEALER! they try to replace everything else thats busted in the car at the same time like the washer fluid sensor.
thread hijacking finished.... my bad! :wave:
30-07-2004, 09:49 AM
Nah terry le may doing it
BigT's 180
30-07-2004, 11:12 AM
Hey Teejay Count me in if u need my car :) I have the White 180sx from cruise 3 the one that led the pack with u and triso :) pretty stock but i should have my body kit by photo shoot. engine = SR20 Det, same old little peices pod, boost controller, laalaalaalaa bullshit like that nothing special but if u want it just ask.
BigT's 180
30-07-2004, 11:22 AM
i also got a mate with a z31 purple we just finished rebuilding it. very fucking nice car with decent turbo 3inch dump, 3inch exhaust, thermo fans, huge front mount, all the rest of the bullshit aswell. will try and get some photos of it for ya :)
02-08-2004, 11:33 AM
If u guys need forklift driver i can i have forklift license. Work came in handy for something :D
If u guys need forklift driver i can i have forklift license. Work came in handy for something :D
Awesome , your hired.
now all we need is a forklift with a cage on the day
02-08-2004, 05:46 PM
If u guys need forklift driver i can i have forklift license. Work came in handy for something :D
Careful. You'll scare the shit outta Josh.
03-08-2004, 04:08 PM
hmm i checked with work and the use of forklift on sun and they wont let me for insurance reasons and if i so happen to somehow kill myself in its max speed of 30 k an hr :(. I can still drive and go with u to hire it but i am license only to drive a 5 tonne forklift max but u only need a 1 tonner unless the photographer is huge as and weighs more than that :P
09-08-2004, 04:24 PM
hrm i think all of ricks camera equipment might make up that weight.
16-08-2004, 12:51 PM
hey! what about a dirty hyundai accent runnin 9pound boost, unichip computer, race suspension, shortshifter, turbo back exhaust with magnaflow muffler, supra front mount intercooler hitting 200hp, first turboed accent in W.A..???
Luke aka "krazed4"
16-08-2004, 01:06 PM
TJ: im out.. rims have been off getting repaired and i wont have them painted and new rubber on there until october probably.
16-08-2004, 06:42 PM
might have to count me out to tj not gonna have the things done i said i was gonna have done i dont think will leave up to you i will be at the cruise you will see my car then up to you
hmm i checked with work and the use of forklift on sun and they wont let me for insurance reasons and if i so happen to somehow kill myself in its max speed of 30 k an hr :(. I can still drive and go with u to hire it but i am license only to drive a 5 tonne forklift max but u only need a 1 tonner unless the photographer is huge as and weighs more than that :P
dude can you find out how much to rent one for asap
as for the cars, remember they all dont need to be show stoppers
shaun your rx should be fine regardless
unless its a mini feature each car is only going to be a 20c piece size thing on the magazine page anyway
17-08-2004, 07:26 AM
Alright i will find out bout fork for u guys.
Ill give you prices on the cruise on sun
20-08-2004, 02:08 AM
ill b there tj
rollin on chrome 19's
and no wing ? some black guy stole it
20-08-2004, 06:46 AM
Going to have to steal my buffer off the olds and try make it look all shiney again i think :P
it's been at least 2-3 months since last wash pore car is feeling neglected .... well apart from the police attention
22-08-2004, 08:24 PM
Got room for another car???
Just bought my S13sil last week and coming down to perth to pick it up on Friday...
as for extra ppl , atm no thanks , we have more then enough to make up the numbers
need forklight rental asap though
need someone to help out
hey! what about a dirty hyundai accent runnin 9pound boost, unichip computer, race suspension, shortshifter, turbo back exhaust with magnaflow muffler, supra front mount intercooler hitting 200hp, first turboed accent in W.A..???
Luke aka "krazed4"
as cool as it sounds, it really does need to be an import dude
however keep us up to date with how the car is going, sounds unique and a dangerous sleeper :)
23-08-2004, 04:29 PM
AAAwww come on!!! one more car can't hert!!! :) :)
Just jokes... That's cool!!! Most likely still come down to check out other poeples rides :)
23-08-2004, 08:02 PM
Can you confirm this?
Dont want to take a day off work for nothing. :)
It most certainly still on
Now cruise is out of way expect the info to come thick and fast
23-08-2004, 09:07 PM
Ok cheers.
Could you edit all the main details to your original post once its all finalised so we dont have to sift through 7 pages to find it.
23-08-2004, 09:09 PM
yeah im definately keen if my bunky is still wanted :(
thread now closed. check the other thread - in wa events section
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