View Full Version : Sneeper
Since its now regoed, thought id bust this up about it :)
1992 LX Liberty (pov pack baby!)
1998 EJ20
1999 Sti gearbox
Bosch 044
Motec M4
3 Inch TBE
2000 Sti Seats
Cusco Front and Rear Strut
JIC Coilovers (unfitted, but ready to go)
17 inch Rays engineering Gram 8's
Still go to , retune, brakes, respray, tints, stereo. Have also ordered a in car chasis brace, that goes behind the front seats. Should be nice and stiff for mc etc.
17-07-2006, 08:34 AM
Jeepers creepers, where'd you get that sneeper!!
Sneeper looks great dude! The wheels really suit the car both in color and style.
Time to fit those JIC's and dump it eh ;)
17-07-2006, 08:54 AM
Looks great!
Droppin it to the boards?
17-07-2006, 09:03 AM
NEEDS lowering
17-07-2006, 09:15 AM
Should inspiration be required:
As soon as I can organise gaurd rolling and someone to fit the coilovers, ill see how low it can go :)
17-07-2006, 10:02 AM
should look nice dumped, was bouncy around all over the shop on friday nights cruise
17-07-2006, 11:45 AM
Is that white patch on the rim where you kerbed it on Sat night? lol
Looking good dude, going to look better when it's dumped, and this time it wont be resting on the driveshafts...
Looking good Tomislav. Rims really suit the car...
Drop it onto its ring and try get that muffler sitting horizontally!
No Brockas, that's where he peeled off the 'Ravs Engineering' sticker.
17-07-2006, 12:30 PM
should look nice dumped, was bouncy around all over the shop on friday nights cruise
cut springs for the win
Yeah right, king springs and coils in it atm, JIC coilovers ready to go in asap.
17-07-2006, 01:03 PM
good to see it on the road , are you moving that numberplate ? it blocks half of the fmic...
17-07-2006, 01:15 PM
Oh and take that wing off! :)
Wing removal was already on the cards :)
Booger ill wait for spray to see the guy wants to mount it. that way the other 40000 holes can be filled in :)
17-07-2006, 02:15 PM
Is the welding a bit like cocky ****? :P
17-07-2006, 08:00 PM
lol was just about to post hope the welding on sneepers chasis is better than on the 1jzs cooler. well done on actually getting it on the road chief now dont ****in sell it
17-07-2006, 08:59 PM
good work jaytee :)
OK JIC's are in
Cusco rear strut is in
Handles mint!
But... ride quality no longer exists.. I need to soften them for the street.
Big ups to RRob as per usual for his devotion to working on my car!
17-07-2006, 09:32 PM
looks good, I like the wing personally. Need pics of lowered suspension asap :D
Its not lower really, gaurds need rolling.
I see you havent put your other 2 rego stickers on yet? (One per chassis)
LOL J/K mate, great to see it on the road FINALLY!! LOVE the rims, they really suit the car.
Looking forward to going for a ride in it soon!
18-07-2006, 06:11 PM
Did you consider airbags over coilovers? Dump it for the street, lift it for the speed humps, dump it again, yeh bombed.
Airbags dont handle quite as good as a good set of coilovers though..
18-07-2006, 06:32 PM
Bulk Coin.
18-07-2006, 06:33 PM
coilovers + chassis bars + strut braces = helping support the welded chassis :D
car looks sweet dude, i wouldnt mind those rims in 4 stud :)
18-07-2006, 06:59 PM
Airbags dont handle quite as good as a good set of coilovers though..
That's cool as long as the sneeper is busting hard when it's taken out :werd:
19-07-2006, 03:12 PM
Nice! Looking forward to when all the work's done to it.
19-07-2006, 03:33 PM
I been singin that stupid jeepers creepers song now :lol:
Every1 has said dump it so its pointless me saying that...
Who needs ride quality!! I have none but it corners well hahaha
Whats gone on with the dash on that thing bro?
19-07-2006, 04:14 PM
I still can't believe it's fkn registered hahaha
19-07-2006, 05:07 PM
good work tj
lookin good
Jazza, has a legacy dash in it, no more gold ****!
20-07-2006, 08:47 AM
Congrats teejay...Saw you at the SAU cruise at city west when you were talking to Brett about getting it registered!! Nice looking car!!
22-07-2006, 06:27 PM
very good Tom, I like it a lot
Evo Stevo
23-07-2006, 06:33 PM
PPE says big ups to the sneeeeper! DENT CRAFT ONLY MAN FOR GAURD ROLLING!
Thanks to Steve, here is a pic of Sneeper circa 2002/3?
Notice ive pointed out some of the stunning features it packs!
23-07-2006, 08:29 PM
i thought the gauges were cool..
23-07-2006, 08:37 PM
so wat hapened to it between then and u having it now?? it looks like a completley diferent car
Black Liberty sedan... still is.
Ive got those gold rims in my shed, but I much prefer the Jap Rays. Interior is totally different as well.
Rest is same...ish
Saw it today TJ, looks the good.
Just to add to my post of last week, the car now has a brand new xspower (sick!) 75mm 300 600mm cooler, cos the old truck core... was ****.
And went and bought some 4 pots this arvo.. That and the EBC should go on tomorrow, in prep for a tune on thurs...
Also got some harnesses coming for it.
4 pots on !
Awesome improvement in braking :D
Even the 4 pots couldnt stop this though !
05-08-2006, 09:41 AM
New front-cut and back on the road ??
05-08-2006, 11:17 AM
Ahh man :(
Immaculate cooler for sale....
05-08-2006, 12:16 PM
As I said, looks worse than it is, nothing critical was damaged, just panels, lights, bonnet, rad support, and radiator.
Didn't look like much of the chassis rail was damaged.
Oi I want that back !
At least my boss will be happy, he hates that badge!
05-08-2006, 12:51 PM
LOL last I saw Joe was ripping it out of my hands :p
Ask him where he put it.
05-08-2006, 01:16 PM
Lucky to hear that you're ok.
05-08-2006, 01:33 PM
LOL last I saw Joe was ripping it out of my hands :p
Ask him where he put it.
Haha, yeah I was keen to have a look at it!
I put it with the bumper, in the back of that VS Ute.
05-08-2006, 02:17 PM
Damn..... what happened
05-08-2006, 03:35 PM
well **** me. at least u didnt break something doing helis tj.
thanks to subaru, sneeper is rarely made from less than 4 cars
05-08-2006, 04:54 PM
Fark dude not cool how much badluck can one person have :(
May i ask how it happened and what caused it?
05-08-2006, 05:05 PM
teejay how did you lose it around that corner?? soz about the damage not that bad look at the bright side of the BADGE
05-08-2006, 05:16 PM
spewin.... now i know not to mess with those pole things - they must be stonger than they look - i remember that corner to when i took a wrong turn heading to the meet point - was a skill tester :)
hope ya fix it up soon mate.
05-08-2006, 05:50 PM
**** bit of damage there
id cut my losses and find a new shell(ie one that is not 3piece)
the car needs a respray anyway, may as well find a nice stocker with good paint
according to someone at dbh, i crashed cos im fat and eat kfc, since they are both related.
for more of her insights into life, check her out! , im happy she told me i was fat, since i had no clue!
why didnt anyone from here let me in !
love it :D
my story still stands,
" i was fleeing asio and as i came around a bend i hit the back of a bus full of vietnam veterans, pensioners, and school kids, the bus rolled into a ravine and caught on fire, i dont know what happened to them. meanwhile the thai hooker snorted another line, but panicked, and yanked the handbrake, and the car spun out. i shot my way outta there, then gerrin ran over the last cop before towing it home"
True story!
reminds me, id like to thank every person who helped out immediately afterwards, too many to mention, but they all know who they are, without a few people to keep me calm , and to clean up , its likely i woulda tried to drive it home .... yeah im stupid at times :)
07-08-2006, 02:17 PM
Insurance going to cover this or you going to fork out .... :S
haha i wont comment about the other half as i am sure there are others who can for me.
Not insured, so fork out it is :)
07-08-2006, 02:29 PM
whats "DBH"? and who the fk is this chick?
07-08-2006, 02:34 PM
She must have a thing for ya Tom
07-08-2006, 02:48 PM
DBH = Drivn By Heels = Female-only car club.
You don't sound as if you're still in shock anymore, TJ, so that's good. Now all you have to do is continue off from where you were with Sneeper.
End of the day I walked away from a big one with a shoulder and head aching a little, it coulda been alot worse, ive got awesome mates who will help me out, and ive got a car to drive , even if it is the hand painted vn of fury, im cool :)
07-08-2006, 02:54 PM
Exactly. :)
07-08-2006, 03:04 PM
End of the day I walked away from a big one with a shoulder and head aching a little, it coulda been alot worse, ive got awesome mates who will help me out, and ive got a car to drive , even if it is the hand painted vn of fury, im cool :)
Same VN that copped the tow ball to the front grille ?
As for who she is i believe the correct answer is who cares ...
07-08-2006, 03:04 PM
I reakon the skiddies in TJs undies might have been bigger than the ones on the road .... hey TJ get onto AL he will hook you up with the parts a bloke to do the work to fix it and paint
big o
07-08-2006, 03:11 PM
TJ where is the damadge, that is a little love tap on the front
i have seen better prangs in the car park at woolies, You have been talking with boogs about it, let me see if we can clash heads and saught this out.
thanks Owen
07-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Need to borrow my buffer dude? Will polish right out!
07-08-2006, 03:57 PM
according to someone at dbh, i crashed cos im fat and eat kfc, since they are both related.
for more of her insights into life, check her out! , im happy she told me i was fat, since i had no clue!
07-08-2006, 03:58 PM
Same VN that copped the tow ball to the front grille ?
As for who she is i believe the correct answer is who cares ...
Nah the white weapon is unfortunately gone to a better place, this is the ppg european blue , painted by hand by my lovely parents... spins one up hard ulleh!
07-08-2006, 04:10 PM
man is she suckin a dick in that photo?
07-08-2006, 04:17 PM
man is she suckin a dick in that photo?
07-08-2006, 04:53 PM
that was classic
07-08-2006, 05:30 PM
she deserves a bullet to the head
07-08-2006, 05:37 PM
loves the cuck
07-08-2006, 06:32 PM
stuff that she insulted TJ.
Haha even though I couldnt read it, its cool. I took no offence towards DBH, end of the day not everyone is going to love me, even if they praise the cruise I helped organise... Apologies must go both ways, as you saw, some of my close friends took offence to what was said and got a little angry. Appreciate the post though.
Still not sure who that person is or what issue they have, but hey, whatever.
Back to getting sneeper back on the road.....
07-08-2006, 09:24 PM
man is she suckin a dick in that photo?
nope, its the new chuppa chup penis range...
btw tuff luck tj, it takes a brave man to find the limits of a AWD Subie or a stupid one :lol: jk
07-08-2006, 09:41 PM
so when u gonna share what relly happened. or did u pass out behind the wheel and cant remeber a thing
nope, its the new chuppa chup penis range...
btw tuff luck tj, it takes a brave man to find the limits of a AWD Subie or a stupid one :lol: jk
Definitely a stupid one , trust me, this happened way below the limits of the car...
so when u gonna share what relly happened. or did u pass out behind the wheel and cant remeber a thing
I dont have many rellys here so they wouldnt know what happened
Also I posted in page 3, please read closely next time.
i was fleeing asio and as i came around a bend i hit the back of a bus full of vietnam veterans, pensioners, and school kids, the bus rolled into a ravine and caught on fire, i dont know what happened to them. meanwhile the thai hooker snorted another line, but panicked, and yanked the handbrake, and the car spun out. i shot my way outta there, then gerrin ran over the last cop before towing it home
08-08-2006, 04:51 AM
so u start romumers about yaself 2??
I dont see any rumours here , stop wasting peoples time.
Look im going to lay it out for you nice and slow, so your simple mind can register.
People have accidents all the time, Friday night just happened to be mine. There is no sensational story related to it, Hell I wish there was. It would make me feel a little less sheepish about crashing my car. 3 simple factors made me turn the car around. Those factors are quite frankly none of your business, nor anyone elses really. No other person or car was involved, it was single person accident on a single lane slip road which is well lit, wide, and pretty new. However im pretty happy to have a giggle about what went down, its better then being emo and crying.
Now as I posted above, back on topic. Any further posts that are of obvious intellectual excellence will be removed. Like Ive said to you with pm and the joy of msn, go stir your crap somewhere else, as its not going to work here.
Who the **** are you iluvn4s? How about you shut your ****ing mouth and keep to yourself?
I dont know what a romumer is, but your either a 15 yr old keyboard warrior, or your a ****in retard who doesnt know how to spell.
You werent there, so you dont know ****...SO SHUT UP
so u start romumers about yaself 2??
hey man I have just got a rb26 stroker kit can you recommend anyone to help me put it together. I know what I'm doing I just need a few workshops to blame when I fuk it up.
08-08-2006, 08:53 AM
I'm thinking its someone on here that has recently copped crap for driving like a tool and crashing/denting/****ing up their car and cant get around the fact that he copped ****, and everyone is supportive of TJ.
Iluvn4s - go home dude!
TJ, as yourself and everyone has said, tough luck on the accident man. Your ok and the cars repairable so thats the main thing, and i'm hanging out to read up on the progress of sneeper v2.
Good luck with it mate.
08-08-2006, 09:00 AM
well said! sorry to hear about the car tj
His argument is flawed as it is... If there was some crazy story going on and I wanted to hide it, why would I then go out and take pics of the car and post them? surely id want it hush hush.
08-08-2006, 11:07 AM
08-08-2006, 11:26 AM
Apart from the munted front end, are things like the engine and transmission salvageable or this that an unknown factor at the moment?
08-08-2006, 02:30 PM
']Your ok and the cars repairable so thats the main thing, and i'm hanging out to read up on the progress of sneeper v2.
Good luck with it mate.
It's actually sneeper v4.... quad chassis ftw
08-08-2006, 11:32 PM
Tj youre not a real driver till you have a crash (or two) hahaha
Grub screw ftw !!
09-08-2006, 09:10 AM
Lol heli coils ....
09-08-2006, 05:30 PM
guys find more parts cheap! we don't want to see emo-tj :p
remember what happened last time?
09-08-2006, 05:42 PM
tj will be getting about 50 people adding him to there msn now because of that pic haha !
Swap 1j for EJ20 and cress for sneeper :P
Sneeper v2. Game on !
Haha im surprised someone would actually bother screen shoting my mood from 6 months ago !
Im all good ullehs, just wont be dosing it for a while!
09-08-2006, 06:27 PM
LOL brockas your such a c*nt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha its all good, if he remembers closely, after antilag cruise 13, we went to fast eddies in Perth, I snapped a pretty pic that night.... I really ought to post it :D
09-08-2006, 07:12 PM
im waiting.
09-08-2006, 10:33 PM
speaking from experience (having my car repaired from a similar crash to tj's), a nose cut is the best solution. it covers everything radiator forwards, so unless the engine is damaged, i'd go with that :)
just my 2c. its exactly wat i did with the same amount of damage.
09-08-2006, 10:47 PM
bwahahahaha TJ don't you dare! I'll get emo and post photoshop, then it'll come to blows hahaha
10-08-2006, 12:01 AM
lol post it Tom I got ya back bro !!
10-08-2006, 06:11 AM
tj pics?
15-08-2006, 04:20 PM
only just noticed this thread now, poor driving produces financial pain haha
good to hear that your ok and cars salvageable, changing body's or repairing?
yeah really funny!
its getting repaired, no need for a new shell.
16-08-2006, 08:26 AM
yeah it is real funny cause you can't drive for **** and your history speaks for itself aswell
however it is good that you werent hurt and that the car is repairable
16-08-2006, 10:14 AM
yeah it is real funny cause you can't drive for **** and your history speaks for itself aswell
however it is good that you werent hurt and that the car is repairable
Cant drive for ****?
You are an utter moron
Ive never ever had an accident until this, and I've had my license 6 years. Never lost my license either.
Considering the km's I do , and the way I'm known to drive, thats not bad at all. Therefore your argument is totally wrong, once again.
I suggest before you open your mouth with stupid crap you actually have something known as facts infront of you.
Theres a reason I break cars, cos I drive them pretty damn hard, that has nothing to do with having an accident.
16-08-2006, 10:38 AM
hey tj sorry to hear bout sneeper it is a mad car and i'm sure it will come back as a even better car in the near future man glad your ok man
16-08-2006, 02:52 PM
Been waiting for the flaming to begin
16-08-2006, 03:37 PM
Antilag 13, was that the one I whored with you tj? Random drunks in the street who cant carry their fat bitches home LOL ? Brockas the moon and the stars you are my river Capt Brockas :p swordboyz til you die ?
16-08-2006, 06:04 PM
Mark, more selling, less snorting.
16-08-2006, 09:49 PM
yeah it is real funny cause you can't drive for **** and your history speaks for itself aswell
however it is good that you werent hurt and that the car is repairable
coming from someone that drives a gemni and a commodore, tj has had and driven some powerful cars and never crashed til now and i bet if you owned a real perfrormance car you would be dead by now too, i don't drive a performance car as of yet because i know my limits and im not ready for power yet but a crash happends in a split second, you dont know what happened and with no passengers in the car tj had no one to show off to, calling him a **** driver just shows you have a big mouth tuff****
17-08-2006, 12:02 AM
coming from someone that drives a gemni and a commodore, tj has had and driven some powerful cars and never crashed til now and i bet if you owned a real perfrormance car you would be dead by now too, i don't drive a performance car as of yet because i know my limits and im not ready for power yet but a crash happends in a split second, you dont know what happened and with no passengers in the car tj had no one to show off to, calling him a **** driver just shows you have a big mouth tuff****
And youve just made yourself look like a retard by saying Gemini/Commodore owners wouldnt know anyhting about driving and dont have performance vehicles.
TJs accident was unfortunate but saying it wasnt his fault isnt helping anyone. Also saying hes a dikhead who cant drive doesnt help anything either. People do stupid things (myself included) and accidents happen. We dont mean for them to happen but they do and thats life. Theres no point making personal attacks because of it. Whats done is done and Tj will learn from the experience.
Those quick to pipe up and have a laugh should realise that they are no less at risk of having an accident sometime during their life. Karmas a bitch. Being in the car scene and driving performance vehicles only increases the risk...
big o
17-08-2006, 07:21 AM
You clown's are all hypocrites, get your hand off your cock's
tj get your car fixed and don't listen to all these wally's, accidents happen period
BIG DEAL get over it
Agreed Ricey, I was the only person in the car, and it didnt suffer a mechanical failure.
It leaves only one person responsible - me. Ive not denied that at any stage. I wont deny it. A split second of not concentrating, combined with suspension setup and road conditions made it happen. Guess what, I'm responsible for driving with the limits of the car and road.... It was only a slight miscalculation on my behalf, but thats all that it takes at speed.
Ill restate this for those who questioned it : I was not on the Ignition cruise, I was on my way home, I was not racing , certainly was not drifting (thats the best one I've heard... 4wd... drifting) , did not yank my hand brake to be fully sick etc. Theres a saying I have in relation to incidents to this - We know the game, we know the rules.
Once again I'd like to thank everyone for their offers of help, and their well wishes etc since it has happened. The boys/girls who made sure I was ok when it all first happened , I wont mention names but you know who all are, and there was a few of you. To the people helping me atm to sort it all.
End of the day its cost me physically and financially. Ive hurt my shoulder, and its going to cost me a few grand to fix it. Emotionally - nah im still smiling. I walked away from a big one, rest doesnt really matter. Thats the difference between me now and 12 months ago, no point letting this crap get to me is there? I could be crippled, or dead. I could be in a position where I couldnt afford to play with cars to begin with. So I'll smile.
Anyhow back on topic. No more discussion about what happened, how badly I drive , etc. Sneeper V2 will be back soonish I hope. The goal is to have it in PAS, so we will see how we go :)
17-08-2006, 01:32 PM
good thing andrzej got a lift with me... things would of been different then maybe... fortune tellers unite! Nobodys hurt except a car and a bruised ego and the show must go on!
17-08-2006, 01:45 PM
and i mean that in a good way not a negative one.
19-08-2006, 12:25 AM
The goal is to have it in PAS, so we will see how we go :)
Gold dash, cooler and wheels coming back out? :P
19-08-2006, 09:25 AM
TJ - Best thing ive heard for a while, "We know the game and we know the rules."
I dont see why you have to justify yourself to others though... I just see it as, 'He had a prang, lets help him get back up and get on with it'
Good luck
Gold dash, cooler and wheels coming back out? :P
Gold Dash is in storage for such an event ulleh!
Never had a gold cooler, Sti spraypainted on there.
22-08-2006, 05:49 PM
dont know bout dash but gold rims looked alot better
Ok an update kids :
Despite the prediction of tears etc etc, A week after this happened I sat down with the panel beater and looked at the car. Upon inspection it wasnt too bad, so we decided to repair it.
since then:
Ive bought a empty front cut , so all panels bar the bonnet, and all supports etc.
New rear lights
New radiator
Intercooler pipe is getting redone as we speak
Tomorrow the car is off to the panel beaters, so it will be back straight soon :)
I'd like to thank the following people for their help so far:
Mettams Morley
Anyone else I've forgotten.
Still need to get rims repaired. Suggestions welcome.
the name leo gommer rings a bell
yep leo's heaps cheaper than alliance and the like and does a good job...can do up to 17" rims..
Leo Gommers Engineering - 2 Gibbs St East Cannington 6107. 9258 3067
08-09-2006, 10:45 AM
Alliance rim repairs is bout the only people i know
08-09-2006, 10:50 AM
the name leo gommer rings a bell
08-09-2006, 10:59 AM
08-09-2006, 12:24 PM
gommer can do 18s also, i had one of mine fixed there.
11-09-2006, 09:31 AM
So when will the sneeper be back on road
Very close to resuming duites.
17-09-2006, 09:49 AM
looking fresh mate :)
Its not done yet, need to get the cooler fitted.
:) Well done gorgeous boy
17-09-2006, 12:42 PM
gorgeous boy ??
wtf ...
tj hit that sh!t
17-09-2006, 01:01 PM
Nice to see it's almost back from the grave. :)
17-09-2006, 01:06 PM
now all you need to do is get rid of those snow tyres fool
Passage GT
17-09-2006, 03:16 PM
lookin good dude
love the battered number plate:P
just a reminder i spose haha
A little bit better view I spose
Ive got other tyres to put on asap.
17-09-2006, 06:29 PM
i reckon keep that front bar the way it is and chuck a black IC behind it.
Keep it sleek/sleeper spec.
Dont think it will fit without hacking Paul.
It DEFINITELY wont fit without hacking..
17-09-2006, 09:00 PM
Well we put the cooler in last night
Massive thanks to :
Chris Reynolds
Prototype Rob
Its alot less visible then it was before in sneeper v1, but i reckon it looks alot better now
pics later :)
p.s need to solve the issue of it blowing off cooler hoses :(
turn the boost down, haha
19-09-2006, 01:01 PM
Ive seen a couple of cars that have a metal plate that bolts on over the flexi connection that stops the pipe popping off. Should be easy to make? Cant find a pic to show what I mean... the plate bolts to each end of the connecting pipes...
19-09-2006, 02:56 PM
good work tj its lookin good, and uve given me the insperation to get off my ass and fix my twisted mess of a car
19-09-2006, 03:11 PM
Ive seen a couple of cars that have a metal plate that bolts on over the flexi connection that stops the pipe popping off. Should be easy to make? Cant find a pic to show what I mean... the plate bolts to each end of the connecting pipes...
Like on Ross's Soarer, at the throttle body:
About ****ing time... that's all I can say!
Another big thanks - MrMayhem, for sorting the issue in about 10 min.
Its back on the road... nowhere near what I want it to be though, and motorvation atm is a pipedream unless I get my ass into gear :)
19-09-2006, 05:28 PM
If you want to stop cooler hoses blowing then get someone to weld some little nipples at the top about 5-8mm from the the top, when the you tighten the clamp the little nipples will bight into the silicone join and stop it from blowing :)
All my pipes are lipped. The issue wasnt to do with that at all, its all sorted now thanks Steve
19-09-2006, 11:53 PM
It DEFINITELY wont fit without hacking..
a lot less hacking than you'd expect ...
20-09-2006, 01:41 AM
a lot less hacking than you'd expect ...
Nope, about as much as I expected...
Its so much less then last time , and when they did it , it had a tiny cooler in it... I think they figured we only want to do 4 cuts... up right down left.
Nice work TJ, looking good.
20-09-2006, 11:33 AM
Its almost a car again
20-09-2006, 11:43 AM
looking good tj, thank god it wasnt a bin'd situation. Happy days, and you are the fonz....
hahhaha. CONGRATULATIONS AND SALUTATIONS! (hands tj a box of roses)
20-09-2006, 11:54 AM
i must admit i acctualy like it now the tinit an rims are on it ...
nice work tj .. you owe me a ride .. and a rematch in nba live 06 ... GOD DAMM JULIUS IRVING !!!!!!
Its almost a car again
All it needs now
repair rims
built motor
atm it will be happy to get a retune and service before I go to Albany next weekend :)
updated pics :)
20-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Looks an absolute SHIETLOAD better than it did before.
Nice work.
20-09-2006, 04:58 PM
looks clean dude needs more dumping :P and no wing ;)
21-09-2006, 09:58 AM
Looks the goods...
Now keep it away from barriers.
I wanna see this thing in action at mc day in nov so dont prang it.
21-09-2006, 10:14 AM
Looks super clean now!!
Just get some new number plates eh ;)
21-09-2006, 10:58 AM
Looks the goods...
Now keep it away from barriers.
I wanna see this thing in action at mc day in nov so dont prang it.
looks tops now dude, 10x better than the ex chainsaw molested bumper :) look after this puppy!
22-09-2006, 05:15 AM
black is bombed. looks good tj
just need to get custom black slimline plates [TJ 69 WA] or some shxt :P
I want plates, but I dont want plates if you know what I mean...
22-09-2006, 09:32 AM
yeh same, personal plates make it easier for ppl to remember them and dob u in hahaha
22-09-2006, 09:36 AM
Id just chuck a pair of slimline plates on it, get more air through that cooler too...
22-09-2006, 09:37 AM
TJ O6 WA haha
22-09-2006, 01:29 PM
[DO 01 WA]
aka burnout, ****in Do one!
22-09-2006, 01:33 PM
Looks so much nicer now bro! Keep it that way! :)
Congrats on getting it back n running.
23-09-2006, 10:44 AM
Man that looks pretty sexual, nice work!! :)
23-09-2006, 12:57 PM
nice & fresh teejay i like it :)
27-09-2006, 01:45 PM
looks the goods ,
hope your happy with ad's work:boink:
27-09-2017, 04:34 PM
TJ needs a new sneepy bumparoo
27-09-2017, 04:36 PM
Power to weight ratio has drastically improved!
Power to weight ratio has drastically improved!
0 power, 0 weight, dat 1:1 ratio
Even the 4 pots couldnt stop this though !
Best day ever!
11 years ago.. jesus christ we are old.
28-09-2017, 09:58 AM
Lest we forget.
28-09-2017, 11:15 AM
Lest we forget.
Back in the day when we had tow truck operators on speed dial
28-09-2017, 11:27 AM
Fuck that Car!
Fuck that Car!
Wonder if the oil stains are still on your old street
28-09-2017, 12:24 PM
Wonder if the oil stains are still on your old street
Ruined a brand new pair of jeans also, that smurf blood will be there when humanity disappears!
28-09-2017, 01:36 PM
Got a set of tri-spokes Buckets can buy?
28-09-2017, 08:34 PM
If we are getting all nosyalgic bump for tj's top quotes?
Available at any time in pool room, those threads can't be bumped
28-12-2018, 08:21 PM
TJ need another bad life choice, and given the company he’s keeping defacto’ly, I think some queen street gold plating of engine bay components is in order
LOL - Would own a clean one ... if I could find one.
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